Joachim Giesen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Convexity Certificates for Symbolic Tensor Expressions 2024 Paul Gerhardt Rump
Niklas Merk
Julien Klaus
Maurice Wenig
Joachim Giesen
+ PDF Chat Why Capsule Neural Networks Do Not Scale: Challenging the Dynamic Parse-Tree Assumption 2023 Matthias Mitterreiter
Marcel Koch
Joachim Giesen
Sören Laue
+ A visual analytics workflow for probabilistic modeling 2023 Julien Klaus
Mark Blacher
Andreas Goral
Philipp Lucas
Joachim Giesen
+ Why Capsule Neural Networks Do Not Scale: Challenging the Dynamic Parse-Tree Assumption 2023 Matthias Mitterreiter
Marcel Koch
Joachim Giesen
Sören Laue
+ Compiling Tensor Expressions into Einsum 2023 Julien Klaus
Mark Blacher
Joachim Giesen
+ Mixed membership Gaussians 2022 Joachim Giesen
Paul Kahlmeyer
Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Frank Nussbaum
Christoph Staudt
+ PDF Chat Vectorized and performance‐portable quicksort 2022 Jan Wassenberg
Mark Blacher
Joachim Giesen
Peter Sanders
+ PDF Chat Optimization for Classical Machine Learning Problems on the GPU 2022 Sören Laue
Mark Blacher
Joachim Giesen
+ Optimization for Classical Machine Learning Problems on the GPU 2022 Sören Laue
Mark Blacher
Joachim Giesen
+ Vectorized and performance-portable Quicksort 2022 Mark Blacher
Joachim Giesen
Peter Sanders
Jan Wassenberg
+ Convexity Certificates from Hessians 2022 Julien Klaus
Niklas Merk
Konstantin Wiedom
Sören Laue
Joachim Giesen
+ PDF Chat The GENO Software Stack 2022 Joachim Giesen
Lars Kuehne
Sören Laue
+ Method of Moments for Topic Models with Mixed Discrete and Continuous Features 2021 Joachim Giesen
Paul Kahlmeyer
Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Frank Nussbaum
Christoph Staudt
Sina Zarrieß
+ PDF Chat A Simple and Efficient Tensor Calculus for Machine Learning 2020 Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ A Simple and Efficient Tensor Calculus for Machine Learning 2020 Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Pairwise sparse + low-rank models for variables of mixed type 2020 Frank Nussbaum
Joachim Giesen
+ A Simple and Efficient Tensor Calculus for Machine Learning 2020 Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Efficient Regularization Parameter Selection for Latent Variable Graphical Models via Bi-Level Optimization 2019 Joachim Giesen
Frank Nussbaum
Christopher Schneider
+ GENO -- GENeric Optimization for Classical Machine Learning 2019 Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Ising Models with Latent Conditional Gaussian Variables 2019 Frank Nussbaum
Joachim Giesen
+ Ising Models with Latent Conditional Gaussian Variables 2019 Frank Nussbaum
Joachim Giesen
+ GENO -- GENeric Optimization for Classical Machine Learning 2019 Sören Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Computing Higher Order Derivatives of Matrix and Tensor Expressions 2018 Soeren Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Distributed Convex Optimization with Many Convex Constraints 2016 Joachim Giesen
Sören Laue
+ Tracking Approximate Solutions of Parameterized Optimization Problems over Multi-Dimensional (Hyper-)Parameter Domains 2015 Katharina Blechschmidt
Joachim Giesen
Soeren Laue
+ Robust and Efficient Kernel Hyperparameter Paths with Guarantees 2014 Joachim Giesen
Soeren Laue
Patrick Wieschollek
+ Approximating Concavely Parameterized Optimization Problems 2012 Joachim Giesen
Jens K. Mueller
Soeren Laue
Sascha Swiercy
+ PDF Chat Approximating parameterized convex optimization problems 2012 Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Sören Laue
+ Regularization Paths with Guarantees for Convex Semidefinite Optimization. 2012 Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Soeren Laue
+ PDF Chat Approximating Parameterized Convex Optimization Problems 2010 Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Sören Laue
+ PDF Chat The scale axis picture show 2009 Joachim Giesen
MiklĂłs BĂĄlint
Mark V. Pauly
Camille Wormser
+ PDF Chat The scale axis transform 2009 Joachim Giesen
MiklĂłs BĂĄlint
Mark V. Pauly
Camille Wormser
+ PDF Chat Spectral Techniques to Explore Point Clouds in Euclidean Space, with Applications to Collective Coordinates in Structural Biology 2009 Frédéric Cazals
Frédéric Chazal
Joachim Giesen
+ A Combinatorial Algorithm to Compute Regularization Paths 2009 Bernd GĂ€rtner
Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Torsten Welsch
+ Insights into the Geometry of the Gaussian Kernel and an Application in Geometric Modeling 2006 Master Thesis
Michael Eigensatz
Joachim Giesen
Mark V. Pauly
+ Boosting Spectral Partitioning by Sampling and Iteration 2005 Joachim Giesen
Dieter Mitsche
+ Reconstructing Many Partitions Using Spectral Techniques 2005 Joachim Giesen
Dieter Mitsche
+ Minimizing the total absolute Gaussian curvature in a terrain is hard 2005 Maike Buchin
Joachim Giesen
+ Approximate Methods in Geometry Lecture Notes 2005 G Bernd
Joachim Giesen
Emo Welzl
+ A New Diagram from Disks in the Plane 2002 Joachim Giesen
Matthias John
+ PDF Chat Curve Reconstruction, the Traveling Salesman Problem, and Menger's Theorem on Length 2000 Joachim Giesen
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Piecewise linear regularized solution paths 2007 Saharon Rosset
Ji Zhu
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Pathwise coordinate optimization 2007 Jerome H. Friedman
Trevor Hastie
Holger Höfling
Robert Tibshirani
+ An Exponential Lower Bound on the Complexity of Regularization Paths 2009 Bernd GĂ€rtner
Martin Jaggi
Clément Maria
+ Remark on “algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B: Fortran subroutines for large-scale bound constrained optimization” 2011 JosĂ© Luis Morales
Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat A rewriting system for convex optimization problems 2018 Akshay Agrawal
Robin Verschueren
Steven Diamond
Stephen Boyd
Martin Jaggi
Clément Maria
+ Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python 2012 FabiĂĄn Pedregosa
Gaël Varoquaux
Alexandre Gramfort
Vincent Michel
Bertrand Thirion
Olivier Grisel
Mathieu Blondel
Peter Prettenhofer
Ron J. Weiss
Vincent Dubourg
+ PDF Chat Approximating Parameterized Convex Optimization Problems 2010 Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Sören Laue
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional solution path for support vector regression 2006 Gang Wang
Dit‐Yan Yeung
Frederick H. Lochovsky
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ Convex Optimization 2004 Stephen Boyd
Lieven Vandenberghe
+ Computing Higher Order Derivatives of Matrix and Tensor Expressions 2018 Soeren Laue
Matthias Mitterreiter
Joachim Giesen
+ Regularization Paths with Guarantees for Convex Semidefinite Optimization. 2012 Joachim Giesen
Martin Jaggi
Soeren Laue
+ PDF Chat A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization 1995 Richard H. Byrd
Peihuang Lu
Jorge Nocedal
Ciyou Zhu
+ Latent variable graphical model selection via convex optimization 2012 Venkat Chandrasekaran
Pablo A. Parrilo
Alan S. Willsky
+ Algorithms for nonlinear constraints that use lagrangian functions 1978 M. J. D. Powell
+ PDF Chat Conic Optimization via Operator Splitting and Homogeneous Self-Dual Embedding 2016 Brendan O’Donoghue
Eric Chu
Neal Parikh
Stephen Boyd
+ Evaluating Derivatives: Principles and Techniques of Algorithmic Differentiation 1987 Andreas Griewank
Andrea Walther
+ PDF Chat A Spectral Algorithm for Latent Dirichlet Allocation 2014 Anima Anandkumar
Dean P. Foster
Daniel Hsu
Sham M. Kakade
Yi-Kai Liu
+ PDF Chat Solution Path for Semi-Supervised Classification with Manifold Regularization 2006 Gang Wang
Tao Chen
Dit‐Yan Yeung
Frederick H. Lochovsky
+ Continuation and path following 1993 Eugene L. Allgower
Kurt Georg
+ Algorithms for graph partitioning on the planted partition model 2001 Anne Condon
Richard M. Karp
+ PDF Chat Robust principal component analysis? 2011 Emmanuel J. CandĂšs
Xiaodong Li
Yi Ma
John Wright
+ A Simple Algorithm for Nuclear Norm Regularized Problems 2010 Martin Jaggi
Marek SulovskĂœ
+ Approximating Concavely Parameterized Optimization Problems 2012 Joachim Giesen
Jens K. Mueller
Soeren Laue
Sascha Swiercy
+ PDF Chat Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions 2004 Yu. Nesterov
+ Sharp Thresholds for High-Dimensional and Noisy Sparsity Recovery Using $\ell _{1}$-Constrained Quadratic Programming (Lasso) 2009 Martin J. Wainwright
+ Convergence Conditions for Ascent Methods 1969 Philip Wolfe
+ Spectral partitioning of random graphs 2001 Frank McSherry
+ CVXGEN: a code generator for embedded convex optimization 2011 Jacob Mattingley
Stephen Boyd
+ Introduction to the non-asymptotic analysis of random matrices 2010 Roman Vershynin
+ Computing regularization paths for learning multiple kernels 2004 Francis R. Bach
Romain Thibaux
Michael I. Jordan
+ PDF Chat Most Tensor Problems Are NP-Hard 2013 Christopher J. Hillar
Lek‐Heng Lim
+ PDF Chat Max Cut for Random Graphs with a Planted Partition 2004 B BollobĂĄs
Alex Scott
+ Efficient Computation of Sparse Hessians Using Coloring and Automatic Differentiation 2008 Assefaw H. Gebremedhin
Arijit Tarafdar
Alex Pothen
Andrea Walther
+ Performance Guarantees for Regularized Maximum Entropy Density Estimation 2004 Miroslav Dudı́k
Steven J. Phillips
Robert E. Schapire
+ A Relationship between the BFGS and Conjugate Gradient Algorithms and Its Implications for New Algorithms 1979 Larry Nazareth
+ Three-way arrays: rank and uniqueness of trilinear decompositions, with application to arithmetic complexity and statistics 1977 Joseph B. Kruskal
+ The eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices 1981 ZoltĂĄn FĂŒredi
JĂĄnos KomlĂłs
+ Sparse convex optimization methods for machine learning 2011 Martin Jaggi
+ PDF Chat Line search algorithms with guaranteed sufficient decrease 1994 Jorge J. MorĂš
David J. Thuente
+ PDF Chat Graph Implementations for Nonsmooth Convex Programs 2007 Michael C. Grant
Stephen Boyd
+ A theoretical basis for the reduction of polynomials to canonical forms 1976 Bruno Buchberger
+ PDF Chat Learning the Structure of Mixed Graphical Models 2014 Jason D. Lee
Trevor Hastie
+ A Tensor Approach to Learning Mixed Membership Community Models 2013 Anima Anandkumar
Rong Ge
Daniel Hsu
Sham M. Kakade
+ Multiplier and gradient methods 1969 Magnus R. Hestenes
+ PDF Chat On the concentration of eigenvalues of random symmetric matrices 2002 Noga Alon
Michael Krivelevich
Van H. Vu
+ Unified approach to quadratically convergent algorithms for function minimization 1970 H. Y. Huang
+ PDF Chat Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B 1997 Ciyou Zhu
Richard H. Byrd
Peihuang Lu
Jorge Nocedal