Misha Feigin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Integral Expressions for Derivations of Multiarrangements 2024 Misha Feigin
Zixuan Wang
Masahiko Yoshinaga
+ Free Reflection Multiarrangements and Quasi-Invariants 2024 Takuro Abe
Naoya Enomoto
Misha Feigin
Masahiko Yoshinaga
+ Commutativity equations and their trigonometric solutions 2024 Maali Alkadhem
Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Legendre transforms for type $A_{n}$ and $B_{n}$ $\vee$-systems 2024 Misha Feigin
Leo Kaminski
Ian A. B. Strachan
+ Flat coordinates of algebraic Frobenius manifolds in small dimensions 2024 Misha Feigin
Daniele Valeri
Johan Wright
+ Integral expressions for derivations of multiarrangements 2023 Misha Feigin
Zixuan Wang
Masahiko Yoshinaga
+ Flat coordinates of algebraic Frobenius manifolds in small dimensions 2023 Misha Feigin
Daniele Valeri
Johan Wright
+ $q$-Analogue of the degree zero part of a rational Cherednik algebra 2023 Misha Feigin
Martin Vrabec
+ Two invariant subalgebras of rational Cherednik algebras 2023 Gwyn Bellamy
Misha Feigin
Niall Hird
+ PDF Chat Bispectrality of $$AG_2$$ Calogero–Moser–Sutherland System 2022 Misha Feigin
Martin Vrabec
+ PDF Chat Algebra of Dunkl Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector 2022 Misha Feigin
Tigran Hakobyan
+ Commutativity equations and their trigonometric solutions 2022 Maali Alkadhem
Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Quasi–invariant Hermite Polynomials and Lassalle–Nekrasov Correspondence 2021 Misha Feigin
Martin Hallnäs
А. П. Веселов
+ Free reflection multiarrangements and quasi-invariants 2021 Takuro Abe
Naoya Enomoto
Misha Feigin
Masahiko Yoshinaga
+ Solutions of 𝐵𝐶_{𝑛} Type of WDVV Equations 2021 Maali Alkadhem
Georgios Antoniou
Misha Feigin
+ Trigonometric ∨ -systems and solutions of WDVV equations <sup>*</sup> 2020 Maali Alkadhem
Misha Feigin
+ The Saito determinant for Coxeter discriminant strata 2020 Georgios Antoniou
Misha Feigin
Ian A. B. Strachan
+ Solutions of $BC_{n}$ Type of WDVV Equations 2020 Maali Alkadhem
Georgios Antoniou
Misha Feigin
+ The Saito determinant for Coxeter discriminant strata 2020 Γεώργιος Αντωνίου
Misha Feigin
Ian A. B. Strachan
+ Solutions of $BC_{n}$ Type of WDVV Equations 2020 Maali Alkadhem
Γεώργιος Αντωνίου
Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Intertwining operator for <i>AG</i>2 Calogero–Moser–Sutherland system 2019 Misha Feigin
Martin Vrabec
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric V-systems 2019 Georgios Antoniou
Misha Feigin
+ Algebra of Dunkl Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector 2019 Misha Feigin
Tigran Hakobyan
+ Alexander Petrovich Veselov (on his 60th birthday) 2016 V. É. Adler
Yu Yu Berest
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
P. G. Grinevich
Boris Dubrovin
I. M. Krichever
S P Novikov
A. N. Sergeev
Misha Feigin
Giovanni Felder
+ $\vee$ -Systems, Holonomy Lie Algebras, and Logarithmic Vector Fields 2016 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Александр Петрович Веселов (к шестидесятилетию со дня рождения) 2016 V. É. Adler
Yuri Berest
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
P. G. Grinevich
Boris Dubrovin
I. M. Krichever
Сергей Петрович Новиков
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Sergeev
Misha Feigin
Giovanni Felder
+ PDF Chat On Dunkl angular momenta algebra 2015 Misha Feigin
Tigran Hakobyan
+ On the algebra of Dunkl angular momentum operators 2014 Misha Feigin
Tigran Hakobyan
+ PDF Chat A Class of Baker–Akhiezer Arrangements 2014 Misha Feigin
David Johnston
+ V-systems, holonomy Lie algebras and logarithmic vector fields 2014 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Generalized Macdonald–Ruijsenaars systems 2013 Misha Feigin
Alexey Silantyev
+ PDF Chat The quantum angular Calogero-Moser model 2013 Misha Feigin
Olaf Lechtenfeld
Alexios P. Polychronakos
+ PDF Chat Baker-Akhiezer functions and generalised Macdonald-Mehta integrals 2013 Misha Feigin
Martin Hallnäs
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Singular polynomials from orbit spaces 2012 Misha Feigin
Alexey Silantyev
+ A class of Baker-Akhiezer arrangements 2012 Misha Feigin
David Johnston
+ PDF Chat Generalized Calogero–Moser systems from rational Cherednik algebras 2011 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat On Unitary Submodules in the Polynomial Representations of Rational Cherednik Algebras 2011 Misha Feigin
Constantin Shramov
+ Singular polynomials from orbit spaces 2011 Misha Feigin
Alexey Silantyev
+ Generalized Macdonald-Ruijsenaars systems 2011 Misha Feigin
Alexey Silantyev
+ On unitary submodules in the polynomial representations of rational Cherednik algebras 2010 Misha Feigin
Constantin Shramov
+ On unitary submodules in the polynomial representations of rational Cherednik algebras 2010 Misha Feigin
Constantin Shramov
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric Solutions of WDVV Equations and Generalized Calogero-Moser-Sutherland Systems 2009 Misha Feigin
+ On the geometry of V-systems 2008 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Generalized Calogero-Moser systems from rational Cherednik algebras 2008 Misha Feigin
+ On the geometry of V-systems 2007 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Frobenius structures and Coxeter discriminants 2006 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ On the logarithmic solutions of the WDVV equations 2006 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Painlevé IV and degenerate Gaussian unitary ensembles 2006 Yang Chen
Misha Feigin
+ Coxeter discriminants and logarithmic Frobenius structures 2005 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Bispectrality for deformed Calogero­Moser­Sutherland systems 2005 Misha Feigin
+ Bispectrality for deformed Calogero-Moser-Sutherland systems 2005 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Invariants of Dihedral Systems 2004 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Квазиинварианты диэдральных систем 2004 Misha Feigin
Misha Feigin
+ None 2003 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Сплетающие соотношения для сферических частей обобщенных операторов Калоджеро 2003 Misha Feigin
Misha Feigin
+ Quasi-invariants and quantum integrals of the deformed Calogero--Moser systems 2003 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Quasi-invariants of dihedral systems 2003 Misha Feigin
+ None 2003 Misha Feigin
+ None 2002 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Rings of quantum integrals for generalised Calogero-Moser problems 2002 Misha Feigin
+ Quasiinvariants of Coxeter groups and m-harmonic polynomials 2001 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Quasiinvariants of Coxeter groups and m-harmonic polynomials 2001 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Quasiinvariants of Coxeter groups and m-harmonic polynomials 2001 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ Singular operators satisfying an intertwining relation 1999 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Baker–Akhiezer Functions and Huygens' Principle 1999 Oleg Chalykh
Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat О сингулярностях операторов, удовлетворяющих сплетающему соотношению 1999 Misha Feigin
Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Baker–Akhiezer Functions and Huygens' Principle 1999 Oleg Chalykh
Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ New integrable generalizations of Calogero–Moser quantum problem 1998 Oleg Chalykh
Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ New integrable deformations of the Calogero-Moser quantum problem 1996 А. П. Веселов
Misha Feigin
Oleg Chalykh
+ PDF Chat Новые интегрируемые деформации квантовой задачи Калоджеро - Мозера 1996 А. П. Веселов
А. П. Веселов
Misha Feigin
Misha Feigin
Oleg Chalykh
Oleg Chalykh
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ New integrable generalizations of Calogero–Moser quantum problem 1998 Oleg Chalykh
Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Multidimensional Baker–Akhiezer Functions and Huygens' Principle 1999 Oleg Chalykh
Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Deformed Quantum Calogero-Moser Problems and Lie Superalgebras 2004 A. N. Sergeev
А. П. Веселов
+ Quantum integrable systems related to lie algebras 1983 M. A. Olshanetsky
A. M. Perelomov
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ New integrable deformations of the Calogero-Moser quantum problem 1996 А. П. Веселов
Misha Feigin
Oleg Chalykh
+ PDF Chat Commutative rings of partial differential operators and Lie algebras 1990 Oleg Chalykh
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat A Remark on the Dunkl Differential—Difference Operators 1991 Gerrit Heckman
+ PDF Chat Locus configurations and ∨-systems 2001 Oleg Chalykh
А. П. Веселов
+ None 2003 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat On almost duality for Frobenius manifolds 2004 Boris Dubrovin
+ Algebraic integrability for the Schr�dinger equation and finite reflection groups 1993 А. П. Веселов
Konstantin Styrkas
Oleg Chalykh
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Frobenius structures and Coxeter discriminants 2006 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Deformations of the root systems and new solutions to generalised WDVV equations 1999 А. П. Веселов
+ Root systems and hypergeometric functions. I 1988 Gerrit Heckman
Eric Opdam
+ None 2002 Misha Feigin
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Symplectic reflection algebras, Calogero-Moser space, and deformed Harish-Chandra homomorphism 2002 Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ Bispectrality for the quantum Ruijsenaars model and its integrable deformation 2000 Oleg Chalykh
+ PDF Chat Differential-difference operators associated to reflection groups 1989 Charles F. Dunkl
+ Geometry of 2D topological field theories 1996 Boris Dubrovin
+ PDF Chat Solutions of WDVV Equations in Seiberg-Witten Theory from Root Systems 1999 R. Martini
P. K. H. Gragert
+ PDF Chat Bispectrality for deformed Calogero­Moser­Sutherland systems 2005 Misha Feigin
+ Action of Coxeter Groups on m-Harmonic Polynomials and Knizhnik—Zamolodchikov Equations 2003 Giovanni Felder
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat WDVV-like equations in = 2 SUSY Yang-Mills theory 1996 A. Marshakov
А. Миронов
А. Морозов
+ PDF Chat Superanalogs of the Calogero Operators and Jack Polynomials 2001 A. N. Sergeev
+ Calogero–Moser systems and representation theory 2007 Pavel Etingof
+ On m-quasi-invariants of a Coxeter Group 2002 Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Generalized Calogero–Moser systems from rational Cherednik algebras 2011 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat Exchange operator formalism for integrable systems of particles 1992 Alexios P. Polychronakos
+ PDF Chat On a Linear Structure of the Quotient Variety by a Finite Reflexion Group 1993 Kyoji Saito
+ Generalised discriminants, deformed Calogero–Moser–Sutherland operators and super-Jack polynomials 2004 A. N. Sergeev
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Trigonometric Solutions of WDVV Equations and Generalized Calogero-Moser-Sutherland Systems 2009 Misha Feigin
+ PDF Chat On the symmetry of commuting differential operators with singularities along hyperplanes 2004 Kenji Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat Weyl groups and elliptic solutions of the WDVV equations 2010 Ian A. B. Strachan
+ PDF Chat <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">BC</mml:mi><mml:mo>∞</mml:mo></mml:msub></mml:math> Calogero–Moser operator and super Jacobi polynomials 2009 A. N. Sergeev
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat On generalizations of the Calogero–Moser–Sutherland quantum problem and WDVV equations 2002 А. П. Веселов
+ On the logarithmic solutions of the WDVV equations 2006 Misha Feigin
+ None 2000 Yuri Berest
А. П. Веселов
+ Action of Coxeter groups on m-harmonic polynomials and KZ equations 2001 Giovanni Felder
А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Cherednik algebras and differential operators on quasi-invariants 2003 Yuri Berest
Pavel Etingof
Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Singular polynomials for finite reflection groups 1994 Charles F. Dunkl
Marcel de Jeu
Eric Opdam
+ On geometry of a special class of solutions to generalised WDVV equations 2001 А. П. Веселов
+ PDF Chat Complete integrability of relativistic Calogero-Moser systems and elliptic function identities 1987 S. N. M. Ruijsenaars
+ Extended affine Weyl groups of BCD-type: Their Frobenius manifolds and Landau–Ginzburg superpotentials 2019 Boris Dubrovin
Ian A. B. Strachan
Youjin Zhang
Dafeng Zuo
+ Unitary representations of rational Cherednik algebras 2009 Pavel Etingof
Emanuel Stoica
+ Quantum completely integrable systems connected with semi-simple Lie algebras 1977 M. A. Olshanetsky
A. M. Perelomov
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Boris Dubrovin
Youjin Zhang
+ Hadamard's problem and coxeter groups: New examples of Huygens' equations 1994 Yu Yu Berest
А. П. Веселов
+ Lie Groups and Lie Algebras 2002 Nicolás Bourbaki
+ Frobenius Manifolds and Moduli Spaces for Singularities 2002 Claus Hertling