Samit Dasgupta


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Ranks of Matrices of Logarithms of Algebraic Numbers II: The Matrix Coefficient Conjecture 2024 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ PDF Chat Brumer–Stark units and explicit class field theory 2024 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ PDF Chat Ranks of matrices of logarithms of algebraic numbers, I : The theorems of Baker and Waldschmidt–Masser 2023 Samit Dasgupta
+ On the Brumer–Stark conjecture and refinements 2023 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ Ranks of matrices of logarithms of algebraic numbers I: the theorems of Baker and Waldschmidt-Masser 2023 Samit Dasgupta
+ Two encounters with the p-adic Stark conjecture 2023 Benedict H. Gross
Samit Dasgupta
+ The Brumer--Stark Conjecture over Z 2023 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Jesse Silliman
Jiuya Wang
+ On Constructing Extensions of Residually Isomorphic Characters 2023 Samit Dasgupta
+ The Residually Indistinguishable Case of Ribet's Method for GL2 2023 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Jesse Silliman
Jiuya Wang
+ On The Equivariant Tamagawa Number Conjecture 2023 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Jesse Silliman
+ On the Brumer--Stark conjecture 2022 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture and Refinements 2022 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On the Equality of Three Formulas for Brumer--Stark Units 2022 Samit Dasgupta
Matthew H. Honnor
+ Brumer-Stark Units and Hilbert's 12th Problem 2021 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On the rank one Gross–Stark conjecture for quadratic extensions and the Deligne–Ribet $q$-expansion principle 2021 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On constant terms of Eisenstein series 2021 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ Brumer-Stark Units and Explicit Class Field Theory 2021 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On Constant Terms of Eisenstein Series 2020 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture 2020 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ On Constant Terms of Eisenstein Series 2020 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
+ PDF Chat On the Gross--Tark Conjecture 2018 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Kevin Ventullo
+ Partial zeta values, Gross's tower of fields conjecture, and Gross–Stark units 2018 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ Sylvester’s problem and mock Heegner points 2017 Samit Dasgupta
John Voight
+ On the characteristic polynomial of the Gross regulator matrix 2017 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ Sylvester's Problem and Mock Heegner Points 2017 Samit Dasgupta
John Voight
+ On the Characteristic Polynomial of the Gross Regulator Matrix 2017 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ On the Characteristic Polynomial of the Gross Regulator Matrix 2017 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ Sylvester's Problem and Mock Heegner Points 2017 Samit Dasgupta
John Voight
+ The Eisenstein cocycle and Gross’s tower of fields conjecture 2016 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ On the Gross-Stark Conjecture 2016 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Kevin Ventullo
+ Factorization of p-adic Rankin L-series 2015 Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on $\mathbf {GL}_n$, II: Shintani’s method 2015 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
Matthew Greenberg
+ PDF Chat The -adic -functions of evil Eisenstein series 2015 Joël Bellaïche
Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat <i>p</i>-adic <i>L</i>-functions and Euler systems: a tale in two trilogies 2014 Massimo Bertolini
Francesc Castella
Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
Kartik Prasanna
VĂ­ctor Rotger
+ PDF Chat p-adic L-functions and Euler systems: a tale in two trilogies 2014 Massimo Bertolini
Francesc Castella
Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
Kartik Prasanna
VĂ­ctor Rotger
+ The Eisenstein cocycle, partial zeta values and Gross--Stark units 2014 Samit Dasgupta
Michael SpieĂź
+ Integral Eisenstein cocycles on GLn, II : Shintani's method 2014 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
Matthew Greenberg
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on $\mathbf{GL}_n$, I: Sczech’s cocycle and $p$-adic $L$-functions of totally real fields 2014 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
+ P-adic L-functions and Euler systems: A tale in two trilogies 2014 Massimo Bertolini
Francesc Castella
Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
Kartik Prasanna
VĂ­ctor Rotger
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on GLn , I: Sczech's cocycle and p-adic L-functions of Totally Real Fields 2014 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat â„’-invariants and Shimura curves 2012 Samit Dasgupta
Matthew Greenberg
+ A conjectural product formula for Brumer–Stark units over real quadratic fields 2012 Samit Dasgupta
+ Integral Eisenstein cocycles on GLn, I : Sczech's cocycle and p-adic L-functions of totally real fields 2012 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture 2011 Samit Dasgupta
Henri Darmon
Robert Pollack
+ The Rank One Abelian Stark Conjecture 2011 Samit Dasgupta
Matthew Greenberg
+ A Shintani-type formula for Gross--Stark units over function fields 2009 Samit Dasgupta
Alison Beth Miller
+ The đť‘ť-adic upper half plane 2008 Samit Dasgupta
Jeremy Teitelbaum
+ đť‘ť-adic Geometry 2008 Matthew Baker
Brian Conrad
Samit Dasgupta
Kiran S. Kedlaya
Jeremy Teitelbaum
+ Shintani zeta functions and Gross-Stark units for totally real fields 2008 Samit Dasgupta
+ Stark–Heegner points and special values of <i>L</i>-series 2007 Massimo Bertolini
Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Computations of Elliptic Units for Real Quadratic Fields 2007 Samit Dasgupta
+ The p-adic upper half plane 2007 Samit Dasgupta
Jeremy Teitelbaum
+ PDF Chat Elliptic units for real quadratic fields 2006 Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Stark–Heegner points on modular Jacobians 2005 Samit Dasgupta
+ Transversals of additive Latin squares 2001 Samit Dasgupta
Gyula Károlyi
Oriol Serra
Balázs Szegedy
+ A Presentation for the Unipotent Group over Rings with Identity 2001 Daniel K. Biss
Samit Dasgupta
+ Stark's Conjectures 1999 Samit Dasgupta
+ PDF Chat Unlinking theorem for symmetric convex functions 1994 Subir Kumar Bhandari
Samit Dasgupta
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Values of abelianL-functions at negative integers over totally real fields 1980 Pierre Deligne
Kenneth A. Ribet
+ p-adic L-series at s=0 1982 H. Gross Benedict
+ PDF Chat Hilbert modular forms and the Gross-Stark conjecture 2011 Samit Dasgupta
Henri Darmon
Robert Pollack
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on $\mathbf{GL}_n$, I: Sczech’s cocycle and $p$-adic $L$-functions of totally real fields 2014 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
+ Valeurs aux entiers n�gatifs des fonctions z�ta et fonctions z�tap-adiques 1979 Pierrette Cassou-Nogu�s
+ Shintani zeta functions and Gross-Stark units for totally real fields 2008 Samit Dasgupta
+ The Iwasawa Conjecture for Totally Real Fields 1990 Andrew Wiles
+ PDF Chat Elliptic units for real quadratic fields 2006 Henri Darmon
Samit Dasgupta
+ p-adicL-functions andp-adic periods of modular forms 1993 Ralph Greenberg
Glenn Stevens
+ PDF Chat On special zeros of p-adic L-functions of Hilbert modular forms 2013 Michael SpieĂź
+ On the values of abelian $L$-functions at $s=0$ 1988 H. Gross Benedict
+ Integration on â„‹ p Ă— â„‹ and Arithmetic Applications 2001 Henri Darmon
+ Onp-adic analogues of the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer 1986 Barry Mazur
John Tate
Jeremy Teitelbaum
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on $\mathbf {GL}_n$, II: Shintani’s method 2015 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
Matthew Greenberg
+ PDF Chat On the rank one abelian Gross–Stark conjecture 2015 Kevin Ventullo
+ Eisenstein group cocycles for GL n and values ofL-functions 1993 Robert Sczech
+ Shintani cocycles and the order of vanishing of $$p$$ p -adic Hecke $$L$$ L -series at $$s=0$$ s = 0 2013 Michael SpieĂź
+ PDF Chat On the Gross--Tark Conjecture 2018 Samit Dasgupta
Mahesh Kakde
Kevin Ventullo
+ On Stark's conjectures on the behavior of L (s, x) at s=0 1982 T John
+ L-functions at s = 1. IV. First derivatives at s = 0 1980 Harold Stark
+ R�sidu ens=1 des fonctions z�tap-adiques 1988 Pierre Colmez
+ Heegner points and derivatives ofL-series 1986 Benedict H. Gross
Don Zagier
+ PDF Chat Computations of Elliptic Units for Real Quadratic Fields 2007 Samit Dasgupta
+ On evaluation of zeta functions of totally real algebraic number fields at non-positive integers 1976 Takuro Shintani
+ Elementary Theory of L-functions and Eisenstein Series 1993 Haruzo Hida
+ The special values of the zeta functions associated with Hilbert modular forms 1978 Goro Shimura
+ The Eisenstein measure and real quadratic fields 1989 G. T. Stevens
+ PDF Chat Stark–Heegner points on modular Jacobians 2005 Samit Dasgupta
+ A modular construction of unramifiedp-extensions ofQ(? p ) 1976 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ PDF Chat Arguments des unités de Stark et périodes de séries d’Eisenstein 2008 Pierre Charollois
Henri Darmon
+ PDF Chat Algebraic number theory 1999 Kazuya KatĂ´
Nobushige Kurokawa
Takeshi Saito
+ PDF Chat Integral Eisenstein cocycles on GLn , I: Sczech's cocycle and p-adic L-functions of Totally Real Fields 2014 Pierre Charollois
Samit Dasgupta
+ �ber den arithmetischen Charakter der Fourierkoeffizienten von Modulformen 1962 Helmut Klingen
+ PDF Chat How can we construct abelian Galois extensions of basic number fields? 2011 Barry Mazur
+ PDF Chat On derivatives of <i>p</i>-adic <i>L</i>-series at <i>s</i> = 0 2018 David Burns
+ Group ring valued Hilbert modular forms 2024 Jesse Silliman
+ PDF Chat On the syntomic regulator for K 1 of a surface 2011 Amnon Besser
+ Properties of Higher-Dimensional Shintani Generating Functions and Cocycles on Pgl<sub>3</sub> (Q) 2001 Shubin Hu
David Solomon
+ On the units of algebraic number fields 1967 Armand Brumer
+ On the factorization ofp-adicL-series 1980 Benedict H. Gross
+ Values of L-Functions at s = 1 I. L-Functions for quadratic forms 1971 H. Stärk
+ PDF Chat A $p$-adic measure attached to the zeta functions associated with two elliptic modular forms. II 1988 Haruzo Hida
+ On ordinary ?-adic representations associated to modular forms 1988 Andrew Wiles
+ -Invariants of Adjoint Square Galois Representations Coming from Modular Forms 2008 Craig Citro
+ Schottky groups and Mumford curves 1980 Lothar Gerritzen
Marius van der Put
+ PDF Chat Determining Fitting ideals of minus class groups via the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture 2007 Cornélius Greither
+ On Some Arithmetic Properties of Modular Forms of One and Several Variables 1975 Goro Shimura
+ On the arithmetic of special values ofL functions 1979 Barry Mazur
+ Cohomology of Groups 1982 Kenneth S. Brown