Krzysztof Maurin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Ideals of functions which achieve zero on a compact set 2001 Krzysztof Maurin
Antoni Wawrzyńczyk
+ Curvature and Topology or Characteristic Forms of Chern, Pontriagin, and Euler 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Representations of Compact Lie Groups 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Axiom of Covering Homotopy 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Reflections, Roots, and Weights. Coxeter and Weyl groups 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Fields and their Extensions 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Cohomology of Riemann spaces. Theorems of de Rham, Hodge, Kodaira 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Problem of Poincaré and the Cousin Problems 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Topology of Compact Lie Groups 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Galois Theory. Solvable Groups 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Idea of the Riemann Surface 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Differential Geometry of Holomorphic Vector Bundles over Compact Riemann Surfaces and Kähler manifolds. Stable Vector Bundles, Hermite-Einstein Connections, and their Moduli Spaces 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Nilpotent, Semimple, and Solvable Lie Algebras 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Teichmüller theory and Plateau-Douglas problem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Kähler Spaces. Bergman Metrics. Harish-Chandra-Cartan Theorem. Siegel Space (once again!) 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Algebras. Groups, Tensors, Clifford, Grassmann, and Lie Algebras. Theorems of Bott-Milnor, Wedderburn, and Hurwitz 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Various Benefits of Characteristic Classes (Orientability, Spin Structures). Clifford Groups, Spin Group 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Tangent Bundle TM. Vector, Fiber, Tensor and Tensor Densities, and Associate Bundles 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Riemannian Approach to Teichmüller Theory. Harmonic Maps and Teichmüller Space 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Gauss Inner Curvature of Surfaces 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Principal and Associated Bundles 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ General Abelian Varieties and Theta Function 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Ruler and Compass Constructions. Cyclotomic Fields. Kronecker-Weber Theorem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Cohomology of Sheaves. Abstract de Rham Theorem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Plateau Problem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ G-spaces. Group Representations 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Riemann Legacy 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Dedekind ζK function for number field K and Selberg ζ function 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Teichmüller Theory. Riemann Moduli Problem 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Divisors and Line Bundles. Algebraic and Abelian Varieties 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Homology. Cohomology. de Rham Cohomology 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Homotopy Group πk(X, x0). Hopf Fibering. Serre Theorem on Exact Sequence of Homotopy Groups of a Fibering 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Induced Representations and Associated Bundles 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Introduction 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Algebraic and Transcendental Elements 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Royal Road to Calculus of Variations (Constantin Carathéodory) 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Direct Methods in Calculus of Variations for Manifolds with Isometries. Equivariant Sobolev Theorems. Yamabe Problem and its Relation to General Relativity 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ The Riemann ζ function 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Rescuing Riemann’s Dirichlet Principle. Potential Theory 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Wirtinger Theorems. Metric Theory of Analytic Sets 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Hörmander Method in Complex Analysis 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Ringed Spaces and General Complex Spaces 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Ellipticity, Runge Property, and Runge Type Theorems 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Symplectic and Contact Geometries. Conservation Laws 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Vector Bundles and Locally Free Sheaves 1997 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Measurable Mappings the Transport of a Measure Convolutions of Measures and Functions 1980 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Tensor Analysis Harmonic Forms Cohomology Applications to Electrodynamics 1980 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Complex Analysis in One Dimension (Riemann Surfaces) 1980 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Normal and Paracompact Spaces Partition of Unity 1980 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Elementary Properties of Holomorphic Functions of Several Variables Harmonic Functions 1980 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Mathematical physics and physical mathematics : proceedings of the international symposium organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Nuclear Research, and University of Warsaw, held in Warsaw, 25-30 March 1974 1976 Krzysztof Maurin
R. Ra̧czka
+ Calculus of variations and classical field theory 1972 Krzysztof Maurin
+ A remark on Berezanskiĭ version on spectral theorem 1970 Krzysztof Maurin
+ General eigenfunction expansions and unitary representations of topological groups 1968 Krzysztof Maurin
+ Allgemeine Eigenfunktionsentwicklungen, unit�re Darstellungen lokalkompakter Gruppen und automorphe Funktionen 1966 Krzysztof Maurin
+ PDF Chat Universelle umhüllende Algebra einer lokal kompakten Gruppe und ihre selbstadjungierte Darstellungen. Anwendungen 1964 Krzysztof Maurin
L. Maurin
+ Mappings of Hilbert-Schmidt type; their applications to eigenfunction expansions and elliptic boundary problems 1963 Krzysztof Maurin
+ PDF Chat Elementare Bemerkungen über kommutative C*-Algebren (Beweis einer Vermutung von Dirac) 1957 Krzysztof Maurin
+ PDF Chat Über gemischte Rand- und Anfangswertprobleme im Groβen für gewisse Systeme von Differentialgleichungen auf differenzierbaren Mannigfaltigkeiten (Eine Begründung der Fourierschen Methode) 1956 Krzysztof Maurin
+ PDF Chat On Parseval equation for almost periodic vectors 1953 Krzysztof Maurin