Tara Brendle


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Erratum to The level four braid group (J. reine angew. Math. 735 (2018), 249–264)) 2024 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ The high-dimensional cohomology of the moduli space of curves with level structures II: punctures and boundary 2023 Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
Andrew Putman
+ The mapping class group of connect sums of 𝑆²×𝑆¹ 2022 Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
Andrew Putman
+ The mapping class group of connect sums of $S^2 \times S^1$ 2020 Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
Andrew Putman
+ PDF Chat Congruence subgroups of braid groups 2020 Tara Brendle
+ The mapping class group of connect sums of $S^2 \times S^1$ 2020 Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
Andrew Putman
+ The high-dimensional cohomology of the moduli space of curves with level structures II: punctures and boundary 2020 Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
Andrew Putman
+ Normal subgroups of mapping class groups and the metaconjecture of Ivanov 2019 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ Calculating the image of the second Johnson-Morita representation 2019 Joan S. Birman
Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
+ Normal subgroups of mapping class groups and the metaconjecture of Ivanov 2017 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat The level four braid group 2015 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat Factoring in the hyperelliptic Torelli group 2015 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ The level four braid group 2014 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat Generators for the hyperelliptic Torelli group and the kernel of the Burau representation at $$t=-1$$ t = - 1 2014 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
Andrew Putman
+ The level four braid group 2014 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ Point pushing, homology, and the hyperelliptic involution 2013 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat Configuration spaces of rings and wickets 2013 Tara Brendle
Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of the hyperelliptic Torelli group 2012 Tara Brendle
Leah Childers
Dan Margalit
+ Cohomology of the hyperelliptic Torelli group 2011 Tara Brendle
Leah Childers
Dan Margalit
+ Point pushing, homology, and the hyperelliptic involution 2011 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ Configuration spaces of rings and wickets 2008 Tara Brendle
Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat Addendum to: Commensurations of the Johnson kernel 2008 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ Configuration spaces of rings and wickets 2008 Tara Brendle
Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat The Birman–Craggs–Johnson homomorphism and abelian cycles in the Torelli group 2007 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ Calculating the image of the second Johnson-Morita representation 2007 Joan S. Birman
Tara Brendle
Nathan Broaddus
+ The Birman-Craggs-Johnson homomorphism and abelian cycles in the Torelli group 2006 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ Braids 2005 Joan S. Birman
Tara Brendle
+ PDF Chat Commensurations of the Johnson kernel 2004 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
+ Every mapping class group is generated by 6 involutions 2004 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ Braids: A Survey 2004 Joan S. Birman
Tara Brendle
+ Every mapping class group is generated by 3 torsion elements and by 7 involutions 2003 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ Every mapping class group is generated by 3 elements of finite order 2003 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ Every mapping class group is generated by 6 involutions 2003 Tara Brendle
Benson Farb
+ The Torelli Group and Representations of Mapping Class Groups 2002 Tara Brendle
+ PDF Chat On the linearity problem for mapping class groups 2001 Tara Brendle
Hessam Hamidi-Tehrani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The structure of the Torelli group—II: A characterization of the group generated by twists on bounding curves 1985 Dennis L. Johnson
+ An abelian quotient of the mapping class groupI g 1980 Dennis L. Johnson
+ The Torelli groups for genus 2 and 3 surfaces 1992 Geoffrey Mess
+ A Primer on Mapping Class Groups (PMS-49) 2017 Benson Farb
Dan Margalit
+ Braids, Links, and Mapping Class Groups 1974 Joan S. Birman
+ Remark on the branching of hyperelliptic integrals as functions of the parameters 1969 Volker Arnold
+ The Structure of the Torelli Group I: A Finite Set of Generators for J 1983 Dennis L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat On Meyer's function of hyperelliptic mapping class groups 2003 Takayuki Morifuji
+ PDF Chat Two theorems on the mapping class group of a surface 1978 Jerome Powell
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown
+ Mapping class groups and their relationship to braid groups 1969 Joan S. Birman
+ Abelian and solvable subgroups of the mapping class groups 1983 Joan S. Birman
Alexander Lubotzky
John E. McCarthy
+ Casson's invariant for homology 3-spheres and characteristic classes of surface bundles I 1989 Shigeyuki Morita
+ PDF Chat Cutting and pasting in the Torelli group 2007 Andrew Putman
+ Papers on Group Theory and Topology 1987 Max Dehn
+ A Primer on Mapping Class Groups 2011 Benson Farb
Dan Margalit
+ PDF Chat Finiteness and Torelli spaces 2006 Richard Hain
+ PDF Chat Generators for the hyperelliptic Torelli group and the kernel of the Burau representation at $$t=-1$$ t = - 1 2014 Tara Brendle
Dan Margalit
Andrew Putman
+ COHOMOLOGY OF GROUPS (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 87) 1984 C. B. Thomas
+ The dimension of the Torelli group 2009 Mladen Bestvina
Kai-Uwe Bux
Dan Margalit
+ The second homology group of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1983 John Harer
+ The Burau representation of the braid group is pairwise free 1979 N. Smythe
+ Automorphisms of complexes of curves on punctured spheres and on punctured tori 1999 Mustafa Korkmaz
+ PDF Chat The mapping class group of a genus two surface is linear 2001 Stephen Bigelow
Ryan Budney
+ PDF Chat Presentations for the punctured mapping class groups in terms of Artin groups 2001 Catherine Labruère
Luis Paris
+ None 1997 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Superinjective simplicial maps of complexes of curves and injective homomorphisms of subgroups of mapping class groups 2003 Elmas Irmak
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ Subgroups of TeichmĂĽller Modular Groups 1992 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Tresses, monodromie et le groupe symplectique 1979 Norbert A’Campo
+ Automorphisms of the complex of curves 2000 Feng Luo
+ PDF Chat The Torelli geometry and its applications 2005 Benson Farb
Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ Knots and Links 1976 Dale Rolfsen
+ PDF Chat Braid groups and Hodge theory 2012 Curtis T. McMullen
+ On the abelianization of the Torelli group 2003 Benno van den Berg
+ The congruence subgroup problem for pure braid groups: Thurston's proof 2010 D. B. McReynolds
+ Every curve is a Hurwitz space 1989 Steven Diaz
Ron Donagi
David Harbater
+ PDF Chat The abelianization of the level <i>d</i> mapping class group 2010 Masatoshi Sato
+ PDF Chat On Isotopies of Homeomorphisms of Riemann Surfaces 1973 Joan S. Birman
Hugh M. Hilden
+ PDF Chat Quadratic forms and the Birman-Craggs homomorphisms 1980 Dennis L. Johnson
+ On a theorem of V. I. arnol'd 1969 Wilhelm Magnus
Ada Peluso
+ On Siegel's modular group 1971 Joan S. Birman
+ PDF Chat Homeomorphisms of a surface which act trivially on homology 1979 Dennis L. Johnson
+ A note on the connectivity of certain complexes associated to surfaces 2006 Andrew Putman
+ The genus 2 Torelli group is not finitely generated 1986 Darryl McCullough
Andy Miller
+ The braid group B4 is linear 2000 Daan Krammer
+ The structure of the Torelli group—III: The abelianization of I 1985 Dennis L. Johnson
+ The extension of Johnson's homomorphism from the Torelli group to the mapping class group 1993 Shigeyuki Morita
+ Zur Theorie der Siegelschen Modulgruppe 1965 J. Mennicke
+ The virtual cohomological dimension of the mapping class group of an orientable surface 1986 John Harer