A. Degasperis


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Periodic and Solitary Wave Solutions of the Long Wave–Short Wave Yajima–Oikawa–Newell Model 2022 Marcos Caso-Huerta
A. Degasperis
Priscila Leal da Silva
Sara Lombardo
M. Sommacal
+ PDF Chat A new integrable model of long wave–short wave interaction and linear stability spectra 2021 Marcos Caso-Huerta
A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
M. Sommacal
+ Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations: spectra and instabilities of plane waves 2019 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
Matteo Sommacal
+ PDF Chat Integrability and Linear Stability of Nonlinear Waves 2018 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
M. Sommacal
+ PDF Chat Darboux polynomial matrices: the classical massive Thirring model as a study case 2015 A. Degasperis
+ PDF Chat Bragg grating rogue wave 2015 A. Degasperis
S. Wabnitz
Alejandro B. Aceves
+ Bragg grating rogue wave 2015 A. Degasperis
S. Wabnitz
Alejandro B. Aceves
+ Darboux polynomial matrices: the classical Massive Thirring Model as study case 2014 A. Degasperis
+ Darboux polynomial matrices: the classical Massive Thirring Model as study case 2014 A. Degasperis
+ Integrability of nonlinear wave equations and solvability of their initial value problem 2012 Juan Pablo Borgna
A. Degasperis
Mariano Fernando de Leo
Diego Rial
+ Integrable nonlocal wave interaction models 2011 A. Degasperis
+ Integrability and solvability of nonlocal wave interaction models 2011 A. Degasperis
Diego Rial
Piazzale Aldo Moro
+ Degasperis-Procesi equation 2009 A. Degasperis
Michela Procesi
+ Multiscale Expansion and Integrability of Dispersive Wave Equations 2008 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
+ PDF Chat Multicomponent integrable wave equations: I. Darboux-dressing transformation 2007 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
+ New integrable PDEs of boomeronic type 2006 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Integrable and Nonintegrable Initial Boundary Value Problems for Soliton Equations 1 2005 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ New Integrable Equations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Type 2004 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Linear PDES: The Analyticity Approach 2004 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
Darryl D. Holm
Andrew N. W. Hone
+ Isothermic Surfaces Generated via Bäcklund and Moutard Transformations: Boomeron and Zoomeron Connections 2002 A. Degasperis
C. Rogers
W. K. Schief
+ None 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat None 2002 A. Degasperis
Darryl D. Holm
Andrew N. W. Hone
+ A New Integrable Equation with Peakon Solutions 2002 A. Degasperis
Darryl D. Holm
Andrew N. W. Hone
+ Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Linear and Soliton PDEs 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ Initial-boundary value problems for linear PDEs: the analyticity approach 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ On the initial-boundary value problems for soliton equations 2001 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Newton-Equivalent Hamiltonians for the Harmonic Oscillator 2001 A. Degasperis
S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ Nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations from multiscale reduction of PDEs. I. Systematic derivation 2000 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
Ji Xiaoda
+ Multidimensional soliton equations in inhomogeneous media 1998 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
A. I. Zenchuk
+ Solutions of 1+1 relativistic field models 1998 A. Degasperis
S. De Lillo
F. Tinebra
+ A test in Asymptotic Integrability of 1 + 1 wave equations 1998 A. Degasperis
Michela Procesi
+ Multiple-scale perturbation beyond the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. I 1997 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ National Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics, Pavullo nel Frignano (Modena), 19-22 May 1994 = Incontro Nazionale sulla Dinamica Non Lineare, Pavullo nel Frignano (Modena), 19-22 Maggio 1994 1995 M. Costato
A. Degasperis
M. Milani
+ Construction of reflectionless potentials with infinite discrete spectrum 1994 A. Degasperis
A. B. Shabat
+ PDF Chat Nonlocal integrable partners to generalized MKdV and two-dimensional Toda lattice equation in the formalism of a dressing method with quantized spectral parameter 1991 A. Degasperis
D. V. Lebedev
M. A. Olshanetsky
S. Pakuliak
A. M. Perelomov
P. Santini
+ Localized Waves in N + 1 Dimensions 1991 A. Degasperis
+ Recent Development for Integrable Integro-Differential Equations 1991 A. Degasperis
D. V. Lebedev
M. A. Olshanetsky
S. Pakuliak
A. M. Perelomov
P. M. Santini
+ Nonlinear evolution equations : integrability and spectral methods 1990 A. Degasperis
Allan P. Fordy
Muthuswamy Lakshmanan
+ A modified Korteweg-de Vries equation 1987 A. Degasperis
+ Extension of the one-dimensional scattering theory, and ambiguities 1987 A. Degasperis
Pierre Sabatier
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear evolution equations associated with a Riemann–Hilbert scattering problem 1985 A. Degasperis
P. M. Santini
Mark J. Ablowitz
+ A modified modified Korteweg-de Vries equation 1985 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Linear Evolution Equations Associated with Isospectral Evolutions of Differential Operators 1983 A. Degasperis
+ Linear operator and conservation laws for a class of nonlinear integro-differential evolution equations 1983 A. Degasperis
P. M. Santini
+ On the conservation laws associated with Lax equations 1982 A. Degasperis
+ Reduction technique for matrix nonlinear evolution equations 1982 A. Degasperis
+ Solution by the spectral-transform method of a nonlinear evolution equation including as a special case the cylindrical KdV equation 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Inverse spectral problem for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an additional linear potential 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Exact solution via the spectral transform of a nonlinear evolution equation with linearlyx-dependent coefficients 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Extension of the spectral transform method for solving nonlinear evolution equations 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Spectral transform and nonlinear evolution equations 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Bäcklund transformations, nonlinear superposition principle, multisoliton solutions and conserved quantities for the « boomeron » nonlinear evolution equation 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Coupled nonlinear evolution equations solvable via the inverse spectral transform, and solitons that come back: the boomeron 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Transformations between solutions of different nonlinear evolution equations solvable via the same inverse spectral transform, generalized resolvent formulae and nonlinear operator identities 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the inverse spectral transform.—I 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the inverse spectral transform associated with the multichannel Schrödinger problem, and properties of their solutions 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Coupled nonlinear evolution equations solvable via the inverse spectral transform, and solitons that come back: the boomeron 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Spectral Transform and Solitons 1983 F. Calogero
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the inverse spectral transform.—I 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the inverse spectral transform associated with the multichannel Schrödinger problem, and properties of their solutions 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ What Is Integrability? 1991 В. Е. Захаров
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the spectral transform 1978 F. Calogero
+ Why Are Certain Nonlinear PDEs Both Widely Applicable and Integrable? 1991 F. Calogero
+ Nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations from multiscale reduction of PDEs. I. Systematic derivation 2000 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
Ji Xiaoda
+ New Integrable Equations of Nonlinear Schrödinger Type 2004 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Bäcklund transformations, nonlinear superposition principle, multisoliton solutions and conserved quantities for the « boomeron » nonlinear evolution equation 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ On the integrability of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations 2000 A. S. Fokas
+ Darboux Transformations and Solitons 1991 V. B. Matveev
Mikhail A. Salle
+ Extension of the spectral transform method for solving nonlinear evolution equations 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ A method to generate solvable nonlinear evolution equations 1975 F. Calogero
+ The Three‐Wave Interaction—A Nondispersive Phenomenon 1976 D. J. Kaup
+ A unified transform method for solving linear and certain nonlinear PDEs 1997 A. S. Fokas
+ Soliton generation for initial-boundary-value problems 1992 A. S. Fokas
A. R. Its
+ Transformations between solutions of different nonlinear evolution equations solvable via the same inverse spectral transform, generalized resolvent formulae and nonlinear operator identities 1976 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Bäcklund Transformation for Solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries Equation 1973 H. D. Wahlquist
F. B. Estabrook
+ Integrable nonlocal wave interaction models 2011 A. Degasperis
+ None 2002 A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat Vector Rogue Waves and Baseband Modulation Instability in the Defocusing Regime 2014 Fabio Baronio
Matteo Conforti
A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
M. Onorato
S. Wabnitz
+ Integrals of nonlinear equations of evolution and solitary waves 1968 Peter D. Lax
+ New integrable PDEs of boomeronic type 2006 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ PDF Chat An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons 1993 Roberto Camassa
Darryl D. Holm
+ To the integrability of the system of two coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations 1982 В. Е. Захаров
E. I. Schulman
+ PDF Chat None 2002 A. Degasperis
Darryl D. Holm
Andrew N. W. Hone
+ Multiple-scale perturbation beyond the nonlinear Schroedinger equation. I 1997 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ Elbow scattering and inverse scattering applications to LKdV and KdV 2000 Pierre Sabatier
+ Nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the inverse spectral transform 1978 F. Calogero
+ PDF Chat Conservation laws for classes of nonlinear evolution equations solvable by the spectral transform 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ On the complete integrability of the two-dimensional classical Thirring model 1977 E. A. Kuznetsov
А. В. Михайлов
+ Integrability of the two-dimensional Thirring model 1976 А. В. Михайлов
+ PDF Chat Generalized internal long waves equations: Construction, Hamiltonian structure, and conservation laws 1983 D. R. Lebedev
Andrey Radul
+ Necessary conditions for integrability of nonlinear PDEs 1987 F. Calogero
Wiktor Eckhaus
+ PDF Chat Exact solutions of the 3-wave resonant interaction equation 2006 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
+ Inverse spectral problem for the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with an additional linear potential 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Boundary conditions for integrable equations 1987 E. K. Sklyanin
+ PDF Chat The Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem on the semi-line: Hilbert formulation and applications 2001 J. Mustre de León
A Spire
+ Solution by the spectral-transform method of a nonlinear evolution equation including as a special case the cylindrical KdV equation 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ A linear scattering problem for the finite depth equation 1980 John Gibbons
Boris A. Kupershmidt
+ Exact solution via the spectral transform of a nonlinear evolution equation with linearlyx-dependent coefficients 1978 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
+ Multiscale Expansion and Integrability of Dispersive Wave Equations 2008 A. Degasperis
+ Two–dimensional linear partial differential equations in a convex polygon 2001 A. S. Fokas
+ PDF Chat Wave Structure and Nonlinear Balances in a Family of Evolutionary PDEs 2003 Darryl D. Holm
Martin Staley
+ On the initial-boundary value problems for soliton equations 2001 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. M. Santini
+ PDF Chat Multicomponent integrable wave equations: II. Soliton solutions 2009 A. Degasperis
Sara Lombardo
+ Nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations from multiscale reduction of PDEs. II. Necessary conditions of integrability for real PDEs 2001 F. Calogero
A. Degasperis
Ji Xiaoda
+ None 2002 A. Degasperis
S. V. Manakov
P. Santini
+ PDF Chat On a Bäcklund transformation and scattering problem for the modified intermediate long wave equation 1984 Junkichi Satsuma
Thiab R. Taha
Mark J. Ablowitz