N. N. Uraltseva


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Properties of the phase boundary in the parabolic problem with hysteresis 2024 D. E. Apushkinskaya
С. Г. Тихомиров
N. N. Uraltseva
+ A Survey of Results of St. Petersburg State University Research School on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. I 2024 D. E. Apushkinskaya
A. A. Arkhipova
Alexander I. Nazarov
V. G. Osmolovskiî
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat A survey of results of St.Petersburg State University research school on nonlinear partial differential equations I 2024 D. E. Apushkinskaya
A. A. Arkhipova
Alexander I. Nazarov
V. Osmolovskii
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Mikhail Zakharovich Solomyak (obituary) 2017 A. M. Vershik
E. D. Gluskin
Vladimir Kozlov
Ари Лаптев
Борис Михайлович Макаров
Boris Mityagin
Paul Nevai
G. Rozenblum
T. A. Suslina
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Михаил Захарович Соломяк (некролог) 2017 Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
Efim Davydovich Gluskin
Vladimir Kozlov
Ари Лаптев
Борис Михайлович Макаров
Boris Mityagin
Paul Nevai
Grigorii Vladimirovich Rozenblum
T. A. Suslina
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Free boundaries in problems with hysteresis 2015 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat On regularity properties of solutions to the hysteresis-type problem 2015 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Equilibrium points of a singular cooperative system with free boundary 2015 John Andersson
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Uniform estimates near the initial state for solutions of the two-phase parabolic problem 2014 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Equilibrium points of a singular cooperative system with free boundary 2013 John Andersson
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ Equilibrium points of a singular cooperative system with free boundary 2013 John Andersson
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ Regularity of the free boundary: first results 2012 Arshak Petrosyan
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Regularity of the free boundary: uniform results 2012 Arshak Petrosyan
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Regularity of Free Boundaries in Obstacle-Type Problems 2012 Arshak Petrosyan
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Boundary regularity for flows of nonparametric surfaces driven by mean curvature 2012 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Boundary estimates for solutions of the obstacle problem with two phases 2012 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Uniform estimates near the initial state for solutions to the two-phase parabolic problem 2012 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat The Harnack inequality and related properties for solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with divergence-free lower-order coefficients 2011 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ The Harnack inequality and related properties for solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations with divergence-free lower-order coefficients 2010 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume XIV 2010 N. N. Uraltseva
+ The Harnack inequality and related properties for solutions to elliptic and parabolic equations with divergence-free lower-order coefficients 2010 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat A parabolic two-phase obstacle-like equation 2009 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ The behavior of the free boundary close to a fixed boundary in a parabolic problem 2009 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Norayr Matevosyan
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Boundary estimates for solutions to the two-phase parabolic obstacle problem 2009 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Estimates of the second-order derivatives for solutions to the two-phase parabolic problem 2008 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat The Two-Phase Membrane Problem--Regularity of the Free Boundaries in Higher Dimensions 2007 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ Boundary estimates for solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with discontinuous nonlinearities 2007 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Nonlinear Equations and Spectral Theory 2007 M. Sh. Birman
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Boundary estimates for solutions of two-phase obstacle problems 2007 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ The Parabolic Two-Phase Membrane Problem: Regularity in Higher Dimensions 2007 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ Nonlinear Equations and Spectral Theory: American Mathematical Society Translations Series 2: Volume 220. 2007 M. Sh. Birman
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume XI 2006 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume XII 2006 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Regularity of a free boundary in parabolic problem without sign restriction 2006 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Norayr Matevosyan
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume X 2005 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Global Solutions of an Obstacle-Problem-Like Equation with Two Phases 2004 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ PDF Chat Lipschitz property of the free boundary in the parabolic obstacle problem 2004 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
Henrik Shahgholian
+ Global Solutions of an Obstacle-Problem-Like Equation with Two Phases 2004 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume IX 2003 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Ol'ga Aleksandrovna Ladyzhenskaya (on her 80th birthday) 2003 G. Serëgin
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Regularity properties of a free boundary near contact points with the fixed boundary 2003 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat None 2003 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Volume VIII 2002 N. N. Uraltseva
+ On the Lipschitz property of the free boundary for parabolic obstacle problem 2002 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Nonlinear Problems in Mathematical Physics and Related Topics I 2002 M. Sh. Birman
Stefan Hildebrandt
V. A. Solonnikov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Volume VII 2001 N. N. Uraltseva
+ On the global solutions of the parabolic obstacle problem 2001 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat None 2001 N. N. Uraltseva
+ On some properties of the free boundary in a neighborhood of the points of contact with a given boundary 2000 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Volume VI 2000 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Contact of a free boundary with a fixed boundary 2000 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society Volume V 1999 N. N. Uraltseva
+ On the behavior of free boundaries near the boundary of the domain 1997 D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Local gradient estimates for solutions of a simplest regularization of a class of nonuniformly elliptic equations 1997 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Long time behavior of flows moving by mean curvature, II 1997 Vladimir Oliker
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Sharp Estimates for Solutions of a Parabolic Signorini Problem 1996 A. A. Arkhipova
N. N. Uraltseva
+ The oblique boundary-value problem for a quasilinear parabolic equation 1995 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Nonlinear Evolution Equations 1995 N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear problem with an oblique derivative for parabolic equations 1994 N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Evolution of Nonparametric Surfaces with Speed Depending on Curvature, III. Some Remarks on Mean Curvature and Anisotropic flows 1993 Vladimir Oliker
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Evolution of nonparametric surfaces with speed depending on curvature II. The mean curvature case 1993 Vladimir Oliker
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Gradient estimates for solutions of nonlinear parabolic oblique boundary problem 1992 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Existence of smooth solutions of problems for parabolic systems with convex constraints on the boundary of the domain 1991 A. A. Arkhipova
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Limit smoothness of the solutions of variational inequalities under convex constraints on the boundary of the domain 1990 A. A. Arkhipova
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Oblique boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic equations 1990 N. N. Uraltseva
+ An estimate of the derivatives of the solutions of variational inequalities on the boundary of the domain 1989 N. N. Uraltseva
+ A lipschitzian estimate at the boundary points for solutions of quasilinear equations of divergent form 1988 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Convex-monotone hulls and an estimate of the maximum of the solution of a parabolic equation 1987 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Estimates of the H�lder constant for functions satisfying a uniformly elliptic or a uniformly parabolic quasilinear inequality with unbounded coefficients 1987 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ A survey of results on the solubility of boundary-value problems for second-order uniformly elliptic and parabolic quasi-linear equations having unbounded singularities 1986 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Estimates of max�ux� for the solutions of quasilinear elliptic and parabolic equations of the general form and existence theorems 1986 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Estimates for the maxima of the moduli of the gradients for solutions of capillarity problems 1985 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Estimate of the H�lder norm of the solutions of second-order quasilinear elliptic equations of the general form 1983 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Boundary value problems of mathematical physics and related questions in the theory of functions. 14 1982 L. D. Faddeev
N. N. Uraltseva
A. P. Oskolkov
+ Strong solutions of the generalized signorini problem 1979 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Regularity of the solutions of variational inequalities 1975 N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Classical solvability and linear schemes for the approximate solution of the diffraction problem for quasilinear equations of parabolic and elliptic type 1973 V. Ya. Rivkind
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Local estimates for gradients of solutions of non‐uniformly elliptic and parabolic equations 1970 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ On Some Classes of Nonuniformly Elliptic Equations 1970 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations 1968 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
N. N. Uraltseva
N. N. Uraltseva
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type 1969 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
+ Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type 1968 O. Ladyženskaja
V. A. Solonnikov
N. Ural’ceva
+ Gradient estimates for variable coefficient parabolic equations and singular perturbation problems 1998 Luis Caffarelli
Carlos E. Kenig
+ PDF Chat Regularity of a Free Boundary with Application to the Pompeiu Problem 2000 Luis Caffarelli
Lavi Karp
Henrik Shahgholian
+ Linear and quasilinear elliptic equations 1968 O. A. Ladyzhenskai︠a︡
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Variational problems with two phases and their free boundaries 1984 Hans Wilhelm Alt
Luis Caffarelli
Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat An obstacle-problem-like equation with two phases: pointwise regularity of the solution and an estimate of the Hausdorff dimension of the free boundary 2001 Georg S. Weiss
+ Regularity of a free boundary in parabolic potential theory 2004 Luis Caffarelli
Arshak Petrosyan
Henrik Shahgholian
+ Local estimates for gradients of solutions of non‐uniformly elliptic and parabolic equations 1970 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Self-Similar Blow-Up and Hausdorff Dimension Estimates for a Class of Parabolic Free Boundary Problems 1999 Georg S. Weiss
+ PDF Chat The regularity of free boundaries in higher dimensions 1977 Luis Caffarelli
+ Global Solutions of an Obstacle-Problem-Like Equation with Two Phases 2004 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ <i>C</i><sup>1, 1</sup> Regularity in semilinear elliptic problems 2002 Henrik Shahgholian
M. V. Safonov
+ Estimate of the H�lder norm of the solutions of second-order quasilinear elliptic equations of the general form 1983 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ A survey of results on the solubility of boundary-value problems for second-order uniformly elliptic and parabolic quasi-linear equations having unbounded singularities 1986 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Partial regularity for weak solutions of an elliptic free boundary problem 1998 Georg S. Weiss
+ A homogeneity improvement approach to the obstacle problem 1999 Georg S. Weiss
+ Una maggiorazione a priori relativa alle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche 1969 Enrico Bombieri
Ennio De Giorgi
Michele Miranda
+ Second Order Parabolic Differential Equations 1996 Gary M. Lieberman
+ PDF Chat None 2003 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Harnack's inequality for elliptic equations and the H�lder property of their solutions 1983 M. V. Safonov
+ PDF Chat None 2001 N. N. Uraltseva
+ Regularity in free boundary problems 1977 David Kinderlehrer
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat The Harnack inequality and related properties for solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations with divergence-free lower-order coefficients 2011 Alexander I. Nazarov
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat A parabolic two-phase obstacle-like equation 2009 Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
Georg S. Weiss
+ A Geometric Approach to Free Boundary Problems 2005 Luis Caffarelli
Sandro Salsa
+ H�lder estimates for bounded solutions of problems with an oblique derivative for parabolic equations of nondivergence structure 1993 Alexander I. Nazarov
+ Continuity of Solutions of Parabolic and Elliptic Equations 1958 John C. Nash
+ Non-parametric mean curvature evolution with boundary conditions 1989 Gerhard Huisken
+ Pseudosolutions of the time-dependent minimal surface problem 1978 A. Lichnewsky
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat The two-phase membrane problem—An intersection-comparison approach to the regularity at branch points 2005 Henrik Shahgholian
Georg S. Weiss
+ Existence of smooth solutions of problems for parabolic systems with convex constraints on the boundary of the domain 1991 A. A. Arkhipova
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Limit smoothness of the solutions of variational inequalities under convex constraints on the boundary of the domain 1990 A. A. Arkhipova
N. N. Uraltseva
+ PDF Chat Evolution of nonparametric surfaces with speed depending on curvature II. The mean curvature case 1993 Vladimir Oliker
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Quasistationary Phase Transition Problem in Two-Phase Media. One-Dimensional Case. The Zero Surface Stress Coefficient 2015 V. G. Osmolovskiî
+ PDF Chat Homogenization of elliptic systems with periodic coefficients: Weighted $L^p$ and $L^{\infty}$ estimates for asymptotic remainders 2007 С. А. Назаров
+ None 2002 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Alexander I. Nazarov
+ The first initial-boundary value problem for quasilinear second order parabolic equations 1986 Gary M. Lieberman
+ On the global solutions of the parabolic obstacle problem 2001 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Henrik Shahgholian
N. N. Uraltseva
+ On the Symmetry of Extremal in Several Embedding Theorems 2015 Ekaterina Mukoseeva
Alexander I. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Alexander I. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Local gradient estimates for solutions of a simplest regularization of a class of nonuniformly elliptic equations 1997 O. A. Ladyzhenskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
+ Some New Monotonicity Theorems with Applications to Free Boundary Problems 2002 Luis Caffarelli
David Jerison
Carlos E. Kenig
+ PDF Chat Optimal stochastic switching and the Dirichlet problem for the Bellman equation 1979 Lawrence C. Evans
Avner Friedman
+ None 2001 Daria Apushkinskaya
Alexander I. Nazarov
+ PDF Chat Linear two-phase Venttsel problems 2001 D. E. Apushkinskaya
Alexander I. Nazarov