Thomas Augustin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Statistical Multicriteria Benchmarking via the GSD-Front 2024 Christoph Jansen
Georg Schollmeyer
Julian Rodemann
Hannah Blocher
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Explaining Bayesian Optimization by Shapley Values Facilitates Human-AI Collaboration 2024 Julian Rodemann
Federico Croppi
Philipp Arens
Yusuf Sale
Julia Herbinger
Bernd Bischl
Eyke Hüllermeier
Thomas Augustin
Conor J. Walsh
Giuseppe Casalicchio
+ Introducing the Treatment Decision Framework (Treadef) – a Decision Theoretic Approach to Using Evaluation Study Data to Inform Individual Treatment Decisions 2024 Elisabeth Barbara Kraus
Florian Pargent
Sven Hilbert
Thomas Augustin
+ Approximately Bayes-Optimal Pseudo Label Selection 2023 Julian Rodemann
Jann Goschenhofer
Emilio Dorigatti
Thomas Nagler
Thomas Augustin
+ In all LikelihoodS: How to Reliably Select Pseudo-Labeled Data for Self-Training in Semi-Supervised Learning 2023 Julian Rodemann
Christoph Jansen
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Multi-target Decision Making Under Conditions of Severe Uncertainty 2023 Christoph Jansen
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Robust Statistical Comparison of Random Variables with Locally Varying Scale of Measurement 2023 Christoph Jansen
Georg Schollmeyer
Hannah Blocher
Julian Rodemann
Thomas Augustin
+ Consideration Set Sampling to Analyze Undecided Respondents 2023 Dominik Kreiß
Thomas Augustin
+ Evaluating machine learning models in non-standard settings: An overview and new findings 2023 Roman Hornung
Malte Nalenz
Lennart Schneider
Andreas Bender
Ludwig Bothmann
Bernd Bischl
Thomas Augustin
Anne‐Laure Boulesteix
+ PDF Chat Nachruf Hans Schneeweiß 2022 Thomas Augustin
Helmut Küchenhoff
Matthias Schmid
+ PDF Chat Information efficient learning of complexly structured preferences: Elicitation procedures and their application to decision making under uncertainty 2022 Christoph Jansen
Hannah Blocher
Thomas Augustin
Georg Schollmeyer
+ PDF Chat Accounting for Gaussian Process Imprecision in Bayesian Optimization 2022 Julian Rodemann
Thomas Augustin
+ Learning from Categorical Data Subject to Non-random Misclassification and Non-response Under Prior Quasi-Near-Ignorance Using an Imprecise Dirichlet Model 2022 Aziz Omar
Timo von Oertzen
Thomas Augustin
+ Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers by Generalized Stochastic Dominance 2022 Christoph Jansen
Malte Nalenz
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Multi-Target Decision Making under Conditions of Severe Uncertainty 2022 Christoph Jansen
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Statistics with Imprecise Probabilities—A Short Survey 2021 Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Accounting for Gaussian Process Imprecision in Bayesian Optimization 2021 Julian Rodemann
Thomas Augustin
+ Discriminative Power Lasso -- Incorporating Discriminative Power of Genes into Regularization-Based Variable Selection 2021 Cornelia Fütterer
Malte Nalenz
Thomas Augustin
+ Handling missing data in large databases 2021 Martin Spieß
Thomas Augustin
+ Practical Relevance: A Formal Definition. 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Bayes Factors can only Quantify Evidence w.r.t. Sets of Parameters, not w.r.t. (Prior) Distributions on the Parameter. 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ How to Guide Decisions with Bayes Factors 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Towards a Paradigmatic Shift in Pre-election Polling Adequately Including Still Undecided Voters -- Some Ideas Based on Set-Valued Data for the 2021 German Federal Election 2021 Dominik Kreiß
Thomas Augustin
+ Practical Relevance: A Formal Definition 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ How to Guide Decisions with Bayes Factors 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Information efficient learning of complexly structured preferences: Elicitation procedures and their application to decision making under uncertainty 2021 Christoph Jansen
Hannah Blocher
Thomas Augustin
Georg Schollmeyer
+ Bayes Factors can only Quantify Evidence w.r.t. Sets of Parameters, not w.r.t. (Prior) Distributions on the Parameter 2021 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Towards a Paradigmatic Shift in Pre-election Polling Adequately Including Still Undecided Voters -- Some Ideas Based on Set-Valued Data for the 2021 German Federal Election 2021 Dominik Kreiß
Thomas Augustin
+ Accounting for Gaussian Process Imprecision in Bayesian Optimization 2021 Julian Rodemann
Thomas Augustin
+ Bayesian Decisions using Regions of Practical Equivalence (ROPE): Foundations 2020 Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Estimation of classification probabilities in small domains accounting for nonresponse relying on imprecise probability 2019 Aziz Omar
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Imprecise Imputation: A Nonparametric Micro Approach Reflecting the Natural Uncertainty of Statistical Matching with Categorical Data 2019 Eva Endres
Paul Fink
Thomas Augustin
+ Robust Bayes Factor for Independent Two-Sample Comparisons under Imprecise Prior Information 2019 Luisa Theresa Ebner
Patrick Schwaferts
Thomas Augustin
+ Reliable Inference in Categorical Regression Analysis for Non‐randomly Coarsened Observations 2019 Julia Plaß
Marco Cattaneo
Thomas Augustin
Georg Schollmeyer
Christian Heumann
+ Binary data fusion using undirected probabilistic graphical models: Combining statisticalmatching and the Ising model 2019 Eva Endres
Katrin Newger
Thomas Augustin
+ Estimation of Classification Probabilities in Small Domains Accounting for Nonresponse Relying on Imprecise Probability 2018 Aziz Omar
Thomas Augustin
+ Kurt Weichselberger's contribution to imprecise probabilities and statistical inference 2018 Thomas Augustin
Rudolf Seising
+ Imprecise Sampling Models for Modelling Unobserved Heterogeneity? Basic Ideas of a Credal Likelihood Concept 2018 Thomas Augustin
+ Towards a reliable categorical regression analysis for non-randomly coarsened observations: An analysis with German labour market data 2017 Julia Plaß
Marco Cattaneo
Thomas Augustin
Georg Schollmeyer
Christian Heumann
+ On the testability of coarsening assumptions: A hypothesis test for subgroup independence 2017 Jan L. Plass
Marco Cattaneo
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Detecting stochastic dominance for poset-valued random variables as an example of linear programming on closure systems 2017 Georg Schollmeyer
Christoph Jansen
Thomas Augustin
+ Kurt Weichselberger's Contribution to Imprecise Probabilities 2017 Thomas Augustin
Rudolf Seising
+ Generalized) Linear Regression on Microaggregated Data 2017 Paul Fink
Thomas Augustin
+ Testing of Coarsening Mechanisms: Coarsening at Random Versus Subgroup Independence 2016 Julia Plaß
Marco Cattaneo
Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications 2015 Thomas Augustin
Serena Doria
Enrique Miranda
Erik Quaeghebeur
+ Statistical Modelling under Epistemic Data Imprecision: Some Results on Estimating Multinomial Distributions and Logistic Regression for Coarse Categorical Data 2015 Julia Plaß
Thomas Augustin
Marco Cattaneo
Georg Schollmeyer
+ Statistical modeling under partial identification: Distinguishing three types of identification regions in regression analysis with interval data 2014 Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 2014 Thomas Augustin
Frank P. A. Coolen
Gert de Cooman
Matthias C. M. Troffaes
+ Correcting the Optimal Resampling‐Based Error Rate by Estimating the Error Rate of Wrapper Algorithms 2013 Christoph Bernau
Thomas Augustin
Anne‐Laure Boulesteix
+ On Sharp Identification Regions for Regression Under Interval Data 2013 Georg Schollmeyer
Thomas Augustin
+ Partially identified prevalence estimation under misclassification using the kappa coefficient 2012 Helmut Küchenhoff
Thomas Augustin
Anne Kunz
+ Foundations of Probability 2011 Thomas Augustin
Marco Cattaneo
+ On Prior-Data Conflict in Predictive Bernoulli Inferences 2011 GM Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
Fpa Frank Coolen
+ Partially identied prevalence estimation under misclassication using the Kappa coecient 2011 Thomas Augustin
Anne Kunz
+ On the impact of robust statistics on imprecise probability models: A review 2010 Thomas Augustin
Robert Hable
+ A Robust Alternative to the Schemper-Henderson Estimator of Prediction Error 2010 Matthias Schmid
Thomas Hielscher
Thomas Augustin
Olaf Gefeller
+ Extensions of Narens' theory of ratio magnitude estimation 2010 Thomas Augustin
+ Correction for Covariate Measurement Error in Nonparametric Longitudinal Regression 2010 David Rummel
Thomas Augustin
Helmut Küchenhoff
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Linear Regression — Different Conjugate Models and Their (In)Sensitivity to Prior-Data Conflict 2009 Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat A Review on Joint Models in Biometrical Research 2009 Ain Neuhaus
Thomas Augustin
Christian Heumann
David Daumer
+ Bayesian linear regression 2009 Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
+ Imprecision and Prior-Data Conflict in Generalized Bayesian Inference 2009 Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
+ Imprecision in Statistical Theory and Practice 2009 Pauline Coolen‐Schrijner
Frank P. A. Coolen
Matthias C. M. Troffaes
Thomas Augustin
+ Adaptive Selection of Extra Cutpoints—Towards Reconciling Robustness and Interpretability in Classification Trees 2009 Carolin Strobl
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat On design-weighted local fitting and its relation to the Horvitz-Thompson estimator 2009 Jochen Einbeck
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Conditional variable importance for random forests 2008 Carolin Strobl
Anne‐Laure Boulesteix
Thomas Kneib
Thomas Augustin
Achim Zeileis
+ Bayesian learning for a class of priors with prescribed marginals 2008 Hermann Held
Thomas Augustin
Elmar Kriegler
+ Stevens’ power law and the problem of meaningfulness 2008 Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Regression Calibration for Cox Regression Under Heteroscedastic Measurement Error — Determining Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases from Error-prone Nutritional Replication Data 2008 Thomas Augustin
Angela Döring
David Rummel
+ Linear regression analysis under sets of conjugate priors 2007 GM Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
Annette Peters
+ Some Recent Advances in Measurement Error Models and Methods 2007 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Unbiased split selection for classification trees based on the Gini Index 2006 Carolin Strobl
Anne‐Laure Boulesteix
Thomas Augustin
+ Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model 2006 Lev V. Utkin
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Some recent advances in measurement error models and methods 2006 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models by Ralf Bender, Thomas Augustin and Maria Blettner,Statistics in Medicine 2005;24:1713–1723 2006 Ralf Bender
Thomas Augustin
Maria Blettner
+ PDF Chat Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models 2005 Ralf Bender
Thomas Augustin
Maria Blettner
Thomas Augustin
+ Powerful algorithms for decision making under partial prior information and general ambiguity attitudes 2005 Lev V. Utkin
Thomas Augustin
+ Learning from multinomial data: a nonparametric predictive alternative to the Imprecise Dirichlet Model 2005 Frank P. A. Coolen
Thomas Augustin
+ Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model. 2005 Lev V. Utkin
Thomas Augustin
+ Bradley — Terry — Luce models to incorporate within‐pair order effects: Representation and uniqueness theorems 2004 Thomas Augustin
+ Optimal decisions under complex uncertainty – basic notions and a general algorithm for data‐based decision making with partial prior knowledge described by interval probability 2004 Thomas Augustin
+ A bias analysis of Weibull models under heaped data 2004 Thomas Augustin
Joachim Wolff
+ P2.57: Modelling Time to Progression in Multiple Sclerosis 2004 Anneke Neuhaus
Thomas Augustin
Martin Däumer
Ludwig Kappos
Helmut Kuechenhoff
Chris H. Polman
+ PDF Chat An Exact Corrected Log‐Likelihood Function for Cox's Proportional Hazards Model under Measurement Error and Some Extensions 2004 Thomas Augustin
+ Neyman–Pearson testing under interval probability by globally least favorable pairs 2002 Thomas Augustin
+ Cox’s Proportional Hazards Model under Covariate Measurement Error 2002 Thomas Augustin
Regina Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Some Basic Results on the Extension of Quasi-likelihood Based Measurement Error Correction to Multivariate and Flexible Structural Models 2002 Thomas Augustin
+ Cox's Proportional Hazards Model under Covariate Measurement Error - A Review and Comparison of Methods 2001 Thomas Augustin
Regina Schwarz
+ Correcting for measurement error in parametric duration models by quasi-likelihood 1999 Thomas Augustin
+ On Data-Based Checking of Hypotheses in the Presence of Uncertain Knowledge 1999 Thomas Augustin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Elementare Grundbegriffe einer Allgemeineren Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, vol. I, Intervallwahrscheinlichkeit als Umfassendes Konzept 2003 Frank P. A. Coolen
+ Inferences from Multinomial Data: Learning About a Bag of Marbles 1996 Peter Walley
+ Partial Identification of Probability Distributions 2003 Charles F. Manski
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ A Mathematical Theory of Evidence 2020 Glenn Shafer
+ Decision making under incomplete data using the imprecise Dirichlet model 2006 Lev V. Utkin
Thomas Augustin
+ Ignorance and uncertainty regions as inferential tools in a sensitivity analysis 2006 Stijn Vansteelandt
Els Goetghebeur
Michael G. Kenward
Geert Molenberghs
+ PDF Chat Ignorability and Coarse Data 1991 Daniel F. Heitjan
Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat Conservative Inference Rule for Uncertain Reasoning under Incompleteness 2009 Marco Zaffalon
Enrique Miranda
+ PDF Chat Decision making under uncertainty using imprecise probabilities 2006 Matthias C. M. Troffaes
+ PDF Chat Partial identification of probability distributions with misclassified data 2008 Francesca Molinari
+ An introduction to the imprecise Dirichlet model for multinomial data 2004 Jean‐Marc Bernard
+ Corrected score function for errors-in-variables models: Methodology and application to generalized linear models 1990 T. Nakamura
+ Estimation in weibull regression model with measurement error 1999 Patricia Giménez
Heleno Bolfarine
Enrico A. Colosimo
+ Partial Identification and Robust Treatment Choice: An Application to Young Offenders 2009 Jörg Stoye
+ Statistical reasoning with set-valued information: Ontic vs. epistemic views 2013 Inés Couso
Didier Dubois
+ Estimating Survival Curves Under Proportional Hazards Model with Covariate Measurement Errors 1998 Fan Hui Kong
Weihua Huang
Xiaoming Li
+ Estimating the Parameters in the Cox Model When Covariate Variables are Measured with Error 1998 Ping Hu
Anastasios A. Tsiatis
Marie Davidian
+ Imprecision and Prior-Data Conflict in Generalized Bayesian Inference 2009 Gero Walter
Thomas Augustin
+ Imprecise probability models for inference in exponential families 2005 Erik Quaeghebeur
Gert de Cooman
+ Unbiased scores in proportional hazards regression with covariate measurement error 1998 Jeffrey S. Buzas
+ Cox Regression with Accurate Covariates Unascertainable: A Nonparametric-Correction Approach 2000 Yijian Huang
C. Y. Wang
Minggao Gu
+ Neyman–Pearson testing under interval probability by globally least favorable pairs 2002 Thomas Augustin
+ Likelihood-based Imprecise Regression 2012 Marco Cattaneo
Andrea Wiencierz
+ Covariate measurement errors and parameter estimation in a failure time regression model 1982 Ross L. Prentice
+ PDF Chat Credible interval estimates for official statistics with survey nonresponse 2015 Charles F. Manski
+ PDF Chat Likelihood decision functions 2013 Marco Cattaneo
+ PDF Chat Robust Bayesian Analysis 2005 Fabrizio Ruggeri
David Rı́os Insua
J. Martı́n
+ The imprecise Dirichlet model 2008 Jean‐Marc Bernard
+ Likelihood-based belief function: Justification and some extensions to low-quality data 2013 Thierry Denœux
+ Further results on covariate measurement errors in cohort studies with time to response data 1989 Margaret S. Pepe
Steven G. Self
Ross L. Prentice
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models 1994 Ludwig Fahrmeir
Gerhard Tutz
+ Proportional Hazards Model with Covariates Subject to Measurement Error 1992 Tatsufumi Nakamura
+ Optimal decisions under complex uncertainty – basic notions and a general algorithm for data‐based decision making with partial prior knowledge described by interval probability 2004 Thomas Augustin
+ Theory of probability 1939 Harold Jeffreys
R. Bruce Lindsay
+ Regression Dilution in the Proportional Hazards Model 1993 Michael D. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Upper and Lower Probabilities Induced by a Multivalued Mapping 1967 A. P. Dempster
+ A General Method for Dealing with Misclassification in Regression: The Misclassification SIMEX 2005 Helmut Küchenhoff
Samuel Mwalili
Emmanuel Lesaffre
+ PDF Chat Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models 2005 Ralf Bender
Thomas Augustin
Maria Blettner
+ PDF Chat An Exact Corrected Log‐Likelihood Function for Cox's Proportional Hazards Model under Measurement Error and Some Extensions 2004 Thomas Augustin
+ PDF Chat Confidence Intervals for Partially Identified Parameters 2004 Guido W. Imbens
Charles F. Manski
+ Total Least Squares and Errors-in-Variables Modeling: Analysis, Algorithms and Applications 2003 Mario Peruggia
+ Weibull regression for lifetimes measured with error. 1999 C. J. Skinner
Keith Humphreys
+ Partially identified prevalence estimation under misclassification using the kappa coefficient 2012 Helmut Küchenhoff
Thomas Augustin
Anne Kunz
+ Some Recent Advances in Measurement Error Models and Methods 2007 Hans Schneeweiß
Thomas Augustin
+ Statistical Regression With Measurement Error 2000 Sudhir Gupta
+ Measurement Error and Misclassification in Statistics and Epidemiology: Impacts and Bayesian Adjustments 2003 Paul Gustafson
+ Adjusting regression attenuation in the Cox proportional hazards model 1999 Fan Hui Kong
+ Unbiased estimation of a nonlinear function a normal mean with application to measurement err oorf models 1989 Leonard A. Stefanski