François Fillastre


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ An Introduction to Reshetnyak’s Theory of Subharmonic Distances 2023 François Fillastre
+ Reshetnyak's Theory of Subharmonic Metrics 2023 François Fillastre
Dmitriy Slutskiy
+ Polyhedral surfaces in flat (2+1)-spacetimes and balanced cellulations on hyperbolic surfaces 2023 François Fillastre
Роман Просанов
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic geometry of shapes of convex bodies 2022 Clément Debin
François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat A remark on one-harmonic maps from a Hadamard surface of pinched negative curvature to the hyperbolic plane 2021 François Fillastre
Andrea Seppi
+ A remark on one-harmonic maps from a Hadamard surface of pinched negative curvature to the hyperbolic plane 2021 François Fillastre
Andrea Seppi
+ PDF Chat Generalization of a formula of Wolpert for balanced geodesic graphs on closed hyperbolic surfaces 2020 François Fillastre
Andrea Seppi
+ Quasi-Fuchsian Co-Minkowski Manifolds 2020 Thierry Barbot
François Fillastre
+ An introduction to Reshetnyak's theory of subharmonic distances 2020 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat A note on invariant constant curvature immersions in Minkowski space 2019 François Fillastre
Graham Smith
+ PDF Chat Spherical, hyperbolic, and other projective geometries: convexity, duality, transitions 2019 François Fillastre
Andrea Seppi
+ A note on invariant constant curvature immersions in Minkowski space 2018 François Fillastre
Graham Smith
+ PDF Chat Embeddings of non-positively curved compact surfaces in flat Lorentzian manifolds 2018 François Fillastre
Dmitriy Slutskiy
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Fuchsian co-Minkowski manifolds 2018 Thierry Barbot
François Fillastre
+ A note on invariant constant curvature immersions in Minkowski space 2018 François Fillastre
Graham Smith
+ Hyperbolic geometry of shapes of convex bodies 2018 Clément Debin
François Fillastre
+ Quasi-Fuchsian co-Minkowski manifolds 2018 Thierry Barbot
François Fillastre
+ A short elementary proof of reversed Brunn--Minkowski inequality for coconvex bodies 2017 François Fillastre
+ Embeddings of non-positively curved compact surfaces in flat Lorentzian manifolds 2017 François Fillastre
Dmitriy Slutskiy
+ A remark on spaces of flat metrics with cone singularities of constant sign curvatures 2017 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat The equivariant Minkowski problem in Minkowski space 2017 Francesco Bonsante
François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat A remark on spaces of flat metrics with cone singularities of constant sign curvatures 2017 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat A short elementary proof of reversed Brunn–Minkowski inequality for coconvex bodies 2017 François Fillastre
+ A remark on spaces of flat metrics with cone singularities of constant sign curvatures 2017 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ A short elementary proof of reversed Brunn--Minkowski inequality for coconvex bodies 2017 François Fillastre
+ Embeddings of non-positively curved compact surfaces in flat Lorentzian manifolds 2017 François Fillastre
Dmitriy Slutskiy
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat Lorentzian area measures and the Christoffel problem 2016 François Fillastre
Giona Veronelli
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolization of cusps with convex boundary 2016 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
Giona Veronelli
+ Group actions and scattering problems in Teichmüller theory 2016 François Fillastre
Graham Smith
+ Spherical, hyperbolic and other projective geometries: convexity, duality, transitions 2016 François Fillastre
Andrea Seppi
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolization of cusps with convex boundary 2015 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
Giona Veronelli
+ Hyperbolization of cusps with convex boundary 2015 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
Giona Veronelli
+ PDF Chat Christoffel and Minkowski problems in Minkowski space 2015 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Polygons of the Lorentzian plane and spherical simplexes 2014 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Shapes of polyhedra, mixed volumes, and hyperbolic geometry 2013 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian convex bodies: basics of Brunn–Minkowski theory 2013 François Fillastre
+ Flippable tilings of constant curvature surfaces 2012 François Fillastre
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ Polygons of the Lorentzian plane and spherical simplexes 2011 François Fillastre
+ Polygons of the Lorentzian plane and spherical polyhedra 2011 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat From spaces of polygons to spaces of polyhedra following Bavard, Ghys and Thurston 2011 François Fillastre
+ Gauss images of hyperbolic cusps with convex polyhedral boundary 2011 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ Polygons of the Lorentzian plane and spherical simplexes 2011 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms 2010 François Fillastre
+ Existence and uniqueness theorem for convex polyhedral metrics on compact surfaces 2010 François Fillastre
+ Gauss images of hyperbolic cusps with convex polyhedral boundary 2009 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic cusps with convex polyhedral boundary 2008 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral hyperbolic metrics on surfaces 2008 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral hyperbolic metrics on surfaces 2008 François Fillastre
+ Polyhedral hyperbolic metrics on surfaces 2008 François Fillastre
+ Fuchsian polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms 2007 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral realisation of hyperbolic metrics with conical singularities on compact surfaces 2007 François Fillastre
+ Fuchsian polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms 2007 François Fillastre
+ Réalisation de métriques sur les surfaces compactes 2006 François Fillastre
+ Polyhedral realisation of hyperbolic metrics with conical singularities on compact surfaces 2006 François Fillastre
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Extrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces 1973 А. В. Погорелов
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian convex bodies: basics of Brunn–Minkowski theory 2013 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic manifolds with convex boundary 2005 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature 2007 Geoffrey Mess
+ PDF Chat Alexandrov’s theorem, weighted Delaunay triangulations, and mixed volumes 2008 Alexander I. Bobenko
Ivan Izmestiev
+ A characterization of compact convex polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space 1993 Craig D. Hodgson
Igor Rivin
+ Surfaces convexes fuchsiennes dans les espaces lorentziens � courbure constante 2000 Fran�ois Labourie
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ Hyperbolic manifolds with polyhedral boundary 2001 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic cusps with convex polyhedral boundary 2008 François Fillastre
Ivan Izmestiev
+ Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology 1997 William P. Thurston
Silvio Levy
+ PDF Chat Shapes of polyhedra and triangulations of the sphere 1998 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Small deformations of polygons and polyhedra 2006 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Prescribing Gauss curvature of surfaces in 3-dimensional spacetimes Application to the Minkowski problem in the Minkowski space 2011 Thierry Barbot
François Béguin
Abdelghani Zeghib
+ PDF Chat Prescribing curvature on compact surfaces with conical singularities 1991 Marc Troyanov
+ PDF Chat Surfaces convexes dans des espaces lorentziens à courbure constante 1996 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Minimal surfaces and particles in 3-manifolds 2007 Kirill Krasnov
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Convex polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms 2001 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Fuchsian polyhedra in Lorentzian space-forms 2010 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat A Variational Proof of Alexandrov’s Convex Cap Theorem 2008 Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat The equivariant Minkowski problem in Minkowski space 2017 Francesco Bonsante
François Fillastre
+ Convex Bodies: The Brunn–Minkowski Theory 1993 Rolf Schneider
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral hyperbolic metrics on surfaces 2008 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat Polyhedral realisation of hyperbolic metrics with conical singularities on compact surfaces 2007 François Fillastre
+ PDF Chat On the Theory of Coconvex Bodies 2014 Askold Khovanskiĭ
Vladlen Timorin
+ PDF Chat Lorentzian area measures and the Christoffel problem 2016 François Fillastre
Giona Veronelli
+ PDF Chat Flat spacetimes with compact hyperbolic Cauchy surfaces 2005 Francesco Bonsante
+ PDF Chat Fixed points of compositions of earthquakes 2012 Francesco Bonsante
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ Euclidean Structures on Simplicial Surfaces and Hyperbolic Volume 1994 Igor Rivin
+ Extra-large metrics 2005 Igor Rivin
+ Polygones du plan et polyedres hyperboliques 1992 Christophe Bavard
Étienne Ghys
+ PDF Chat Globally hyperbolic flat space–times 2004 Thierry Barbot
+ PDF Chat Sur la rigidité de polyèdres hyperboliques en dimension $3$ : cas de volume fini, cas hyperidéal, cas fuchsien 2004 Mathias Rousset
+ Codazzi tensors and equations of Monge-Ampère type on compact manifolds of constant sectional curvature. 1983 Vladimir Oliker
Udo Simon
+ PDF Chat Andreev’s Theorem on hyperbolic polyhedra 2007 Roland K. W. Roeder
John H. Hubbard
William Dunbar
+ PDF Chat Métriques prescrites sur le bord des variétés hyperboliques de dimension 3 1992 Franccois Labourie
+ Prescribing curvature on open surfaces 1992 Dominique Hulin
Marc Troyanov
+ PDF Chat Métriques sur les polyèdres hyperboliques convexes 1998 Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ Metric Spaces of Non-Positive Curvature 1999 Martin R. Bridson
André Haefliger
+ PDF Chat On Codazzi Tensors on a Hyperbolic Surface and Flat Lorentzian Geometry 2015 Francesco Bonsante
Andrea Seppi
+ PDF Chat A geometric transition from hyperbolic to anti-de Sitter geometry 2013 Jeffrey Danciger
+ The geometry and topology of three-manifolds 1979 William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Ads Manifolds With Particles and Earthquakes on Singular Surfaces 2009 Francesco Bonsante
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ On hyperbolic surface tessellations and equivariant spacelike convex polyhedral surfaces in Minkowski Space 2000 Igor Iskhakov
+ THE COMPLEX ANALYTIC THEORY OF TEICHMÜLLER SPACES (Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts) 1991 William J. Harvey
Ivan Izmestiev
+ PDF Chat Liouville equation and spherical convex polytopes 1992 Feng Luo
Gang Tian
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds 2006 John G. Ratcliffe
+ PDF Chat Hyperideal polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space 2002 Xiliang Bao
Francis Bonahon
+ PDF Chat Notes on a paper of Mess 2007 Lars Andersson
Thierry Barbot
Riccardo Benedetti
Francesco Bonsante
William M. Goldman
François Labourie
Kevin P. Scannell
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat The polar dual of a convex polyhedral set in hyperbolic space. 1995 Ruth Charney
Michael W. Davis