Oskar Bolza


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Theory of Functions 2013 Oskar Bolza
+ A Fifth Necessary Condition for a Strong Extremum of the Integral 2013 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the Calculus of Variations. 1963 Oskar Bolza
+ Der singul�re Fall der Reduktion hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung auf elliptische durch eine Transformation dritten Grades 1935 Oskar Bolza
+ Über zwei Euler’sche Aufgaben aus der Variationsrechnung 1913 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat �ber den ?Anormalen Fall? beim Lagrangeschen und Mayerschen Problem mit gemischten Bedingungen und variablen Endpunkten 1913 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Über den hilbert’schen unabhängigkeitssatz beim lagrange’schen variationsproblem 1911 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Über den hilbert’schen unabhängigkeitssatz beim lagrange’schen variatíonsproblem 1911 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat An application of the notions of “general analysis ” to a problem of the calculus of variations 1910 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Remarks concerning the second variation for isoperimetric problems 1909 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Existence Proof for a Field of Extremals Tangent to a Given Curve 1907 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Existence proof for a field of extremals tangent to a given curve 1907 Oskar Bolza
+ Weierstrass' Theorem and Kneser's Theorem on Transversals for the Most General Case of an Extremum of a Simple Definite Integral 1906 Oskar Bolza
+ A Fifth Necessary Conditions for a Strong Extremum of the Integral: � � x 1 x 0 F(x, y, y � )dx 1906 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Weierstrass’ theorem and Kneser’s theorem on transversals for the most general case of an extremum of a simple definite integral 1906 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat A fifth necessary condition for a strong extremum of the integral ∫^{𝑥₁}_{𝑥₀}𝐹(𝑥,𝑦,𝑦’)𝑑𝑥 1906 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the Calculus of Variations 1905 T. J. I’A. Bromwich
Oskar Bolza
+ Proof of the Sufficiency of Jacobi's Condition for a Permanent Sign of the Second Variation in the So-Called Isoperimetric Problems 1902 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Proof of the sufficiency of Jacobi’s condition for a permanent sign of the second variation in the so-called isoperimetric problems 1902 Oskar Bolza
+ Concerning the geodesic curvature and the isoperimetric problem on a given surface, and, Proof of the sufficiency of Jacobi's condition for a permanent sign of the second variation in the so-called isoperimetric problems 1902 Oskar Bolza
+ New Proof of a Theorem of Osgood's in the Calculus of Variations 1901 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat New proof of a theorem of Osgood’s in the calculus of variations 1901 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Errata: “The elliptic 𝜎-functions considered as a special case of the hyperelliptic 𝜎-functions” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1900), no. 1, 53–65; 1500524] 1901 Oskar Bolza
+ Remarks Concerning the Expansions of the Hyperelliptic Sigma-Functions 1900 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat The elliptic 𝜎-functions considered as a special case of the hyperelliptic 𝜎-functions 1900 Oskar Bolza
+ The Elliptic /sigma-Functions Considered as a Special Case of the Hyperelliptic /sigma-Functions 1900 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions 1899 Oskar Bolza
+ The Partial Differential Equations for the Hyperelliptic Θ- and σ-Functions 1899 Oskar Bolza
+ Proof of Brioschi's Recursion Formula for the Expansion of the Even σ-Functions of Two Variables 1899 Oskar Bolza
+ Zur Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung auf elliptische mittels einer Transformation dritten Grades 1898 Oskar Bolza
+ Zur Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung auf elliptische mittels einer Transformation dritten Grades 1898 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Die cubische Involution und die Dreitheilung und Transformation dritter Ordnung der elliptischen Functionen 1898 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Mathematical Papers read at the International Mathematical Congress held in connection with the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893 1896 Henry S. White
Eliakim Hastings Moore
Oskar Bolza
Oskar Bolza
+ On the First and Second Logarithmic Derivatives of Hyperelliptic σ-Functions 1895 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Ueber die linearen Relationen zwischen den zu verschiedenen singul�ren Punkten geh�rigen Fundamentalsystemen von Integralen der Riemann'schen Differentialgleichung 1893 Oskar Bolza
+ On the Transformation of Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order with Linear Coefficients 1893 Oskar Bolza
+ PDF Chat Ueber Kronecker's Definition der Gruppe einer Gleichung 1893 Oskar Bolza
+ On the Theory of Substitution-Groups and Its Application to Algebraic Equations, [Continued] 1891 Oskar Bolza
+ On the Construction of Intransitive Groups 1889 Oskar Bolza
+ Darstellung der rationalen ganzen Invarianten der Bin�rform sechsten Grades durch die Nullwerthe der zugeh�rigen ?-Functionen 1887 Oskar Bolza
+ On Binary Sextics with Linear Transformations into Themselves 1887 Oskar Bolza
+ Ueber die Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische durch eine Transformation vierten Grades 1887 Oskar Bolza
+ Über die Reduction hyperelliptischer Integrale erster Ordnung und erster Gattung auf elliptische : insbesondere über die Reduction durch eine Transformation vierten Grades 1886 Oskar Bolza