Marcel Nooijen


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Time dependent vibrational electronic coupled cluster (VECC) theory for non-adiabatic nuclear dynamics 2024 Songhao Bao
Neil Raymond
Marcel Nooijen
+ PDF Chat Adiabat‐to‐Diabat Angle in Seam Space: Renner‐Teller‐Type and Pseudo‐Jahn‐Teller‐Type Problems 2024 Benny Jun Chen
Ekadashi Pradhan
Marcel Nooijen
Tao Zeng
+ Time dependent Vibrational Electronic Coupled Cluster (VECC) theory for non-adiabatic nuclear dynamics 2023 Songhao Bao
Neil Raymond
Marcel Nooijen
+ PDF Chat The $$\gamma$$ function in quantum theory II. Mathematical challenges and paradoxa 2021 Zs. É. Mihálka
Marcel Nooijen
Ádåm Margócsy
Ágnes Szabados
PĂ©ter R. ƚurjĂĄn
+ PDF Chat Normal ordered exponential approach to thermal properties and time-correlation functions: general theory and simple examples 2021 Marcel Nooijen
Songhao Bao
+ Normal ordered exponential approach to thermal properties and time-correlation functions: General theory and simple examples 2021 Marcel Nooijen
Songhao Bao
+ Deterministic and quasi-random sampling of optimized Gaussian mixture distributions for vibronic Monte Carlo 2019 Dmitri Iouchtchenko
Neil Raymond
Pierre–Nicholas Roy
Marcel Nooijen
+ Deterministic and quasi-random sampling of optimized Gaussian mixture distributions for vibronic Monte Carlo 2019 Dmitri Iouchtchenko
Neil Raymond
Pierre–Nicholas Roy
Marcel Nooijen
+ PDF Chat A path integral methodology for obtaining thermodynamic properties of nonadiabatic systems using Gaussian mixture distributions 2018 Neil Raymond
Dmitri Iouchtchenko
Pierre–Nicholas Roy
Marcel Nooijen
+ PDF Chat Similarity transformed equation of motion coupled cluster theory revisited: a benchmark study of valence excited states 2013 John Sous
Prateek Goel
Marcel Nooijen
+ PDF Chat Performance Optimization of Tensor Contraction Expressions for Many-Body Methods in Quantum Chemistry 2009 Albert Hartono
Qingda Lu
Thomas Henretty
Sriram Krishnamoorthy
Huaijian Zhang
Gerald Baumgartner
David E. Bernholdt
Marcel Nooijen
Russell M. Pitzer
J. Ramanujam
+ PDF Chat State Selective Equation of Motion Coupled Cluster Theory: Some Preliminary Results 2002 Marcel Nooijen
+ Effective and intermediate Hamiltonians obtained by similarity transformations 1995 Leszek Meissner
Marcel Nooijen
+ Symmetric Numerical Integration Formulas for Regular Polygons 1990 Marcel Nooijen
G. te Velde
Evert Jan Baerends
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Applications of Post‐Hartree—Fock Methods: A Tutorial 1994 Rodney J. Bartlett
John F. Stanton
+ PDF Chat Application of the Gaussian mixture model in pulsar astronomy - pulsar classification and candidates ranking for the Fermi 2FGL catalogue 2012 K. J. Lee
L. Guillemot
Youling Yue
M. KrÀmer
D. J. Champion
+ PDF Chat Generalized functions for applications 1985 B. D. Craven
+ Extension d'une formule de Lagrange Ă  des problĂšmes de valeurs propres 1960 J. des Cloizeaux
+ PDF Chat Perturbational treatment of spin-orbit coupling for generally applicable high-level multi-reference methods 2014 Sebastian Mai
Thomas MĂŒller
Felix Plasser
Philipp Marquetand
Hans Lischka
Leticia GonzĂĄlez
+ PDF Chat Canonical transformation theory from extended normal ordering 2007 Takeshi Yanai
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
+ How and how not to check Gaussian quadrature formulae 1983 Walter Gautschi
+ Integration Formulas and Orthogonal Polynomials for Two Variables 1969 A. H. Stroud
+ Quadrature Rules for Regions Having Regular Hexagonal Symmetry 1977 J. N. Lyness
Giovanni Monegato
+ A multiplication of distributions 1983 J. F. Colombeau
+ Convergence acceleration of iterative sequences. the case of scf iteration 1980 PĂ©ter Pulay
+ On the approximate calculation of multiple integrals 2015 N. S. Bakhvalov
+ PDF Chat Mapping variable ring polymer molecular dynamics: A path-integral based method for nonadiabatic processes 2013 Nandini Ananth
+ Degenerate perturbation theory 1974 Daniel Klein
+ General theory of effective Hamiltonians 1981 Carlos E. Solivérez
+ Normal ordering and a Wick-like reduction theorem for fermions with respect to a multi-determinantal reference state 1997 Debashis Mukherjee
+ The Application of Integer Programming to the Computation of Fully Symmetric Integration Formulas in Two and Three Dimensions 1977 Francis Mantel
Philip Rabinowitz
+ PDF Chat Kinetically constrained ring-polymer molecular dynamics for non-adiabatic chemical reactions 2014 Artur R. Menzeleev
Franziska Bell
Thomas F. Miller
+ Integration Formulas and Orthogonal Polynomials. II 1970 A. H. Stroud
+ PDF Chat Three methods for calculating the Feynman propagator 2003 F. A. Barone
Henrique Boschi-Filho
C. Farina
+ Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics 1964 А. А. АбрОĐșĐŸŃĐŸĐČ
L. P. Gor’kov
I. E. Dzyaloshinski
Richard A. Silverman
George H. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Tensor factorizations of local second-order Mþller–Plesset theory 2011 Jun Yang
Yuki Kurashige
Frederick R. Manby
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
+ PDF Chat Canonical transformation theory for multireference problems 2006 Takeshi Yanai
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
+ PDF Chat Geometric Phase Effects in Dynamics Near Conical Intersections: Symmetry Breaking and Spatial Localization 2013 Ilya G. Ryabinkin
Artur F. Izmaylov
+ Studies in Perturbation Theory. IV. Solution of Eigenvalue Problem by Projection Operator Formalism 1962 Per‐Olov Löwdin
+ Economical symmetrical quadrature rules for complete polynomials over a square domain 1985 D. A. Dunavant
+ Studies in perturbation theory 1963 Per‐Olov Löwdin
+ PDF Chat Progress in Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory 2012 Mark E. Casida
Miquel Huix‐Rotllant
+ PDF Chat Efficient Temperature-Dependent Green’s Functions Methods for Realistic Systems: Compact Grids for Orthogonal Polynomial Transforms 2016 Alexei A. Kananenka
Jordan J. Phillips
Dominika Zgid
+ PDF Chat Efficient Temperature-Dependent Green’s Function Methods for Realistic Systems: Using Cubic Spline Interpolation to Approximate Matsubara Green’s Functions 2016 Alexei A. Kananenka
Alicia Rae Welden
Lan Nguyen Tran
Emanuel Gull
Dominika Zgid
+ Approximate Calculation of Integrals. 1965 E. K. Blum
V. I. Krylov
A. H. Stoud
+ PDF Chat Finite-temperature second-order many-body perturbation theory revisited 2016 Robin Santra
J. Schirmer
+ PDF Chat Finite Temperature Coupled Cluster Theories for Extended Systems 2018 Felix Hummel
+ PDF Chat A Time-Dependent Formulation of Coupled-Cluster Theory for Many-Fermion Systems at Finite Temperature 2018 Alec F. White
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
+ PDF Chat Numerical evidence invalidating finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory 2019 Punit K. Jha
So Hirata
+ PDF Chat Thermofield theory for finite-temperature quantum chemistry 2019 Gaurav Harsha
Thomas M. Henderson
Gustavo E. Scuseria
+ PDF Chat Coherent state mapping ring polymer molecular dynamics for non-adiabatic quantum propagations 2017 Sutirtha N. Chowdhury
Pengfei Huo
+ PDF Chat Thermofield Theory for Finite-Temperature Coupled Cluster 2019 Gaurav Harsha
Thomas M. Henderson
Gustavo E. Scuseria
+ PDF Chat Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems 1962 Morton Hamermesh
Albert A. Mullin
+ PDF Chat Finite temperature quantum embedding theories for correlated systems 2017 Dominika Zgid
Emanuel Gull
+ Exploring connections between statistical mechanics and Green’s functions for realistic systems: Temperature dependent electronic entropy and internal energy from a self-consistent second-order Green’s function 2016 Alicia Rae Welden
Alexander A. Rusakov
Dominika Zgid
+ PDF Chat Multilayer multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method: Implementation and applications to a Henon–Heiles Hamiltonian and to pyrazine 2011 Oriol Vendrell
Hans‐Dieter Meyer
+ PDF Chat Phase diagram of the Hubbard model: Beyond the dynamical mean field 2001 Mark Jarrell
Thomas Maier
Matthias H. Hettler
A. N. Tahvildar-Zadeh
+ PDF Chat Nonadiabatic semiclassical dynamics in the mixed quantum-classical initial value representation 2017 Matthew S. Church
Timothy J. H. Hele
Gregory S. Ezra
Nandini Ananth
+ PDF Chat Converging finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory in the grand canonical ensemble that conserves the average number of electrons 2019 So Hirata
Punit K. Jha
+ A coupled cluster framework for electrons and phonons 2020 Alec F. White
Yang Gao
Austin J. Minnich
Garnet Kin‐Lic Chan
+ PDF Chat Normal ordered exponential approach to thermal properties and time-correlation functions: general theory and simple examples 2021 Marcel Nooijen
Songhao Bao
+ International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2006 1
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of distributions 1990 J. F. Colombeau
+ Zur Charakterisierung und Berechnung von symmetrischen Kubaturformeln 1983 G. Felicitas Munzel
Gerolf Renner