Rogério Mol


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic foliations tangent to Rolle-pfaffian hypersurfaces 2024 Arturo Fernández-Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ On the algebraicity of germs of meromorphic functions 2023 Yohann Genzmer
Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat Chow's theorem for real analytic Levi-flat hypersurfaces 2022 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat Separatrices for Real Analytic Vector Fields in the Plane 2022 Eduardo Cabrera
Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic vector fields tangent to foliations in dimension three 2021 Danúbia Junca
Rogério Mol
+ Logarithmic models and meromorphic functions in dimension two 2021 Jane Bretas
Rogério Mol
+ Chow's theorem for real analytic Levi-flat hypersurfaces 2021 Arturo Fernández-Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat On singular real analytic Levi-flat foliations 2020 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat Real analytic vector fields with first integral and separatrices 2019 Rogério Mol
Fernando Sanz
+ PDF Chat Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations 2019 Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ Separatrices for real analytic vector fields in the plane 2019 E. Cabrera
Rogério Mol
+ Holomorphic vector fields tangent to foliations in dimension three. 2018 Danúbia Junca
Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat Local polar invariants and the Poincaré problem in the dicritical case 2018 Yohann Genzmer
Rogério Mol
+ On singular real analytic Levi-flat foliations 2018 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Foliations Tangent to Levi-Flat Subsets 2018 Jane Bretas
Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat Second type foliations of codimension one 2018 Gilberto Cuzzuol
Rogério Mol
+ Real Analytic Vector Fields with First Integral and Separatrices 2018 Rogério Mol
Fernando Sanz
+ PDF Chat Residue-type indices and holomorphic foliations 2018 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations 2018 Felipe Cano
Nuria Corral
Rogério Mol
+ On singular real analytic Levi-flat foliations 2018 Arturo Fernández-Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ Holomorphic vector fields tangent to foliations in dimension three 2018 Danúbia Junca
Rogério Mol
+ Real Analytic Vector Fields with First Integral and Separatrices 2018 Rogério Mol
Fernando Sanz
+ Second type foliations of codimension one 2017 Gilberto Cuzzuol
Rogério Mol
+ Holomorphic foliations tangent to Levi-flat subsets 2017 Jane Bretas
Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ Residue-type indices and holomorphic foliations 2017 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ Holomorphic foliations tangent to Levi-flat subsets 2017 Jane Bretas
Arturo Fernández-Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ Second type foliations of codimension one 2017 Gilberto Cuzzuol
Rogério Mol
+ Residue-type indices and holomorphic foliations 2017 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
+ Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations 2016 Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ Compact Invariant Sets for Global Holomorhic Foliations 2016 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ The Poincaré problem in the dicritical case 2016 Yohann Genzmer
Rogério Mol
+ The Poincaré problem in the dicritical case 2016 Yohann Genzmer
Rogério Mol
+ Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations 2016 Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations 2015 Felipe Cano
Nuria Corral
Rogério Mol
+ Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations 2015 Felipe Cano
Nuria Corral
Rogério Mol
+ On the dynamics of foliations in $\mathbb{P}^n$ tangent to Levi-flat hypersurfaces 2014 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat Flags of holomorphic foliations 2011 Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat The polar curve of a foliation on <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msup><mml:mi>ℙ</mml:mi> <mml:mn>2</mml:mn> </mml:msup></mml:math> 2011 Rogério Mol
+ Classes polaires associées aux distributions holomorphes de sous-espaces tangents* 2006 Rogério Mol
+ PDF Chat Meromorphic first integrals: some extension results 2002 Rogério Mol
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Reduction of Singularities of the Differential Equation Ady = Bdx 1968 A. Seidenberg
+ PDF Chat Topological invariants and equidesingularization for holomorphic vector fields 1984 César Camacho
Alcides Lins Neto
Paulo Sad
+ Invariant Varieties Through Singularities of Holomorphic Vector Fields 1982 César Camacho
Paulo Sad
+ Modules formels locaux de feuilletages holomorphes 2004 Jean-François Mattéi
Éliane Salem
+ Sur la géométrie pseudo-conforme des hypersurfaces de l'espace de deux variables complexes 1933 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat Feuilletages holomorphes sur les surfaces complexes compactes 1997 Marco Brunella
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on indices of holomorphic vector fields 1997 Marco Brunella
+ Local Levi-flat hypersurfaces invariants by a codimension one holomorphic foliation 2011 Dominique Cerveau
Alcides Lins Neto
+ PDF Chat Singular Levi-flat hypersurfaces and codimension one foliations 2009 Marco Brunella
+ PDF Chat Singularities of holomorphic foliations 1972 Paul Baum
Raoul Bott
+ PDF Chat Local Brunella's Alternative I. RICH Foliations 2014 Felipe Cano
Marianna Ravara-Vago
M. Soares
+ PDF Chat Rigidity for dicritical germ of foliation in ℂ2 2007 Yohann Genzmer
+ PDF Chat Sur la topologie des courbes polaires de certains feuilletages singuliers 2003 Nuria Corral
+ PDF Chat Flags of holomorphic foliations 2011 Rogério Mol
+ Local polar invariants for plane singular foliations 2015 Felipe Cano
Nuria Corral
Rogério Mol
+ Codimension two holomorphic foliation 2019 Dominique Cerveau
Alcides Lins Neto
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on meromorphic first integrals 2012 Marco Brunella
+ PDF Chat Meromorphic first integrals: some extension results 2002 Rogério Mol
+ Invariant Curves and Topological Invariants for Real Plane Analytic Vector Fields 2001 Jean-Jacques Risler
+ The index of a holomorphic flow with an isolated singularity 1991 Xavier Gómez-Mont
José Seade
Alberto Verjovsky
+ PDF Chat Pinceaux linéaires de feuilletages sur $\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}(3)$ et conjecture de Brunella 2002 Dominique Cerveau
+ On Levi-Flat Hypersurfaces with Generic Real Singular Set 2012 Arturo Fernández‐Pérez
+ Tame Topology and O-minimal Structures 1998 L. P. D. van den Dries
+ Formes logarithmiques et feuilletages non dicritiques 2013 Dominique Cerveau
+ PDF Chat Reduction of the singularities of codimension one singular foliations in dimension three 2004 Felipe Cano
+ Germs of holomorphic vector fields in C3 without a separatrix 1992 Xavier G�mez-Mont
I. Luengo
+ Algebraic solutions of polynomial differential equations and foliations in dimension two 1988 Alcides Lins Neto
+ Reduction of singularities of the differential equation A dy=B dx 1979 Arno van den Essen
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ PDF Chat Minimal sets of foliations on complex projective spaces 1988 César Camacho
Alcides Lins Neto
Paulo Sad
+ PDF Chat Singular set of a Levi-flat hypersurface is Levi-flat 2012 Jiř́í Lebl
+ PDF Chat Indices of holomorphic vector fields relative to invariant curves on surfaces 1995 Tatsuo Suwa
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Levi-Flat Hypervarieties in Complex Projective Space 2010 Jiř́í Lebl
+ Differentiable equisingularity of holomorphic foliations 2016 Rogério Mol
Rudy Rosas
+ PDF Chat A note on projective Levi flats and minimal sets of algebraic foliations 1999 Alcides Lins Neto
+ PDF Chat Equations de Pfaff algébriques 1979 Jean-Pierre Jouanolou
+ PDF Chat Frobenius avec singularités I. Codimension un 1976 Bernard Malgrange
+ PDF Chat Isolated invariant curves of a foliation 2005 Nuria Corral
Percy Fernández-Sánchez
+ PDF Chat Problèmes De Modules Pour Des Équations Différentielles Non Linéaires Du Premier Ordre 1982 Jean Martinet
Jean-Pierre Ramis
+ PDF Chat Desingularization of non-dicritical holomorphic foliations and existence of separatrices 1992 Felipe Cano
Dominique Cerveau
+ PDF Chat First variation of holomorphic forms and some applications 1997 Bahman Khanedani
Tatsuo Suwa
+ PDF Chat On the geometry of Poincaré's problem for one-dimensional projective foliations 2001 Márcio G. Soares
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
Sergeî Yakovenko
+ PDF Chat The polar curve of a foliation on <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:msup><mml:mi>ℙ</mml:mi> <mml:mn>2</mml:mn> </mml:msup></mml:math> 2011 Rogério Mol
+ Singular points of complex hypersurfaces 1968 John Milnor
+ Logarithmic foliations on compact algebraic surfaces 2000 Sergio Licanic
+ Resolution of Singularities of an Algebraic Variety Over a Field of Characteristic Zero: I 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
+ PDF Chat Localisation des résidus de Baum-Bott, courbes généralisées et K-théorie (I: feuilletages dans $ {\Bbb C}^2 $ ) 2001 Vincent Cavalier
D. Lehmann
+ Quadratic forms and holomorphic foliations on singular surfaces 1988 C�sar Camacho
+ PDF Chat Semianalytic and subanalytic sets 1988 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman