Heather M. Russell


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Runs and RSK Tableaux of Boolean Permutations 2024 Emily Gunawan
Jianping Pan
Heather M. Russell
Bridget Eileen Tenner
+ Counting subgraphs of coloring graphs 2024 Shamil Asgarli
Sara Krehbiel
Howard Levinson
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat RSK Tableaux and the Weak Order on Fully Commutative Permutations 2023 Emily Gunawan
Jianping Pan
Heather M. Russell
Bridget Eileen Tenner
+ Block symmetries in graph coloring reconfiguration systems 2023 Prateek Bhakta
Sara Krehbiel
Rachel Morris
Heather M. Russell
Aalok Sathe
Wesley Su
Maxine Xin
+ Count Me In: Community and Belonging in Mathematics 2023 Heather M. Russell
+ Runs and RSK tableaux of boolean permutations 2022 Emily Gunawan
Jianping Pan
Heather M. Russell
Bridget Eileen Tenner
+ RSK tableaux and the weak order on fully commutative permutations 2022 Emily Gunawan
Jianping Pan
Heather M. Russell
Bridget Eileen Tenner
+ PDF Chat The Transition Matrix Between the Specht and đ”°đ”©3 Web Bases is Unitriangular With Respect to Shadow Containment 2020 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ The transition matrix between the Specht and $\mathfrak{sl}_3$ web bases is unitriangular with respect to shadow containment 2020 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ Cut-Colorings in Coloring Graphs 2018 Prateek Bhakta
Benjamin B. Buckner
Lauren Farquhar
Vikram Kamat
Sara Krehbiel
Heather M. Russell
+ Equivalence of Edge Bicolored Graphs on Surfaces 2018 Oliver T. Dasbach
Heather M. Russell
+ Equivalence of edge bicolored graphs on surfaces 2018 Oliver T. Dasbach
Heather M. Russell
+ Equivalence of edge bicolored graphs on surfaces 2018 Oliver T. Dasbach
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Forbidden subgraphs of coloring graphs 2017 Francisco Alvarado
Ashley Butts
Lauren Farquhar
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat The Transition Matrix between the Specht and Web Bases Is Unipotent with Additional Vanishing Entries 2017 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ The transition matrix between the Specht and web bases is unipotent with additional vanishing entries 2017 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ The transition matrix between the Specht and web bases is unipotent with additional vanishing entries 2017 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ PDF Chat Dehn coloring and the dimer model for knots 2016 Alexander Madaus
Maisie Newman
Heather M. Russell
+ Classifying coloring graphs 2016 Julie Beier
Janet Fierson
Ruth Haas
Heather M. Russell
Kara Walcher Shavo
+ Dehn coloring and the dimer model for knots 2015 Alexander Madaus
Maisie Newman
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev polynomials and the Frohman–Gelca formula 2015 Hoel QueffĂ©lec
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat The Robinson–Schensted correspondence and $$A_2$$ A 2 -web bases 2015 Matthew Housley
Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ Dehn coloring and the dimer model for knots 2015 Alexander Madaus
Maisie Newman
Heather M. Russell
+ Chebyshev polynomials and the Frohman-Gelca formula 2014 Hoel Queffélec
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat A twisted dimer model for knots 2014 Moshe Cohen
Oliver T. Dasbach
Heather M. Russell
+ Chebyshev polynomials and the Frohman-Gelca formula 2014 Hoel Queffélec
Heather M. Russell
+ A reduced set of moves on one-vertex ribbon graphs coming from links 2013 Susan M. Abernathy
Cody Armond
Moshe Cohen
Oliver T. Dasbach
Hannah Manuel
Chris Penn
Heather M. Russell
Neal W. Stoltzfus
+ The Robinson-Schensted Correspondence and $A_2$-web Bases 2013 Matthew Housley
Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ PDF Chat Oddification of the Cohomology of Type A Springer Varieties 2013 Aaron D. Lauda
Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat An explicit bijection between semistandard tableaux and non-elliptic sl 3 webs 2013 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat The Robinson―Schensted Correspondence and $A_2$-webs 2013 Matthew Housley
Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ An explicit bijection between semistandard tableaux and non-elliptic sl_3 webs 2012 Heather M. Russell
+ An explicit bijection between semistandard tableaux and non-elliptic sl_3 webs 2012 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat A topological construction for all two-row Springer varieties 2011 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Springer representations on the Khovanov Springer varieties 2011 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ A topological construction for all two-row Springer varieties 2010 Heather M. Russell
+ A topological construction for all two-row Springer varieties 2010 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat The Bar-Natan skein module of the solid torus and the homology of (n, n) Springer varieties 2009 Heather M. Russell
+ Springer varieties from a topological perspective 2009 Heather M. Russell
+ The Bar-Natan skein module of the solid torus and the homology of (n,n) Springer varieties 2008 Heather M. Russell
+ The Bar-Natan skein module of the solid torus and the homology of (n,n) Springer varieties 2008 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Steinitz classes of central simple algebras 2006 Anthony C. Kable
Heather M. Russell
Nilabh Sanat
+ PDF Chat Alignment correspondences 2004 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Degenerations of Monomial Ideals 2004 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat Counting singular plane curves via Hilbert schemes 2003 Heather M. Russell
+ Toric Varieties in Hilbert Schemes 2000 Heather M. Russell
+ Counting Singular Plane Curves Via Hilbert Schemes 2000 Heather M. Russell
+ Alignment Correspondences 2000 Heather M. Russell
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Promotion and cyclic sieving via webs 2008 T. Kyle Petersen
Pavlo Pylyavskyy
Brendon Rhoades
+ PDF Chat Spiders for rank 2 Lie algebras 1996 Greg Kuperberg
+ PDF Chat Web bases for sl(3) are not dual canonical 1999 Mikhail Khovanov
Greg Kuperberg
+ A Diagrammatic Category for the Representation Theory of U_q(sl_n) 2007 Scott Morrison
+ PDF Chat Springer representations on the Khovanov Springer varieties 2011 Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ PDF Chat A polynomial invariant for knots via von Neumann algebras 1985 Vaughan F. R. Jones
+ PDF Chat Buildings, spiders, and geometric Satake 2013 Bruce Fontaine
Joel Kamnitzer
Greg Kuperberg
+ State models and the jones polynomial 1987 Louis H. Kauffman
+ On the topology of components of some Springer fibers and their relation to Kazhdan–Lusztig theory 2003 Francis Y. C. Fung
+ Graphical Calculus on Representations of Quantum Lie Algebras 2003 Dong‐Seok Kim
+ Knot homology via derived categories of coherent sheaves, I: The sl(2)-case 2008 Sabin Cautis
Joel Kamnitzer
+ PDF Chat A simple bijection between standard 3×n tableaux and irreducible webs for $\mathfrak{sl}_{3}$ 2011 Julianna Tymoczko
+ Generating basis webs for SLn 2012 Bruce Fontaine
+ PDF Chat The Bar-Natan skein module of the solid torus and the homology of (n, n) Springer varieties 2009 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat An explicit bijection between semistandard tableaux and non-elliptic sl 3 webs 2013 Heather M. Russell
+ Canonical bases in tensor products and graphical calculus for Uq(đ”°đ”©2) 1997 Igor Frenkel
Mikhail Khovanov
+ Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and canonical basis 1998 Igor Frenkel
Mikhail Khovanov
Alexander Kirillov
+ A generalized τ-invariant for the primitive spectrum of a semisimple Lie algebra 1979 David A. Vogan
+ PDF Chat The Robinson–Schensted correspondence and $$A_2$$ A 2 -web bases 2015 Matthew Housley
Heather M. Russell
Julianna Tymoczko
+ The Jones polynomial and graphs on surfaces 2007 Oliver T. Dasbach
David Futer
Efstratia Kalfagianni
Xiao-Song Lin
Neal W. Stoltzfus
+ PDF Chat Webs and quantum skew Howe duality 2014 Sabin Cautis
Joel Kamnitzer
Scott Morrison
+ PDF Chat A functor-valued invariant of tangles 2002 Mikhail Khovanov
+ Index for subfactors 1983 Vaughan F. R. Jones
+ PDF Chat sl(3) link homology 2004 Mikhail Khovanov
+ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras 1979 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ Randomly coloring sparse random graphs with fewer colors than the maximum degree 2006 Martin Dyer
Abraham D. Flaxman
Alan Frieze
Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat A topological construction for all two-row Springer varieties 2011 Heather M. Russell
+ PDF Chat A twisted dimer model for knots 2014 Moshe Cohen
Oliver T. Dasbach
Heather M. Russell
+ Perspectives on invariant theory : Schur duality, multiplicity-free actions and beyond 1995 Roger Howe
+ Calculations with the temperley—Lieb algebra 1992 W. B. R. Lickorish
+ Introduction to Toric Varieties. 1993 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat The Glauber Dynamics on Colorings of a Graph with High Girth and Maximum Degree 2004 Michael Molloy
+ A topological approach to Springer's representations 1980 David Kazhdan
G. Lusztig
+ A q-analogue of U(g[(N+1)), Hecke algebra, and the Yang-Baxter equation 1986 Michio Jimbo
+ A remark on the topology of (n,n) Springer varieties 2009 Stephan M. Wehrli
+ Lectures on Hilbert Schemes of Points on Surfaces 1999 Hiraku Nakajima
+ PDF Chat Connectedness of the graph of vertex-colourings 2007 Luis Cereceda
Jan van den Heuvel
Matthew Johnson
+ Trigonometric sums, green functions of finite groups and representations of Weyl groups 1976 T. A. Springer
+ A combinatorial bijection between standard Young tableaux and reduced words of Grassmannian permutations. 1996 Rudolf Winkel
+ Relations between Young's natural and the Kazhdan-Lusztig representations of Sn 1988 Adriano M. Garsia
Timothy J. McLarnan
+ Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups 2005 Anders Björner
Francesco Brenti
+ Symmetries of plane partitions and the permanent—determinant method 1994 Greg Kuperberg
+ Lectures on dimers 2009 Richard Kenyon
+ A very simple algorithm for estimating the number of k‐colorings of a low‐degree graph 1995 Mark Jerrum
+ PDF Chat An Exploration of the Permanent-Determinant Method 1998 Greg Kuperberg
+ Improved bounds for sampling colorings 2000 Eric Vigoda
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of Spaltenstein varieties 2011 Jonathan Brundan
Victor Ostrik
+ Symmetric functions, conjugacy classes and the flag variety 1981 Corrado De Concini
Claudio Procesi
+ Generating basis webs for $\SL_n$ 2011 Bruce Fontaine