Amnon Neeman


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Weakly approximable triangulated categories and enhancements: a survey 2025 Alberto Canonaco
Amnon Neeman
Paolo Stellari
+ PDF Chat Weakly approximable triangulated categories and enhancements: a survey 2024 Alberto Canonaco
Amnon Neeman
Paolo Stellari
+ PDF Chat The passage among the subcategories of weakly approximable triangulated categories 2024 Alberto Canonaco
Christian Haesemeyer
Amnon Neeman
Paolo Stellari
+ Obstructions to the Existence of Bounded t-Structures 2024 Amnon Neeman
+ Finite approximations as a tool for studying triangulated categories 2023 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat An Improvement on the Base-Change Theorem and the Functor $$f^!$$ 2023 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Gluing approximable triangulated categories 2023 Jesse Burke
Amnon Neeman
Bregje Pauwels
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of enhancements for derived and geometric categories 2022 Alberto Canonaco
Amnon Neeman
Paolo Stellari
+ Bounded t-structures on the category of perfect complexes 2022 Amnon Neeman
+ Obstructions to the existence of Bounded {\it t}--structures 2022 Amnon Neeman
+ Finite approximations as a tool for studying triangulated categories 2022 Amnon Neeman
+ The $t$-structures generated by objects 2021 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Strong generators in $\mathbf{D}^{\mathrm{perf}}(X)$ and $\mathbf{D}^b_{\mathrm{coh}}(X)$ 2021 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to vanishing conjectures for negative K-theory 2021 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Approximable triangulated categories 2021 Amnon Neeman
+ Uniqueness of enhancements for derived and geometric categories 2021 Alberto Canonaco
Amnon Neeman
Paolo Stellari
+ PDF Chat New progress on Grothendieck duality, explained to those familiar with category theory and with algebraic geometry 2020 Amnon Neeman
+ A counterexample to some recent conjectures 2020 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Grothendieck duality made simple 2020 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Metrics on triangulated categories 2019 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat An example of a non-Fourier–Mukai functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves 2019 Alice Rizzardo
Michel Van den Bergh
Amnon Neeman
+ Metrics on triangulated categories 2019 Amnon Neeman
+ Metrics on triangulated categories 2019 Amnon Neeman
+ The t-structures generated by objects 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Approximable triangulated categories 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Grothendieck duality made simple 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Triangulated categories with a single compact generator and a Brown representability theorem 2018 Amnon Neeman
Amnon Neeman
David Rydh
+ The category $\big[{\mathcal T}^c\big]^{\text{op}}$ as functors on ${\mathcal T}^b_c$ 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ The categories ${\mathcal T}^c$ and ${\mathcal T}^b_c$ determine each other 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Relative Homological Algebra via Truncations 2018 Wojciech Chachólski
Amnon Neeman
Wolfgang Pitsch
Jérôme Scherer
+ Relative Homological Algebra via Truncations 2018 Wojciech Chachólski
Amnon Neeman
Wolfgang Pitsch
Jérôme Scherer
+ The t-structures generated by objects 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Grothendieck duality made simple 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Approximable triangulated categories 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ Gluing Approximable Triangulated Categories 2018 Jesse Burke
Amnon Neeman
Bregje Pauwels
+ Triangulated categories with a single compact generator and a Brown representability theorem 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Big Cohen-Macaulay Modules, Morphisms of Perfect Complexes, and Intersection Theorems in Local Algebra 2018 Luchézar L. Avramov
Srikanth B. Iyengar
Amnon Neeman
+ The relation between Grothendieck duality and Hochschild homology 2017 Amnon Neeman
+ Strong generators in $D^{perf}(X)$ and $D^b_{coh}(X)$ 2017 Amnon Neeman
+ Big Cohen-Macaulay modules, morphisms of perfect complexes, and intersection theorems in local algebra 2017 Luchézar L. Avramov
Srikanth B. Iyengar
Amnon Neeman
+ Strong generators in $D^{perf}(X)$ and $D^b_{coh}(X)$ 2017 Amnon Neeman
+ The relation between Grothendieck duality and Hochschild homology 2017 Amnon Neeman
+ Relative homological algebra via truncations 2017 Wojciech Chachólski
Amnon Neeman
Wolfgang Pitsch
Jérôme Scherer
+ Strong Generation of Some Derived Categories of Schemes 2016 Amnon Neeman
+ Separable monoids in <b>D<sub>qc</sub> </b>(<i>X</i>) 2015 Amnon Neeman
+ Algebraic and analytic geometry 2015 Amnon Neeman
+ The Decomposition of Hom k (S, k) into Indecomposable Injectives 2015 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Traces and residues 2015 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Relation between two twisted inverse image pseudofunctors in duality theory 2014 Srikanth B. Iyengar
Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ An example of a non-Fourier-Mukai functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves 2014 Alice Rizzardo
Michel Van den Bergh
Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat The homotopy category of injectives 2014 Amnon Neeman
+ One positive and two negative results for derived categories of algebraic stacks 2014 Jack Hall
Amnon Neeman
David Rydh
+ An example of a non-Fourier-Mukai functor between derived categories of coherent sheaves 2014 Alice Rizzardo
Michel Van den Bergh
Amnon Neeman
+ One positive and two negative results for derived categories of algebraic stacks 2014 Jack Hall
Amnon Neeman
David Rydh
+ An improvement on the base-change theorem and the functor $f^!$ 2014 Amnon Neeman
+ Non-left-complete derived categories 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Non-Left-Complete Derived Categories 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ Colocalizing subcategories of D(R) 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Explicit cogenerators for the homotopy category of projective modules over a ring 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ Non-left-complete derived categories 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Derived categories and Grothendieck duality 2010 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Some adjoints in homotopy categories 2010 Amnon Neeman
+ On algebraic geometry, including correspondence with Grothendieck 2010 David Mumford
Ching-Li Chai
Amnon Neeman
隆比呂 塩田
+ Dualizing complexes-the modern way 2010 Amnon Neeman
+ A non-commutative generalisation of Thomason's localisation theorem 2009 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Brown representability does not come for free 2009 Carles Casacuberta
Amnon Neeman
+ Brown representability follows from Rosický's theorem 2009 Amnon Neeman
Amnon Neeman
Wolfgang Pitsch
J Er
Ome Scherer
+ PDF Chat The homotopy category of flat modules, and Grothendieck duality 2008 Amnon Neeman
+ Brown representability does not come for free 2008 Carles Casacuberta
Amnon Neeman
+ Additivity for derivator K-theory 2007 Denis-Charles Cisinski
Amnon Neeman
+ Projective space – the proofs 2007 Amnon Neeman
+ Algebraic and Analytic Geometry 2007 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative localisation in algebraic K-theory II 2007 Amnon Neeman
+ Categories in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics 2007 Alexei Davydov
Michael Batanin
Michael Johnson
Stephen Lack
Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor 2007 Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ An infinite version of homological mirror symmetry 2007 Amnon Neeman
+ Brown representability follows from Rosicky 2007 Amnon Neeman
+ Categories in algebra, geometry and mathematical physics : conference and workshop in honor of Ross Street's 60th birthday, July 11-16/July 18-21, 2005, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 2007 Alexei Davydov
Michael Batanin
Michael Johnson
Stephen Lack
Amnon Neeman
Ross Street
+ Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor 2006 Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor 2006 Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ Nonparametric inference in multivariate mixtures 2005 Peter Hall
Amnon Neeman
Reza Pakyari
Ryan Elmore
+ PDF Chat Geometric Representation of High Dimension, Low Sample Size Data 2005 Peter A. Hall
J. S. Marron
Amnon Neeman
+ A survey of well generated triangulated categories 2005 Amnon Neeman
+ The K-Theory of Triangulated Categories 2005 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative localisation in algebraic<i>K</i>–theory I 2004 Amnon Neeman
Andrew Ranicki
+ PDF Chat Representations of algebras as universal localizations 2004 Amnon Neeman
Andrew Ranicki
Aidan Schofield
+ A counterexample to a 1961 "theorem" in homological algebra 2002 Amnon Neeman
+ The connection between Mays axiom for a triangulated tensor product and Happels description of the derived category of the Quiver $D_{4}$ 2002 Bernhard Keller
Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat The connection between May's axioms for a triangulated tensor product and Happel's description of the derived category of the quiver $D_4$ 2002 Bernhard Keller
Amnon Neeman
+ Representations of algebras as universal localizations 2002 Amnon Neeman
Andrew Ranicki
Aidan Schofield
+ Triangulated Categories 2001 Amnon Neeman
+ Automorphisms of the Yang-Baxter equations, for the chiral Potts model 2001 Amnon Neeman
N. I. Shepherd-Barron
+ Algebraic geometry of the three-state chiral Potts model 2001 Brian Davies
Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Failure of Brown representability in derived categories 2001 J. Daniel Christensen
Bernhard Keller
Amnon Neeman
+ Noncommutative localization and chain complexes I. Algebraic K- and L-theory 2001 Amnon Neeman
Andrew Ranicki
+ K-Theory for triangulated categories 3 3/4: A direct proof of the Theorem of the Heart 2001 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat On the derived category of sheaves on a manifold 2001 Amnon Neeman
+ Oddball Bousfield classes 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ K-Theory for Triangulated Categories 3 1/2 (B): A Detailed Proof of the Theorem of Homological Functors Dedicated to Daniel Quillen and to the Memory of Robert Thomason 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ K-Theory for Triangulated Categories 3 1/2 (A): A Detailed Proof of the Theorem of Homological Functors Dedicated to Daniel Quillen and to the Memory of Robert Thomason 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ $K$-theory for triangulated categories $3\frac 12$. A.: a detailed proof of the theorem of homological functors 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat An improvement on a theorem of Ben Martin 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Loop spaces of the Q-construction 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ Loop spaces for $Q$-constructions 2000 Amnon Neeman
+ K-Theory for Triangulated Categories III(A): The Theorem of the Heart 1999 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory for triangulated categories III(B): The theorem of the heart 1999 Amnon Neeman
+ The naturality in Kirwan's decomposition 1998 Ching-Li Chai
Amnon Neeman
+ Brown representability for the dual 1998 Amnon Neeman
+ Non-compactly generated categories 1998 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory for triangulated categories III(A): The theorem of the heart 1998 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory for triangulated categories II: The subtlety of the theory and potential pitfalls 1998 Amnon Neeman
+ On a theorem of Brown and Adams 1997 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory for triangulated categories I(A): Homological functors 1997 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory for triangulated categories I(B): Homological functors 1997 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat The Grothendieck duality theorem via Bousfield’s techniques and Brown representability 1996 Amnon Neeman
+ Extension categories and their homotopy 1996 Amnon Neeman
Vladimir Retakh
+ The connection between a conjecture of Carlisle and Kropholler, now a theorem of Benson and Crawley-Boevey, and Grothendieck's Riemann-Roch and duality theorems 1995 Amnon Neeman
+ Grothendieck duality via homotopy theory 1994 Amnon Neeman
+ Homotopy limits in triangulated categories 1993 Marcel Bökstedt
Amnon Neeman
+ On the stable rationality of $X/G$ 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ Stable homotopy as a triangulated functor 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ The Brown representability theorem and phantomless triangulated categories 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ The chromatic tower for D(R) 1992 Amnon Neeman
Marcel Bökstedt
+ The connection between the $K$-theory localization theorem of Thomason, Trobaugh and Yao and the smashing subcategories of Bousfield and Ravenel 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ On the stable rationality of $X/G$ 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ Zero cycles in Pn 1991 Amnon Neeman
+ Some new axioms for triangulated categories 1991 Amnon Neeman
+ The derived category of an exact category 1990 Amnon Neeman
+ Ueda theory: theorems and problems 1989 Amnon Neeman
+ Analytic questions in geometric invariant theory 1989 Amnon Neeman
+ Steins, Affines and Hilbert's Fourteenth Problem 1988 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat A Weak Gaga Statement for Arbitrary Morphisms 1987 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat A weak GAGA statement for arbitrary morphisms 1987 Amnon Neeman
+ The Topology of Quotient Varieties 1985 Amnon Neeman
+ The Distribution of Weierstrass points on a Compact Riemann Surface 1984 Amnon Neeman
+ Weierstrass points in characteristicp 1984 Amnon Neeman
+ Topics in algebraic geometry 1983 Amnon Neeman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Homotopy limits in triangulated categories 1993 Marcel Bökstedt
Amnon Neeman
+ Generators and Representability of Functors in Commutative and Noncommutative Geometry 2003 Alexey Bondal
Michel Van den Bergh
+ Higher Algebraic K-Theory of Schemes and of Derived Categories 2007 R. W. Thomason
Thomas Trobaugh
+ PDF Chat The Grothendieck duality theorem via Bousfield’s techniques and Brown representability 1996 Amnon Neeman
+ Triangulated Categories 2001 Amnon Neeman
+ The connection between the $K$-theory localization theorem of Thomason, Trobaugh and Yao and the smashing subcategories of Bousfield and Ravenel 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ The localization of spectra with respect to homology 1979 A. K. Bousfield
+ PDF Chat Dimensions of triangulated categories 2007 Raphaël Rouquier
+ PDF Chat Algebraic K-theory of spaces 1985 Friedhelm Waldhausen
+ PDF Chat Quasi-perfect scheme-maps and boundedness of the twisted inverse image functor 2007 Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ Ideals in Triangulated Categories: Phantoms, Ghosts and Skeleta 1998 J. Daniel Christensen
+ Higher algebraic K-theory: I 1973 Daniel Quillen
+ Some new axioms for triangulated categories 1991 Amnon Neeman
+ The chromatic tower for D(R) 1992 Amnon Neeman
Marcel Bökstedt
+ PDF Chat Relation between two twisted inverse image pseudofunctors in duality theory 2014 Srikanth B. Iyengar
Joseph Lipman
Amnon Neeman
+ Smooth and proper noncommutative schemes and gluing of DG categories 2016 Dmitri Olegovich Orlov
+ Morita Theory for Derived Categories 1989 Jeremy Rickard
+ The Brown representability theorem and phantomless triangulated categories 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat the stable derived category of a noetherian scheme 2005 Henning Krause
+ Acyclicity versus total acyclicity for complexes over noetherian rings 2005 Srikanth B. Iyengar
Henning Krause
+ PDF Chat On Neeman's well generated triangulated categories 2001 Henning Krause
+ Stable homotopy as a triangulated functor 1992 Amnon Neeman
+ Localization with Respect to Certain Periodic Homology Theories 1984 Douglas C. Ravenel
+ Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory 1967 Peter Gabriel
Michel Zisman
+ Geometry of a category of complexes and algebraic K-theory 1985 V. A. Hinich
Vadim Schechtman
+ Axiomatic stable homotopy theory 1997 Mark Hovey
John H. Palmieri
Neil Strickland
+ A remark on the generalized smashing conjecture 1994 Bernhard Keller
+ A Brown representability theorem via coherent functors 2002 Henning Krause
+ PDF Chat Le théorème de Riemann-Roch 1958 Armand Borel
Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat Families of curves and alterations 1997 A. J. de Jong
+ PDF Chat Dimensions of triangulated categories 2007 Raphaël Rouquier
+ Categorical resolution of singularities 2010 Valery A. Lunts
+ Idempotent Completion of Triangulated Categories 2001 Paul Balmer
Marco Schlichting
+ Chain maps inducing zero homology maps 1965 G. M. Kelly
+ Grothendieck Duality and Base Change 2000 Brian Conrad
+ Reduction of derived Hochschild functors over commutative algebras and schemes 2009 Luchézar L. Avramov
Srikanth B. Iyengar
Joseph Lipman
Suresh Nayak
+ On the Brown representability theorem for triangulated categories 2001 Jens Frankē
+ Derived categories and universal problems 1991 Bernhard Keller
+ PDF Chat Deriving DG categories 1994 Bernhard Keller
+ Global methods in homotopy theory 1987 Michael J. Hopkins
+ PDF Chat Non-Left-Complete Derived Categories 2011 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat Annihilation of Cohomology and Strong Generation of Module Categories 2015 Srikanth B. Iyengar
Ryo Takahashi
+ PDF Chat Base change and Grothendieck duality for Cohen–Macaulay maps 2004 Pramathanath Sastry
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ PDF Chat Gorenstein algebras and Hochschild cohomology 2008 Luchézar L. Avramov
Srikanth B. Iyengar
+ Ein ?Descente?-Lemma und Grothendiecks Projektionssatz f�r nichtnoethersche Schemata 1972 Reinhardt Kiehl
+ Construction of 𝑡-structures and equivalences of derived categories 2003 Leovigildo Alonso Tarrı́o
Ana Jeremı́as López
Marı́a José Souto Salorio
+ Triangulated categories with a single compact generator and a Brown representability theorem 2018 Amnon Neeman
+ PDF Chat The homotopy category of complexes of projective modules 2004 Peter Jørgensen
+ PDF Chat Local homology and cohomology on schemes 1997 Leovigildo Alonso Tarrı́o
Ana Jeremı́as López
J. Lipman