Frédéric Bihan


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Sparse systems with high local multiplicity 2024 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Jens Forsgård
+ Quickly Computing Isotopy Type for Exponential Sums over Circuits (Extended Abstract) 2023 Frédéric Bihan
Erika Croy
Weixun Deng
Kaitlyn Phillipson
Robert J. Rennie
J. Maurice Rojas
+ New bounds for the number of connected components of fewnomial hypersurfaces 2022 Frédéric Bihan
Tristan Humbert
Sébastien Tavenas
+ Optimal Descartes’ rule of signs for systems supported on circuits 2021 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Jens Forsgård
+ Optimal Descartes' Rule of Signs for Circuits. 2020 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Jens Forsgård
+ Sign conditions for the existence of at least one positive solution of a sparse polynomial system 2020 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ Optimal Descartes' Rule of Signs for Circuits 2020 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Jens Forsgård
+ Lower bounds for positive roots and regions of multistationarity in chemical reaction networks 2019 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ Sign conditions for the existence of at least one positive solution of a sparse polynomial system 2019 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ PDF Chat Criteria for strict monotonicity of the mixed volume of convex polytopes 2019 Frédéric Bihan
Ivan Soprunov
+ Sign conditions for the existence of at least one positive solution of a sparse polynomial system 2019 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ PDF Chat Regions of multistationarity in cascades of Goldbeter–Koshland loops 2018 Magalí Giaroli
Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ Regions of multistationarity in cascades of Goldbeter-Koshland loops 2018 Magalí Giaroli
Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ Lower bounds for positive roots and regions of multistationarity in chemical reaction networks. 2018 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ PDF Chat A Polyhedral Method for Sparse Systems with Many Positive Solutions 2018 Frédéric Bihan
Francisco Santos
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ Regions of multistationarity in cascades of Goldbeter-Koshland loops 2018 Magalí Giaroli
Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ Lower bounds for positive roots and regions of multistationarity in chemical reaction networks 2018 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
Magalí Giaroli
+ Criteria for strict monotonicity of the mixed volume of convex polytopes 2017 Frédéric Bihan
Ivan Soprunov
+ A sharp bound on the number of real intersection points of a sparse plane curve with a line 2017 Frédéric Bihan
Boulos El Hilany
+ Criteria for strict monotonicity of the mixed volume of convex polytopes 2017 Frédéric Bihan
Ivan Soprunov
+ PDF Chat Descartes’ Rule of Signs for Polynomial Systems Supported on Circuits 2016 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ PDF Chat Irrational Mixed Decomposition and Sharp Fewnomial Bounds for Tropical Polynomial Systems 2016 Frédéric Bihan
+ Descartes' Rule of Signs for Polynomial Systems supported on Circuits 2016 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ Sparse Polynomial Systems with many Positive Solutions from Bipartite Simplicial Complexes 2015 Frédéric Bihan
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ A sharp bound on the number of real intersection points of a sparse plane curve with a line 2015 Frédéric Bihan
Boulos El Hilany
+ Maximally positive polynomial systems supported on circuits 2014 Frédéric Bihan
+ Intersection multiplicity numbers between tropical hypersurfaces 2013 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Fewnomial bounds for completely mixed polynomial systems 2011 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Faster real feasibility via circuit discriminants 2009 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojas
Casey E. Stella
+ PDF Chat Betti number bounds for fewnomial hypersurfaces via stratified Morse theory 2009 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Intersection numbers in tropical geometry 2009 Frédéric Bihan
+ Faster Real Feasibility via Circuit Discriminants 2009 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojas
Casey E. Stella
+ Fewnomial bounds for completely mixed polynomial systems 2009 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Faster Real Feasibility via Circuit Discriminants 2009 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojas
Casey E. Stella
+ PDF Chat Gale duality for complete intersection 2008 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Gale duality for complete intersection 2008 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Bounds on the topology of fewnomial varieties 2008 Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Gale duality for complete intersections 2008 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat On the sharpness of fewnomial bounds and the number of components of fewnomial hypersurfaces 2008 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojast
Frank Sottile
+ Betti number bounds for fewnomial hypersurfaces via stratified Morse theory 2008 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Bounds on the Number of Real Solutions to Polynomial Equations 2007 David Bates
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Topological types of real regular Jacobian elliptic surfaces 2007 Frédéric Bihan
Frédéric Mangolte
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ New Fewnomial Bounds 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ Polynomial systems supported on circuits and dessins d'enfants 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ Euler Characteristic of real nondegenerate tropical complete intersections 2007 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
+ Gale duality for complete intersections 2007 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat New Fewnomial Upper Bounds from Gale Dual Polynomial Systems 2007 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Bounds on the number of real solutions to polynomial equations 2007 Daniel J. Bates
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Is Every Toric Variety an M-variety? 2006 Frédéric Bihan
Matthias Franz
Clint McCrory
Joost van Hamel
+ Is Every Toric Variety an M-Variety? 2006 Frédéric Bihan
Matthias Franz
Clint McCrory
Joost van Bihan
+ PDF Chat Polynomial systems with few real zeroes 2006 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Polynomial systems with few real zeroes 2006 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Real algebraic surfaces with many connected components 2006 Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Is every toric variety an M-variety ? 2006 Frédéric Bihan
Matthias Franz
Clint McCrory
Joost van Hamel
+ Systèmes polynomiaux supportés par un circuit et dessins d'enfants 2005 Frédéric Bihan
+ Nombre de solutions réelles de systèmes polynomiaux creux 2005 Frédéric Bihan
+ Polynomial systems with few real zeroes 2005 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Polynomial systems supported on circuits and dessins d'enfants 2005 Frédéric Bihan
+ First Steps in Algorithmic Fewnomial Theory 2004 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojas
Casey E. Stella
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviour of Betti numbers of real algebraic surfaces 2003 Frédéric Bihan
+ Asymptotiques de nombres de Betti d'hypersurfaces projectives réelles 2003 Frédéric Bihan
+ Viro Method for the Construction of Real Complete Intersections 2002 Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Une sextique de l'espace projectif réel avec un grand nombre d'anses 2001 Frédéric Bihan
+ Une quintique numérique réelle dont le premier nombre de Betti est maximal 1999 Frédéric Bihan
+ Constructions combinatoires de surfaces algebriques reelles 1998 Frédéric Bihan
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat New Fewnomial Upper Bounds from Gale Dual Polynomial Systems 2007 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Polynomial systems supported on circuits and dessins d'enfants 2007 Frédéric Bihan
+ Viro's theorem for complete intersections 1994 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Sign Conditions for Injectivity of Generalized Polynomial Maps with Applications to Chemical Reaction Networks and Real Algebraic Geometry 2015 Stefan C. Müller
Elisenda Feliu
Georg Regensburger
Carsten Conradi
Anne Shiu
Alicia Dickenstein
+ PDF Chat Counting Real Connected Components of Trinomial Curve Intersections and m -nomial Hypersurfaces 2003 Tien-Yien Li
J. Maurice Rojas
Xiaoshen Wang
+ PDF Chat None 1994 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat Gale duality for complete intersections 2008 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Polynomial systems with few real zeroes 2006 Benoît Bertrand
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Viro Method for the Construction of Real Complete Intersections 2002 Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Identifying parameter regions for multistationarity 2017 Carsten Conradi
Elisenda Feliu
Maya Mincheva
Carsten Wiuf
+ Newton polyhedra and the genus of complete intersections 1978 Askold Khovanskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Real Solutions to Equations from Geometry 2011 Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat A Polyhedral Method for Sparse Systems with Many Positive Solutions 2018 Frédéric Bihan
Francisco Santos
Pierre-Jean Spaenlehauer
+ PDF Chat Fewnomial systems with many roots, and an Adelic Tau Conjecture 2013 Kaitlyn Phillipson
J. Maurice Rojas
+ The number of roots of a system of equations 1979 D. N. Bernshtein
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for real solutions to sparse polynomial systems 2005 Jenya Soprunova
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat The Cayley Trick, lifting subdivisions and the Bohne–Dress theorem on zonotopal tilings 2000 Birkett Huber
Jörg Rambau
Francisco Santos
+ Gröbner bases and convex polytopes 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
+ PDF Chat The Inheritance of Nondegenerate Multistationarity in Chemical Reaction Networks 2018 Murad Banaji
Casian Pantea
+ PDF Chat Descartes’ Rule of Signs for Polynomial Systems Supported on Circuits 2016 Frédéric Bihan
Alicia Dickenstein
+ PDF Chat On the sharpness of fewnomial bounds and the number of components of fewnomial hypersurfaces 2008 Frédéric Bihan
J. Maurice Rojast
Frank Sottile
+ PDF Chat Subnetwork analysis for multistationarity in mass action kinetics 2008 Dietrich Flockerzi
Carsten Conradi
+ PDF Chat First steps in tropical geometry 2005 Jürgen Richter-Gebert
Bernd Sturmfels
Thorsten Theobald
+ PDF Chat Riemann existence theorem and construction of real algebraic curves 2003 S. Yu. Orevkov
+ PDF Chat Multistationarity in Sequential Distributed Multisite Phosphorylation Networks 2013 Katharina Holstein
Dietrich Flockerzi
Carsten Conradi
+ PDF Chat Simplifying biochemical models with intermediate species 2013 Elisenda Feliu
Carsten Wiuf
+ Introduction to Toric Varieties. 1993 William Fulton
+ Bernstein's second theorem and Viro's method for sparse polynomial systems in chemistry 2004 Karin Gatermann
Matthias Wolfrum
+ PDF Chat Atoms of multistationarity in chemical reaction networks 2012 Badal Joshi
Anne Shiu
+ A Source Book in Mathematics, 1200-1800 2014 David E. Smith
+ PDF Chat A Polyhedral Method for Solving Sparse Polynomial Systems 1995 Birkett Huber
Bernd Sturmfels
+ On the number of real roots of a sparse polynomial system 1995 Bernd Sturmfels
+ Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1996 Richard P. Stanley
+ Bounds on the Number of Real Solutions to Polynomial Equations 2007 David Bates
Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
Boris Shapiro
Alek Vainshtein
+ Patchworking real algebraic varieties 2006 Oleg Viro
+ Tropical Algebraic Geometry 2009 Illia Itenberg
Grigory Mikhalkin
Eugeniĭ Shustin
+ Tropical Geometry and its applications 2006 Grigory Mikhalkin
+ Characterization of Circuits Supporting Polynomial Systems with the Maximal Number of Positive Solutions 2017 Boulos El Hilany
+ Maximally positive polynomial systems supported on circuits 2014 Frédéric Bihan
+ PDF Chat Real plane algebraic curves with asymptotically maximal number of even ovals 2006 Erwan Brugallé
+ PDF Chat Betti number bounds for fewnomial hypersurfaces via stratified Morse theory 2009 Frédéric Bihan
Frank Sottile
+ Hilbert's sixteenth problem 1978 George Wilson
+ PDF Chat La classe d'homologie fondamentale d'un espace analytique 1961 Armand Borel
André Haefliger
+ Color or cover 2015 Ivan Izmestiev
+ The tropical Grassmannian 2004 David E Speyer
Bernd Sturmfels
+ The mod2 cohomology of fixed point sets of anti-symplectic involutions 2003 Daniel K. Biss
Victor Guillemin
Tara S. Holm
+ Homology and Cohomology of Toric Varieties 1998 Arno Jordan
+ Mixed matrices and binomial ideals 1996 Klaus G. Fischer
Jay Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry 1996 David Eisenbud