A. Buzzoni


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Physical characterization of the active asteroid (6478) Gault 2021 A. Carbognani
A. Buzzoni
G. M. Stirpe
+ Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: long-term evolution of the semi-major axis 2021 JĂ©rĂŽme Daquin
Elisa Maria Alessi
Joseph S. O’Leary
Anne LemaĂźtre
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of the Molniya satellite constellation: Long-term evolution of orbital eccentricity 2020 Elisa Maria Alessi
A. Buzzoni
JĂ©rĂŽme Daquin
A. Carbognani
Giacomo Tommei
+ PDF Chat FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids 2020 F. Colas
B. Zanda
Sylvain Bouley
Simon Jeanne
Adrien Malgoyre
Mirel Birlan
Cyril Blanpain
J. Gattacceca
L. JordĂĄ
Julien Lecubin
+ PDF Chat Spinning and colour properties of the active asteroid (6478) Gault 2020 A. Carbognani
A. Buzzoni
+ A Case Study of the May 30th, 2017 Italian Fireball 2019 A. Carbognani
D. Barghini
D. Gardiol
M. Di Martino
G. B. Valsecchi
P. Trivero
A. Buzzoni
S. Rasetti
Danilo Selvestrel
C. Knapic
+ PDF Chat LBT/MODS spectroscopy of globular clusters in the irregular galaxy NGC 4449 2018 F. Annibali
Elena Morandi
Laura L. Watkins
M. Tosi
Alessandra Aloisi
A. Buzzoni
F. Cusano
M. Fumana
A. Marchetti
M. Mignoli
+ PDF Chat The observing campaign on the deep-space debris WT1190F as a test case for short-warning NEO impacts 2017 M. Micheli
A. Buzzoni
D. Koschny
G. Drolshagen
E. Perozzi
O. Hainaut
Stijn Lemmens
G. Altavilla
Italo Foppiani
J. Nomen
+ PDF Chat Redshift determination of the BL Lac object 3C 66A by the detection of its host galaxy cluster at z = 0.340 ★ 2017 Juanita Torres-Zafra
S. A. Cellone
A. Buzzoni
I. Andruchow
José Gregorio Portilla
+ PDF Chat Planetary Nebulae and H ii Regions in the Starburst Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449 from LBT MODS Data 2017 F. Annibali
M. Tosi
D. Romano
A. Buzzoni
F. Cusano
M. Fumana
A. Marchetti
M. Mignoli
A. Pasquali
Alessandra Aloisi
+ PDF Chat Optical tracking of deep-space spacecraft in Halo L2 orbits and beyond: The Gaia mission as a pilot case 2016 A. Buzzoni
G. Altavilla
Silvia Galleti
+ PDF Chat Lick-index entanglement and biased diagnostic of stellar populations in galaxies★ 2015 A. Buzzoni
A. Buzzoni
E. Bertone
L. M. Buson
+ The horizontal branch morphology of M31 Globular Clusters 2013 M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
C. Cacciari
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
SĂ­lvia Regina Galleti
S. Perina
+ PDF Chat The horizontal branch morphology of M 31 globular clusters - Extreme second parameter effect in outer halo clusters 2012 S. Perina
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
C. Cacciari
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Galleti
+ PDF Chat The horizontal branch morphology of M 31 globular clusters 2012 S. Perina
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
C. Cacciari
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Galleti
+ The horizontal branch morphology of M31 globular clusters. Extreme second parameter effect in outer halo clusters 2012 S. Perina
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
C. Cacciari
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Galleti
E. Bertone
G. Carraro
L. M. Buson
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary properties of the low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group 2012 A. Buzzoni
S. A. Cellone
P. Saracco
E. Zucca
+ PDF Chat Energetic constraints to chemo-photometric evolution of spiral galaxies 2011 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat HST/ACS color-magnitude diagrams of candidate intermediate-age M 31 globular clusters 2011 S. Perina
S. Galleti
F. Fusi Pecci
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Bolometric correction and spectral energy distribution of cool stars in Galactic clusters 2010 A. Buzzoni
L. Patelli
M. Bellazzini
F. Fusi Pecci
E. Oliva
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31 2009 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. III. A spectroscopic metallicity scale for the Revised Bologna Catalog 2009 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
E. Bertone
M. ChĂĄvez
+ PDF Chat The young stellar population at the center of NGC 205 2009 L. Monaco
I. Saviane
S. Perina
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Galleti
+ PDF Chat The Impact of Encounters on the Members of Local Group Analogs. A View from GALEX 2009 L. M. Buson
D. Bettoni
L. Bianchi
A. Buzzoni
Antonietta Marino
R. Rampazzo
+ PDF Chat New Model Atmospheres: Testing the Solar Spectrum in the UV 2009 L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
O. Cardona
E. Bertone
M. ChĂĄvez
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Population Synthesis at Short Wavelengths and Spectrophotometric Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy Evolution 2009 A. Buzzoni
E. Bertone
Miguel Ch ́vez
L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
+ PDF Chat UV Excess and AGB Evolution in Elliptical-Galaxy Stellar Populations 2009 Rosa A. González‐Lópezlira
A. Buzzoni
+ An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. III. A spectroscopic metallicity scale for the Revised Bologna Catalog 2009 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat AGB Connection and Ultraviolet Luminosity Excess in Elliptical Galaxies 2008 A. Buzzoni
Rosa A. González‐Lópezlira
+ Open Clusters in the log Age vs. M_V plane 2007 M. Bellazzini
S. Perina
S. Galleti
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat The extended structure of the remote cluster B514 in M 31 - Detection of extra-tidal stars 2007 L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
S. Galleti
F. Fusi Pecci
A. Buzzoni
G. Parmeggiani
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. II. Newly discovered bright and remote clusters 2007 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ The Low-luminosity Galaxy Population in the NGC 5044 Group 2007 S. A. Cellone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat The extended structure of the remote cluster B514 in M 31 2007 L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
S. Galleti
F. Fusi Pecci
A. Buzzoni
G. Parmeggiani
+ PDF Chat The extended structure of the remote cluster B514 in M31. Detection of extra-tidal stars 2007 L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
S. Galleti
F. Fusi Pecci
A. Buzzoni
G. Parmeggiani
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31 2007 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M31. II Newly discovered bright and remote clusters 2007 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat Synthetic Mid‐UV Spectroscopic Indices of Stars 2007 M. Chávez
E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
M. Franchini
M. L. Malagnini
C. Morossi
L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
+ Kinematic structure in the Galactic halo at the North Galactic Pole: RR Lyrae and blue horizontal branch stars show different kinematics 2007 T. D. Kinman
C. Cacciari
A. Bragaglia
A. Buzzoni
A. Spagna
+ Late stages of stellar evolution and their impact on spectrophotometric properties of galaxies 2007 A. Buzzoni
+ UV excess and AGB evolution in elliptical-galaxy stellar populations 2007 Rosa A. González‐Lópezlira
A. Buzzoni
+ Open Clusters in the log Age vs. M_V plane 2007 M. Bellazzini
S. Perina
S. Galleti
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ Population synthesis at short wavelengths and spectrophotometric diagnostic tools for galaxy evolution 2007 A. Buzzoni
E. Bertone
M. ChĂĄvez
L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
+ New Model Atmospheres: Testing the Solar Spectrum in the UV 2007 L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
O. Cardona
E. Bertone
M. ChĂĄvez
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat High-resolution spectroscopy of RGB stars in the Sagittarius streams 2006 L. Monaco
M. Bellazzini
P. Bonifacio
A. Buzzoni
F. R. Ferraro
G. Marconi
L. Sbordone
S. Zaggia
+ PDF Chat Kinematic structure in the Galactic halo at the North Galactic Pole: RR Lyrae and BHB stars show different kinematics 2006 T. D. Kinman
C. Cacciari
A. Bragaglia
A. Buzzoni
A. Spagna
+ PDF Chat ACS Photometry of the Remote M31 Globular Cluster B514 2006 S. Galleti
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat The low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group (Conference proceeding) 2006 S. A. Cellone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Planetary nebulae as tracers of galaxy stellar populations 2006 A. Buzzoni
M. Arnaboldi
R. L. M. Corradi
+ An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. I. Classification and radial velocity for 76 candidate clusters 2006 S. Galleti
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat Massive Young Clusters in the Disk of M31 2005 F. Fusi Pecci
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
E. De Simone
L. Federici
S. Galleti
+ PDF Chat Broad-band colours and overall photometric properties of template galaxy models from stellar population synthesis 2005 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat UVBLUE: A New High‐Resolution Theoretical Library of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra 2005 L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
M. ChĂĄvez
E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
+ Photometric entropy of stellar populations and related diagnostic tools 2005 A. Buzzoni
+ New Candidate EHB Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 6791: Looking Locally into the UV-upturn Phenomenon 2005 L. M. Buson
E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
G. Carraro
+ PDF Chat GAUDI: A Preparatory Archive for the<i>COROT</i>Mission 2004 E. Solano
C. Catala
R. Garrido
E. Poretti
E. Janot-Pacheco
R. GutiĂ©rrez–SĂĄnchez
Rafael de Miguel GonzĂĄlez
L. Mantegazza
C. Neiner
Y. Frémat
+ PDF Chat The low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group 2004 S. A. Cellone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat ATLAS Versus NextGen Model Atmospheres: A Combined Analysis of Synthetic Spectral Energy Distributions 2004 E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
M. ChĂĄvez
L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
+ Structure of the Galactic Halo towards the North Galactic Pole 2004 T. D. Kinman
A. Bragaglia
C. Cacciari
A. Buzzoni
A. Spagna
+ Planetary Nebulae as Tracers of the Intergalactic Stellar Background: a Population Synthesis Theoretical Approach 2004 A. Buzzoni
M. Arnaboldi
+ PDF Chat The Vertical Structure of the Halo Rotation 2003 T. D. Kinman
C. Cacciari
A. Bragaglia
A. Buzzoni
A. Spagna
+ UV properties and evolution of high-redshift galaxies 2002 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Ultraviolet Properties of Primeval Galaxies: Theoretical Models from Stellar Population Synthesis 2002 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat A Grid of Synthetic Stellar UV Fluxes 2002 L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
M. ChĂĄvez
A. Buzzoni
E. Bertone
+ New insights in high-resolution spectroscopy: a wide theoretical library of R=500000 stellar spectra 2002 E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
M. ChĂĄvez
+ PDF Chat A Critical Appraisal of Atlas9 and Nextgen5 Model Atmospheres 2002 E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
M. ChĂĄvez
Lino H. RodrĂ­guez-Merino
+ UV properties and evolution of high-redshift galaxies 2002 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Spectral Indices of Stars at Super-Solar Regime 2002 A. Buzzoni
M. ChĂĄvez
M. L. Malagnini
C. Morossi
+ The Vertical Structure of the Halo Rotation 2002 T. D. Kinman
C. Cacciari
A. Bragaglia
A. Buzzoni
A. Spagna
+ PDF Chat Population Synthesis and the Diagnostics of High-Redshift Galaxies 2002 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat New insights on the accuracy of photometric redshift measurements 2001 M. Massarotti
A. Iovino
A. Buzzoni
D. Valls–Gabaud
+ PDF Chat Lick Spectral Indices for Super–Metal‐rich Stars 2001 A. Buzzoni
M. ChĂĄvez
M. L. Malagnini
C. Morossi
+ PDF Chat Dust Absorption and the Cosmic Ultraviolet Flux Density 2001 M. Massarotti
A. Iovino
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat A critical appraisal of the SED fitting method to estimate photometric redshifts 2001 M. Massarotti
A. Iovino
A. Buzzoni
+ Spectral classification of stars using synthetic model atmospheres 2001 E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Evolutionary Population Synthesis Models of Primeval Galaxies: A Critical Appraisal 1999 A. Buzzoni
+ IR Colors and Sizes of Faint Galaxies 1999 P. Saracco
S. D’Odorico
A. F. M. Moorwood
A. Buzzoni
J. G. Cuby
C. Lidman
+ UV Properties of Primeval Galaxies 1998 A. Buzzoni
+ Statistical and Energetic Constraints in Population Synthesis Models 1998 A. Buzzoni
+ UV Properties of Primeval Galaxies 1998 A. Buzzoni
+ Evolutionary Population Synthesis Models of Primeval Galaxies: a Critical Appraisal 1997 A. Buzzoni
+ Evolutionary Population Synthesis Models of Primeval Galaxies: a Critical Appraisal 1997 A. Buzzoni
+ Synthetic and Observed Photometric Indices for Globular Clusters in the Galaxy and M31 1994 S. Covino
L. E. Pasinetti Fracassini
M. L. Malagnini
A. Buzzoni
+ The Very Red Halo of the cD Galaxy in A3284 1994 E. Molinari
A. Buzzoni
G. Chincarini
+ Synthetic and Observed Photometric Indices for Globular Clusters in the Galaxy and M31 1994 S. Covino
L. E. Pasinetti Fracassini
M. L. Malagnini
A. Buzzoni
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat ACS Photometry of the Remote M31 Globular Cluster B514 2006 S. Galleti
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ Maps of Dust Infrared Emission for Use in Estimation of Reddening and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Foregrounds 1998 David J. Schlegel
Douglas P. Finkbeiner
Marc Davis
+ 2MASS NIR photometry for 693 candidate globular clusters in M 31 and the Revised Bologna Catalogue 2004 S. Galleti
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Macrina
+ PDF Chat ACS Photometry of Newly Discovered Globular Clusters in the Outer Halo of M31 2007 Dougal Mackey
Avon Huxor
A. M. Ferguson
N. R. Tanvir
M. J. Irwin
Rodrigo Ibata
Terry Bridges
R. A. Johnson
Geraint F. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Distances and metallicities for 17 Local Group galaxies 2005 Alan W. McConnachie
M. J. Irwin
A. M. N. Ferguson
Rodrigo Ibata
Geraint F. Lewis
N. R. Tanvir
+ PDF Chat Broad-band colours and overall photometric properties of template galaxy models from stellar population synthesis 2005 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Extragalactic Globular Clusters and Galaxy Formation 2006 Jean P. Brodie
Jay Strader
+ PDF Chat <i>Hubble Space Telescope</i>WFPC2 Color-Magnitude Diagrams for Globular Clusters in M31 2005 R. Michael Rich
C. Corsi
C. Cacciari
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
S. G. Djorgovski
Wendy L. Freedman
+ PDF Chat New light on the formation and evolution of M 31 and its globular cluster system 2005 Thomas H. Puzia
K. Perrett
Terry Bridges
+ PDF Chat Stellar population models of Lick indices with variable element abundance ratios 2003 D. Thomas
Claudia Maraston
R. Bender
+ PDF Chat Ultraviolet Properties of Primeval Galaxies: Theoretical Models from Stellar Population Synthesis 2002 A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Old Stellar Populations. VI. Absorption‐Line Spectra of Galaxy Nuclei and Globular Clusters 1998 S. C. Trager
Guy Worthey
S. M. Faber
David Burstein
J. González‐Hernández
+ PDF Chat Massive Young Clusters in the Disk of M31 2005 F. Fusi Pecci
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
E. De Simone
L. Federici
S. Galleti
+ PDF Chat Stellar population synthesis at the resolution of 2003 2003 Gustavo Bruzual
S. Charlot
+ PDF Chat The outermost cluster of M 31 2005 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat M31 Globular Clusters: Colors and Metallicities 2000 P. Barmby
J. P. Huchra
Jean P. Brodie
Duncan A. Forbes
Linda L. Schroder
Carl J. Grillmair
+ PDF Chat A giant stream of metal-rich stars in the halo of the galaxy M31 2001 Rodrigo Ibata
Michael J. Irwin
Geraint F. Lewis
A. M. N. Ferguson
N. R. Tanvir
+ PDF Chat The M31 Globular Cluster Luminosity Function 2001 P. Barmby
J. P. Huchra
Jean P. Brodie
+ Age Constraints for an M31 Globular Cluster from Main-Sequence Photometry 2004 T. M. Brown
Henry C. Ferguson
E. Smith
Randy A. Kimble
A. V. Sweigart
A. Renzini
R. Michael Rich
Don A. VandenBerg
+ PDF Chat A new population of extended, luminous star clusters in the halo of M31 2005 Avon Huxor
N. R. Tanvir
M. J. Irwin
Rodrigo Ibata
J. L. Collett
A. M. N. Ferguson
Terry Bridges
Geraint F. Lewis
+ Deep HST V- and I-Band Observations of Two Globular Clusters in the Halo of M31. 1997 S. T. Holland
Gregory G. Fahlman
Harvey B. Richer
+ An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. I. Classification and radial velocity for 76 candidate clusters 2006 S. Galleti
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat HST/ACS colour–magnitude diagrams of M 31 globular clusters 2009 S. Perina
L. Federici
M. Bellazzini
C. Cacciari
F. Fusi Pecci
S. Galleti
+ PDF Chat Structural Parameters for Globular Clusters in M31 and Generalizations for the Fundamental Plane 2007 P. Barmby
Dean E. McLaughlin
William E. Harris
G. L. H. Harris
Duncan A. Forbes
+ PDF Chat The Extended H <scp>i</scp> Rotation Curve and Mass Distribution of M31 2006 C. Carignan
L. Chemin
W. K. Huchtmeier
Felix J. Lockman
+ PDF Chat M31 Globular Clusters in the [ITAL]Hubble Space Telescope[/ITAL] Archive. II. Structural Parameters 2002 P. Barmby
S. T. Holland
J. P. Huchra
+ PDF Chat Reddening, colour and metallicity of the M31 globular cluster system 2008 Fan Zou
Jun Ma
Richard de Grijs
Xu Zhou
+ PDF Chat The M(v)^HB Verses [FE/H] Calibration. I. HST Color-Magnitude Diagrams of Eight Globular Clusters in M31 1996 F. Fusi Pecci
R. Buonanno
C. Cacciari
C. Corsi
S. G. Djorgovski
L. Federici
F. R. Ferraro
G. Parmeggiani
R. Michael Rich
+ The Photometric Performance and Calibration of the<i>Hubble Space Telescope</i>Advanced Camera for Surveys 2005 M. Sirianni
M. James Jee
N. Benı́tez
John P. Blakeslee
A. R. Martel
G. R. Meurer
Mark Clampin
Guido De Marchi
H. C. Ford
Ronald L. Gilliland
+ PDF Chat The Kinematics and Metallicity of the M31 Globular Cluster System 2002 K. Perrett
Terry Bridges
D. A. Hanes
M. J. Irwin
Jean P. Brodie
D. Carter
J. P. Huchra
F. G. Watson
+ PDF Chat Star-Formation Histories, Abundances, and Kinematics of Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group 2009 Eline Tolstoy
V. Hill
M. Tosi
+ PDF Chat The properties of Galactic globular cluster subsystems 2005 Dougal Mackey
S. van den Bergh
+ PDF Chat The low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group 2004 S. A. Cellone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Starburst99: Synthesis Models for Galaxies with Active Star Formation 1999 Claus Leitherer
D. Schaerer
Jeffrey D. Goldader
R. M. GonzĂĄlez Delgado
Carmelle Robert
Denis Foo Kune
D. F. de Mello
D. Devost
Timothy M. Heckman
+ PDF Chat The New Galaxy: Signatures of Its Formation 2002 K. C. Freeman
Joss Bland‐Hawthorn
+ PDF Chat The Haunted Halos of Andromeda and Triangulum: A Panorama of Galaxy Formation in Action 2007 Rodrigo Ibata
Nicolas F. Martin
M. J. Irwin
S. C. Chapman
A. M. Ferguson
Geraint F. Lewis
Alan W. McConnachie
Rebecca A. Bernstein
Scott A. Cameron
Andrew McWilliam
Judith G. Cohen
+ The Hubble Deep Field: Observations, Data Reduction, and Galaxy Photometry 1996 R. E. Williams
Brett S. Blacker
Mark Dickinson
W. V. Dixon
Henry C. Ferguson
A. S. Fruchter
Mauro Giavalisco
Ronald L. Gilliland
I. Heyer
Rocio Katsanis
+ PDF Chat AGB Connection and Ultraviolet Luminosity Excess in Elliptical Galaxies 2008 A. Buzzoni
Rosa A. González‐Lópezlira
+ PDF Chat ACS Photometry of Extended, Luminous Globular Clusters in the Outskirts of M31 2006 Dougal Mackey
Avon Huxor
A. M. N. Ferguson
N. R. Tanvir
M. J. Irwin
Rodrigo Ibata
Terry Bridges
R. A. Johnson
Geraint F. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Discovery and analysis of three faint dwarf galaxies and a globular cluster in the outer halo of the Andromeda galaxy 2006 Nicolas F. Martin
Rodrigo Ibata
M. J. Irwin
S. C. Chapman
Geraint F. Lewis
A. M. N. Ferguson
N. R. Tanvir
Alan W. McConnachie
+ PDF Chat Globular Cluster and Galaxy Formation: M31, the Milky Way, and Implications for Globular Cluster Systems of Spiral Galaxies 2004 David Burstein
Yong Li
K. C. Freeman
John E. Norris
M. S. Bessell
Joss Bland‐Hawthorn
B. K. Gibson
Michael A. Beasley
Hyun‐Chul Lee
B. Barbuy
+ PDF Chat Mayall II = G1 in M31: Giant Globular Cluster or Core of a Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy? 2001 G. Meylan
Ata Sarajedini
P. Jablonka
S. G. Djorgovski
Terry Bridges
R. Michael Rich
+ PDF Chat UVBLUE: A New High‐Resolution Theoretical Library of Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra 2005 L. H. Rodríguez‐Merino
M. ChĂĄvez
E. Bertone
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat A critical appraisal of the SED fitting method to estimate photometric redshifts 2001 M. Massarotti
A. Iovino
A. Buzzoni
+ PDF Chat Measuring age, metallicity and abundance ratios from absorption-line indices 2004 Rosaria Tantalo
C. Chiosi
+ PDF Chat Multivariate analysis of globular cluster horizontal branch morphology: searching for the second parameter 2006 A. Recio-Blanco
A. Aparicio
G. Piotto
F. De Angeli
S. G. Djorgovski
+ PDF Chat An updated survey of globular clusters in M 31. II. Newly discovered bright and remote clusters 2007 S. Galleti
M. Bellazzini
L. Federici
A. Buzzoni
F. Fusi Pecci
+ PDF Chat Confidence levels of evolutionary synthesis models III: On sampling and Poissonian fluctuations 2001 M. Cerviño
D. Valls–Gabaud
V. Luridiana
J. M. Mas‐Hesse