Anastasia Stavrova


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Constant case of the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture in mixed characteristic 2024 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Chevalley groups over Laurent polynomial rings 2024 Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the Gille theorem for the relative projective line: I 2023 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the Gille theorem for the relative projective line: II 2023 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Normal structure of isotropic reductive groups over rings 2022 Anastasia Stavrova
A. V. Stepanov
+ PDF Chat 5-Graded simple Lie algebras, structurable algebras, and Kantor pairs 2022 Anastasia Stavrova
Anastasia Stavrova
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e19" altimg="si22.svg"><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="double-struck">A</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:math>-invariance of non-stable <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="d1e29" altimg="si23.svg"><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>K</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math>-functors in the … 2021 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Torsors of isotropic reductive groups over Laurent polynomials 2021 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Torsors of Isotropic Reductive Groups over Laurent Polynomials 2021 Anastasia Stavrova
+ R-Equivalence on Group Schemes 2021 Philippe Gille
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Mini-Workshop: Rank One Groups and Exceptional Algebraic Groups 2020 Tom De Medts
Bernhard Mühlherr
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the congruence kernel of isotropic groups over rings 2020 Anastasia Stavrova
+ A^1-invariance of non-stable K_1-functors in the geometric case 2019 Anastasia Stavrova
+ A^1-invariance of non-stable K_1-functors in the equicharacteristic case 2019 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Chevalley groups of polynomial rings over Dedekind domains 2019 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Moufang Sets and Structurable Division Algebras 2019 Lien Boelaert
Tom De Medts
Anastasia Stavrova
+ A^1-invariance of non-stable K_1-functors in the equicharacteristic case 2019 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Torsors of isotropic reductive groups over Laurent polynomials 2019 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Chevalley groups of polynomial rings over Dedekind domains 2018 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras 2018 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Chevalley groups of polynomial rings over Dedekind domains 2018 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Normal structure of isotropic reductive groups over rings 2018 Anastasia Stavrova
Alexei Stepanov
+ 5-Graded simple Lie algebras in characteristic 5 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Non-stable K_1-functors of discrete Hodge algebras 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the classification of Kantor pairs and structurable algebras in characteristic 5 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat On the Grothendieck–Serre Conjecture Concerning Principal G-Bundles Over Semilocal Dedekind Domains 2017 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ 5-Graded simple Lie algebras, structurable algebras, and Kantor pairs 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras 2017 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Moufang sets and structurable division algebras 2016 Lien Boelaert
Tom De Medts
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On Kazhdan's property (T) for isotropic reductive groups 2016 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Automorphisms of Multiloop Lie Algebras 2016 Anastasia Stavrova
+ On Kazhdan's property (T) for isotropic reductive groups 2016 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Moufang sets and structurable division algebras 2016 Lien Boelaert
Tom De Medts
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the Grothendieck--Serre conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over semi-local Dedekind domains 2015 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Non-stable K<sub>1</sub>-functors of Multiloop Groups 2015 Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the Grothendieck--Serre conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over semi-local Dedekind domains 2015 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat On Grothendieck–Serre’s conjecture concerning principal -bundles over reductive group schemes: I 2014 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
N. A. Vavilov
+ A note on transfers for non-stable K_1-functors of classical type 2014 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Transfers for non-stable K_1-functors of classical type 2014 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Non-stable K_1-functors of multiloop groups 2014 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Homotopy invariance of non-stable <i>K</i><sub>1</sub>-functors 2013 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Centralizer of the elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group 2013 Ekaterina Kulikova
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the congruence kernel of isotropic groups over rings 2013 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Централизатор элементарной подгруппы в изотропной редуктивной группе 2013 Е. А. Куликова
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect 2012 A. Yu. Luzgarev
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Principal bundles of reductive groups over affine schemes 2012 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Homotopy invariance of non-stable K_1-functors 2011 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Isotropic reductive groups over polynomial rings 2011 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Homotopy invariance of non-stable K_1-functors 2011 Anastasia Stavrova
+ Centralizer of the elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group 2010 Е. А. Куликова
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat The Tits indices over semilocal rings 2010 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect 2010 A. Yu. Luzgarev
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Centralizer of the elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group 2010 Ekaterina Kulikova
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect 2010 A. Yu. Luzgarev
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Normal Structure of Maximal Parabolic Subgroups in Chevalley Groups over Rings 2009 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Elementary subgroups of isotropic reductive groups 2009 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Grothendieck-Serre conjecture for adjoint groups of types E_6 and E_7 and for certain classical groups 2009 Ivan Panin
V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Grothendieck-Serre conjecture for groups of type F_4 with trivial f_3 invariant 2009 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Grothendieck-Serre Conjecture I: Appendix 2009 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
N. A. Vavilov
+ On Grothendieck--Serre's conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes:I 2009 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
N. A. Vavilov
+ PDF Chat Basic reductions in the description of normal subgroups 2008 N. A. Vavilov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Tits indices over semilocal rings 2008 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Subgroups normalized by the elementary Levi subgroup 2006 V. G. Kazakevich
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Subgroups normalized by the commutator subgroup of the Levi subgroup. 2004 V. G. Kazakevich
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Topological Representations of Posets 2000 R. B. Breslav
Anastasia Stavrova
Romàn R. Zapatrin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Elementary subgroups of isotropic reductive groups 2009 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ Algebraic and Abstract Simple Groups 1964 Jacques Tits
+ Projective modules over polynomial rings 1976 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Homotopy invariance of non-stable <i>K</i><sub>1</sub>-functors 2013 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat On Grothendieck–Serre’s conjecture concerning principal -bundles over reductive group schemes: I 2014 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
N. A. Vavilov
+ PDF Chat Non-stable K<sub>1</sub>-functors of Multiloop Groups 2015 Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the structure of parabolic subgroups 1990 Hassan Azad
Michael J. J. Barry
Gary M. Seitz
+ Equivariant resolution, linearization, and Hilbert's fourteenth problem over arbitrary base schemes 1987 R. W. Thomason
+ Tits indices over semilocal rings 2008 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ On the homotopy groups of algebraic groups 1983 John F. Jardine
+ Groupes et algèbres de Lie 1971 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ PDF Chat Sur les sous-groupes arithmétiques des groupes semi-simples déployés 1969 Hideya Matsumoto
+ PDF Chat A1-homotopy theory of schemes 1999 Fabien Morel
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Principal homogeneous spaces under flasque tori: Applications 1987 Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Jean-Jacques Sansuc
+ PDF Chat The Tits indices over semilocal rings 2010 V. A. Petrov
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat K1 of Chevalley groups are nilpotent 2003 Roozbeh Hazrat
N. A. Vavilov
+ PDF Chat Affine representability results in 𝔸1–homotopy theory, II : Principal bundles and homogeneous spaces 2018 Aravind Asok
Marc Hoyois
Matthias Wendt
+ PDF Chat Elementary subgroup of an isotropic reductive group is perfect 2012 A. Yu. Luzgarev
Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat Letter to the editor: General Néron desingularization and approximation 1990 Dorin Popescu
+ PDF Chat The general linear group of polynomial rings over regular rings 1981 Ton Vorst
+ Whitehead groups of chevalley groups over polynomial rings 1983 Eiichi Abe
+ On Grothendieck--Serre's conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes:I 2009 Ivan Panin
Anastasia Stavrova
N. A. Vavilov
+ PDF Chat Isotropic reductive groups over discrete Hodge algebras 2018 Anastasia Stavrova
+ PDF Chat The structure of the group G(k[t]): Variations on a theme of Soulé 2009 Benedictus Margaux
+ On symplectic groups over polynomial rings 1991 Fritz Grunewald
J. Mennicke
L. N. Vaserstein
+ PDF Chat Normal subgroups of Chevalley groups over commutative rings 1989 Eiichi Abe
+ Principal bundles admitting a rational section 1994 M. S. Raghunathan
+ Homomorphismes "Abstraits" de Groupes Algebriques Simples 1973 Armand Borel
Jacques Tits
+ Centers of chevalley groups over commutative rings 1988 Eiichi Abe
James F. Hurley
+ PDF Chat On normal subgroups of Chevalley groups over commutative rings 1976 Eiichi Abe
Kazuo Suzuki
+ Normal Subgroups of Orthogonal Groups Over Commutative Rings 1988 L. N. Vaserstein
+ PDF Chat Espaces principaux homogènes localement triviaux 1992 Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène
Manuel Ojanguren
+ On the Bass-Quillen conjecture concerning projective modules over polynomial rings 1981 Hartmut Lindel
+ PDF Chat On normal subgroups of Chevalley groups over commutative rings 1986 L. N. Vaserstein
+ Reductive Groups are Geometrically Reductive 1975 William Haboush
+ PDF Chat A proof of the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture on principal bundles over regular local rings containing infinite fields 2015 Roman Fedorov
Ivan Panin
+ PDF Chat <sup>1</sup>-Homotopy of Chevalley Groups 2010 Matthias Wendt
+ PDF Chat Quadratic modules and the orthogonal group over polynomial rings 1982 Andrei Suslin
V. I. Kopeĭko
+ PDF Chat Chevalley groups over local rings 1969 Eiichi Abe
+ PDF Chat Nice triples and the Grothendieck–Serre conjecture concerning principal G-bundles over reductive group schemes 2019 Ivan Panin
+ PDF Chat Rationally trivial hermitian spaces are locally trivial 2001 Manuel Ojanguren
Ivan Panin
+ Adequate moduli spaces and geometrically reductive group schemes 2014 Jarod Alper
+ Multiloop realization of extended affine Lie algebras and Lie tori 2009 Bruce Allison
Stephen Berman
John R. Faulkner
Arturo Pianzola
+ Radix redux: Normal subgroups of symplectic groups. 1992 Douglas L. Costa
Gordon E. Keller
+ Lectures on Chevalley Groups 2016 Robert Steinberg
+ Homotopy invariance of non-stable K_1-functors 2011 Anastasia Stavrova
+ A structural characterization of the simple Lie algebras of generalized Cartan type over fields of prime characteristic 1976 Robert Lee Wilson
+ Elementary groups and invertibility for kantor pairs 1999 Bruce Allison
John R. Faulkner
+ PDF Chat On the congruence subgroup problem 1976 M. S. Raghunathan