Kevin M. O'neill


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat RGB to hyperspectral: Spectral reconstruction for enhanced surgical imaging 2024 Tobias Czempiel
Alfie Roddan
Maria Leiloglou
Zepeng Hu
Kevin M. O'neill
Giulio Anichini
Danail Stoyanov
Daniel S. Elson
+ PDF Chat Smooth selection for infinite sets 2022 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
Kevin M. O'neill
+ PDF Chat On the Shape Fields Finiteness Principle 2021 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
Kevin M. O'neill
+ PDF Chat A quantitative stability theorem for convolution on the Heisenberg group 2021 Kevin M. O'neill
+ On the Shape Fields Finiteness Principle 2020 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
Kevin M. O'neill
+ A Quantitative Stability Theorem for Convolution on the Heisenberg Group 2019 Kevin M. O'neill
+ A Variation on H\"older-Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities 2017 Kevin M. O'neill
+ A Variation on Hölder-Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities 2017 Kevin M. O'neill
+ PDF Chat Electronic Excitations of a Single Molecule Contacted in a Three-Terminal Configuration 2007 Edgar A. Osorio
Kevin M. O'neill
M. R. Wegewijs
Nicolai Stuhr‐Hansen
Jens Paaske
Thomas BjĂžrnholm
Herre S. J. van der Zant
+ PDF Chat In-Chain Tunneling through Charge-Density-Wave Nanoconstrictions and Break Junctions 2006 Kevin M. O'neill
E. Slot
Robert E. Thorne
Herre S. J. van der Zant
+ In-Chain Tunneling Through Charge-Density Wave Nanoconstrictions 2005 Kevin M. O'neill
E. Slot
R. E. Thorne
Herre S. J. van der Zant
+ PDF Chat Measurement of the Shear Strength of a Charge Density Wave 2004 Kevin M. O'neill
Katarina Cicak
R. E. Thorne
+ PDF Chat Crossover from two-dimensional to one-dimensional collective pinning in<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">NbSe</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>3</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math> 2004 E. Slot
Herre S. J. van der Zant
Kevin M. O'neill
Robert E. Thorne
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Whitney extension problem and Lipschitz selections of set-valued mappings in jet-spaces 2008 Pavel Shvartsman
+ Lipschitz selections of set-valued mappings and Helly’s theorem 2002 Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Sharp Finiteness Principles For Lipschitz Selections 2018 Charles Fefferman
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Differentiable functions defined in closed sets. A problem of Whitney 2003 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman
WiesƂaw PawƂucki
+ PDF Chat Finiteness Principles for Smooth Selection 2016 Charles Fefferman
Arie Israel
Garving K. Luli
+ Analytic Extensions of Differentiable Functions Defined in Closed Sets 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ On Lipschitz selections of affine-set valued mappings 2001 Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Interpolation and extrapolation of smooth functions by linear operators 2005 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Whitney’s extension problem for C<sup>m</sup> 2006 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Sharp Whitney Theorem for Jets 2005 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat The Brenner–Hochster–Kollár and Whitney problems for vector-valued functions and jets 2014 Charles Fefferman
Garving K. Luli
+ Differentiable Functions Defined in Closed Sets. I 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Chat A sharp form of Whitney’s extension theorem 2005 Charles Fefferman
+ Étude de Quelques Algùbres Tayloriennes 1958 Georges Glaeser
+ Cm-norms on finite sets and Cm extension criteria 2007 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman
+ PDF Chat The $C^m$ Norm of a Function with Prescribed Jets II 2009 Charles Fefferman
+ Understanding and Using Linear Programming 2007 JiĆ™Ä±Ì MatouĆĄek
Bernd GĂ€rtner
+ PDF Chat The Structure of Linear Extension Operators for $C^m$ 2007 Charles Fefferman
+ The Whitney problem of existence of a linear extension operator 1997 Yuri Brudnyi
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Whitney’s extension problems and interpolation of data 2008 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat $C^{m}$ semialgebraic sections over the plane 2022 Charles Fefferman
Garving K. Luli
+ PDF Chat Higher-order tangents and Fefferman’s paper on Whitney’s extension problem 2006 Edward Bierstone
Pierre D. Milman
WiesƂaw PawƂucki
+ Functions Differentiable on the Boundaries of Regions 1934 Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Chat C<sup>m</sup>extension by linear operators 2007 Charles Fefferman
+ Functions Differentiable on the Boundaries of Regions 1992 Hassler Whitney
+ PDF Chat Mechanically Adjustable and Electrically Gated Single-Molecule Transistors 2005 A. R. Champagne
Abhay N. Pasupathy
Daniel C. Ralph
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of charge-density waves below threshold: Numerical and scaling analysis 1993 A. Alan Middleton
Daniel S. Fisher
+ Whitney’s extension problem for multivariate đ¶^{1,𝜔}-functions 2001 Yuri Brudnyi
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition 2016 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ PDF Chat Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes at half filling 2004 Bakir Babić
Takis Kontos
Christian Schönenberger
+ Parallelepipeds obtaining HBL lower bounds 2016 James Demmel
Alex Rusciano
+ None 1994 Yuri Brudnyi
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat A sharp analog of Young’s inequality on SN and related entropy inequalities 2004 Eric A. Carlen
Élliott H. Lieb
Michael Loss
+ Continuous closure, axes closure, and natural closure 2016 Neil Epstein
Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat Interpolation of data by smooth nonnegative functions 2017 Charles Fefferman
Arie Israel
Garving K. Luli
+ The Core of a 2-Dimensional Set-Valued Mapping. Existence Criteria and Efficient Algorithms for Lipschitz Selections of Low Dimensional Set-Valued Mappings 2020 Pavel Shvartsman
+ On the Shape Fields Finiteness Principle 2020 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
Kevin M. O'neill
+ PDF Chat Hessian of Bellman functions and uniqueness of the Brascamp–Lieb inequality 2015 Paata Ivanisvili
Alexander Volberg
+ PDF Chat Algorithms for nonnegative C2(R2) interpolation 2021 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
+ On the Core of a Low Dimensional Set-Valued Mapping 2021 Pavel Shvartsman
+ $C^2$ interpolation with range restriction 2022 Charles Fefferman
Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
+ PDF Chat On the Shape Fields Finiteness Principle 2021 Fushuai Jiang
Garving K. Luli
Kevin M. O'neill
+ PDF Chat On the core of a low dimensional set-valued mapping 2022 Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat MST++: Multi-stage Spectral-wise Transformer for Efficient Spectral Reconstruction 2022 Yuanhao Cai
Jing Lin
Zudi Lin
Haoqian Wang
Yulun Zhang
Hanspeter Pfister
Radu Timofte
Luc Van Gool
+ PDF Chat The $C^m$ Norm of a Function with Prescribed Jets I 2010 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat A survey on computational spectral reconstruction methods from RGB to hyperspectral imaging 2022 Jingang Zhang
Runmu Su
Qiang Fu
Wenqi Ren
Felix Heide
Yunfeng Nie
+ PDF Chat Advancing Dermatological Diagnosis: Development of a Hyperspectral Dermatoscope for Enhanced Skin Imaging 2024 Martin J. Hetz
Carina Nogueira Garcia
Sarah HaggenmĂŒller
Titus J. Brinker
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat The trace of jet space đœ^{𝑘}Λ^{𝜔} to an arbitrary closed subset of ℝⁿ 1998 Yuri Brudnyi
Pavel Shvartsman
+ PDF Chat Kondo physics in carbon nanotubes 2000 Jesper NygÄrd
David Cobden
P. E. Lindelöf