Roger Barnard


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Iterations of the Newton Map of sin(z) 2024 Aimée Cloutier
Jerry Dwyer
Roger Barnard
William D. Stone
G. Brock Williams
+ Dynamics of the Newton maps of rational functions 2021 Roger Barnard
Jerry Dwyer
Erin Elizabeth Williams
G. Brock Williams
+ Addendum to “A direct proof of Brannan's conjecture for β = 1” [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 493 (2) (2021) 124534] 2020 Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
+ A direct proof of Brannan's conjecture for β = 1 2020 Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
+ PDF Chat Fixed Points, Symmetries, and Bounds for Basins of Attraction of Complex Trigonometric Functions 2020 Kasey Bray
Jerry Dwyer
Roger Barnard
G. Brock Williams
+ PDF Chat The linearly decreasing stress Weibull (LDSWeibull): a new Weibull-like distribution 2019 Roger Barnard
Chamila Perera
James G. Surles
A. Alexandre Trindade
+ On sharp bounds for ratios of 𝑘-balanced hypergeometric functions 2019 Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
Elyssa Sliheet
+ Conjugacies of the Newton maps of rational functions 2018 Roger Barnard
Jerry Dwyer
Erin Elizabeth Williams
G. Brock Williams
+ When is tail mean estimation more efficient than tail median? Answers and implications for quantitative risk management 2017 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
A. Alexandre Trindade
+ A note on Bohr's phenomenon for power series 2016 Rosihan M. Ali
Roger Barnard
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Brannan’s conjecture and trigonometric sums 2015 Roger Barnard
Udaya Chinthaka Jayatilake
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Convex Icebergs and Sectorial Starlike Functions 2013 Roger Barnard
Matthew H. Lochman
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Banks’ criterion and symmetric stable laws with index of stability between one-half and one 2012 Roger Barnard
Petros Hadjicostas
+ PDF Chat Iceberg‐type problems: Estimating Hidden parts of a continuum from the visible parts 2012 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Circle packing complex earthquakes 2011 Roger Barnard
Eric Michael Murphy
G. Brock Williams
+ Hyperbolically convex functions and the generalized Fekete–Szegö functional 2011 Roger Barnard
David R. Martin
G. Brock Williams
+ PDF Chat A survey of some bounds for Gauss' hypergeometric function and related bivariate means 2010 Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
Hilari C. Tiedeman
+ On Conformal Mappings onto Quasidisks Ngin-Tee Koh 2010 Roger Barnard
+ On a Conjecture of Fournier, Ma, and Ruscheweyh for Bounded Convex Functions 2010 Roger Barnard
Casey R. Hume
G. Brock Williams
+ Euclidean earthquakes† 2009 Roger Barnard
Eric Michael Murphy
G. Brock Williams
+ PDF Chat A proof of Campbell's subordination conjecture 2009 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ A note on Turán type and mean inequalities for the Kummer function 2008 Roger Barnard
Michael B. Gordy
Kendall C. Richards
+ The Verication of an Inequality 2008 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ Preservation of local dynamics when applying central difference methods: application to SIR model 2007 Lih-Ing W. Roeger
Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
+ PDF Chat A minimal area problem for nonvanishing functions 2006 Roger Barnard
C. Richardson
Alexander Yu. Solynin
Leah Joanne Cole
Kent Pearce
G. Brock Williams
+ PDF Chat A variational method for hyperbolically convex functions 2006 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Gerard L Ornas
+ Univalency of weighted integral transforms of certain functions 2005 Roger Barnard
S. Naik
Saminathan Ponnusamy
+ PDF Chat The Poincaré metric and isoperimetric inequalities for hyperbolic polygons 2005 Roger Barnard
Petros Hadjicostas
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Concentration of area in half-planes 2005 Roger Barnard
Clint Richardson
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ PDF Chat Three Extremal Problems for Hyperbolically Convex Functions 2004 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
G. Brock Williams
+ Local variations and minimal area problem for Caratheodory functions 2004 Roger Barnard
Alexander Yu. Solynin
S. Naik
Milutin Obradović
Saminathan Ponnusamy
+ PDF Chat Area, width, and logarithmic capacity of convex sets 2003 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Minimal Harmonic Measure on Complementary Regions 2003 Roger Barnard
Leah Joanne Cole
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial excursions in moduli space 2002 Roger Barnard
G. Brock Williams
+ An isoperimetric inequality for logarithmic capacity 2002 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ Applications of special function theory to complex analysis 2002 Leah Joanne Cole
Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ PDF Chat Zeros of cesàro sum approximations 2001 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
William Wheeler
+ A Note on the Hypergeometric Mean Value 2001 Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
+ Inequalities for the Perimeter of an Ellipse 2001 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Lawrence Schovanec
+ Polynomial controllers for linear systems 2001 Roger Barnard
W.P. Dayawansa
Clyde F. Martin
+ PDF Chat An Inequality Involving the Generalized Hypergeometric Function and the Arc Length of an Ellipse 2000 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Kendall C. Richards
+ PDF Chat A Monotonicity Property Involving <sub>3</sub><i>F</i><sub>2</sub> and Comparisons of the Classical Approximations of Elliptical Arc Length 2000 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Kendall C. Richards
+ On applications of hypergeometric functions 1999 Roger Barnard
+ A Short Proof of a Conjecture on the Integral Means of the Derivative of a Convex Function 1999 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ Gram Polynomials and the Kummer Function 1998 Roger Barnard
Germund Dahlquist
Kent Pearce
Lothar Reichel
Kendall C. Richards
+ PDF Chat On a Coefficient Conjecture of Brannan 1997 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
William Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for Zero-Balanced Hypergeometric Functions 1995 G. D. Anderson
Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for zero-balanced hypergeometric functions 1995 G. D. Anderson
Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ A Distortion Theorem for Biholomorphic Mappings in ℂ 2 1994 Roger Barnard
Carl H. Fitzgerald
Sheng Gong
+ PDF Chat A distortion theorem for biholomorphic mappings in ${\bf C}\sp 2$ 1994 Roger Barnard
Carl H. Fitzgerald
Sheng Gong
+ An application from partial sums of ez to a problem in several complex variables 1993 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Richard S. Varga
+ PDF Chat Sharp bounds on the <i>H<sub>p</sub> </i> means of the derivative of a convex function for <i>p</i>=-1 1993 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ PDF Chat The growth and 1<i>∕</i>4-theorems for starlike mappings in C<sup><i>n</i></sup> 1991 Roger Barnard
Carl H. Fitzgerald
Sheng Gong
+ PDF Chat Polynomials with nonnegative coefficients 1991 Roger Barnard
W.P. Dayawansa
Kent Pearce
David A. Weinberg
+ Möbius transformations of starlike mappings 1990 Roger Barnard
Glenn Schober
+ Weighted inverse Hölder inequalities 1990 Roger Barnard
J. H. Wells
+ Open problems and conjectures in complex analysis 1990 Roger Barnard
+ Möbius transformations of convex mappings II 1986 Roger Barnard
Glenn Schober
+ On Zeros of Interpolating Polynomials 1986 Roger Barnard
Wayne T. Ford
Hsing Y. Wang
+ Rounding corners of gearlike domains and the omitted area problem 1986 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ PDF Chat The Omitted Area Problem for Univalent Functions 1985 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat Campbell's conjecture on a majorization-subordination result for convex functions 1984 Roger Barnard
Charles N. Kellog
+ Möbius transformations of convex mappings 1984 Roger Barnard
Glenn Schober
+ PDF Chat On the simultaneous univalence of $f$\ and $f^{\prime} $. 1983 Roger Barnard
T. J. Suffridge
+ PDF Chat Applications of convolution operators to problems in univalent function theory. 1980 Roger Barnard
Charles E. Kellogg
+ On Robinson's ½ Conjecture 1978 Roger Barnard
+ A Generalization of Study's Theorem on Convex Maps 1978 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat A generalization of Study’s theorem on convex maps 1978 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On Robinson’s 1\over2 conjecture 1978 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On bounded univalent functions whose ranges contain a fixed disk 1977 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On Bounded Univalent Functions Whose Ranges Contain a Fixed Disk 1977 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On quasi-starlike functions 1976 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat Correction to: “Subordination theorems for some classes of starlike functions” 1975 Roger Barnard
John Lewis
+ On the Radius of Starlikeness of (zf) � for f Univalent 1975 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat A Variational Technique for Bounded Starlike Functions 1975 Roger Barnard
+ Coefficient bounds for some classes of starlike functions 1975 Roger Barnard
John D. Lewis
+ PDF Chat Subordination theorems for some classes of starlike fumctions 1975 Roger Barnard
John Lewis
+ PDF Chat On a Coefficient Inequality for Starlike Functions 1975 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On the radius of starlikeness of (𝑧𝑓)^{’} for 𝑓 univalent 1975 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat On a coefficient inequality for starlike functions 1975 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat A Counterexample to the Two-Thirds Conjecture 1973 Roger Barnard
John L. Lewis
+ PDF Chat A counterexample to the two-thirds conjecture 1973 Roger Barnard
John L. Lewis
+ Extremal problems for univalent functions whose range contain a fixed disk 1971 Roger Barnard
+ PDF Chat The modular space determined by a positive function 1942 Roger Barnard
Herman H. Goldstine
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Subordination theorems for some classes of starlike fumctions 1975 Roger Barnard
John Lewis
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Symmetrization in the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable 1994 В. Н. Дубинин
+ Conformal Invariants, Inequalities, and Quasiconformal Maps 1997 G. D. Anderson
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ Rounding corners of gearlike domains and the omitted area problem 1986 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
+ On an inequality connected with the coefficient conjecture for functions of bounded boundary rotation 1973 Dov Aharonov
Shmuel Friedland
+ PDF Chat A coefficient problem for a class of univalent functions. 1969 T. J. Suffridge
+ Inequalities for Compound Mean Iterations with Logarithmic Asymptotes 1993 Jonathan M. Borwein
Peter Borwein
+ Open problems and conjectures in complex analysis 1990 Roger Barnard
+ Local variations and minimal area problem for Caratheodory functions 2004 Roger Barnard
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ On a coefficient conjecture of Brannan 1989 John G. Milcetich
+ PDF Chat A note on extremal problems for certain classes of analytic functions 1966 William E. Kirwan
+ Möbius transformations of convex mappings II 1986 Roger Barnard
Glenn Schober
+ PDF Chat An Inequality Involving the Generalized Hypergeometric Function and the Arc Length of an Ellipse 2000 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Kendall C. Richards
+ On hyperbolically convex functions 2000 Diego Mejía
Christian Pommerenke
+ PDF Chat Note on regions omitted by univalent functions 1949 A. W. Goodman
+ A minimal area problem in conformal mapping 1999 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for zero-balanced hypergeometric functions 1995 G. D. Anderson
Roger Barnard
Kendall C. Richards
M. K. Vamanamurthy
Матти Вуоринен
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolically convex functions 1994 Wancang Ma
David Minda
+ Some extremal problems on the hyperbolic polygons 1998 Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ An isoperimetric inequality for logarithmic capacity 2002 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ On coefficient problems for certain power series 1974 David A. Brannan
+ Geometry of Discrete Groups 1994 John G. Ratcliffe
+ Gauss, Landen, Ramanujan, the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean, Ellipses, π, and the Ladies Diary 1988 Gert Almkvist
Bruce C. Berndt
+ On univalent functions in the unit disk whose image contains a given disk 1970 E. Netanyahu
+ PDF Chat On the univalence of some classes of regular functions 1971 Richard J. Libera
A. E. Livingston
+ A positive sum from summability theory 1975 Richard Askey
George Gasper
Mourad E. H. Ismail
+ PDF Chat On the radius of univalence of certain analytic functions 1966 A. E. Livingston
+ On the Radius of Univalence of Certain Classes of Analytic Functions 1969 K. S. Padmanabhan
+ PDF Chat On circularly symmetric functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Discrete Groups 1983 Alan F. Beardon
+ Multivalent Functions. 1959 George Ś. Springer
W. K. Hayman
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolically convex functions II 1999 William Ma
David Minda
+ A minimal area problem in conformal mapping II 2001 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ PDF Chat On Circularly Symmetric Functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George Pólya
Gábor Szegő
+ On values omitted by convex univalent mappings 1987 J. Waniurski
+ Research Problems in Complex Analysis 1989 David A. Brannan
W. K. Hayman
+ Minimal area problems for functions with integral representation 2006 Dov Aharonov
Harold S. Shapiro
Alexander Yu. Solynin
+ PDF Chat A variational method for hyperbolically convex functions 2006 Roger Barnard
Kent Pearce
Gerard L Ornas
+ PDF Chat Majorization-subordination theorems for locally univalent functions. III 1974 Douglas M. Campbell
+ PDF Chat On spherically convex univalent functions. 2000 Diego Mejía
Ch. Pommerenke
+ Distortion in several variables 1986 Peter Duren
Walter Rudin
+ Ramanujan’s Notebooks: Part V 1997 Bruce C. Berndt
+ PDF Chat Some inequalities for hypergeometric functions 1966 B. C. Carlson
+ Coefficient bounds for some classes of starlike functions 1975 Roger Barnard
John D. Lewis
+ PDF Chat On the radius of starlikeness of (𝑧𝑓)^{’} for 𝑓 univalent 1975 Roger Barnard
+ Hyperbolically Convex Functions, Dimension and Capacity 2002 Diego Mejía
Ch. Pommerenke
+ On a Conjecture of Clunie and Sheil-Small 1980 R. R. Hall