Nancy Guelman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On some planar Baumslag–Solitar actions 2024 Juan Carlos Alonso
Nancy Guelman
CristĂłbal Rivas
Juliana Xavier
+ Abelian groups acting on the line 2024 Nancy Guelman
Matilde MartĂ­nez
+ Interval Exchange Transformations Groups: Free Actions and Dynamics of Virtually Abelian Groups 2024 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Uniform simplicity for subgroups of piecewise continuous bijections of the unit interval 2023 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Interval Exchange Transformations groups. Free actions and dynamics of virtually abelian groups 2023 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Uniform perfectness for Interval Exchange Transformations with or without Flips 2022 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of minimal unstable lamination for discretized Anosov flows 2021 Nancy Guelman
Santiago Martinchich
+ Uniform simplicity for subgroups of piecewise continuous bijections of the unit interval 2021 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
Pierre Arnoux
+ Uniqueness of minimal unstable lamination for discretized Anosov flows 2020 Nancy Guelman
Santiago Martinchich
+ Uniqueness of minimal unstable lamination for discretized Anosov flows 2020 Nancy Guelman
Santiago Martinchich
+ Bounded Simplicity of Affine Interval Exchange Transformations and Interval Exchange Transformations 2019 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Distortion in groups of affine interval exchange transformations 2019 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Reversible Maps and Products of Involutions in Groups of IETS 2019 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Uniform perfectness for Interval Exchange Transformations with or without Flips 2019 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Any Baumslag–Solitar action on surfaces with a pseudo-Anosov element has a finite orbit 2018 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Quasi-invariant measures for some amenable groups acting on the line 2018 Nancy Guelman
CristĂłbal Rivas
+ Distortion in groups of Affine Interval Exchange transformations 2017 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Any Baumslag-Solitar action on surfaces with a pseudo-Anosov element has a finite orbit 2017 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Burnside Problem for Groups of Homeomorphisms of Compact Surfaces 2017 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ One some planar Baumslag-Solitar actions 2017 Juan Alonso
Nancy Guelman
CristĂłbal Rivas
Juliana Xavier
+ PDF Chat Examples of minimal set for IFSs 2017 Nancy Guelman
Jorge Iglesias
Aldo Portela
+ Any Baumslag-Solitar action on surfaces with a pseudo-Anosov element has a finite orbit 2017 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Distortion in groups of Affine Interval Exchange transformations 2017 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Examples of minimal set for IFSs 2016 Nancy Guelman
Jorge Iglesias
Aldo Portela
+ Examples of minimal set for IFSs 2016 Nancy Guelman
J. A. Sabater Iglesias
Aldo Portela
+ Actions of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces with (pseudo)-Anosov elements 2014 Juan Alonso
Nancy Guelman
Juliana Xavier
+ Burnside problem for groups of homeomorphisms of compact surfaces 2014 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Burnside problem for groups of diffeomorphisms of the 2-sphere and the 2-disk 2014 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Smooth conjugacy classes of circle diffeomorphisms with irrational rotation number 2014 Christian Bonatti
Nancy Guelman
+ Burnside problem for groups of homeomorphisms of compact surfaces 2014 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat A characterization of annularity for area-preserving toral homeomorphisms 2013 Nancy Guelman
Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ PDF Chat Rotation sets with non-empty interior and transitivity in the universal covering 2013 Nancy Guelman
Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ Burnside problem for measure preserving groups and for 2-groups of toral homeomorphisms 2013 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Actions of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces with (pseudo-)Anosov elements 2013 Juan Alonso
Nancy Guelman
Juliana Xavier
+ PDF Chat Actions of Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces 2012 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ A characterization of annularity for area-preserving toral homeomorphisms 2012 Nancy Guelman
Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ Smooth Conjugacy classes of circle diffeomorphisms with irrational rotation number 2012 Christian Bonatti
Nancy Guelman
+ Periodic orbits of convex Lagrangians and average energy 2012 Nancy Guelman
Miguel Paternain
+ Smooth Conjugacy classes of circle diffeomorphisms with irrational rotation number 2012 Christian Bonatti
Nancy Guelman
+ A characterization of annularity for area-preserving toral homeomorphisms 2012 Nancy Guelman
Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ PDF Chat <i>C</i><sup>1</sup>–actions of Baumslag–Solitar groups on<i>S</i><sup>1</sup> 2011 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Burnside problem for measure preserving groups of toral homeomorphisms and for 2-groups of toral homeomorphisms 2011 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Actions of Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces 2010 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ Axiom A diffeomorphisms derived from Anosov flows 2010 Christian Bonatti
Nancy Guelman
+ Actions of Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces 2010 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphisms having rotation sets with non-empty interior 2009 Heber Enrich
Nancy Guelman
Audrey Larcanché
Isabelle Liousse
+ Transitive Anosov flows and Axiom-A diffeomorphisms 2008 Christian Bonatti
Nancy Guelman
+ PDF Chat Rotation set and Entropy 2007 Heber Enrich
Nancy Guelman
Audrey Larcanché
Isabelle Liousse
+ On the approximation of time one maps of Anosov flows by Axiom A diffeomorphisms 2002 Nancy Guelman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Rotation Sets for Maps of Tori 1989 Michał Misiurewicz
Krystyna Ziemian
+ PDF Chat Discontinuity-growth of interval-exchange maps 2009 Christopher F. Novak
+ PDF Chat Distortion elements in group actions on surfaces 2006 John Franks
Michael Handel
+ PDF Chat Groups of Circle Diffeomorphisms 2011 Andrés Navas
+ A Primer on Mapping Class Groups (PMS-49) 2017 Benson Farb
Dan Margalit
+ Rotation sets and ergodic measures for torus homeomorphisms 1991 Michał Misiurewicz
Krystyna Ziemian
+ PDF Chat Actions of Baumslag-Solitar groups on surfaces 2012 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat <i>C</i><sup>1</sup>–actions of Baumslag–Solitar groups on<i>S</i><sup>1</sup> 2011 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Realizing rotation vectors for torus homeomorphisms 1989 John Franks
+ Groups acting on manifolds: around the Zimmer program 2008 David Fisher
+ PDF Chat Classification of exotic circles of PL+(S1) 1997 Hiroyuki Minakawa
+ Pointwise Periodic Homeomorphisms 1981 D. B. A. Epstein
+ Rank-1 phenomena for mapping class groups 2001 Benson Farb
Alexander Lubotzky
Yair N. Minsky
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of Lie group actions on surfaces 1986 J. F. Plante
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of discrete nilpotent group actions on $S^2$ 2002 S. Druck
Fuquan Fang
S. de S. Firmo
+ PDF Chat Global rigidity of solvable group actions on<i>S</i><sup>1</sup> 2004 Lizzie Burslem
Amie Wilkinson
+ PDF Chat On Groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the Real Line 2016 Robert Bieri
Ralph Strebel
+ Polynomial growth in holonomy groups of foliations 1976 J. F. Plante
William P. Thurston
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Groupes résolubles de difféomorphismes de l’intervalle, du cercle et de la droite 2004 Andrés Navas
+ Anomalous anosov flows 1980 John Franks
Bob Williams
+ PDF Chat Strictly toral dynamics 2013 Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ PDF Chat Realizing Rotation Vectors for Torus Homeomorphisms 1989 John Franks
+ Rigidity of trivial actions of abelian-by-cyclic groups 2009 Anne E. McCarthy
+ Commutators in linear groups 1989 R. Keith Dennis
L. N. Vaserstein
+ On the approximation of time one maps of Anosov flows by Axiom A diffeomorphisms 2002 Nancy Guelman
+ PDF Chat Bounded and unbounded behavior for area-preserving rational pseudo-rotations 2014 Andrés Koropecki
Fábio Armando Tal
+ PDF Chat Invariant Manifolds 1977 Morris W. Hirsch
Charles Pugh
Michael Shub
+ PDF Chat Some two-generator one-relator non-Hopfian groups 1962 Gilbert Baumslag
D. Solitar
+ The Multiple Ergodicity of Nondiscrete Subgroups of Diffω (S1) 2003 Julio C. Rebelo
R. Silva
+ PDF Chat Free groups of interval exchange transformations are rare 2013 François Dahmani
Koji Fujiwara
Vincent Guirardel
+ Rotation vectors and entropy for homeomorphisms of the torus isotopic to the identity 1991 Jaume Llibre
Robert S. MacKay
+ PDF Chat Subgroup of interval exchanges generated by torsion elements and rotations 2015 Michael Boshernitzan
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of Abelian actions 2007 John Franks
Michael Handel
Kamlesh Parwani
+ PDF Chat Groups of Homeomorphisms of One-Manifolds, I: Actions of Nonlinear Groups 2019 Benson Farb
John Franks
+ The simplicity of certain groups of homeomorphisms 1970 D. B. A. Epstein
+ Reversibility in Dynamics and Group Theory 2015 Anthony G. O’Farrell
Ian Short
+ On spaces of Conradian group orderings 2009 CristĂłbal Rivas
+ Un Point fixe commun pour des diffeomorphismes commutants de S 2 1989 Christian Bonatti
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of (left) orderable groups 2010 Andrés Navas
+ A Primer on Mapping Class Groups 2011 Benson Farb
Dan Margalit
+ The Structure of Classical Diffeomorphism Groups 1997 Augustin Banyaga
+ A Minimal Positive Entropy Homeomorphism of the 2-Torus 1981 Mary Rees
+ PDF Chat Homotopy groups of the space of homeomorphisms on a $2$-manifold 1966 Mary-Elizabeth Hamstrom
+ Burnside problem for measure preserving groups and for 2-groups of toral homeomorphisms 2013 Nancy Guelman
Isabelle Liousse
+ PDF Chat Some Examples of Minimal Cantor Sets for Iterated Function Systems with Overlap 2014 Katsutoshi Shinohara
+ PDF Chat Solvable groups acting on the line 1983 J. F. Plante
+ PDF Chat Prime ends rotation numbers and periodic points 2015 Andrés Koropecki
Patrice Le Calvez
Meysam Nassiri
+ PDF Chat Ergodicity and Annular Homeomorphisms of the Torus 2012 Renato Belinelo Bortolatto
Fábio Armando Tal
+ Common singularities of commuting vector fields on 2-manifolds 1964 Elon L. Lima