Dmitry N. Kozlov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Homology and Euler characteristic of generalized anchored configuration spaces of graphs 2024 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Stirling complexes 2023 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Homology and Euler characteristic of generalized anchored configuration spaces of graphs 2023 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Configuration spaces of labeled points on a circle with two anchors 2023 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Stirling complexes 2022 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Configuration spaces of labeled points on a circle with two anchors 2022 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Explicit homology classes associated to critical cells 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Simplicial homology 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Singular homology 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Chain homotopy 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Beyond the simplicial setting 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Simplicial collapses 2021 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A combinatorial method to compute explicit homology cycles using Discrete Morse Theory 2019 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Quantitative aspects of acyclicity 2019 Dmitry N. Kozlov
Roy Meshulam
+ PDF Chat Topology of scrambled simplices 2018 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Quantitative aspects of acyclicity 2018 Dmitry N. Kozlov
Roy Meshulam
+ Quantitative aspects of acyclicity 2018 Dmitry N. Kozlov
Roy Meshulam
+ PDF Chat The First Cheeger Constant of a Simplex 2017 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Structure theory of flip graphs with applications to Weak Symmetry Breaking 2017 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat All binomial identities are orderable 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of scrambled simplices 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ All binomial identities are orderable 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Topology of the Standard Chromatic Subdivision and Weak Symmetry Breaking for Six Processes 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Proof of the Lov?sz conjecture 2016 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The first Cheeger constant of a simplex 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of scrambled simplices 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ All binomial identities are orderable 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Structure theory of flip graphs with applications to Weak Symmetry Breaking 2015 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Weak symmetry breaking and abstract simplex paths 2015 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Structure theory of flip graphs with applications to Weak Symmetry Breaking 2015 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Topology of the immediate snapshot complexes 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of the immediate snapshot complexes 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Standard protocol complexes for the immediate snapshot read/write model. 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Witness structures and immediate snapshot complexes 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Standard protocol complexes for the immediate snapshot read/write model 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of the immediate snapshot complexes 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Immediate Snapshot Subdivisions 2013 Maurice Herlihy
Dmitry N. Kozlov
Sergio Rajsbaum
+ Classifying Loop Agreement Tasks 2013 Maurice Herlihy
Dmitry N. Kozlov
Sergio Rajsbaum
+ Topology of the view complex 2013 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of the view complex 2013 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Stellar discriminants and equipartitions 2012 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Some Conjectures Concerning Complexity of PL subdivisions 2012 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Chromatic subdivision of a simplicial complex 2012 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of tropical curves of higher genus with marked points and homotopy colimits 2011 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Discrete Morse theory and Hopf bundles 2011 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The threshold function for vanishing of the top homology group of random 𝑑-complexes 2010 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Closure maps on regular trisps 2009 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The threshold function for vanishing of the top homology group of random $d$-complexes 2009 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat The Topology of Moduli Spaces of Tropical Curves with Marked Points 2009 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces of metric graphs of genus 1 with marks on vertices 2008 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Cohomology of colorings of cycles 2008 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Moduli spaces of metric graphs of genus 1 with marks on vertices 2008 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of moduli spaces of tropical curves with marked points 2008 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Moduli spaces of tropical curves of higher genus with marked points and homotopy colimits 2008 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Algebraic Topology 2007 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Chromatic numbers, morphism complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes 2007 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Lovász conjecture 2007 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Complexes of graph homomorphisms 2006 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Homotopy Type of Complexes of Graph Homomorphisms between Cycles 2006 Sonja Lj. Čukić
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Cobounding odd cycle colorings 2006 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Homology tests for graph colorings 2006 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Collapsing along monotone poset maps 2006 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Cobounding odd cycle colorings 2006 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Homology tests for graph colorings 2006 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Simple homotopy types of Hom-complexes, neighborhood complexes, Lovász complexes, and atom crosscut complexes 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A simple proof for folds on both sides in complexes of graph homomorphisms 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Discrete Morse theory for free chain complexes 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Resonance category 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Simple homotopy type of some combinatorially defined complexes 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Group actions on posets 2005 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Trends in Topological Combinatorics 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ None 2005 Sonja Lj. Čukić
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Cohomology of colorings of cycles 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Discrete Morse Theory for free chain complexes 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Chromatic numbers, morphism complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Directed Trees in a String, Real Polynomials with Triple Roots, and Chain Mails 2004 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Incidence combinatorics of resolutions 2004 Eva-Maria Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A simple proof for folds on both sides in complexes of graph homomorphisms 2004 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Proof of the Lovasz Conjecture 2004 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Higher connectivity of graph coloring complexes 2004 Sonja Lj. Čukić
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The homotopy type of complexes of graph homomorphisms between cycles 2004 Sonja Lj. Čukić
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Group Actions on Posets 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A desingularization of real diffeomorphic actions of finite groups 2003 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topological obstructions to graph colorings 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ None 2003 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Incidence combinatorics of resolutions 2003 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Complexes of graph homomorphisms 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A desingularization of real differentiable actions of finite groups 2003 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topological obstructions to graph colorings 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Abelianizing the real permutation action via blowups 2003 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Group Actions on Posets 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The geometry of coin-weighing problems 2002 Noga Alon
Dmitry N. Kozlov
Van H. Vu
+ PDF Chat Topology of spaces of hyperbolic polynomials and combinatorics of resonances 2002 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat A comparison of Vassiliev and Ziegler–Živaljević models for homotopy types of subspace arrangements 2002 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Rational homology of spaces of complex monic polynomials with multiple roots 2002 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Directed trees in a string, real polynomials with triple roots, and chain mails 2002 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Resonance Category 2001 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A comparison of Vassiliev and Ziegler-Zivaljevic models for homotopy types of subspace arrangements 2001 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Rational homology of spaces of complex monic polynomials with multiple roots 2001 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Topology of spaces of hyperbolic polynomials and combinatorics of resonances 2001 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ On subspace arrangements of type D 2000 Eva María Feichtner
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Collapsibility of Delta(b~n)/S~n and some related CW complexes 2000 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Collapsibility of Δ(Π_{𝑛})/𝒮_{𝓃} and some related CW complexes 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat On Functions Satisfying Modular Equations for Infinitely Many Primes 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Maximizing the Möbius Function of a Poset and the Sum of the Betti Numbers of the Order Complex 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Complexes of Directed Trees 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A Class of Hypergraph Arrangements with Shellable Intersection Lattice 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ General lexicographic shellability and orbit arrangements 1997 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Convex Hulls of f- and β-Vectors 1997 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Coins with Arbitrary Weights 1997 Noga Alon
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Diagrams of classifying spaces and $k$-fold Boolean algebras 1997 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Coins and Cones 1997 Dmitry N. Kozlov
Van H. Vu
+ Order complexes of noncomplemented lattices are nonevasive 1997 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Geometry of coin-weighing problems 1996 Noga Alon
Dmitry N. Kozlov
Van H. Vu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Topological obstructions to graph colorings 2003 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Algebraic Topology 2007 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ Higher algebraic K-theory: I 1973 Daniel Quillen
+ Kneser's conjecture, chromatic number, and homotopy 1978 László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Complexes of graph homomorphisms 2006 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A simple proof for folds on both sides in complexes of graph homomorphisms 2005 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Rational homology of spaces of complex monic polynomials with multiple roots 2002 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Complexes of Directed Trees 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Collapsibility of Δ(Π_{𝑛})/𝒮_{𝓃} and some related CW complexes 1999 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ None 2005 Sonja Lj. Čukić
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Chromatic numbers, morphism complexes, and Stiefel-Whitney characteristic classes 2007 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Chromatic subdivision of a simplicial complex 2012 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Classifying spaces and spectral sequences 1968 Graeme Segal
+ ELEMENTS OF ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY 1972 Kazimierz Kuratowski
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1997 Richard P. Stanley
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ PDF Chat Generalized Kneser coloring theorems with combinatorial proofs 2005 Günter M. Ziegler
+ Homotopy properties of the poset of nontrivial p-subgroups of a group 1978 Daniel Quillen
+ On some topological invariants of algebraic functions 1970 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ Introduction to Compact Transformation Groups 1972 Glen E. Bredon
+ A Proof of a Conjecture of Stanley Concerning Partitions of a Set 1983 Phil Hanlon
Anders Björner
Svante Linusson
John Shareshian
Volkmar Welker
+ Moduli spaces of rational tropical curves 2007 Grigory Mikhalkin
+ Methods of Homological Algebra 1996 Sergei Gelfand
Yuri I. Manin
+ PDF Chat Complexes of Connected Graphs 1993 V. A. Vassiliev
+ PDF Chat Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay partially ordered sets 1980 Anders Björner
+ Handbook of Combinatorics 1995 Ronald Graham
Martin Grötschel
László Lovász
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial Topology of the Standard Chromatic Subdivision and Weak Symmetry Breaking for Six Processes 2016 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ PDF Chat Group actions on arrangements of linear subspaces and applications to configuration spaces 1997 Sheila Sundaram
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat On a Topological Generalization of a Theorem of Tverberg 1981 Imre Bárány
Senya Shlosman
A. Szűcs
+ Witness structures and immediate snapshot complexes 2014 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ A short proof of a conjecture on the connectivity of graph coloring complexes 2006 Alexander Engström
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Lovász conjecture 2007 Eric Babson
Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Elements of Algebraic Topology 2018 James R. Munkres
+ PDF Chat Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay Partially Ordered Sets 1980 Anders Björner
+ A Compactification of Configuration Spaces 1994 William Fulton
Robert MacPherson
+ Enumerative Combinatorics 1986 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Homological Connectivity Of Random 2-Complexes 2006 Nathan Linial
Roy Meshulam
+ Complements of Discriminants of Smooth Maps: Topology and Applications 1992 V. A. Vasil’ev
+ Structure theory of flip graphs with applications to Weak Symmetry Breaking 2015 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ The Homology Representations of the Symmetric Group on Cohen-Macaulay Subposets of the Partition Lattice 1994 Sheila Sundaram
+ Homotopy types of subspace arrangements via diagrams of spaces 1993 Günter M. Ziegler
Rade T. Živaljević
+ PDF Chat On lexicographically shellable posets 1983 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs
+ Some aspects of groups acting on finite posets 1982 Richard P. Stanley
+ PDF Chat Non-Archimedean integrals and stringy Euler numbers of log-terminal pairs 1999 Victor V. Batyrev
+ Combinatorics & Topology of Stratifications of The Space of Monic Polynomials With Real Coefficients 1998 Boris Shapiro
Volkmar Welker
+ PDF Chat Linear decision trees, subspace arrangements and Möbius functions 1994 Anders Björner
László Lovász
+ General lexicographic shellability and orbit arrangements 1997 Dmitry N. Kozlov
+ Tropical Geometry and its applications 2006 Grigory Mikhalkin
+ PDF Chat Shellable Nonpure Complexes and Posets. I 1996 Anders Björner
Michelle L. Wachs