Peter Savadjiev


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Spectral image clustering on dual-energy CT scans using functional regression mixtures 2022 Segolene Brivet
FaĂŻcel Chamroukhi
Mark Coates
Reza Forghani
Peter Savadjiev
+ Spectral image clustering on dual-energy CT scans using functional regression mixtures 2022 Segolene Brivet
FaĂŻcel Chamroukhi
Mark Coates
Reza Forghani
Peter Savadjiev
+ Spectral image clustering on dual-energy CT scans using functional regression mixtures 2022 Segolene Brivet
FaĂŻcel Chamroukhi
Mark Coates
Reza Forghani
Peter Savadjiev
+ Structural Connectivity Analysis Using Finsler Geometry 2019 Tom Dela Haije
Peter Savadjiev
A. Fuster
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Luc Florack
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Fusion of white and gray matter geometry: A framework for investigating brain development 2014 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Alex R. Smith
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Combining Surface and Fiber Geometry: An Integrated Approach to Brain Morphology 2013 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Alex R. Smith
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale Characterization of White Matter Tract Geometry 2012 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Local White Matter Geometry Indices from Diffusion Tensor Gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Local White Matter Geometry from Diffusion Tensor Gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Fiber tract-oriented statistics for quantitative diffusion tensor MRI analysis 2006 Isabelle Corouge
Sarang Joshi
Guido Gerig
+ PDF Chat Filtered Multitensor Tractography 2010 James G. Malcolm
Martha E. Shenton
Yogesh Rathi
+ Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas 2007 Lauren J. O’Donnell
C.-F. Westin
+ Statistical models of sets of curves and surfaces based on currents 2009 Stanley Durrleman
Xavier Pennec
Alain Trouvé
Nicholas Ayache
+ Mapping brain asymmetry 2003 Arthur W. Toga
Paul M. Thompson
+ A Continuous Tensor Field Approximation of Discrete DT-MRI Data for Extracting Microstructural and Architectural Features of Tissue 2002 Sinisa Pajevic
Akram Aldroubi
Peter J. Basser
+ PDF Chat Structure-specific statistical mapping of white matter tracts 2008 Paul A. Yushkevich
Hui Zhang
Tony J. Simon
James C. Gee
+ PDF Chat Functional Data Analysis 2016 Jane-Ling Wang
Jeng‐Min Chiou
Hans‐Georg MĂŒller
+ Diffusion Tensor Analysis With Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents 2007 Gordon Kindlmann
Daniel B. Ennis
Ross T. Whitaker
C.-F. Westin
+ PDF Chat Automatically Parcellating the Human Cerebral Cortex 2003 Bruce Fischl
André van der Kouwe
Christophe Destrieux
Eric Halgren
Florent SĂ©gonne
David H. Salat
Evelina Busa
Larry J. Seidman
Jill M. Goldstein
David N. Kennedy
+ PDF Chat Convergence results for the EM approach to mixtures of experts architectures 1995 Michael I. Jordan
Lei Xu
+ PDF Chat Model‐based clustering and classification of functional data 2019 Faïcel Chamroukhi
Hien D. Nguyen
+ PDF Chat Model-based clustering and segmentation of time series with changes in regime 2011 Allou Samé
FaĂŻcel Chamroukhi
GĂ©rard Govaert
Patrice Aknin
+ Elementary Differential Geometry 1966 2
+ Model-Based Clustering, Discriminant Analysis, and Density Estimation 2002 Chris Fraley
Adrian E. Raftery
+ Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis 1997 Adrian Bowman
Adelchi Azzalini
+ PDF Chat Mixture of Gaussian regressions model with logistic weights, a penalized maximum likelihood approach 2014 Lucie Montuelle
Erwan Le Pennec
+ Elementary Differential Geometry 2018 John Harlim
+ Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis 1999 Richard D. DeVeaux
Adrian Bowman
Adelchi Azzalini
+ Spatial–temporal modelling of fMRI data through spatially regularized mixture of hidden process models 2013 Yuan Shen
Stephen Mayhew
Zoe Kourtzi
Peter Tiño
+ PDF Chat Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Estimating mutual information 2004 Alexander Kraskov
Harald Stögbauer
Peter Grassberger
+ PDF Chat Tensor Splines for Interpolation and Approximation of DT-MRI With Applications to Segmentation of Isolated Rat Hippocampi 2007 Angelos Barmpoutis
Baba C. Vemuri
Timothy M. Shepherd
John R. Forder
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Atlas Estimation for the Variability Analysis of Shape Complexes 2013 Pietro Gori
Olivier Colliot
Yulia Worbe
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem
Sophie Lecomte
Cyril Poupon
Andreas Hartmann
Nicholas Ayache
Stanley Durrleman
+ PDF Chat A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing 2005 Xavier Pennec
Pierre Fillard
Nicholas Ayache
+ Fast Sweeping Methods for Static Hamilton--Jacobi Equations 2005 Chiu‐Yen Kao
Stanley Osher
Yen-Hsi Tsai
+ A rigorous framework for diffusion tensor calculus 2004 Philip Batchelor
Maher Moakher
David Atkinson
Fernando Calamante
Alan Connelly
+ Multivalued Geodesic Ray-Tracing for Computing Brain Connections Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2012 N. Sepasian
J. H. M. ten Thije Boonkkamp
Bart M. ter Haar Romeny
Anna Vilanova
+ Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing 2006 Christophe Lenglet
Mikaël Rousson
Rachid Deriche
Olivier Faugeras
+ PDF Chat Log‐Euclidean metrics for fast and simple calculus on diffusion tensors 2006 Vincent Arsigny
Pierre Fillard
Xavier Pennec
Nicholas Ayache
+ A fast sweeping method for Eikonal equations 2004 Hongkai Zhao
+ PDF Chat Riemannian geometry for the statistical analysis of diffusion tensor data 2006 P. Thomas Fletcher
Sarang Joshi
+ Processing and visualization for diffusion tensor MRI 2002 C.-F. Westin
Stephan E. Maier
Hatsuho Mamata
A. Nabavi
F.A. Jolesz
Ron Kikinis
+ Similarity Measures for Matching Diffusion Tensor Images 1999 Daniel C. Alexander
James C. Gee
R. Bajcsy
+ PDF Chat Finsler Active Contours 2008 John Melonakos
Éric Pichon
Sigurd Angenent
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Framework for the Statistical Shape Analysis of Brain Structures using SPHARM-PDM. 2006 Martin Styner
İpek Oğuz
Shun Xu
Christian BrechbĂŒhler
Dimitrios Pantazis
James J. Levitt
Martha E. Shenton
Guido Gerig
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale Characterization of White Matter Tract Geometry 2012 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Lax–Friedrichs sweeping scheme for static Hamilton–Jacobi equations 2003 Chiu Yen Kao
Stanley Osher
Jianliang Qian
+ PDF Chat Improved segmentation of white matter tracts with adaptive Riemannian metrics 2013 Hao Xiang
Kristen Zygmunt
Ross T. Whitaker
P. Thomas Fletcher
+ PDF Chat Finsler Geometry on Higher Order Tensor Fields and Applications to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging 2010 Laura Astola
Luc Florack
+ Framework for the Statistical Shape Analysis of Brain Structures using SPHARM-PDM 2006 Martin Styner
İpek Oğuz
Shun Xu
Christian Brechbuehler
Dimitrios Pantazis
James J. Levitt
Martha E. Shenton
Guido Gerig