Lieven Verschaffel


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Strategy Development in Childrenwith Mathematical Disabilities 2004 Joke Torbeyns
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children's learning of multiplication. 1995 Patrick Lemaire
Robert S. Siegler
+ Strategic aspects of simple addition and subtraction: the influence of mathematical ability 2004 Joke Torbeyns
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Older and younger adults' strategy choices in multiplication: Testing predictions of ASCM using the choice/no-choice method. 1997 Robert S. Siegler
P. Lemaire
+ The perils of averaging data over strategies: An example from children's addition. 1987 Robert S. Siegler
+ Predicting children's mathematical performance in grade one by early numeracy 2010 Pirjo Aunio
Markku Niemivirta
+ Strategic competence: Applying Siegler’s theoretical and methodological framework to the domain of simple addition 2002 Joke Torbeyns
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Effects of a Pre-Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention: A Randomized Experiment 2008 Alice Klein
Prentice Starkey
Douglas H. Clements
Julie Sarama
R. Mahalinga Iyer
+ Early mathematics development and later achievement: Further evidence 2006 Carol Aubrey
Ray Godfrey
Sarah Dahl
+ Taking it to the classroom: Number board games as a small group learning activity. 2012 Geetha B. Ramani
Robert S. Siegler
Aline Hitti
+ PDF Chat Cognitive predictors of achievement growth in mathematics: A 5-year longitudinal study. 2011 David C. Geary
+ Big Math for Little Kids: The Effectiveness of a Preschool and Kindergarten Mathematics Curriculum 2015 Ashley Lewis Presser
Margaret Clements
Herbert P. Ginsburg
Barbrina Ertle
+ The predictive value of numerical magnitude comparison for individual differences in mathematics achievement 2009 Bert De Smedt
Lieven Verschaffel
Pol Ghesquière
+ Re-visiting the competence/performance debate in the acquisition of the counting principles 2005 M LECORRE
Gilles Vandewalle
Elizabeth M. Brannon
Susan Carey
+ Teaching Students What They Already Know? The (Mis)Alignment Between Mathematics Instructional Content and Student Knowledge in Kindergarten 2012 Mimi Engel
Amy Claessens
Maida A. Finch
+ LEARNING DISABILITIES IN BASIC MATHEMATICS Deficits in Memory and Cognition 2002 David C. Geary
Mary K. Hoard
+ Testing the Immediate and Long-Term Efficacy of a Tier 2 Kindergarten Mathematics Intervention 2016 Ben Clarke
Christian T. Doabler
Keith Smolkowski
Evangeline Kurtz Nelson
Hank Fien
Scott Baker
Derek Kosty
+ PDF Chat Effectiveness of the Building Blocks program for enhancing Ecuadorian kindergartners’ numerical competencies 2018 Gina Bojorque
Joke Torbeyns
Jo Van Hoof
Daniël Van Nijlen
Lieven Verschaffel
+ PDF Chat Prevention: Necessary But Insufficient? A 2‐Year Follow‐Up of an Effective First‐Grade Mathematics Intervention 2018 Drew H. Bailey
Lynn S. Fuchs
Jennifer K. Gilbert
David C. Geary
Douglas Fuchs
+ PDF Chat The roles of transfer of learning and forgetting in the persistence and fadeout of early childhood mathematics interventions. 2018 Connie Y Kang
Greg J. Duncan
Douglas H. Clements
Julie Sarama
Drew H. Bailey
+ Engaging young children in mathematics : standards for early childhood mathematics education 2003 Douglas H. Clements
Julie Sarama
Edito DiBiase
Ann-Marie DiBiase
+ Mathematics Learned by Young Children in an Intervention Based on Learning Trajectories: A Large-Scale Cluster Randomized Trial 2011 Douglas H. Clements
Julie Sarama
Mary Elaine Spitler
Alissa A. Lange
Christopher B. Wolfe
+ Four aspects of strategic change: Contributions to children's learning of multiplication. 1995 Patrick Lemaire
Robert S. Siegler
+ PDF Chat The Acquisition of Preschool Mathematical Abilities: Theoretical, Methodological and Educational Considerations 2015 Joke Torbeyns
Camilla Gilmore
Lieven Verschaffel
+ Children's mathematical development: Research and practical applications. 1994 David C. Geary
+ PDF Chat Early math matters: Kindergarten number competence and later mathematics outcomes. 2009 Nancy C. Jordan
David Kaplan
Chaitanya Ramineni
Maria N. Locuniak