Gamal Hassan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Approximating special monogenic functions in Clifford analysis 2024 Gamal Hassan
A. M. Saddeek
Amira Atta
+ PDF Chat Generalized Complex Conformable Derivative and Integral Bases in Fréchet Spaces 2024 Gamal Hassan
Ali Sdeek
Amira Atta
+ PDF Chat Representation in Fréchet Spaces of Hyperbolic Theta and Integral Operator Bases for Polynomials 2024 Gamal Hassan
+ On the convergence of series of fractional Hasse derivative bases in Fréchet spaces 2024 Mohra Zayed
Gamal Hassan
Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
+ On the approximation of analytic functions by infinite series of fractional Ruscheweyh derivatives bases 2024 Mohra Zayed
Gamal Hassan
+ PDF Chat Equivalent Base Expansions in the Space of Cliffordian Functions 2023 Mohra Zayed
Gamal Hassan
+ Expansions of generalized bases constructed via Hasse derivative operator in Clifford analysis 2023 Gamal Hassan
Mohra Zayed
+ Approximation of functions by complex conformable derivative bases in Fréchet spaces 2022 Gamal Hassan
Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Rashwan A. Rashwan
+ PDF Chat Approximation of analytic functions of exponential derived and integral bases in Fréchet spaces 2022 Gamal Hassan
Amira Atta
+ Approximation of monogenic functions by hypercomplex Ruscheweyh derivative bases 2022 Gamal Hassan
Mohra Zayed
+ On the representation of analytic functions by series of derived bases of polynomials in hyperelliptical regions 2022 Mohamed Al-Sheikh
Gamal Hassan
Abd Almonem Ibrahim
A.M. Zahran
+ PDF Chat Approximation of functions by Complex conformable derivative bases in Frechet spaces 2021 Gamal Hassan
Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Rashwan Rashwan
+ PDF Chat Basic Sets of Special Monogenic Polynomials in Fréchet Modules 2017 Gamal Hassan
Lassaad Aloui
Allal Bakali
+ Study on the variable coefficient space–time fractional Korteweg de Vries equation 2016 Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Gamal Hassan
+ Solutions to Class of Linear and Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations 2016 Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Gamal Hassan
+ Multi-wave solutions of the space–time fractional Burgers and Sharma–Tasso–Olver equations 2015 Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Gamal Hassan
+ Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials in Clifford Analysis 2014 Gamal Hassan
Lassaad Aloui
+ Bernoulli special monogenic polynomials with the difference and sum polynomial bases 2013 Lassaad Aloui
M. Abul‐Ez
Gamal Hassan
+ PDF Chat On Dislocated Metric Topology 2013 M. A. Ahmed
F. M. Zeyada
Gamal Hassan
+ Fixed Point Theorems in Generalized Types of Dislocated Metric Spaces and Its Applications 2012 Ahmed
F. M. Zeyada
Gamal Hassan
+ PDF Chat Fixed Point Theorems of Hegedus Contraction Mapping in Some Types of Distance Spaces 2012 M.A. Ahmed
F.M. Zeyada
Gamal Hassan
+ A note on the growth order of the inverse and product bases of special monogenic polynomials 2011 Gamal Hassan
+ On the order of the difference and sum bases of polynomials in Clifford setting 2010 Lassaad Aloui
M. Abul‐Ez
Gamal Hassan
+ Hypercomplex derivative bases of polynomials in Clifford analysis 2009 Lassaad Aloui
Gamal Hassan
+ Ruscheweyh differential operator sets of basic sets of polynomials of several complex variables in hyperelliptical regions. 2006 Gamal Hassan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the order of basic series representing Clifford valued functions 2003 M. Abul‐Ez
Denis Constales
+ On the Convergence of Series of Polynomials 1938 B Cannon
+ Derived and integrated sets of simple sets of polynomials in two complex variables 1986 W.F Kumuyi
M. Nassif
+ Bernoulli and Euler Polynomials in Clifford Analysis 2014 Gamal Hassan
Lassaad Aloui
+ Bessel Polynomial Expansions in Spaces of Holomorphic Functions 1998 M. Abul‐Ez
+ On the representation of analytic functions by infinite series 1953 W. F. Newns
+ On the construction of generalized monogenic Bessel polynomials 2018 Mohamed Abdalla
M. Abul‐Ez
J. Morais
+ Hypercomplex derivative bases of polynomials in Clifford analysis 2009 Lassaad Aloui
Gamal Hassan
+ Hadamard three-hyperballs type theorem and overconvergence of special monogenic simple series 2013 M. Abul‐Ez
Denis Constales
J. Morais
Mohra Zayed
+ Ruscheweyh differential operator sets of basic sets of polynomials of several complex variables in hyperelliptical regions. 2006 Gamal Hassan
+ Bernoulli special monogenic polynomials with the difference and sum polynomial bases 2013 Lassaad Aloui
M. Abul‐Ez
Gamal Hassan
+ PDF Chat On Simple Exponential Sets of Polynomials 2013 Z. G. Kishka
Mohammed A. Saleem
M. Abul-Dahab
+ Generalized Derivative and Primitive of Cliffordian Bases of Polynomials Constructed Through Appell Monomials 2012 Mohra Zayed
M. Abul‐Ez
J. Morais
+ On the order of the difference and sum bases of polynomials in Clifford setting 2010 Lassaad Aloui
M. Abul‐Ez
Gamal Hassan
+ On polynomial series expansions of Cliffordian functions 2011 Mohammed A. Saleem
M. Abul‐Ez
Mohra Zayed
+ Approximation of monogenic functions by hypercomplex Ruscheweyh derivative bases 2022 Gamal Hassan
Mohra Zayed
+ The square root base of polynomials in Clifford analysis 2003 M. Abul‐Ez
Denis Constales
+ Basic sets of polynomials in Clifford analysis 1989 M. Abul‐Ez
Denis Constales
+ On some classes and spaces of holomorphic and hyperholomorphic functions 2003 rer. nat. Ahmed El-Sayed
Ahmed Mohammed
+ PDF Chat Derived and Integral Sets of Basic Sets of Polynomials 1953 M. N. Mikhail
+ Inverse sets of polynomials in Clifford analysis 1992 M. Abul‐Ez
+ Axially symmetric vector fields and their complex potentials 1983 Pertti Lounesto
Pentti Bergh
+ Holomorphic Functions in the Plane and n-dimensional Space 2007 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Klaus Habetha
Wolfgang SprĂ¶ĂŸig
+ PDF Chat Derived and integral sets of basic sets of polynomials 1953 M.N. Mikhail
+ PDF Chat On Derived and Integral Basic Sets of Polynomials 1954 Ragy H. Makar
+ A note on the growth order of the inverse and product bases of special monogenic polynomials 2011 Gamal Hassan
+ None 2003 Z. M. G. Kishka
A‎. ‎El-Sayed Ahmed
+ PDF Chat Equivalent Base Expansions in the Space of Cliffordian Functions 2023 Mohra Zayed
Gamal Hassan
+ New results on complex conformable integral 2020 Francisco MartĂ­nez
Inmaculada MartĂ­nez
Mohammed K. A. Kaabar
Silvestre Paredes
+ PDF Chat On Appell Sets and the Fueter-Sce Mapping 2008 Norman GĂŒrlebeck
+ Certain Bases of Polynomials Associated with Entire Functions in Clifford Analysis 2021 Mohra Zayed
+ Generalized Hadamard Product Bases of Special Monogenic Polynomials 2019 Mohra Zayed
+ PDF Chat On the Growth Order and Growth Type of Entire Functions of Several Complex Matrices 2020 M. Abul‐Ez
Hala Abd-Elmageed
Muajebah Hidan
Mohamed Abdalla
+ A hypercomplex derivative of monogenic functsions in and its Applications 1999 Klaus GĂŒrlebeck
Helmuth R. Malonek
+ Complex conformable derivative 2019 SĂŒmeyra Uçar
Nihal Yılmaz ÖzgĂŒr
Beyza Billur İskender Eroğlu
+ On the representation of clifford valued functions by the product system of polynomials 1996 M. Abul‐Ez
+ PDF Chat Clifford algebra and spinor-valued functions (a function theory for the Dirac operator) 1992 Richard Delanghe
F. Sommen
Vladimı́r Souček
+ PDF Chat A space–time Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin method for the acoustic wave equation in first-order formulation 2017 Andrea Moiola
Ilaria Perugia
+ Basic sets of polynomials for the iterated Laplace and wave equations 1959 E. P. Miles
Ernest Williams
+ PDF Chat Solution of Moving Boundary Space-Time Fractional Burger’s Equation 2014 Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Eltayeb A. Yousif
Yagoub. A. S. Arko
Elzain A. E. Gumma
+ An approach via fractional analysis to non-linearity induced by coarse-graining in space 2009 Guy Jumarie
+ On the Lower Order and Type of Entire Axially Monogenic Functions 2012 M. Abul‐Ez
R. De Almeida
+ Table of some basic fractional calculus formulae derived from a modified Riemann–Liouville derivative for non-differentiable functions 2008 Guy Jumarie
+ A new definition of fractional derivative 2014 Roshdi Khalil
Mohammed Al Horani
A. Yousef
Mohammad Sababheh
+ PDF Chat Basic Sets of Special Monogenic Polynomials in Fréchet Modules 2017 Gamal Hassan
Lassaad Aloui
Allal Bakali
+ New stochastic fractional models for Malthusian growth, the Poissonian birth process and optimal management of populations 2006 Guy Jumarie
+ Modified Riemann-Liouville derivative and fractional Taylor series of nondifferentiable functions further results 2006 Guy Jumarie
+ A fractional variational iteration method for solving fractional nonlinear differential equations 2010 Guo–Cheng Wu
+ Fractional sub-equation method and its applications to nonlinear fractional PDEs 2011 Sheng Zhang
Hongqing Zhang
+ PDF Chat Solution of Nonlinear Space-Time Fractional Differential Equations Using the Fractional Riccati Expansion Method 2013 Emad A.‐B. Abdel‐Salam
Eltayeb A. Yousif