Demetre Kazaras


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the stability of Llarull’s theorem in dimension three 2025 Brian Allen
Edward Bryden
Demetre Kazaras
+ PDF Chat Codimension 2 drawstrings with scalar curvature lower bounds 2025 Demetre Kazaras
Kai Xu
+ Rigid comparison geometry for Riemannian bands and open incomplete manifolds 2024 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ Desingularizing positive scalar curvature 4-manifolds 2024 Demetre Kazaras
+ Spectral Torical Band Inequalities and Generalizations of the Schoen–Yau Black Hole Existence Theorem 2023 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ PDF Chat Spacetime Harmonic Functions and Applications to Mass 2023 Hubert L. Bray
Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ Spectral Torical Band Inequalities and Generalizations of the Schoen-Yau Black Hole Existence Theorem 2023 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ On the Stability of Llarull's Theorem in Dimension Three 2023 Brian Allen
Edward Bryden
Demetre Kazaras
+ Drawstrings and flexibility in the Geroch conjecture 2023 Demetre Kazaras
K.W. Xu
+ Scalar curvature and volume entropy of hyperbolic 3-manifolds 2023 Demetre Kazaras
Antoine Song
K.W. Xu
+ PDF Chat Spacetime harmonic functions and the mass of 3-dimensional asymptotically flat initial data for the Einstein equations 2022 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Functions and the Mass of 3-Dimensional Asymptotically Flat Riemannian Manifolds 2022 Hubert L. Bray
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Daniel Stern
+ PDF Chat On positive scalar curvature cobordisms and the conformal Laplacian on end-periodic manifolds 2022 Demetre Kazaras
Daniel Ruberman
Nikolai Saveliev
+ Rigid comparison geometry for Riemannian bands and open incomplete manifolds 2022 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ Stability of the positive mass theorem and torus rigidity theorems under integral curvature bounds 2022 Brian Allen
Edward Bryden
Demetre Kazaras
+ PDF Chat Smocked Metric Spaces and Their Tangent Cones 2021 Christiana Sormani
Demetre Kazaras
David Afrifa
Victoria Antonetti
Moslie Dinowitz
Hindy Drillick
Maziar Farahzad
Shanell George
Aleah Lydeatte Hepburn
Leslie Trang Huynh
+ PDF Chat Smocked Metric Spaces and Their Tangent Cones 2021 Christiana Sormani
Demetre Kazaras
David Afrifa
Victoria Antonetti
Moslie Dinowitz
Hindy Drillick
Maziar Farahzad
Shanell George
Aleah Lydeatte Hepburn
Leslie Trang Huynh
+ Spacetime Harmonic Functions and Applications to Mass 2021 Hubert L. Bray
Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Yiyue Zhang
+ Stability of the positive mass theorem under Ricci curvature lower bounds 2021 Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Dan Lee
+ Spacetime Harmonic Functions and the Mass of 3-Dimensional Asymptotically Flat Initial Data for the Einstein Equations 2020 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
+ Smocked Metric Spaces and their Tangent Cones 2019 Christina Sormani
Demetre Kazaras
David Afrifa
Victoria Antonetti
Moshe Dinowitz
Hindy Drillick
Maziar Farahzad
Shanell George
Aleah Lydeatte Hepburn
Leslie Trang Huynh
+ PDF Chat An intrinsic flat limit of Riemannian manifolds with no geodesics 2019 J. Basilio
Demetre Kazaras
Christina Sormani
+ Harmonic Functions and The Mass of 3-Dimensional Asymptotically Flat Riemannian Manifolds 2019 Hubert L. Bray
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Daniel Stern
+ Smocked Metric Spaces and their Tangent Cones 2019 Christina Sormani
Demetre Kazaras
David Afrifa
Victoria Antonetti
Moshe Dinowitz
Hindy Drillick
Maziar Farahzad
Shanell George
Aleah Lydeatte Hepburn
Leslie Trang Huynh
+ Desingularizing positive scalar curvature 4-manifolds 2019 Demetre Kazaras
+ On positive scalar curvature cobordisms and the conformal Laplacian on end-periodic manifolds 2019 Demetre Kazaras
Daniel Ruberman
Nikolai Saveliev
+ An intrinsic flat limit of Riemannian manifolds with no geodesics 2018 J. Basilio
Demetre Kazaras
Christina Sormani
+ An intrinsic flat limit of Riemannian manifolds with no geodesics 2018 J. Basilio
Demetre Kazaras
Christina Sormani
+ PDF Chat Minimal hypersurfaces and bordism of positive scalar curvature metrics 2017 Boris Botvinnik
Demetre Kazaras
+ Gluing Manifolds with Boundary and Bordisms of Positive Scalar Curvature Metrics 2017 Demetre Kazaras
+ Minimal hypersurfaces and bordism of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 Boris Botvinnik
Demetre Kazaras
+ Gluing Scalar-Flat Manifolds with Vanishing Mean Curvature on the Boundary 2016 Demetre Kazaras
+ Gluing Scalar-Flat Manifolds with Vanishing Mean Curvature on the Boundary 2016 Demetre Kazaras
+ Minimal hypersurfaces and bordism of positive scalar curvature metrics 2016 Boris Botvinnik
Demetre Kazaras
+ PDF Chat Harnack estimate for the Endangered Species Equation 2015 Xiaodong Cao
Mark Cerenzia
Demetre Kazaras
+ Harnack Estimate for the Endangered Species Equation 2014 Xiaodong Cao
Mark Cerenzia
Demetre Kazaras
+ An Explicit Formula for the Spherical Curves with Constant Torsion 2013 Demetre Kazaras
Ivan Sterling
+ PDF Chat An Explicit Formula for the Spherical Curves with Constant Torsion 2013 Demetre Kazaras
Ivan Sterling
+ An Explicit Formula for the Spherical Curves with Constant Torsion 2013 Demetre Kazaras
Ivan Sterling
+ PDF Chat An explicit formula for spherical curves with constant torsion 2012 Demetre Kazaras
Ivan Sterling
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Spin and Scalar Curvature in the Presence of a Fundamental Group. I 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
S.-T. Yau
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and minimal hypersurface singularities 2019 Richard Schoen
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to a constant scalar curvature metric with constant mean curvature on the boundary 1996 José F. Escobar
+ Conformal Deformation of a Riemannian Metric to a Scalar Flat Metric with Constant mean Curvature on the Boundary 1992 José F. Escobar
+ PDF Chat The mass of an asymptotically flat manifold 1986 Robert Bartnik
+ PDF Chat Manifolds of positive scalar curvature and conformal cobordism theory 2002 Kazuo Akutagawa
Boris Botvinnik
Not Available Not Available
+ PDF Chat On the proof of the positive mass conjecture in general relativity 1979 Richard Schoen
Shing-Tung Yau
+ The Higher Dimensional Positive Mass Theorem II 2016 Joachim Lohkamp
+ PDF Chat Spacetime harmonic functions and the mass of 3-dimensional asymptotically flat initial data for the Einstein equations 2022 Sven Hirsch
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
+ Scalar curvature and hammocks 1999 Joachim Lohkamp
+ PDF Chat The Inverse Mean Curvature Flow and the Riemannian Penrose Inequality 2001 Gerhard Huisken
Tom Ilmanen
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Functions and the Mass of 3-Dimensional Asymptotically Flat Riemannian Manifolds 2022 Hubert L. Bray
Demetre Kazaras
Marcus Khuri
Daniel Stern
+ A Course in Metric Geometry 2001 Dmitri Burago
Yuri Burago
S. V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat The Yamabe problem on manifolds with boundary 1992 José F. Escobar
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Critical points of the total scalar curvature plus total mean curvature functional 2003 Henrique AraĂșjo
+ PDF Chat Scalar curvature and harmonic maps to $S^1$ 2022 Daniel Stern
+ Regularity of stable minimal hypersurfaces 1981 Richard Schoen
Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Conformal deformation of a Riemannian metric to constant scalar curvature 1984 Richard Schoen
+ Cheeger-Gromov convergence in a conformal setting. I 2015 Boris Botvinnik
Olaf MĂŒller
+ Area minimizing hypersurfaces with isolated singularities. 1985 Leon Simon
Robert Hardt
+ PDF Chat A strict maximum principle for area minimizing hypersurfaces 1987 Leon Simon
+ PDF Chat Geometric Relativity 2019 Dan Lee
+ PDF Chat On the Bartnik mass of apparent horizons 2015 Christos Mantoulidis
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Curvature estimates for minimal hypersurfaces 1975 Richard Schoen
L. Simon
S.-T. Yau
+ A counterexample to the (unstable) Gromov–Lawson–Rosenberg conjecture 1998 Thomas Schick
+ PDF Chat Positive scalar curvature and the Dirac operator on complete riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ The space of minimal embeddings of a surface into a three-dimensional manifold of positive Ricci curvature 1985 Hyeong In Choi
Richard Schoen
+ PDF Chat Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature 2023 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat The Jang Equation Reduction of the Spacetime Positive Energy Theorem in Dimensions Less Than Eight 2013 Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat Metric Inequalities with Scalar Curvature 2018 Misha Gromov
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Compactness of the space of embedded minimal surfaces with free boundary in three-manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature and convex boundary 2014 Ailana Fraser
Martin Man‐chun Li
+ PDF Chat Metrics of Positive Scalar Curvature on Spherical Space Forms 1996 Boris Botvinnik
Peter Gilkey
+ Lectures on Differential Geometry 1994 Richard Schoen
Shing Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Dirac and Plateau billiards in domains with corners 2014 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat Generic regularity of homologically area minimizing hypersurfaces in eight dimensional manifolds 1993 Nathan Smale
+ Existence of Incompressible Minimal Surfaces and the Topology of Three Dimensional Manifolds with Non-Negative Scalar Curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Ricci flow on asymptotically Euclidean manifolds 2018 Yu Li
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Riemannian Penrose Inequality Using the Positive Mass Theorem 2001 Hubert L. Bray
+ PDF Chat The Plateau problem for marginally outer trapped surfaces 2009 Michael Eichmair
+ PDF Chat The splitting theorem for manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature 1971 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Chat Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 2003 Dominic Joyce
+ PDF Chat Minimal curves of constant torsion 2000 Thomas Ivey
+ Blow-up for quasilinear heat equations with critical Fujita's exponents 1994 Victor A. Galaktionov
+ Boundary conditions at spatial infinity from a Hamiltonian point of view 1985 Piotr T. Chruƛciel
+ PDF Chat Interior estimates for hypersurfaces moving by mean curvature 1991 Klaus Ecker
Gerhard Huisken
+ A Morse-Sard theorem for the distance function on Riemannian manifolds 2004 Ludovic Rifford
+ PDF Chat Connected sum constructions for constant scalar curvature metrics 1995 Rafe Mazzeo
Daniel Pollack
Karen Uhlenbeck