Johan Tykesson


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field 2024 Alexander Drewitz
Olof Elias
A. Prévost
Johan Tykesson
Fredrik Viklund
+ Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field 2022 Alexander Drewitz
Olof Elias
Alexis Prévost
Johan Tykesson
Fredrik Viklund
+ The fractal cylinder process: Existence and connectivity phase transitions 2021 Erik I. Broman
Olof Elias
Filipe Mussini
Johan Tykesson
+ The fractal cylinder process: existence and connectivity phase transition 2020 Erik I. Broman
Olof Elias
Filipe Mussini
Johan Tykesson
+ Generalized Divide and Color Models 2019 Jeffrey E. Steif
Johan Tykesson
+ Visibility in the vacant set of the Brownian interlacements and the Brownian excursion process 2019 Olof Elias
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Gilbert's disc model with geostatistical marking 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Johan Tykesson
+ Visibility in the vacant set of the Brownian interlacements and the Brownian excursion process 2017 Olof Elias
Johan Tykesson
+ Generalized Divide and Color models 2017 Jeffrey E. Steif
Johan Tykesson
+ The existence phase transition for two Poisson random fractal models 2017 Erik I. Broman
Johan Jonasson
Johan Tykesson
+ Visibility in the vacant set of the Brownian interlacements and the Brownian excursion process 2017 Olof Elias
Johan Tykesson
+ Generalized Divide and Color models 2017 Jeffrey E. Steif
Johan Tykesson
+ Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space 2016 Erik I. Broman
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Poisson cylinders in hyperbolic space 2015 Erik I. Broman
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2014 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of Visibility in the Hyperbolic Plane 2013 Johan Tykesson
Pierre Calka
+ Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space 2013 Erik I. Broman
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Random interlacements and amenability 2013 Augusto Teixeira
Johan Tykesson
+ Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat On the easiest way to connect $k$ points in the Random Interlacements process 2013 Hubert Lacoin
Johan Tykesson
+ Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space 2013 Erik I. Broman
Johan Tykesson
+ Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs 2013 Daniel Ahlberg
Vladas Sidoravičius
Johan Tykesson
+ On the easiest way to connect $k$ points in the Random Interlacements process 2012 Hubert Lacoin
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Percolation in the vacant set of Poisson cylinders 2011 Johan Tykesson
David Windisch
+ On the visibility in well-behaved random sets in Euclidean space 2011 Johan Tykesson
+ Geometry of the random interlacement 2011 Eviatar B. Procaccia
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the random interlacement 2011 Eviatar B. Procaccia
Johan Tykesson
+ Geometry of the random interlacement 2011 Eviatar B. Procaccia
Johan Tykesson
+ Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles 2009 Itaı Benjamini
Johan Jonasson
Oded Schramm
Johan Tykesson
+ Continuum Percolation at and above the Uniqueness Threshold on Homogeneous Spaces 2008 Johan Tykesson
+ Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles 2008 Itaı Benjamini
Johan Jonasson
Oded Schramm
Johan Tykesson
+ Continuum Percolation in non-Euclidean Spaces 2008 Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat The number of unbounded components in the Poisson Boolean model of continuum percolation in hyperbolic space 2007 Johan Tykesson
+ Continuum percolation at and above the uniqueness treshold on homogeneous spaces 2007 Johan Tykesson
+ The number of unbounded components in the Poisson-Boolean model on the hyperbolic disc 2006 Johan Tykesson
+ The number of unbounded components in the Poisson Boolean model in hyperbolic space 2006 Johan Tykesson
+ The Number of unbounded Components in the Poisson-Boolean Model in H2 2005 Johan Tykesson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Vacant set of random interlacements and percolation 2010 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in percolation theory 2006 Olle HÀggström
Johan Jonasson
+ Percolation in the hyperbolic plane 2000 Itaı Benjamini
Oded Schramm
+ PDF Chat Percolation in the vacant set of Poisson cylinders 2011 Johan Tykesson
David Windisch
+ Hyperbolic geometry 1999 James W. Anderson
+ Connectivity properties of random interlacement and intersection of random walks 2010 BalĂĄzs RĂĄth
Artëm Sapozhnikov
+ PDF Chat Density and uniqueness in percolation 1989 Robert Burton
Michaël Keane
+ Continuum Percolation 1996 Ronald Meester
R. Roy
+ PDF Chat Group-invariant Percolation on Graphs 1999 Itaı Benjamini
Russell Lyons
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ Stochastic and Integral Geometry 2008 Rolf Schneider
Wolfgang Weil
+ PDF Chat Percolation Beyond $Z^d$, Many Questions And a Few Answers 1996 Itaı Benjamini
Oded Schramm
+ Covering the circle with random ARCS 1972 L. A. Shepp
+ Diffusions and Random Shadows in Negatively Curved Manifolds 1996 Russell Lyons
+ PDF Chat Stability of infinite clusters in supercritical percolation 1999 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles 2009 Itaı Benjamini
Johan Jonasson
Oded Schramm
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat Geometry of the random interlacement 2011 Eviatar B. Procaccia
Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat The number of unbounded components in the Poisson Boolean model of continuum percolation in hyperbolic space 2007 Johan Tykesson
+ PDF Chat On Continuum Percolation 1985 Peter Hall
+ PDF Chat Cylinders’ percolation in three dimensions 2014 Marcelo R. Hilário
Vladas Sidoravičius
Augusto Teixeira
+ PDF Chat Random Walk: A Modern Introduction 2010 Gregory F. Lawler
Vlada Limic
+ PDF Chat The Brownian loop soup 2004 Gregory F. Lawler
Wendelin Werner
+ PDF Chat Percolation for the vacant set of random interlacements 2008 Vladas Sidoravičius
Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space 2016 Erik I. Broman
Johan Tykesson
+ Interlacement percolation on transient weighted graphs 2009 Augusto Teixeira
+ PDF Chat Monotonicity of uniqueness for percolation on Cayley graphs: all infinite clusters are born simultaneously 1999 Olle HÀggström
Yuval Peres
+ PDF Chat Universality for conformally invariant intersection exponents 2000 Gregory F. Lawler
Wendelin Werner
+ Dynamical circle covering with homogeneous Poisson updating 2008 Johan Jonasson
+ Produits de poids alĂ©atoires indĂ©pendants et applications 1991 Jean‐Pierre Kahane
+ Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability 2004 Luis A. SantalĂł
Mark Kac
+ PDF Chat On the easiest way to connect $k$ points in the Random Interlacements process 2013 Hubert Lacoin
Johan Tykesson
+ Concise Formulas for the Area and Volume of a Hyperspherical Cap 2010 S. Li
+ Critical Percolation on any Nonamenable Group has no Infinite Clusters 2011 Itaı Benjamini
Russell Lyons
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ Existence of an unbounded vacant set for subcritical continuum percolation 2018 Daniel Ahlberg
Vincent Tassion
Augusto Teixeira
+ Percolation 1999 Geoffrey Grimmett
+ On non-uniqueness of percolation on nonamenable Cayley graphs 2000 Igor Pak
Tatiana Nagnibeda
+ PDF Chat Universal Behavior of Connectivity Properties in Fractal Percolation Models 2010 Erik I. Broman
Federico Camia
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds 2006 John G. Ratcliffe
+ Asymptotics of the visibility function in the Boolean model 2009 Pierre Calka
Julien Michel
Sylvain Porret-Blanc
+ PDF Chat On scaling limits and Brownian interlacements 2013 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ PDF Chat Infinite clusters in dependent automorphism invariant percolation on trees 1997 Olle HÀggström
+ Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: Transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12, 
 2011 Itaı Benjamini
Harry Kesten
Yuval Peres
Oded Schramm
+ Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles 2008 Itaı Benjamini
Johan Jonasson
Oded Schramm
Johan Tykesson
+ Percolation in ∞ + 1 dimensions 1990 Charles M. Newman
Geoffrey Grimmett
+ <i>Integrals and Series</i> 1988 A. P. Prudnikov
Yu. A. Brychkov
O. I. Marichev
Robert H. Romer
+ PDF Chat A Ray-Knight theorem for symmetric Markov processes 2000 Nathalie Eisenbaum
Haya Kaspi
Michael B. Marcus
Jay Rosen
Zhan Shi
+ PDF Chat The diameter of long‐range percolation clusters on finite cycles 2001 Itaı Benjamini
Noam Berger
+ PDF Chat Connectivity properties of Mandelbrot's percolation process 1988 Jennifer Chayes
L. Chayes
Rick Durrett
+ PDF Chat Random walks on discrete cylinders and random interlacements 2008 Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Percolation in strongly correlated systems: The massless Gaussian field 1987 Jean Bricmont
Joel L. Lebowitz
Christian Maes
+ PDF Chat Random walk on a discrete torus and random interlacements 2008 David Windisch