Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere 2022 Eduardo García–Portugués
Paula Navarro-Esteban
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ PDF Chat The complex behaviour of Galton rank-order statistic 2022 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Distribution and quantile functions, ranks and signs in dimension d: A measure transportation approach 2021 Marc Hallin
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat High-dimensional outlier detection using random projections 2021 Paula Navarro-Esteban
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ PDF Chat A Cramér–von Mises Test of Uniformity on the Hypersphere 2021 Eduardo García‐Portugués
Paula Navarro-Esteban
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ The complex behaviour of Galton rank order statistic 2021 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ High-dimensional outlier detection using random projections 2020 Paula Navarro-Esteban
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ Sample design to monitor COVID-19 disease 2020 Domingo Morales
María José Lombardía
Ricardo Fraiman
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ On a projection-based class of uniformity tests on the hypersphere 2020 Eduardo García‐Portugués
Paula Navarro-Esteban
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ PDF Chat Goodness-of-fit tests for the functional linear model based on randomly projected empirical processes 2018 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Eduardo García‐Portugués
Manuel Febrero–Bande
Wenceslao González‐Manteiga
+ Some indices to measure departures from stochastic order 2018 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Wide consensus aggregation in the Wasserstein space. Application to location-scatter families 2018 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Robust clustering tools based on optimal transportation 2018 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ PDF Chat An Optimal Transportation Approach for Assessing Almost Stochastic Order 2018 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Center-Outward Distribution Functions, Quantiles, Ranks, and Signs in $\mathbb{R}^d$ 2018 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Marc Hallin
Carlos Matrán
+ Invariant measures of disagreement with stochastic dominance 2018 E. del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Models for the Assessment of Treatment Improvement: The Ideal and the Feasible 2017 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ An optimal transportation approach for assessing almost stochastic order 2017 E. del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
C. Matrán
+ PDF Chat The $$\hbox {DD}^G$$ DD G -classifier in the functional setting 2016 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Manuel Febrero–Bande
Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente
+ Robust k-barycenters in Wasserstein Space and Wide Consensus Clustering 2016 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ A contamination model for the stochastic order 2016 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ A fixed-point approach to barycenters in Wasserstein space 2016 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ On Perfect Classification and Clustering for Gaussian Processes 2016 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Subhajit Dutta
+ On Perfect Classification and Clustering for Gaussian Processes 2016 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Subhajit Dutta
+ A note on the computation of Wasserstein barycenters 2015 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ M. Hubert, P. Rousseeuw and P. Segaert: Multivariate functional outlier detection 2015 Alicia Nieto-Reyes
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ Wide Consensus for Parallelized Inference 2015 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ A fixed-point approach to barycenters in Wasserstein space 2015 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ A parametric registration model for warped distributions with Wasserstein’s distance 2014 Marina Agulló-Antolín
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Hélène Lescornel
Jean-Michel Loubès
+ A contamination model for approximate stochastic order: extended version 2014 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat A random-projection based test of Gaussianity for stationary processes 2014 Alicia Nieto-Reyes
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Fabrice Gamboa
+ A contamination model for approximate stochastic order: extended version 2014 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Searching for a common pooling pattern among several samples 2013 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ <i>DD</i>-Classifier: Nonparametric Classification Procedure Based on<i>DD</i>-Plot 2012 Jun Li
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Regina Y. Liu
+ Similarity of samples and trimming 2012 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Supervised Classification for a Family of Gaussian Functional Models 2011 Amparo Baı́llo
Antonio Cuevas
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and approximate computation of optimal incomplete transportation plans 2011 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Supervised classification for a family of Gaussian functional models 2010 Amparo Baı́llo
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Antonio Cuevas
+ A simple multiway ANOVA for functional data 2010 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Manuel Febrero–Bande
+ PDF Chat Functional Classification and the Random Tukey Depth. Practical Issues 2010 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ Supervised classification for a family of Gaussian functional models 2010 Amparo Baı́llo
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Antonio Cuevas
+ Assessing when a sample is mostly normal 2009 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ A random-projection based procedure to test if a stationary process is Gaussian 2009 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Fabrice Gamboa Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ A random-projection based Gaussianity test for stationary process 2009 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Fabrice Gamboa
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ PDF Chat Trimming and likelihood: Robust location and dispersion estimation in the elliptical model 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ On projection-based tests for directional and compositional data 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Antonio Cuevas
Ricardo Fraiman
+ Trimmed Comparison of Distributions 2008 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Robust Estimation in the Normal Mixture Model Based on Robust Clustering 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ The random Tukey depth 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ The Tukey and the random Tukey depths characterize discrete distributions 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ A Random Functional Depth 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ The random Tukey depth 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Form of the Cramér–Wold Theorem 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
Thomas Ransford
+ The Random Tukey Depth 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto Reyes
+ Verosimilitud y recorte: un plantemiento conjunto 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán Bea
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ The random Tukey depth 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ Random projections and goodness-of-fit tests in infinite-dimensional spaces 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
Thomas Ransford
+ Impartial trimmed means for functional data 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
+ PDF Chat The random projection method in goodness of fit for functional data 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Eustasio del Barrio
Ricardo Fraiman
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Impartial trimmed k-means for functional data 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
+ Condition Numbers and Extrema of Random Fields 2004 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Mario Wschebor
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the condition number of a real random square matrix 2003 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Mario Wschebor
+ None 2003 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Jes'us M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
+ On the Asymptotics of Trimmed Best k-Nets 2002 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Alfonso Gordaliza
+ Asymptotic stability of the bootstrap sample mean 2002 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Shape of a Distribution Through the L2-Wasserstein Distance 2002 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán Bea
Jesús M. Rodríguez Rodríguez
+ Convergence rates in nonparametric estimation of level sets 2001 Amparo Baı́llo
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Antonio Cuevas
+ Contributions of empirical and quantile processes to the asymptotic theory of goodness-of-fit tests 2000 Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Sándor Csörgő
Carles M. Cuadras
Tertius de Wet
Evarist Giné
Richard Lockhart
Axel Munk
Winfried Stute
+ PDF Chat Tests of goodness of fit based on the $L_2$-Wasserstein distance 1999 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
Jes'us M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
Eustasio del Barrio
+ PDF Chat Necessary conditions for the bootstrap of the mean of a triangular array 1999 Eustasio del Barrio
Carlos Matrán
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ On the geometric behaviour of multidimensional location measures 1998 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
+ Trimmed best k-nets: A robustified version of an L∞-based clustering method 1998 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat The asymptotic distribution of the bootstrap sample mean of an infinitesimal array 1998 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ On the Monotonicity of Optimal Transportation Plans 1997 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
A. Tuero-Dı́az
+ PDF Chat Trimmed $k$-means: an attempt to robustify quantizers 1997 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
+ On lower bounds for theL 2-Wasserstein metric in a Hilbert space 1996 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
A. Tuero-Dı́az
+ On the unconditional strong law of large numbers for the bootstrap mean*1 1996 Eusebio Arenal-Gutiérrez
Carlos Matrán
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
+ Unconditional Glivenko-Cantelli-type theorems and weak laws of large numbers for bootstrap 1996 Eusebio Arenal-Gutiérrez
Carlos Matrán
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
+ Consistency of Lp-best monotone approximations 1995 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
J. Santos Domínguez‐Menchero
Carlos Matrán
+ Some stochastics on monotone functions 1994 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
J. Santos Domínguez‐Menchero
Carlos Matrán
+ A characterization for the solution of the Monge—Kantorovich mass transference problem 1993 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
A. Tuero-Dı́az
+ On the Consistency of the $L_P $-Isotonic Regression 1993 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
J. S. Dominguez
Carlos Matrán
+ A review on strong convergence of weighted sums of random elements based on Wasserstein metrics 1992 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ On the asymptotic behavior of sums of pairwise independent random variables 1991 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Notes on the Wasserstein Metric in Hilbert Spaces 1989 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat The strong law of large numbers for k-means and best possible nets of Banach valued random variables 1988 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Uniform consistency of r-means 1988 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of 𝑝-predictions for vector valued random variables 1987 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Lp-linear regression, consistency and significative regression in median 1986 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Medidas de centralización multidimensionales (Ley fuerte de los grandes números) 1984 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat A Sharp Form of the Cramér–Wold Theorem 2007 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
Thomas Ransford
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Theory for the Bootstrap 1981 Peter J. Bickel
David A. Freedman
+ PDF Chat Notes on the Wasserstein Metric in Hilbert Spaces 1989 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Best approximations to random variables based on trimming procedures 1991 Alfonso Gordaliza
+ PDF Chat The random projection method in goodness of fit for functional data 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Eustasio del Barrio
Ricardo Fraiman
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat The strong law of large numbers for k-means and best possible nets of Banach valued random variables 1988 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ A characterization of random variables with minimum L2-distance 1990 Ludger Rüschendorf
Svetlozar T. Rachev
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and approximate computation of optimal incomplete transportation plans 2011 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ PDF Chat Trimmed $k$-means: an attempt to robustify quantizers 1997 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
+ The random Tukey depth 2008 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Alicia Nieto-Reyes
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric Validation of Similar Distributions and Assessment of Goodness of Fit 1998 Axel Munk
Claudia Czado
+ PDF Chat General notions of statistical depth function 2000 Robert Serfling
Yijun Zuo
+ Similarity of samples and trimming 2012 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Trimmed Comparison of Distributions 2008 Pedro C. Álvarez-Esteban
Eustasio del Barrio
Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
+ Weighted Approximations in Probability and Statistics 1993 Lajos Horváth
Miklós Csörgő
+ Empirical Processes with Applications to Statistics 2009 Galen R. Shorack
Jon A. Wellner
+ Weak Convergence and Empirical Processes 1996 Aad van der Vaart
Jon A. Wellner
+ PDF Chat Trimmed means for functional data 2001 Ricardo Fraiman
Graciela Muniz
+ Polar factorization and monotone rearrangement of vector‐valued functions 1991 Yann Brenier
+ Multivariate Estimation with High Breakdown Point 1985 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ On depth measures and dual statistics. A methodology for dealing with general data 2008 Antonio Cuevas
Ricardo Fraiman
+ PDF Chat Topics in Optimal Transportation 2003 Cédric Villani
+ Ordered Families of Distributions 2011 E. L. Lehmann
+ The Central Limit Theorem for Real and Banach Valued Random Variables 1981 David Aldous
A. Araujo
Evarist Giné
Evarist Giné
+ Robust estimation and classification for functional data via projection-based depth notions 2007 Antonio Cuevas
Manuel Febrero–Bande
Ricardo Fraiman
+ Existence and uniqueness of monotone measure-preserving maps 1995 Robert J. McCann
+ PDF Chat On a Notion of Data Depth Based on Random Simplices 1990 Regina Y. Liu
+ Distribution’s template estimate with Wasserstein metrics 2015 Emmanuel Boissard
Thibaut Le Gouic
Jean-Michel Loubès
+ PDF Chat Generalized Means and Associated Families of Distributions 1969 Hans K. Brons
H. D. Brunk
Wallace E. Franck
D. L. Hanson
+ PDF Chat Iterative Bregman Projections for Regularized Transportation Problems 2015 Jean‐David Benamou
Guillaume Carlier
Marco Cuturi
Luca Nenna
Gabriel Peyré
+ Testing the Approximate Validity of Statistical Hypotheses 2011 J. L. Hodges
E. L. Lehmann
+ On lower bounds for theL 2-Wasserstein metric in a Hilbert space 1996 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Carlos Matrán
A. Tuero-Dı́az
+ The Problem of Moments 1943 J. Shohat
J. Tamarkin
+ PDF Chat Barycenters in the Wasserstein Space 2011 Martial Agueh
Guillaume Carlier
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Probability Measures 1999 Patrick Billingsley
+ PDF Chat A general trimming approach to robust cluster Analysis 2008 Luis Ángel García-Escudero
Alfonso Gordaliza
Carlos Matrán
Agustín Mayo‐Iscar
+ On the generalized distance in statistics 1936 P. C. Mahalanobis
+ Best Approximation in Normed Linear Spaces by Elements of Linear Subspaces 1970 Ivan Singer
+ PDF Chat Numerical methods for matching for teams and Wasserstein barycenters 2015 Guillaume Carlier
Adam M. Oberman
Èdouard Oudet
+ PDF Chat The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency 2001 Yoav Benjamini
Daniel Yekutieli
+ Random projections and goodness-of-fit tests in infinite-dimensional spaces 2006 Juan A. Cuesta‐Albertos
Ricardo Fraiman
Thomas Ransford
+ PDF Chat Strong Law of Large Numbers for Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion of Random Variables in Compact Metric Spaces 1981 Harald Sverdrup-Thygeson
+ Least Median of Squares Regression 1984 Peter J. Rousseeuw
+ On the use of the bootstrap for estimating functions with functional data 2005 Antonio Cuevas
Manuel Febrero–Bande
Ricardo Fraiman
+ PDF Chat Multivariate analysis by data depth: descriptive statistics, graphics and inference, (with discussion and a rejoinder by Liu and Singh) 1999 Regina Y. Liu
Jesse M. Parelius
Kesar Singh
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional trimming based on projection depth 2006 Yijun Zuo
+ PDF Chat On the Concept of Depth for Functional Data 2009 Sara López‐Pintado
Juan Romo
+ On the n-Coupling Problem 2002 Ludger Rüschendorf
Ludger Uckelmann
+ PDF Chat Projection-based depth functions and associated medians 2003 Yijun Zuo
+ PDF Chat Building and using semiparametric tolerance regions for parametric multinomial models 2009 Jiawei Liu
Bruce G. Lindsay