Zdeněk Mihula


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Maximal noncompactness of limiting Sobolev embeddings 2024 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Potential trace inequalities via a Calder\'on-type theorem 2024 Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
Daniel Spector
+ PDF Chat Rearrangement-invariant hulls of weighted Lebesgue spaces 2024 Martin Křepela
Zdeněk Mihula
J. Soria
+ PDF Chat Maximal noncompactness of embeddings into Marcinkiewicz spaces 2024 Jan Malý
Zdeněk Mihula
Vít Musil
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Maximal noncompactness of limiting Sobolev embeddings 2024 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Optimal behavior of weighted Hardy operators on rearrangement‐invariant spaces 2023 Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat A Weak-Type Expression of the Orlicz Modular 2023 Martin Křepela
Zdeněk Mihula
J. Soria
+ PDF Chat Different degrees of non-compactness for optimal Sobolev embeddings 2023 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
+ Rearrangement-invariant hulls of weighted Lebesgue spaces 2023 Martin Křepela
Zdeněk Mihula
J. Soria
+ Optimal Sobolev inequalities in the hyperbolic space 2023 Zdeněk Mihula
+ Quantitative analysis of optimal Sobolev-Lorentz embeddings with $α$-homogeneous weights 2023 Petr Gurka
Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat Reduction principle for Gaussian K-inequality 2022 Sergi Baena‐Miret
Амиран Гогатишвили
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Weighted Inequalities for a Superposition of the Copson Operator and the Hardy Operator 2022 Амиран Гогатишвили
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
Hana Turčinová
Tuğçe Ünver
+ PDF Chat Compactness of Sobolev embeddings and decay of norms 2022 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ A weak-type expression of the Orlicz modular 2022 Martin Křepela
Zdeněk Mihula
J. Soria
+ Embeddings between generalized weighted Lorentz spaces 2022 Амиран Гогатишвили
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
Hana Turčinová
Tuğçe Ünver
+ Different degrees of non-compactness for optimal Sobolev embeddings 2022 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat Discretization and antidiscretization of Lorentz norms with no restrictions on weights 2021 Martin Křepela
Zdeněk Mihula
Hana Turčinová
+ PDF Chat Measure of noncompactness of Sobolev embeddings on strip-like domains 2021 D. E. Edmunds
Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
+ Compactness of Sobolev-type embeddings with measures 2021 Paola Cavaliere
Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat Poincaré-Sobolev inequalities with rearrangement-invariant norms on the entire space 2021 Zdeněk Mihula
+ Reduction principle for Gaussian $K$-inequality 2021 Sergi Baena‐Miret
Амиран Гогатишвили
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ Optimal behavior of weighted Hardy operators on rearrangement-invariant spaces 2021 Zdeněk Mihula
+ Compactness of Sobolev embeddings and decay of norms. 2020 Ján Lang
Zdeněk Mihula
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of homogeneous Sobolev spaces on the entire space 2020 Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of classical operators on rearrangement-invariant spaces 2019 D. E. Edmunds
Zdeněk Mihula
Vít Musil
Luboš Pick
+ Compactness for Sobolev-type trace operators 2019 Paola Cavaliere
Zdeněk Mihula
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Interpolation of Operators 1988 Curtis D. Bennett
M Sharpley
+ Higher-order Sobolev embeddings and isoperimetric inequalities 2015 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
Lenka Slavíková
+ Optimal Sobolev imbeddings 2006 Ron Kerman
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat On generalized Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 1999 Bohumı́r Opic
Luboš Pick
+ Optimal Sobolev trace embeddings 2016 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
+ A note on limiting cases of sobolev embeddings and convolution inequalities 1980 Haı̈m Brezis
Stephen Wainger
+ Sobolev Spaces: with Applications to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2011 Vladimir Maz’ya
+ PDF Chat Sobolev embeddings into BMO, VMO, and L∞ 1998 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Imbedding theorems of Sobolev type in potential theory. 1979 Kurt Hansson
+ Optimal Sobolev Imbeddings Involving Rearrangement-Invariant Quasinorms 2000 D. E. Edmunds
Ron Kerman
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of classical operators on rearrangement-invariant spaces 2019 D. E. Edmunds
Zdeněk Mihula
Vít Musil
Luboš Pick
+ Weighted inequalities for Hardy-type operators involving suprema 2006 Амиран Гогатишвили
Luboš Pick
Bohumı́r Opic
+ Convolution operators and L(p,q) spaces 1963 Richard O’Neil
+ PDF Chat Reduction principle for a certain class of kernel‐type operators 2020 Dalimil Peša
+ PDF Chat Espaces d'interpolation et théorème de Soboleff 1966 Jaak Peetre
+ PDF Chat Boundedness of classical operators on classical Lorentz spaces 1990 Eric T. Sawyer
+ Optimal Gaussian Sobolev embeddings 2009 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Sobolev embeddings, rearrangement-invariant spaces and Frostman measures 2019 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
Lenka Slavíková
+ Weak Type Interpolation Near “Endpoint” Spaces 2000 Michael Ćwikel
Evgeniy Pustylnik
+ PDF Chat On Imbeddings into Orlicz Spaces and Some Applications 1967 Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Interpolation theorem for Marcinkiewicz spaces with applications to Lorentz gamma spaces 2018 Vít Musil
Rastislav Oľhava
+ On Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 1980 Colin Bennett
Karl Rudnick
+ PDF Chat Compactness of higher-order Sobolev embeddings 2015 Lenka Slavíková
+ PDF Chat Compactness of Sobolev imbeddings involving rearrangement-invariant norms 2008 Ron Kerman
Luboš Pick
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of Operators on Scales of Generalized Lorentz‐Zygmund Spaces 1996 W. D. Evans
Bohumı́r Opic
Luboš Pick
+ Weakly Differentiable Functions 1989 William P. Ziemer
+ Almost‐compact embeddings 2012 Lenka Slavíková
+ Measures of non–compactness of classical embeddings of Sobolev spaces 2003 Stanislav Hencl
+ PDF Chat Maximal Non-compactness of Sobolev Embeddings 2020 Ján Lang
Vít Musil
Miroslav Olšák
Luboš Pick
+ Compactness of Sobolev-type embeddings with measures 2021 Paola Cavaliere
Zdeněk Mihula
+ Lorentz--Karamata spaces 2020 Dalimil Peša
+ Basic functional properties of certain scale of rearrangement-invariant spaces 2020 Hana Turčinová
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of homogeneous Sobolev spaces on the entire space 2020 Zdeněk Mihula
+ PDF Chat Sharp Sobolev type embeddings on the entire Euclidean space 2018 Angela Alberico
Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
Lenka Slavíková
+ Compactness for Sobolev-type trace operators 2019 Paola Cavaliere
Zdeněk Mihula
+ Fractional maximal operator in Orlicz spaces 2019 Vít Musil
+ Sobolev embeddings in Orlicz and Lorentz spaces with measures 2020 Andrea Cianchi
Luboš Pick
Lenka Slavíková
+ PDF Chat The weighted Hardy’s inequality for nonincreasing functions 1993 V. D. Stepanov
+ Weighted Inequalities Involving ρ-quasiconcave Operators 2018 W. D. Evans
Амиран Гогатишвили
Bohumı́r Opic
+ Measures of Non-Compactness and Sobolev–Lorentz Spaces 2020 Ondrěj Bouchala
+ PDF Chat Weak-type weights and normable Lorentz spaces 1996 Marı́a J. Carro
Alejandro García del Amo
Javier Soria
+ PDF Chat s-Numbers of operators in Banach spaces 1974 Albrecht Pietsch
+ Boundary trace inequalities and rearrangements 2008 Andrea Cianchi
Ron Kerman
Luboš Pick
+ Function Spaces, Entropy Numbers, Differential Operators 1996 D. E. Edmunds
H. Triebel
+ On Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 2011 Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat The Hilbert Transform on Rearrangement-Invariant Spaces 1967 David W. Boyd
+ PDF Chat Maximal functions on classical Lorentz spaces and Hardy’s inequality with weights for nonincreasing functions 1990 Miguel Á. Ariño
Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ PDF Chat Discretization and anti-discretization of rearrangement-invariant norms 2003 Амиран Гогатишвили
Luboš Pick
+ Sobolev type embeddings in the limiting case 1998 Michael Ćwikel
Evgeniy Pustylnik
+ Inequalities in rearrangement invariant function spaces 1994 Giorgio Talenti