Élodie Richalot


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Resonance scattering of waves in chaotic systems 2015 Yan V. Fyodorov
Dmitry V. Savin
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Asymmetric scattering and nonorthogonal mode patterns in optical microspirals 2008 Jan Wiersig
Sang Wook Kim
Martina Hentschel
+ PDF Chat Statistics of resonance states in open chaotic systems: A perturbative approach 2009 Charles Poli
Dmitry V. Savin
Olivier Legrand
Fabrice Mortessagne
+ The Oxford Handbook of Random Matrix Theory 2015 Gernot Akemann
Jinho Baik
Philippe Di Francesco
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Interfering doorway states and giant resonances. II. Transition strengths 1997 В. В. Соколов
I. Rotter
Dmitry V. Savin
Markus Müller
+ PDF Chat Eigenvector Statistics in Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Ensembles 1998 J. T. Chalker
B. Mehlig
+ PDF Chat Global and local level dynamics in chaotic microwave billiards 1999 Michael Barth
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
+ PDF Chat Quantum versus classical decay laws in open chaotic systems 1997 Dmitry V. Savin
Valentin V. Sokolov
+ PDF Chat Universality of parametric spectral correlations: Local versus extended perturbing potentials 2003 F. M. Marchetti
Igor Smolyarenko
Benjamin D. Simons
+ PDF Chat Shifts of Random Energy Levels by a Local Perturbation 1998 I. L. Aleǐner
К. А. Матвеев
+ PDF Chat Statistics of resonance poles, phase shifts and time delays in quantum chaotic scattering: Random matrix approach for systems with broken time-reversal invariance 1997 Yan V. Fyodorov
Hans-Jürgen Sommers
+ PDF Chat Mesoscopic fluctuations of eigenfunctions and level-velocity distribution in disordered metals 1995 Yan V. Fyodorov
A. D. Mirlin
+ PDF Chat Resonance Widths in Open Microwave Cavities Studied by Harmonic Inversion 2008 Ulrich Kuhl
R. Höhmann
Jörg Main
H.‐J. Stöckmann
+ Probing Eigenfunction Nonorthogonality by Parametric Shifts of Resonance Widths 2013 Dmitry V. Savin
J.-B. De Vaulx
+ PDF Chat Global versus Local Billiard Level Dynamics: The Limits of Universality 1999 Michael Barth
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
+ PDF Chat Microwave fidelity studies by varying antenna coupling 2010 Bernd Johann Köber
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
T. Gorin
Dmitry V. Savin
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Quasimodes of a chaotic elastic cavity with increasing local losses 2009 O. Xeridat
Charles Poli
Olivier Legrand
Fabrice Mortessagne
Patrick Sebbah
+ Wave function statistics in open chaotic billiards 2003 Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Measurement of Long-Range Wave-Function Correlations in an Open Microwave Billiard 2005 Y.-H. Kim
Ulrich Kuhl
H.‐J. Stöckmann
Piet W. Brouwer
+ PDF Chat Phase rigidity and avoided level crossings in the complex energy plane 2006 Evgeny N. Bulgakov
I. Rotter
Almas F. Sadreev
+ PDF Chat Quantum limit of the laser line width in chaotic cavities and statistics of residues of scattering matrix poles 2000 Henning Schomerus
Klaus M. Frahm
M. Patra
C. W. J. Beenakker
+ PDF Chat Inhomogeneous losses and complexness of wave functions in chaotic cavities 2006 Dmitry V. Savin
Olivier Legrand
Fabrice Mortessagne
+ PDF Chat Statistics of Resonance Width Shifts as a Signature of Eigenfunction Nonorthogonality 2012 Yan V. Fyodorov
Dmitry V. Savin
+ PDF Chat Universal behaviour of a wave chaos based electromagnetic reverberation chamber 2013 Jean-Baptiste Gros
Olivier Legrand
Fabrice Mortessagne
Elodie Richalot
Kamardine Selemani
+ PDF Chat Statistics of the electromagnetic response of a chaotic reverberation chamber 2015 Jean-Baptiste Gros
Ulrich Kuhl
Olivier Legrand
Fabrice Mortessagne
Odile Picon
Elodie Richalot
+ Coalescence of Anderson-localized modes at an exceptional point in 2D random media 2022 Nicolas Bachelard
A. Schumer
Brijesh Kumar
Carlos A. Garay
Julien Arlandis
Rachid Touzani
Patrick Sebbah