Farzin Barekat


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Laplacian smoothing gradient descent 2022 Stanley Osher
Bao Wang
Penghang Yin
Xiyang Luo
Farzin Barekat
Minh Phạm
A. T. Lin
+ PDF Chat Design theory and some forbidden configurations 2020 R.P. Anstee
Farzin Barekat
Zachary Pellegrin
+ DP-LSSGD: A Stochastic Optimization Method to Lift the Utility in Privacy-Preserving ERM 2019 Bao Wang
Quanquan Gu
March Boedihardjo
Farzin Barekat
Stanley Osher
+ DP-LSSGD: A Stochastic Optimization Method to Lift the Utility in Privacy-Preserving ERM 2019 Bao Wang
Quanquan Gu
March Boedihardjo
Farzin Barekat
Stanley Osher
+ Design Theory and Some Non-simple Forbidden Configurations 2019 R.P. Anstee
Farzin Barekat
+ Design Theory and some Forbidden Configurations 2019 R. P. Anstee
Farzin Barekat
Zachary Pellegrin
+ PDF Chat Spectral results for perturbed variational eigenvalue problems and their applications to compressed PDEs 2016 Ömer Faruk Tekin
Ke Yin
Farzin Barekat
+ PDF Chat A time continuation based fast approximate algorithm for compressed sensing related optimization 2015 Farzin Barekat
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat Simulation with Fluctuating and Singular Rates 2014 Farzin Barekat
Russel E. Caflisch
+ Applications of Stochastic Simulation and Compressed Sensing to Large Systems 2014 Farzin Barekat
+ Projection to the Set of Shift Orthogonal Functions 2014 Farzin Barekat
Rongjie Lai
Ke Yin
Stanley Osher
Russel E. Caflisch
Vidvuds Ozoliņš
+ Compressed Wannier modes found from an $L_1$ regularized energy functional 2014 Farzin Barekat
Ke Yin
Russel E. Caflisch
Stanley Osher
Rongjie Lai
Vidvuds Ozoliņš
+ A time continuation based fast approximate algorithm for compressed sensing related optimization 2013 Farzin Barekat
Stanley Osher
Jérôme Darbon
+ On the Consistency of Compressed Modes for Variational Problems 2013 Farzin Barekat
+ On the Consistency of Compressed Modes for Variational Problems 2013 Farzin Barekat
+ A time continuation based fast approximate algorithm for compressed sensing related optimization 2013 Farzin Barekat
Stanley Osher
Jérôme Darbon
+ Small forbidden configurations V: Exact bounds for 4 × 2 cases 2010 R.P. Anstee
Farzin Barekat
Attila Sali
+ PDF Chat Composition of Transpositions and Equality of Ribbon Schur $Q$-Functions 2009 Farzin Barekat
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Corrigendum to “Coincidences among skew Schur functions” [Adv. Math. 216 (1) (2007) 118–152] 2009 Farzin Barekat
Victor Reiner
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Composition of transpositions and equality of ribbon 2009 Farzin Barekat
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Erratum: skew Schur function irreducibility, Corollary 6.3, "Coincidences among skew Schur functions", Adv. Math. 216 (2007). ? 2008 Farzin Barekat
Victor Reiner
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Composition of transpositions and equality of ribbon Schur Q-functions 2008 Farzin Barekat
Stephanie van Willigenburg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Small Forbidden Configurations II 2000 R.P. Anstee
Ron Ferguson
Attila Sali
+ Coincidences among skew Schur functions 2007 Victor Reiner
Kristin Shaw
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat None 2000 Louis J. Billera
Niandong Liu
+ PDF Chat Equality of Schur and Skew Schur Functions 2005 Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Decomposable compositions, symmetric quasisymmetric functions and equality of ribbon Schur functions 2005 Louis J. Billera
Hugh Thomas
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Shifted tableaux and the projective representations of symmetric groups 1989 John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat Equality of multiplicity free skew characters 2008 Christian Gutschwager
+ PDF Chat Enriched 𝑃-Partitions 1997 John R. Stembridge
+ PDF Chat On Multiplicity-Free Products of Schur P-Functions 2002 Christine Bessenrodt
+ PDF Chat Multiplicity Free Expansions of Schur P-Functions 2007 Kristin Shaw
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ PDF Chat Equality of Schur’s Q-functions and Their Skew Analogues 2008 Hadi Salmasian
+ Noncommutative Symmetrical Functions 1995 Israel M. Gelfand
D. Krob
Alain Lascoux
Bruno Leclerc
Vladimir Retakh
Jean-Yves Thibon
+ Physics of Shock Waves and High-Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena 2002 Ya. B. Zel’dovich
Yu. P. Raǐzer
W Hayes
Ronald F. Probstein
S. P. Gill
+ Proofs and confirmations: the story of the alternating sign matrix conjecture 2000 David M. Bressoud
+ On the Uniform Convergence of Relative Frequencies of Events to Their Probabilities 2015 Vladimir Vapnik
Alexey Chervonenkis
+ PDF Chat Compressed modes for variational problems in mathematics and physics 2013 Vidvuds Ozoliņš
Rongjie Lai
Russel E. Caflisch
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion 2013 Emmanuel J. Candès
Yonina C. Eldar
Thomas Strohmer
Vladislav Voroninski
+ Molecular Gas Dynamics And The Direct Simulation Of Gas Flows 1994 G. A. Bird
+ PDF Chat An Iterative Regularization Method for Total Variation-Based Image Restoration 2005 Stanley Osher
Martin Burger
Donald Goldfarb
Jinjun Xu
Wotao Yin
+ On the density of families of sets 1972 N. Sauer
+ PDF Chat Robust uncertainty principles: exact signal reconstruction from highly incomplete frequency information 2006 Emmanuel J. Candès
Justin Romberg
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat Maximally localized generalized Wannier functions for composite energy bands 1997 Nicola Marzari
David Vanderbilt
+ The Split Bregman Method for L1-Regularized Problems 2009 Tom Goldstein
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat A combinatorial problem; stability and order for models and theories in infinitary languages 1972 Saharon Shelah
+ Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 1998 Russel E. Caflisch
+ PDF Chat Modern homotopy methods in optimization 1989 Layne T. Watson
Raphael T. Haftka
+ PDF Chat Partial Differential Equations 1988 Shiing-Shen Chern
+ PDF Chat Decoding by Linear Programming 2005 Emmanuel J. Candès
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat A new class of highly efficient exact stochastic simulation algorithms for chemical reaction networks 2009 Rajesh Ramaswamy
Nélido González-Segredo
Ivo F. Sbalzarini
+ Real-Valued, Low Rank, Circulant Approximation 2003 Moody T. Chu
Robert J. Plemmons
+ Bregman Iterative Algorithms for $\ell_1$-Minimization with Applications to Compressed Sensing 2008 Wotao Yin
Stanley Osher
Donald Goldfarb
Jérôme Darbon
+ PDF Chat Compressive sensing as a paradigm for building physics models 2013 Lance J. Nelson
Gus L. W. Hart
Fei Zhou
Vidvuds Ozoliņš
+ A new algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of Ising spin systems 1975 Alfred B. Bortz
M. H. Kalos
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat An adaptive inverse scale space method for compressed sensing 2012 Martin Burger
Michael Möller
Martin Benning
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat Theory of Globally Convergent Probability-One Homotopies for Nonlinear Programming 2001 Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat Least angle regression 2004 Bradley Efron
Trevor Hastie
Iain M. Johnstone
Robert Tibshirani
+ A Survey of Forbidden Configuration Results 2013 R.P. Anstee
+ PDF Chat An Efficient Method for Generating Discrete Random Variables with General Distributions 1977 A.J. Walker
+ Sparse dynamics for partial differential equations 2013 Hayden Schaeffer
Russel E. Caflisch
Cory D. Hauck
Stanley Osher
+ PDF Chat Guaranteed Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm Minimization 2010 Benjamin Recht
Maryam Fazel
Pablo A. Parrilo
+ Duality between Quasi-Symmetrical Functions and the Solomon Descent Algebra 1995 Claudia Malvenuto
Christophe Reutenauer
+ Analysis and Generalizations of the Linearized Bregman Method 2010 Wotao Yin
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ PDF Chat Augmented $\ell_1$ and Nuclear-Norm Models with a Globally Linearly Convergent Algorithm 2013 Ming‐Jun Lai
Wotao Yin
+ Noncommutative Pieri Operators on Posets 2000 Nantel Bergeron
Stefan Mykytiuk
Frank Sottile
Stephanie van Willigenburg
+ Two-Point Step Size Gradient Methods 1988 Jonathan Barzilai
Jonathan M. Borwein
+ Small Forbidden Configurations 1997 R.P. Anstee
Jerrold R. Griggs
Attila Sali
+ On a combinatorial conjecture of Erdös 1966 Daniel J. Kleitman
+ Exact Regularization of Polyhedral Norms 2012 Frank Schöpfer
+ Phase Space Wannier Functions in Electronic Structure Calculations 2010 D. J. Sullivan
J. J. Rehr
John W. Wilkins
Kenneth G. Wilson