Md Sarowar Morshed


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Computational Framework for Solving Nonlinear Binary Optimization Problems in Robust Causal Inference 2022 Md Saiful Islam
Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Penalty & Augmented Kaczmarz Methods For Linear Systems & Linear Feasibility Problems 2022 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ Augmented Newton Method for Optimization: Global Linear Rate and Momentum Interpretation 2022 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ ALS: Augmented Lagrangian Sketching Methods for Linear Systems 2022 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ A primal–dual interior point method for a novel type-2 second order cone optimization 2021 Md Sarowar Morshed
Chrysafis Vogiatzis
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat Sampling Kaczmarz-Motzkin method for linear feasibility problems: generalization and acceleration 2021 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md Saiful Islam
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Stochastic Steepest Descent Methods for Linear Systems: Greedy Sampling & Momentum. 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Sabbir Ahmad
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear Binary Optimization Problems in Robust Causal Inference. 2020 Md. Saiful Islam
Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Sketch & Project Methods for Linear Feasibility Problems: Greedy Sampling & Momentum. 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Heavy Ball Momentum Induced Sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin Methods for Linear Feasibility Problems 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ On Generalization and Acceleration of Randomized Projection Methods for Linear Feasibility Problems 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Saiful Islam
+ Sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin Method for Linear Feasibility Problems: Generalization & Acceleration 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Saiful Islam
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Logarithmic Integrals: A Review from Gradshteyn and Ryzhik to Recent Times 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ A Computational Framework for Solving Nonlinear Binary OptimizationProblems in Robust Causal Inference 2020 Md Saiful Islam
Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Heavy Ball Momentum Induced Sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin Methods for Linear Feasibility Problems 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Logarithmic Integrals: A Review from Gradshteyn and Ryzhik to Recent Times 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ Stochastic Steepest Descent Methods for Linear Systems: Greedy Sampling & Momentum 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Sabbir Ahmad
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Sketch & Project Methods for Linear Feasibility Problems: Greedy Sampling & Momentum 2020 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat Accelerated sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin algorithm for the linear feasibility problem 2019 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md Saiful Islam
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat Robust policy evaluation from large-scale observational studies 2019 Md Saiful Islam
Md Sarowar Morshed
Gary J. Young
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat Generalized affine scaling algorithms for linear programming problems 2019 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Primal Dual Interior Point Methods for Type-2 Second Order Cone Optimization 2018 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ A primal-dual interior point method for a novel type-2 second order cone optimization problem 2018 Md Sarowar Morshed
Chrysafis Vogiatzis
+ Accelerated Affine Scaling Algorithms for Linear Programming Problems 2018 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ PDF Chat A Generalized Inverse Binomial Summation Theorem and Some Hypergeometric Transformation Formulas 2016 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ Generalization of a class of logarithmic integrals 2014 Md Sarowar Morshed
+ Generalization of harmonic sums involving inverse binomial coefficients 2014 Md Sarowar Morshed
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Efficiency of Coordinate Descent Methods on Huge-Scale Optimization Problems 2012 Yu. Nesterov
+ PDF Chat A Randomized Kaczmarz Algorithm with Exponential Convergence 2008 Thomas Strohmer
Roman Vershynin
+ PDF Chat The Relaxation Method for Linear Inequalities 1954 T. S. Motzkin
I. J. Schoenberg
+ PDF Chat Randomized Methods for Linear Constraints: Convergence Rates and Conditioning 2010 D. Leventhal
Adrian S. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Randomized Kaczmarz solver for noisy linear systems 2010 Deanna Needell
+ PDF Chat Randomized Extended Kaczmarz for Solving Least Squares 2013 Anastasios Zouzias
Nikolaos M. Freris
+ PDF Chat A Sampling Kaczmarz--Motzkin Algorithm for Linear Feasibility 2017 Jesús A. De Loera
Jamie Haddock
Deanna Needell
+ PDF Chat Efficient Accelerated Coordinate Descent Methods and Faster Algorithms for Solving Linear Systems 2013 Yin Tat Lee
Aaron Sidford
+ PDF Chat Towards a deeper geometric, analytic and algorithmic understanding of margins 2015 Aaditya Ramdas
Javier Peña
+ Paved with good intentions: Analysis of a randomized block Kaczmarz method 2013 Deanna Needell
Joel A. Tropp
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Reformulations of Linear Systems: Algorithms and Convergence Theory 2020 Peter Richtárik
Martin Takáč
+ On Greedy Randomized Kaczmarz Method for Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems 2018 Zhong‐Zhi Bai
Wen-Ting Wu
+ PDF Chat Linearly Convergent Randomized Iterative Methods for Computing the Pseudoinverse 2017 Robert M. Gower
Peter Richtárik
+ PDF Chat Acceleration of randomized Kaczmarz method via the Johnson–Lindenstrauss Lemma 2011 Yonina C. Eldar
Deanna Needell
+ PDF Chat Accelerated sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin algorithm for the linear feasibility problem 2019 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md Saiful Islam
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization: A Basic Course 2014 Ю Е Нестеров
+ PDF Chat Stochastic gradient descent, weighted sampling, and the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm 2015 Deanna Needell
Nathan Srebro
Rachel Ward
+ PDF Chat Randomized Kaczmarz algorithms: Exact MSE analysis and optimal sampling probabilities 2014 Ameya Agaskar
Chuang Wang
Yue M. Lu
+ Gradient methods for minimizing composite functions 2012 Yu. Nesterov
+ Randomized block Kaczmarz method with projection for solving least squares 2015 Deanna Needell
Ran Zhao
Anastasios Zouzias
+ PDF Chat Block Kaczmarz Method with Inequalities 2014 Jonathan Briskman
Deanna Needell
+ PDF Chat Convergence Properties of the Randomized Extended Gauss--Seidel and Kaczmarz Methods 2015 Anna Ma
Deanna Needell
Aaditya Ramdas
+ SDNA: Stochastic Dual Newton Ascent for Empirical Risk Minimization 2015 Zheng Qu
Peter Richtárik
Martin Takáč
Olivier Fercoq
+ PDF Chat Randomized Iterative Methods for Linear Systems 2015 Robert M. Gower
Peter Richtárik
+ PDF Chat Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions 2004 Yu. Nesterov
+ PDF Chat Sampling Kaczmarz-Motzkin method for linear feasibility problems: generalization and acceleration 2021 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md Saiful Islam
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat On block Gaussian sketching for the Kaczmarz method 2020 Elizaveta Rebrova
Deanna Needell
+ Row-Action Methods for Huge and Sparse Systems and Their Applications 1981 Yair Censor
+ Momentum and Stochastic Momentum for Stochastic Gradient, Newton, Proximal Point and Subspace Descent Methods 2017 Nicolas Loizou
Peter Richtárik
+ On relaxation methods for systems of linear inequalities 1982 Jan Telgen
+ Convergence rates for greedy Kaczmarz algorithms, and faster randomized Kaczmarz rules using the orthogonality graph 2016 Julie Nutini
Behrooz Sepehry
Issam Laradji
Mark Schmidt
Hoyt Koepke
Alim Virani
+ PDF Chat Linear Convergence of Gradient and Proximal-Gradient Methods Under the Polyak-Łojasiewicz Condition 2016 Hamed Karimi
Julie Nutini
Mark Schmidt
+ PDF Chat An accelerated randomized Kaczmarz algorithm 2015 Ji Liu
Stephen J. Wright
+ Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iteration methods 1964 B. T. Polyak
+ PDF Chat Randomized Quasi-Newton Updates Are Linearly Convergent Matrix Inversion Algorithms 2017 Robert M. Gower
Peter Richtárik
+ A strongly polynomial algorithm for linear systems having a binary solution 2011 Sergei Chubanov
+ PDF Chat Single projection Kaczmarz extended algorithms 2016 Stefania Petra
Constantin Popa
+ PDF Chat Faster least squares approximation 2010 Petros Drineas
Michael W. Mahoney
S. Muthukrishnan
Tamás Sarlós
+ Polynomial algorithms in linear programming 1980 Leonid Khachiyan
+ A polynomial projection algorithm for linear feasibility problems 2014 Sergei Chubanov
+ PDF Chat The Relaxation Method for Linear Inequalities 1954 Shmuel Agmon
+ Greed Works: An Improved Analysis of Sampling Kaczmarz--Motzkin 2021 Jamie Haddock
Anna Ma
+ Smooth minimization of non-smooth functions 2005 Yu. Nesterov
+ PDF Chat Generalized affine scaling algorithms for linear programming problems 2019 Md Sarowar Morshed
Md. Noor‐E‐Alam
+ PDF Chat Randomized Projection Methods for Convex Feasibility: Conditioning and Convergence Rates 2019 Ion Necoara
Peter Richtárik
Andrei Pătraşcu
+ PDF Chat Distributed estimation via iterative projections with application to power network monitoring 2012 Fabio Pasqualetti
Ruggero Carli
Francesco Bullo
+ PDF Chat A sparse Kaczmarz solver and a linearized Bregman method for online compressed sensing 2014 Dirk A. Lorenz
Stephan Wenger
Frank Schöpfer
Marcus Magnor
+ An overview of gradient descent optimization algorithms 2016 Sebastian Ruder
+ PDF Chat On Chubanov's Method for Linear Programming 2013 Amitabh Basu
Jesús A. De Loera
Mark Junod
+ Note on the sampling error of the difference between correlated proportions or percentages 1947 Quinn McNemar