Kaushal Verma


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Quasiconformal variants of the Wong--Rosay theorem 2024 Steven G. Krantz
Kaushal Verma
+ Uniform non-autonomous basins of attraction 2024 Sayani Bera
Kaushal Verma
+ Generalized Algorithm on idiosyncrasy of Numbers 2024 Kaushal Verma
+ Regularity of the Leafwise Poincaré Metric on Singular Holomorphic Foliations 2024 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ Regularity of the leafwise Poincare metric on singular holomorphic foliations 2023 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ Weighted Szegő Kernels on Planar Domains 2023 Aakanksha Jain
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Limits of an increasing sequence of complex manifolds 2022 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ On the Automorphism Group of Certain Short ℂ2’s 2022 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Non-negative divisors and the Grauert metric 2022 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ Narasimhan–Simha-type metrics on strongly pseudoconvex domains in ℂn 2022 Diganta Borah
Kaushal Verma
+ Weighted Bergman Kernels on Planar Domains 2022 Aakanksha Jain
Kaushal Verma
+ Uniform non-autonomous basins of attraction 2022 Sayani Bera
Kaushal Verma
+ On Grauert’s examples of complete Kähler metrics 2021 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ On the automorphism group of certain Short $\mathbb C^2$'s 2021 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Two remarks on the Poincaré metric on a singular Riemann surface foliation 2021 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ On the Hurwitz metric 2021 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ Narasimhan--Simha type metrics on strongly pseudoconvex domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ 2021 Diganta Borah
Kaushal Verma
+ Limits of an increasing sequence of complex manifolds 2021 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ Non-negative divisors and the Grauert metric 2021 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ On the automorphism group of certain Short $\mathbb C^2$'s 2021 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ Two remarks on the Poincar\'{e} metric on a singular Riemann surface foliation 2020 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat A submultiplicative property of the Carathéodory metric on planar domains 2020 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Boundary Behaviour of some Conformal Invariants on Planar Domains 2020 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Further remarks on the higher dimensional Suita conjecture 2020 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ Two remarks on the Poincaré metric on a singular Riemann surface foliation 2020 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ On Grauert's examples of complete Kähler metrics 2020 Sahil Gehlawat
Kaushal Verma
+ Complex Dynamics 2020 Shrihari Sridharan
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat On the Squeezing Function and Fridman Invariants 2019 Николай Николов
Kaushal Verma
+ A submultiplicative property of the Carath\'eodory metric on planar domains 2019 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ On Some of Jean Bourgain’s Work 2019 B. Sury
Kaushal Verma
+ Boundary behaviour of some conformal invariants on planar domains 2019 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat A rigidity theorem for Hénon maps 2019 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat A comparison of two biholomorphic invariants 2019 Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ A submultiplicative property of the Carathéodory metric on planar domains 2019 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ Boundary behaviour of some conformal invariants on planar domains 2019 Amar Deep Sarkar
Kaushal Verma
+ Remarks on the higher dimensional Suita conjecture 2018 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ A comparison of two biholomorphic invariants. 2018 Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ A rigidity theorem for H\'{e}non maps 2018 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ A rigidity theorem for Hénon maps 2018 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Notes on the boundaries of quadrature domains 2018 Kaushal Verma
+ Some aspects of shift-like automorphisms of $$\pmb {\mathbb {C}}^{\varvec{k}}$$ C k 2018 Sayani Bera
Kaushal Verma
+ Further remarks on the higher dimensional Suita conjecture 2018 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ Remarks on the higher dimensional Suita conjecture 2018 G. P. Balakumar
Diganta Borah
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of families of Hénon maps 2018 Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ A comparison of two biholomorphic invariants 2018 Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ A rigidity theorem for Hénon maps 2018 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ A primer on the functional equation f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) 2017 Kaushal Verma
+ Ergodic properties of families of H\'enon maps 2017 Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Comments on the Green’s function of a planar domain 2017 Diganta Borah
Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Examples of non-autonomous basins of attraction 2017 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ Ergodic properties of families of Hénon maps 2017 Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ Examples of non-autonomous basins of attraction 2017 Sayani Bera
Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ Notes on the boundaries of quadrature domains 2016 Kaushal Verma
+ The embedding theorems of Whitney and Nash 2016 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ Comments on the Green's function of a planar domain 2016 Diganta Borah
Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ Notes on the boundaries of quadrature domains 2016 Kaushal Verma
+ Comments on the Green's function of a planar domain 2016 Diganta Borah
Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of families of holomorphic mappings 2015 Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Bounds for invariant distances on pseudoconvex Levi corank one domains and applications 2015 G. P. Balakumar
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ Quadrature Domains in C n 2015 Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ Dynamical properties of families of holomorphic mappings 2015 Ratna Pal
Kaushal Verma
+ Quadrature Domains in $${{\mathbb C}}^n$$ C n 2014 Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ Quadrature domains in $\mathbb C^n$ 2014 Pranav Haridas
Kaushal Verma
+ Condition R and proper holomorphic maps between equidimensional product domains 2013 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ Some aspects of shift-like automorphisms of C^k 2013 Sayani Bera
Kaushal Verma
+ Bounds for Invariant Distances on Pseudoconvex Levi Corank One Domains and Applications 2013 G. P. Balakumar
Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ On removable singularities of meromorphic correspondences 2013 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Condition R and holomorphic mappings of domains with generic corners 2013 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ Condition R and holomorphic mappings of domains with generic corners 2012 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Some regularity theorems for CR mappings 2012 G. P. Balakumar
Kaushal Verma
+ Condition R and proper holomorphic maps between equidimensional product domains 2012 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ Condition R and holomorphic mappings of domains with generic corners 2012 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ Condition R and proper holomorphic maps between equidimensional product domains 2012 Debraj Chakrabarti
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Mappings between Domains in ℂ<sub>2</sub> 2011 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ Some regularity theorems for CR mappings 2011 G. P. Balakumar
Kaushal Verma
+ Domains in complex surfaces with a non compact automorphism group - II 2011 Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the metric induced by the Robin function 2011 Diganta Borah
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Some Aspects of the Kobayashi and Carathéodory Metrics on Pseudoconvex Domains 2010 Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ Holomorphic mappings between domains in $\mbb C^2$ 2010 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ Remarks on the metric induced by the Robin function 2010 Diganta Borah
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat On isometries of the Carathéodory and Kobayashi metrics on strongly pseudoconvex domains 2009 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ On the compactness of isometry groups in complex analysis 2009 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ Some aspects of the Kobayashi and Carathéodory metrics on pseudoconvex domains 2009 Prachi Mittal
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat A characterization of domains in C 2 with noncompact automorphism group 2008 Kaushal Verma
+ A characterization of domains in $\mathbf C^2$ with noncompact automorphism group 2008 Kaushal Verma
+ Domains in complex surfaces with non-compact automorphism groups 2007 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ Boundary regularity of correspondences in ℂn 2006 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ A class of nonpositively curved Kähler manifolds biholomorphic to the unit ball in <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">C</mml:mi><mml:mi>n</mml:mi></mml:msup></mml:math> 2006 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ Extension of holomorphic maps between real hypersurfaces of different dimension 2006 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ Boundary regularity of correspondences in $\pmb{{\mbf C}^n}$ 2006 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ On isometries of intrinsic metrics in complex analysis 2005 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ On the holomorphicity of isometries of intrinsic metrics in complex analysis 2005 Harish Sheshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ A class of nonpositively curved Kahler manifolds biholomorphic to the unit ball in C^n 2005 Harish Seshadri
Kaushal Verma
+ A note on uniform extendability of automorphisms 2004 Kaushal Verma
+ A local extension theorem for proper holomorphic mappings in ℂ2 2003 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat A Schwarz lemma for correspondences and applications 2003 Kaushal Verma
+ A local extension theorem for proper holomorphic mappings in C^2 2002 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic automorphisms and holomorphic motions in C2 2001 Gregery T. Buzzard
Kaushal Verma
+ Analytic sets and the boundary regularity of CR mappings 2001 Sergey Pinchuk
Kaushal Verma
+ Boundary regularity of correspondences in ${\bf C^2}$ 1999 Kaushal Verma
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Complex Analytic Sets 1989 E. M. Chirka
Sergey Pinchuk
Alexandre Sukhov
+ PDF Chat Boundary behavior of the Carathéodory and Kobayashi metrics on strongly pseudoconvex domains in 𝐶ⁿ with smooth boundary 1975 Ian Graham
+ Deformation of complex structures, estimates for the ∂ equation, and stability of the Bergman kernel 1982 Robert E. Greene
Steven G. Krantz
+ PDF Chat Analytic continuation of germs of holomorphic mappings between real hypersurfaces in Cn. 2000 Rasul Shafikov
+ Proper holomorphic mappings between real-analytic pseudoconvex domains inC n 1988 Klas Diederich
John Erik Forn�ss
+ PDF Chat Characterization of convex domains with noncompact automorphism group. 1997 Hervé Gaussier
+ PDF Chat Weighted boundary limits of the generalized Kobayashi-Royden metrics on weakly pseudoconvex domains 1995 Ji Ye Yu
+ A reflection principle for degenerate real hypersurfaces 1980 Klas Diederich
S. M. Webster
+ On the continuous extension of holomorphic correspondences 1997 François Berteloot
Alexandre Sukhov
+ PDF Chat Some Aspects of the Kobayashi and Carathéodory Metrics on Pseudoconvex Domains 2010 Prachi Mahajan
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat Proper holomorphic maps in dimension 2 extend 1995 Klas Diederich
Sergey Pinchuk
+ PDF Chat Sur une caractérisation de la boule parmi les domaines de ${\Bbb C}^n$ par son groupe d'automorphismes 1979 Jean-Pierre Rosay
+ Estimates of invariant metrics on pseudoconvex domains of dimension two 1989 David Catlin
+ Characterization of the unit ball in ? n by its automorphism group 1977 Benjamin Wong
+ On the mapping problem for algebraic real hypersurfaces 1977 S. M. Webster
+ PDF Chat Regularity of continuous CR maps in arbitrary dimension 2003 Klas Diederich
Sergey Pinchuk
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Boundary regularity of correspondences in ${\bf C^2}$ 1999 Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat The Bergman kernel and biholomorphic mappings of pseudoconvex domains 1974 Charles Fefferman
Sh. I. Tsyganov
+ Construction of P.S.H. functions on weakly pseudoconvex domains 1989 John Erik Fornæss
Nessim Sibony
+ Biholomorphisms in Dimension 2 1994 Klas Diederich
John Erik Fornæss
Z. Ye
+ PDF Chat Biholomorphic invariants of a hyperbolic manifold and some applications 1983 Buma L. Fridman
+ PDF Chat Gromov hyperbolicity and the Kobayashi metric on strictly pseudoconvex domains 2000 Zoltán M. Balogh
Mario Bonk
+ Localization of the Kobayashi metric and the boundary continuity of proper holomorphic mappings 1987 Franc Forstnerič
Jean-Pierre Rosay
+ Boundary regularity of correspondences in ℂn 2006 Rasul Shafikov
Kaushal Verma
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy–Riemann equations on product domains 2010 Debraj Chakrabarti
Mei-Chi Shaw
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Spaces 1966 Raghavan Narasimhan
+ Normal families of proper holomorphic correspondences 1991 Wilhelm Klingenberg
Sergey Pinchuk
+ Domains with Non-Compact Automorphism Group: A Survey 1999 Alexander Isaev
Steven G. Krantz
+ Introduction to Complex Analytic Geometry 1991 Stanisław Łojasiewicz
+ Function Theory in the Unit Ball of ℂn 2012 Walter Rudin
+ Pseudoconvex domains: Bounded strictly plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions 1977 Klas Diederich
John Erik Forn�ss
+ PDF Chat The Lu Qi-Keng conjecture fails generically 1996 Harold P. Boas
+ PDF Chat Hénon mappings in the complex domain I: The global topology of dynamical space 1994 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ Sur le prolongement holomorphe des fonctionsC?R d�finies sur une hypersurface r�elle de classeC 2 dans ? n 1986 J. M. Tr�preau
+ Uniformization of surface laminations 1993 Alberto Candel
+ Domains on which analytic functions satisfy quadrature identities 1976 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Boundary behavior of the Bergman curvature in strictly pseudoconvex polyhedral domains 1996 Kang‐Tae Kim
Jiye Yu
+ PDF Chat Tautness and complete hyperbolicity of domains in $\mathbb {C}^n$ 1999 Hervé Gaussier
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Gromov hyperbolicity and the Kobayashi metric on convex domains of finite type 2015 Andrew Zimmer
+ PDF Chat Boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel function on some pseudoconvex domains in ${\bf C}\sp n$ 1994 Sanghyun Cho
+ A lower bound on the Kobayashi metric near a point of finite type in ℂ n 1992 Sanghyun Cho
+ CHARACTERIZATION OF MODELS IN <font>C</font><sup>2</sup> BY THEIR AUTOMORPHISM GROUPS 1994 François Berteloot
+ Biholomorphic mappings between certain real analytic domains in ℂ2 1979 Klas Diederich
John Erik Fornæss
+ Convex domains of finite type 1992 Jeffery D. McNeal