Mikhail Kapranov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat PROBs and perverse sheaves I: symmetric products 2025 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat The Langlands formula and perverse sheaves 2024 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
Olivier Schiffmann
Jiangfan Yuan
+ Spherical adjunctions of stable $$\infty $$-categories and the relative S-construction 2024 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
Yan Soibelman
+ N-spherical functors and categorification of Euler's continuants 2023 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Perverse sheaves on Riemann surfaces as Milnor sheaves 2023 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
Yan Soibelman
+ PDF Chat Perverse Sheaves over Real Hyperplane Arrangements II 2022 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ The cohomological Hall algebra of a surface and factorization cohomology 2022 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Gel′fand-Fuchs cohomology in algebraic geometry and factorization algebras 2022 Benjamin Hennion
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Parabolic induction and perverse sheaves on <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.svg"><mml:mi>W</mml:mi><mml:mo>﹨</mml:mo><mml:mi mathvariant="fraktur">h</mml:mi></mml:math> 2022 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PROBs and perverse sheaves II. Ran spaces and 0-cycles with coefficients 2022 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Fourier-Sato Transform on Hyperplane Arrangements 2021 Michael Finkelberg
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Supergeometry in Mathematics and Physics 2021 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Infinite-dimensional (dg) Lie algebras and factorization algebras in algebraic geometry 2021 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Conformal maps in higher dimensions and derived geometry 2021 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Spherical adjunctions of stable $\infty$-categories and the relative S-construction 2021 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
Yan Soibelman
+ PROBs and perverse sheaves I. Symmetric products 2021 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse schobers and the Algebra of the Infrared 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Yan Soibelman
Lev Soukhanov
+ PDF Chat Contingency Tables with Variable Margins (with an Appendix by Pavel Etingof) 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Parabolic induction and perverse sheaves on h/W 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Shuffle algebras and perverse sheaves 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse sheaves on Riemann surfaces as Milnor sheaves 2020 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
Yan Soibelman
+ Perverse schobers and the Algebra of the Infrared 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Yan Soibelman
Lev Soukhanov
+ Parabolic induction and perverse sheaves on h/W 2020 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Contingency tables with variable margins 2019 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Shuffle algebras and perverse sheaves 2019 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Higher Kac–Moody algebras and moduli spaces of G-bundles 2019 Giovanni Faonte
Benjamin Hennion
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Higher Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ 2-Segal Spaces from Higher Categories 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Model Categories and Bousfield Localization 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ The 1-Segal and 2-Segal Model Structures 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ 2-Segal Spaces as Monads in Bispans 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ The Path Space Criterion for 2-Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Topological 1-Segal and 2-Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ An (∞, 2)-Categorical Theory of Spans 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hall (∞, 2)-Categories 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Discrete 2-Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hall Algebras Associated to 2-Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Shuffle algebras and perverse sheaves 2019 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse sheaves over real hyperplane arrangements II 2019 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Triangulated surfaces in triangulated categories 2018 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Perverse schobers and birational geometry 2018 Alexey Bondal
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Perverse schobers and birational geometry 2018 Alexey Bondal
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Gelfand-Fuchs cohomology in algebraic geometry and factorization algebras 2018 Benjamin Hennion
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Perverse schobers and birational geometry 2018 Alexey Bondal
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Fourier transform on hyperplane arrangements 2017 Michael Finkelberg
Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Complete complexes and spectral sequences 2017 Mikhail Kapranov
Evangelos Routis
+ Higher Kac-Moody algebras and moduli spaces of G-bundles 2017 Giovanni Faonte
Benjamin Hennion
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Derived Varieties of Complexes and Kostant’s Theorem for $$\mathfrak{gl}(\mathrm{m}|\mathrm{n})$$ 2017 Mikhail Kapranov
Slava Pimenov
+ PDF Chat Complete complexes and spectral sequences 2017 Mikhail Kapranov
Evangelos Routis
+ Complete complexes and spectral sequences 2017 Mikhail Kapranov
Evangelos Routis
+ Higher Kac-Moody algebras and moduli spaces of G-bundles 2017 Giovanni Faonte
Benjamin Hennion
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Microlocal sheaves and quiver varieties 2016 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat The Hall algebra of a curve 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Olivier Schiffmann
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Algebra of the infrared and secondary polytopes 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Maxim Kontsevich
Y. Soibelman
+ PDF Chat Perverse sheaves over real hyperplane arrangements 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse sheaves and graphs on surfaces 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse sheaves and graphs on surfaces 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Microlocal sheaves and quiver varieties 2015 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Membranes and higher groupoids 2015 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Derived varieties of complexes and Kostant's theorem for gl(m|n) 2015 Mikhail Kapranov
Alexander Pimenov
+ Crossed simplicial groups and structured surfaces 2015 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Supergeometry in mathematics and physics 2015 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Membranes and higher groupoids 2015 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Microlocal sheaves and quiver varieties 2015 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Perverse Schobers 2014 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Algebra of the infrared and secondary polytopes 2014 Mikhail Kapranov
Maxim Kontsevich
Yan Soibelman
+ Spherical Hall Algebra of $$\overline{\text{Spec }(\mathbb{Z})}$$ 2014 Mikhail Kapranov
Olivier Schiffmann
Éric Vasserot
+ Perverse sheaves over real hyperplane arrangements 2014 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ Perverse Schobers 2014 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Real mixed Hodge structures 2012 Mikhail Kapranov
+ The Hall algebra of a curve 2012 Mikhail Kapranov
Olivier Schiffmann
Éric Vasserot
+ The spherical Hall algebra of Spec(Z) 2012 Mikhail Kapranov
Olivier Schiffmann
Éric Vasserot
+ The Hall algebra of a curve 2012 Mikhail Kapranov
Olivier Schiffmann
Éric Vasserot
+ Symmetric and exterior powers of categories 2011 Nora Ganter
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Thermodynamics and the moment map 2011 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and the formal loop space 2011 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Thermodynamics and the moment map 2011 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Symmetric and exterior powers of categories 2011 Nora Ganter
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Supersymmetry and the formal loop space 2010 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Supersymmetry and the formal loop space 2010 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Virtual fundamental classes via dg–manifolds 2009 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Riemann–Roch for Real Varieties 2009 Paul Bressler
Mikhail Kapranov
Boris Tsygan
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Geometry and Path Integrals 2009 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Formal loops III: Additive functions and the Radon transform 2008 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Real mixed Hodge structures 2008 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Representation and character theory in 2-categories 2008 Nora Ganter
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Geometry and dynamics of groups and spaces :: in memory of Alexander Reznikov 2008 Mikhail Kapranov
Reznikov Alexander
+ Geometry and Dynamics of Groups and Spaces 2008 Mikhail Kapranov
Yuri I. Manin
Pieter Moree
Sergiy Kolyada
Leonid Potyagailo
+ Real mixed Hodge structures 2008 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Free Lie algebroids and the space of paths 2007 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Koszul duality for Operads 2007 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Formal loops II: A local Riemann–Roch theorem for determinantal gerbes 2007 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Free Lie algebroids and the space of paths 2007 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Virtual fundamental classes via dg-manifolds 2007 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ On DG-modules over the de rham complex and the vanishing cycles functor 2006 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Toric arc schemes and quantum cohomology of toric varieties 2006 Sergey Arkhipov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Representation and character theory in 2-categories 2006 Nora Ganter
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Non-archimedean amoebas and tropical varieties 2006 Manfred Einsiedler
Mikhail Kapranov
Douglas Lind
+ Formal loops IV: Chiral differential operators 2006 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Riemann-Roch for real varieties 2006 Paul Bressler
Mikhail Kapranov
Boris Tsygan
Éric Vasserot
+ Representation and character theory in 2-categories 2006 Nora Ganter
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Noncommutative geometry and path integrals 2006 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Formal loops III: Factorizing functions and the Radon transform 2005 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Formal loops II: A local Riemann-Roch theorem for determinantal gerbes 2005 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Vertex algebras and the formal loop space 2004 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Non-archimedean amoebas and tropical varieties 2004 Manfred Einsiedler
Mikhail Kapranov
Douglas Lind
+ Toric arc schemes and quantum cohomology of toric varieties 2004 Sergey Arkhipov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Non-archimedean amoebas and tropical varieties 2004 Manfred Einsiedler
Mikhail Kapranov
Douglas Lind
+ Quarante-cinq ans et cent numéros des Publications mathématiques de l'I.H.É.S. - Quelques souvenirs . On the conductor formula of Bloch . Smooth quasiregular mappings with branching . Indecomposable parabolic bundles and the Existence of Matrices in Prescribed Conjugacy Class Closures with Product Equal to the Identity . Vertex algebras and the formal loop space . Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS – Volumes 1–100 2004 Jacques Tits
和也 加藤
毅 斎藤
Mario Bonk
Juha Heinonen
William Crawley‐Boevey
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Derived Hilbert schemes 2002 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Modules and Morita theorem for operads 2001 Mikhail Kapranov
Yu. I. Manin
+ Derived quot schemes 2001 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Semiinfinite symmetric powers 2001 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Injective resolutions of BG and derived moduli spaces of local systems 2001 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Vertex algebras and the formal loop space 2001 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Invitation to higher local fields, Part II, section 5: Harmonic analysis on algebraic groups over two-dimensional local fields of equal characteristic 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Harmonic analysis on algebraic groups over two-dimensional local fields of equal characteristic 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Double affine Hecke algebras and 2-dimensional local fields 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat The Gauss map and a noncompact Riemann-Roch formula for constructible sheaves on semiabelian varieties 2000 J. Franecki
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Kleinian singularities, derived categories and Hall algebras 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ The elliptic curve in the S-duality theory and Eisenstein series for Kac-Moody groups 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Derived Hilbert schemes 2000 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Invitation to higher local fields, Part II, section 5: Harmonic analysis on algebraic groups over two-dimensional local fields of equal characteristic 2000 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Derived Quot schemes 1999 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hidden Stasheff polytopes in algebraic K-theory and in the space of Morse functions. 1999 J. MacCleary
Mikhail Kapranov
Masa-Hiko Saito
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Mikhail Kapranov
+ The Gauss map and a noncompact Riemann-Roch formula for constructible sheaves on semiabelian varieties 1999 J. Franecki
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Modules and Morita theorem for operads 1999 Mikhail Kapranov
Yu. I. Manin
+ Hidden Stasheff polytopes in algebraic 𝐾-theory and in the space of Morse functions 1999 Mikhail Kapranov
Masahico Saito
+ Derived Quot schemes 1999 Ionuţ Ciocan-Fontanine
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative geometry based on commutator expansions 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Noncommutative geometry based on commutator expansions 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Heisenberg Doubles and Derived Categories 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Kleinian singularities, derived categories and Hall algebras 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Double affine Hecke algebras and 2-dimensional local fields 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Operads and algebraic geometry 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Noncommutative geometry based on commutator expansions 1998 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Higher category theory : Workshop on Higher Category Theory and Physics, March 28-30, 1997, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 1998 Ezra Getzler
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Residue Construction of Hecke Algebras 1997 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Eisenstein series and quantum affine algebras 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hypergeometric functions on reductive groups 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Rozansky-Witten invariants via Atiyah classes 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Injective resolutions of BG and derived moduli spaces of local systems 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Heisenberg doubles and derived categories 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Heisenberg doubles and derived categories 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ On the q-analog of homological algebra 1996 Mikhail Kapranov
+ On the q-analog of homological algebra 1996 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Eisenstein series and quantum affine algebras 1996 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Erratum to “Koszul duality for operads,” vol. 76 (1994) pp. 203–272 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Elliptic Algebras and Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ A Higher-Dimensional Generalization of the Goss Zeta Function 1995 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Elliptic Algebras and Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Analogies between the Langlands Correspondence and Topological Quantum Field Theory 1995 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Langlands reciprocity for algebraic surfaces 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Residue construction of Hecke algebras 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Langlands Reciprocity for Algebraic Surfaces 1995 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Analogies between the Langlands Correspondence and Topological Quantum Field Theory 1995 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Cyclic Operads and Cyclic Homology 1995 Ezra Getzler
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Koszul duality for operads 1994 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Modular operads 1994 Ezra Getzler
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Braided monoidal 2-categories and Manin-Schechtman higher braid groups 1994 Mikhail Kapranov
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Associated Varieties and General Resultants 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ A-Resultants and Chow Polytopes of Toric Varieties 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Newton Polytopes and Chow Polytopes 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ A correction to the paper ?hypergeometric functions and toric varieties? 1994 I. M. Gel'fand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Cellular strings on polytopes 1994 Louis J. Billera
Mikhail Kapranov
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Discriminants and Resultants for Polynomials in One Variable 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Modular operads 1994 Ezra Getzler
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Regular A-Determinants and A-Discriminants 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Triangulations and Secondary Polytopes 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Projective Dual Varieties and General Discriminants 1994 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Arrangements of hyperplanes and vector bundles on Pn 1993 Igor V. Dolgachev
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Chow quotients of Grassmannians. I 1993 Mikhail Kapranov
+ The permutoassociahedron, Mac Lane's coherence theorem and asymptotic zones for the KZ equation 1993 Mikhail Kapranov
+ On the Dimension and Degree of the Projective Dual Variety: A q-Analog of the Katz-Kleiman Formula 1993 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Schur quadrics, cubic surfaces and rank 2 vector bundles over the projective plane 1993 Igor V. Dolgachev
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Chow polytopes and general resultants 1992 Mikhail Kapranov
Bernd Sturmfels
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Chow quotients of Grassmannian I 1992 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Arrangements of Hyperplanes and Vector Bundles on $P^n$ 1992 Igor V. Dolgachev
Mikhail Kapranov
+ A characterization ofA-discriminantal hypersurfaces in terms of the logarithmic Gauss map 1991 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Quotients of toric varieties 1991 Mikhail Kapranov
Bernd Sturmfels
Andrei Zelevinsky
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Free n-category generated by a cube, oriented matroids, and higher Bruhat orders 1991 V A Voevodskiĭ
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hypergeometric Functions, Toric Varieties and Newton Polyhedra 1991 I. M. Gel'fand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Combinatorial-geometric aspects of polycategory theory : pasting schemes and higher Bruhat orders (list of results) 1991 Mikhail Kapranov
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ $\infty $-groupoids and homotopy types 1991 Mikhail Kapranov
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Newton polytopes of the classical resultant and discriminant 1990 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ Generalized Euler integrals and A-hypergeometric functions 1990 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ ∞-Groupoids as a model for a homotopy category 1990 V A Voevodskiĭ
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Homogeneous Bundles 1990 Alexey Bondal
Mikhail Kapranov
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Discriminants of polynomials in many variables 1990 I. M. Gel'fand
A. V. Zelevinskii
Mikhail Kapranov
+ NonholonomicD-modules and nonconstructible perverse sheaves 1990 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Hypergeometric functions and toral manifolds 1989 I. M. Gel'fand
A. V. Zelevinskii
Mikhail Kapranov
+ On the derived categories of coherent sheaves on some homogeneous spaces 1988 Mikhail Kapranov
+ The twistor transformation and algebraic-geometric constructions of solutions of the equations of field theory 1986 Mikhail Kapranov
Yu. I. Manin
+ The derived category of coherent sheaves on the square 1986 Mikhail Kapranov
+ Derived category of coherent sheaves on Grassman manifolds 1983 Mikhail Kapranov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
Mikhail Kapranov
+ How to glue perverse sheaves 1987 Alexander Beilinson
+ PDF Chat ${\cal D}$-modules et faisceaux pervers dont le support singulier est un croisement normal 1985 André Galligo
Michel Granger
Philippe Maisonobe
+ Higher Topos Theory 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ Gauge fields and complex geometry 1984 I︠u︡. I. Manin
+ Koszul duality for operads 1994 Victor Ginzburg
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Vertex algebras and the formal loop space 2004 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory 1967 Peter Gabriel
Michel Zisman
+ The algebra of oriented simplexes 1987 Ross Street
+ Higher Topos Theory (AM-170) 2009 Jacob Lurie
+ PDF Chat Moduli of objects in dg-categories 2007 Bertrand Toën
Michel Vaquié
+ PDF Chat Homotopy associativity of 𝐻-spaces. II 1963 James Stasheff
+ PDF Chat The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory 2006 Bertrand Toën
+ PDF Chat Chiral de Rham Complex 1999 Fyodor Malikov
Vadim Schechtman
Arkady Vaintrob
+ PDF Chat Germs of arcs on singular algebraic varieties and motivic integration 1999 Jan Denef
François Loeser
+ A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory 2000 Charles Rezk
+ Methods of Homological Algebra 1996 Sergei Gelfand
Yuri I. Manin
+ Coherent sheaves on Pn and problems of linear algebra 1978 A. A. Beilinson
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces 1972 J. P. May
+ Hall algebras, hereditary algebras and quantum groups 1995 James A. Green
+ Riemann-Roch theorems for higher algebraic K-theory 1981 Henri Gillet
Mikhail Kapranov
+ Introduction to bicategories 1967 Jean Bénabou
+ PDF Chat Higher Segal Spaces 2019 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories 2005 William Dwyer
Philip Hirschhorn
Daniel M. Kan
Jeffrey Smith
+ PDF Chat Derived algebraic geometry 2014 Bertrand Toën
+ PDF Chat Perverse sheaves over real hyperplane arrangements 2016 Mikhail Kapranov
Vadim Schechtman
+ PDF Chat Factorizable Sheaves and Quantum Groups 1998 Roman Bezrukavnikov
Michael Finkelberg
Vadim Schechtman
+ Introduction to algebraic K-theory 1971 John Milnor
+ Simplicial localizations of categories 1980 W. G. Dwyer
D Kan
+ Generalized Euler integrals and A-hypergeometric functions 1990 Israel M. Gelfand
Mikhail Kapranov
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Hall algebras and quantum groups 1990 Claus Michael Ringel
+ Loop Spaces, Characteristic Classes and Geometric Quantization 1993 Jean-Luc Brylinski
+ Quantum Groups 1994 Christian Kassel
+ Vector Bundles on Complex Projective Spaces 1980 Christian Okonek
Michael Schneider
Heinz Spindler
+ PDF Chat Triangulated surfaces in triangulated categories 2018 Tobias Dyckerhoff
Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Riemann-Roch theorem and Lie algebra cohomology. I. 1989 L Feigin Boris
Boris Tsygan
+ PDF Chat Algebraic K-theory of spaces 1985 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ Differential graded Lie algebras, quasi-hopf algebras and higher homotopy algebras 1992 Jim Stasheff
+ PDF Chat Homotopical algebraic geometry. II. Geometric stacks and applications 2008 Bertrand Toën
Gabriele Vezzosi
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of local systems and higher Teichmüller theory 2006 V. V. Fock
A. B. Goncharov
+ PDF Chat Eisenstein series and quantum affine algebras 1997 Mikhail Kapranov
+ PDF Chat On the Notion of Geometric Realization 2004 Vladimir Drinfeld
+ None 1992 Alexander Beilinson
Victor Ginzburg
+ Grothendieck Duality and Base Change 2000 Brian Conrad
+ The homotopy limit of homotopy algebras 1986 V A Khinich
V. V. Shekhtman
+ Characteristic varieties and vanishing cycles 1986 Victor Ginsburg
+ PDF Chat The projectivity of the moduli space of stable curves, II: The stacks $M_{g,n}$ 1983 Finn F. Knudsen