Wolfgang Desch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Infinite Horizon Riccati Operators in Nonreflexive Spaces 2019 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
Eva FaĆĄangovĂĄ
Jaroslav Milota
+ Spectral characterization of weak topological transitivity 2011 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ An L p -theory for stochastic integral equations 2011 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ Semilinear Stochastic Integral Equations in L p 2011 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ Progress in nonlinear differential equations and their applications, Vol. 80 2011 Stig–Olof Londen
Wolfgang Desch
+ some remarks on the equivalence between metric formulations of gradient flows 2010 Ph. Clément
Wolfgang Desch
+ A generalization of an inequality by N. V. Krylov 2009 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ PDF Chat Wasserstein metric and subordination 2008 Philippe Clément
Wolfgang Desch
+ PDF Chat Hypercyclicity of Semigroups is a Very Unstable Property 2008 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Relatively Bounded Rank One Perturbations of Non-Analytic Semigroups Can Generate Large Point Spectrum 2007 Wolfgang Desch
Gudrun Schappacher‐Tilp
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ An elementary proof of the triangle inequality for the Wasserstein metric 2007 Philippe Clément
Wolfgang Desch
+ PDF Chat On a Stochastic Parabolic Integral Equation 2007 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ Volterra equations perturbed by noise 2006 Stefano Bonaccorsi
Wolfgang Desch
+ Computation of equilibria in models of flue gas washer plants 2006 Wolfgang Desch
Karin Horn
Georg Propst
+ On Products of Hypercyclic Semigroups 2005 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ A class of semigroups regularized in space and time 2005 Mostafa Bachar
Wolfgang Desch
Budi Usodo
+ Spectral resolution for integro-differential equations 2003 Wolfgang Desch
Ronald Grimmer
+ Exponential stabilization of integral equations with singular kernels 2003 Wolfgang Desch
Richard K. Miller
+ Control and Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems 2003 Wolfgang Desch
Franz Kappel
Karl Kunisch
+ Unbounded Observers and Riccati Operators in Nonreflexive Spaces 2003 Wolfgang Desch
Eva FaĆĄanga
Jaroslav Milota
+ PDF Chat An Analytic Semigroup Setting for a Class of Volterra Equations 2002 Ph. Clément
Wolfgang Desch
K.W. Homan
+ Pointwise versions of solutions to Cauchy problems in $L^p$-spaces 2002 Wolfgang Desch
K.W. Homan
+ PDF Chat Riccati operators in non-reflexive spaces 2002 Wolfgang Desch
Eva FaĆĄanga
Jaroslav Milota
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Meagre functions and asymptotic behaviour of dynamical systems 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Hartmut Logemann
E.P. Ryan
Eduardo D. Sontag
+ $ L^p $-Theory of the Stokes equation in a half space 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Matthias Hieber
+ Least Square Control Problems in Nonreflexive Spaces 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Jaroslav Milota
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ PDF Chat Local Lipschitz continuity of the stop operator 1998 Wolfgang Desch
+ On the norm continuity of transition semigroups in Hilbert spaces 1998 Wolfgang Desch
Abdelaziz Rhandi
+ Hypercyclic and chaotic semigroups of linear operators 1997 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
Glenn F. Webb
+ None 1997 Wolfgang Desch
István GyƑri
GĂĄbor Pongor
+ Asymptotic Theory for a Class of Functional Differential Equations with State-Dependent Delays 1996 Wolfgang Desch
JĂĄnos Turi
+ PDF Chat A Neutral Functional Differential Equation with an Unbounded Kernel 1993 JĂĄnos Turi
Wolfgang Desch
+ PDF Chat Counterexamples for Abstract Linear Volterra Equations 1993 Wolfgang Desch
+ Smoothing Properties of Linear Volterra Integrodifferential Equations 1989 Wolfgang Desch
Ronald Grimmer
+ PDF Chat Exponential stabilization of volterra integral equations with singular kernels 1988 Wolfgang Desch
Richard K. Miller
+ Some perturbation results for analytic semigroups 1988 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ A note on the comparison of Co-semigroups 1986 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Linearized stability for nonlinear semigroups 1986 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Feedback boundary control problems for linear semigroups 1985 Wolfgang Desch
Irena Lasiecka
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Spectral properties of finite-dimensional perturbed linear semigroups 1985 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Some considerations for Linear integrodifferential equations 1984 Wolfgang Desch
Ronald Grimmer
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ On relatively bounded perturbations of linear $C_0$-semigroups 1984 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1983 A. Pazy
+ PDF Chat One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators 1986 Wolfgang Arendt
Annette Grabosch
GĂŒnther Greiner
Ulrich Moustakas
Rainer Nagel
Ulf Schlotterbeck
Ulrich Groh
Heinrich P. Lotz
Frank Neubrander
+ PDF Chat One-parameter semigroups for linear evolution equations 2001 Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Rainer Nagel
+ Semi-Groups of Operators and Approximation 1967 Paul P. Butzer
Hubert Berens
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Integral Equations and Applications 1993 Pruss Jan
+ On relatively bounded perturbations of linear $C_0$-semigroups 1984 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ PDF Chat Exponential stabilization of volterra integral equations with singular kernels 1988 Wolfgang Desch
Richard K. Miller
+ Theory of Functional Differential Equations 1977 Jack K. Hale
+ PDF Chat On a Stochastic Parabolic Integral Equation 2007 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions 2014 Giuseppe Da Prato
Jerzy Zabczyk
+ Imaginary powers of elliptic second order differential operators in $L\sp p$-spaces 1993 Jan PrĂŒĂŸ
Hermann Sohr
+ PDF Chat Schauder estimates for equationswith fractional derivatives 2000 Ph. Clément
Gustaf Gripenberg
S-O. Londen
+ Stochastic Equations in Infinite Dimensions 1992 Guiseppe Da Prato
Jerzy Zabczyk
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat A parabolic Littlewood-Paley inequality with applications to parabolic equations 1994 Н. В. ĐšŃ€Ń‹Đ»ĐŸĐČ
+ PDF Chat Quelques inégalités pour les opérations linéaires 1939 J. Marcinkiewicz
Antoni Zygmund
+ Chapter 1 Semigroups and evolution equations: Functional calculus, regularity and kernel estimates 2002 Wolfgang Arendt
+ Quasilinear Parabolic Volterra Equations in Spaces of Integrable Functions 2023 Jan PrĂŒĂŸ
+ One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations 2000 Klaus‐Jochen Engel
Rainer Nagel
+ The Theory of Fractional Powers of Operators 2000 Celso MartĂ­nez Carracedo
Miguel Sanz Alix
+ PDF Chat Real Analysis and Probability 2002 R. M. Dudley
+ PDF Chat Stochastic heat equation with infinite dimensional fractional noise: L_{2}-theory 2009 Raluca M. Balan
+ Maximal regularity of type Lp for abstract parabolic Volterra equations 2005 Rico Zacher
+ Hypercyclic and chaotic semigroups of linear operators 1997 Wolfgang Desch
Wilhelm Schappacher
Glenn F. Webb
+ Positivity and regularity of hyperbolic Volterra equations in Banach spaces 1987 Jan PrĂŒĂŸ
+ Stochastic integration in Banach spaces and applications to parabolic evolution equations 2006 Mark Veraar
+ Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures 2005 Luigi Ambrosio
Nicola Gigli
Giuseppe Savaré
+ PDF Chat The Largest Class of Hereditary Systems Defining a <i>C</i><sub>0</sub> Semigroup on the Product Space 1980 Michel C. Delfour
+ PDF Chat Volterra Integral and Functional Equations 1990 Gustaf Gripenberg
Stig–Olof Londen
Olof J. Staffans
+ Volterra equations perturbed by noise 2006 Stefano Bonaccorsi
Wolfgang Desch
+ Poisson estimates and maximal regularity for evolutionary integral equations in Lp-spaces 1996 Jan PrĂŒĂŸ
+ Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis 2012 O. Diekman
Stephanus A. van Gils
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
Hanns-Otto Walther
+ PDF Chat Stochastic integration of functions with values in a Banach space 2005 J. M. A. M. van Neerven
Lutz Weis
+ Linear models of dissipation in anelastic solids 1971 MichĂšle Caputo
Francesco Mainardi
+ PDF Chat Hypercyclic behaviour of operators in a hypercyclic <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:math>-semigroup 2007 J. Alberto Conejero
Veronika MĂŒller
Alfredo Peris
+ Least Square Control Problems in Nonreflexive Spaces 2001 Wolfgang Desch
Jaroslav Milota
Wilhelm Schappacher
+ Hypercyclic and Cyclic Vectors 1995 Shamim Ansari
+ PDF Chat An Analytic Semigroup Setting for a Class of Volterra Equations 2002 Ph. Clément
Wolfgang Desch
K.W. Homan
+ PDF Chat Vector-valued laplace transforms and cauchy problems 1987 Wolfgang Arendt
+ PDF Chat Universal families and hypercyclic operators 1999 Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann
+ <i>L<sub>p</sub></i>-theory for the stochastic heat equation with infinite-dimensional fractional noise 2009 Raluca M. Balan
+ PDF Chat Space-Time Regularity of Solutions of the Parabolic Stochastic Cauchy Problem 2006 Johanna Dettweiler
Lutz Weis
Jan van Neerven
+ Quasilinear evolutionary equations and continuous interpolation spaces 2003 Philippe Clément
Stig–Olof Londen
Gieri Simonett
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ A generalization of an inequality by N. V. Krylov 2009 Wolfgang Desch
Stig–Olof Londen
+ Operateurs Maximaux Monotones - Et Semi-Groupes De Contractions Dans Les Espaces De Hilbert 1973 Haı̈m Brezis
+ Translation-invariant operators on spaces of vector-valued functions 2003 Tuomas Hytönen
+ Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory 1974 S. K. Berberian
+ PDF Chat Interaction between oscillations and global asymptotic stability in delay differential equations 1990 István GyƑri
+ Banach Lattices and Positive Operators 1974 Helmut Schaefer