Gabriella Zecca


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Existence and uniqueness of solutions to some anisotropic elliptic equations with a singular convection term 2025 Giuseppina di Blasio
Filomena Feo
Gabriella Zecca
+ On some noncoercive nonlinear problems in unbounded domains 2024 Patrizia Di Gironimo
Sara MonsurrĂČ
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Regularity results for local solutions to some anisotropic elliptic equations 2023 Giuseppina di Blasio
Filomena Feo
Gabriella Zecca
+ Lewy-Stampacchia inequality for noncoercive parabolic obstacle problems 2023 Fernando Farroni
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Existence and uniqueness of solutions to some anisotropic elliptic equations with a singular convection term 2023 Giuseppina di Blasio
Filomena Feo
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Noncoercive parabolic obstacle problems 2023 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Dirichlet problem for noncoercive nonlinear elliptic equations with singular drift term in unbounded domains 2023 Patrizia Di Gironimo
Sara MonsurrĂČ
Gabriella Zecca
+ Lp and BMO-solvability of the Dirichlet Problem for Elliptic Operators 2022 Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear evolution problems with singular coefficients in the lower order terms 2021 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Noncoercive quasilinear elliptic operators with singular lower order terms 2021 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Nonlinear evolution problems with singular coefficients in the lower order terms. 2020 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Noncoercive quasilinear elliptic operators with singular lower order terms 2020 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Sobolev–Zygmund solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with growth coefficients in BMO 2020 Patrizia Di Gironimo
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat On optimal <inline-formula><tex-math id="M1">\begin{document}$ L^1 $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>-control in coefficients for quasi-linear Dirichlet boundary value problems with <inline-formula><tex-math id="M2">\begin{document}$ BMO $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>-anisotropic <inline-formula><tex-math id="M3">\begin{document}$ p $\end{document}</tex-math></inline-formula>-Laplacian 2020 Umberto De Maio
Peter I. Kogut
Gabriella Zecca
+ Nonlinear evolution problems with singular coefficients in the lower order terms 2020 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Noncoercive quasilinear elliptic operators with singular lower order terms 2020 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Regularity results for local solutions to some anisotropic elliptic equations 2020 Giuseppina di Blasio
Filomena Feo
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat An optimal control problem for some nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients 2019 Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat A multi-species chemotaxis system: Lyapunov functionals, duality, critical mass 2017 Nikos I. Kavallaris
T. Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Minimal blow-up masses and existence of solutions for an asymmetric sinh-Poisson equation 2017 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Very weak solutions to elliptic equations with singular convection term 2017 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ A multi-species chemotaxis system: Lyapunov functionals, duality, critical mass 2017 Nikos I. Kavallaris
Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ A multi-species chemotaxis system: Lyapunov functionals, duality, critical mass 2017 Nikos I. Kavallaris
Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat On the existence and blow-up of solutions for a mean field equation with variable intensities 2016 Tonia Ricciardi
Ryo Takahashi
Gabriella Zecca
Xiao Zhang
+ Minimal blow-up masses and existence of solutions for an asymmetric sinh-Poisson equation 2016 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Minimal blow-up masses and existence of solutions for an asymmetric sinh-Poisson equation 2016 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat On the Blow-Up of Solutions to Liouville-Type Equations 2015 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Mass quantization and minimax solutions for Neri's mean field equation in 2D-turbulence 2015 T. Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Sharp interactions among $$A_\infty $$ A ∞ -weights on the real line 2015 Arturo Popoli
Carlo Sbordone
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat An Obstacle Problem for Noncoercive Operators 2015 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ On the existence and blow-up of solutions for a mean field equation with variable intensities 2015 Tonia Ricciardi
Ryo Takahashi
Gabriella Zecca
Xiao Zhang
+ Sharp interactions among A∞-weights on the real line 2015 Arturo Popoli
Carlo Sbordone
Gabriella Zecca
+ Mean field equations with probability measure in 2D-turbulence 2014 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients 2014 Teresa Radice
Gabriella Zecca
+ Mass quantization and minimax solutions for Neri's mean field equation in 2D-turbulence 2014 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ On the solvability of the L^p and BMO Dirichletproblem for elliptic operators 2014 Gabriella Zecca
+ Mass quantization and minimax solutions for Neri's mean field equation in 2D-turbulence 2014 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ The Maximum principle of Alexandrov for very weak solutions 2013 Teresa Radice
Gabriella Zecca
+ Regularity for solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations 2013 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Blow-up analysis for some mean field equations involving probability measures from statistical hydrodynamics 2012 T. Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat A version of Gehring lemma in Orlicz spaces 2012 Luigi Greco
Gabriella Zecca
+ Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with lower-order terms 2011 Gabriella Zecca
+ Blow-up analysis for some mean field equations involving probability measures from statistical hydrodynamics 2011 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ On the Continuity of Solutions to Degenerate Elliptic Equations in Two Dimensions 2011 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Blow-up analysis for some mean field equations involving probability measures from statistical hydrodynamics 2011 Tonia Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ Sulla Lp-risolubilitĂ  del problema di Dirichlet e sue generalizzazioni in spazi di Orlicz 2011 Gabriella Zecca
+ Regularity results for planar quasilinear equations 2010 Gabriella Zecca
+ The L p -Solvability of the Dirichlet Problem for Planar Elliptic Equations, Sharp Results 2009 Carlo Sbordone
Gabriella Zecca
+ Lower semicontinuity of certain quasiconvex functionals in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces 2009 Anna Verde
Gabriella Zecca
+ Isomorphisms of Royden Type Algebras over $mathbb S^1$ 2009 Teresa Radice
Eero Saksman
Gabriella Zecca
+ Isomorphisms of Royden type Algebras over S1 2009 Teresa Radice
Eero Saksman
Gabriella Zecca
+ On the L^p-solvability of the Dirichlet problem and generalizations in Orlicz spaces 2008 Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat On the higher integrability for certain nonlinear problems 2008 Anna Verde
Gabriella Zecca
+ On the Dirichlet Problem with Orlicz Boundary Data 2007 Gabriella Zecca
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Linear elliptic equations with lower order terms 2013 Flavia Giannetti
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ PDF Chat Duality and best constant for a Trudinger–Moser inequality involving probability measures 2014 Tonia Ricciardi
Takashi Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Blow-up analysis for some mean field equations involving probability measures from statistical hydrodynamics 2012 T. Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Mean field equation for the equilibrium turbulence and a related functional inequality 2006 Hiroshi Ohtsuka
Takashi Suzuki
+ Regularity for solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations 2013 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Le problĂšme de Dirichlet pour les Ă©quations elliptiques du second ordre Ă  coefficients discontinus 1965 Laure Cardoulis
Michel Cristofol
+ PDF Chat A special class of stationary flows for two-dimensional Euler equations: A statistical mechanics description 1992 Emanuele Caglioti
Pierre Louis Lions
Carlo Marchioro
Mario Pulvirenti
+ Interpolation of Operators 1988 Curtis D. Bennett
M Sharpley
+ PDF Chat Concentrating solutions for a Liouville type equation with variable intensities in 2D-turbulence 2016 Angela Pistoia
Tonia Ricciardi
+ The logarithmic HLS inequality for systems on compact manifolds 2004 Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ PDF Chat An Obstacle Problem for Noncoercive Operators 2015 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Noncoercive quasilinear elliptic operators with singular lower order terms 2021 Fernando Farroni
Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ Existence and uniqueness for elliptic equations with lower-order terms 2011 Gioconda Moscariello
+ An embedding theorem in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces 1996 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
+ PDF Chat Inverse Problem for a Curved Quantum Guide 1965 Laure Cardoulis
Michel Cristofol
+ Asymptotic analysis for two-dimensional elliptic eigenvalue problems with exponentially dominated nonlinearities 1990 Ken’ichi Nagasaki
Takashi Suzuki
+ Convolution operators and L(p,q) spaces 1963 Richard O’Neil
+ Blow-up analysis for an elliptic equation describing stationary vortex flows with variable intensities in 2D-turbulence 2010 Hiroshi Ohtsuka
Tonia Ricciardi
Takashi Suzuki
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics of the N-point vortex system with random intensities on a bounded domain 2004 Cassio Neri
+ PDF Chat The distance to $L^\infty$ in some function spaces and applications 1997 Menita Carozza
Carlo Sbordone
+ PDF Chat Mass quantization and minimax solutions for Neri's mean field equation in 2D-turbulence 2015 T. Ricciardi
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Conformally invariant systems of nonlinear PDE of Liouville type 1995 Sagun Chanillo
Michael K.‐H. Kiessling
+ On the Solutions of Liouville Systems 1997 Michel Chipot
Itai Shafrir
Gershon Wolansky
+ Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with lower-order terms 2011 Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for the Hardy maximal function 1972 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ Some Developments on Dirichlet Problems with Discontinuous Coefficients 2009 Lucio Boccardo
+ PDF Chat The Lp-integrability of the partial derivatives of A quasiconformal mapping 1973 F. W. Gehring
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problÚmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat An expository survey on the recent development of mean field equations 2007 Chang‐Shou Lin
+ None 2002 JĂ©rĂŽme Droniou
+ A nonlinear parabolic equation with drift term 2018 Fernando Farroni
Gioconda Moscariello
+ Mean Oscillations and Equimeasurable Rearrangements of Functions 2007 A. A. Korenovskii
+ PDF Chat Weighted norm inequalities for maximal functions and singular integrals 1974 Ronald R. Coifman
Charles Fefferman
+ Une remarque sur le comportement asymptotique des solutions de -Δu=λƒ(u) 1997 Dong Ye
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and related properties via the maximum principle 1979 Basilis Gidas
Wei‐Ming Ni
Louis Nirenberg
+ Mountain pass solutions for a mean field equation from two-dimensional turbulence 2006 Tonia Ricciardi
+ Very weak solutions to elliptic equations with singular convection term 2017 Luigi Greco
Gioconda Moscariello
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat The existence of surfaces of constant mean curvature with free boundaries 1988 Michaël Struwe
+ Uniform estimates and blow–up behavior for solutions of −ή(u)=v(x)e<sup>u</sup>in two dimensions 1991 Haı̈m Brezis
Frank Merle
+ PDF Chat On the existence of blowing-up solutions for a mean field equation 2005 Angela Pistoia
Pierpaolo Esposito
Massimo Grossi
+ Prescribing gaussian curvatures on surfaces with conical singularities 1991 Wenxiong Chen
Congming Li
+ PDF Chat The boundary correspondence under quasiconformal mappings 1956 Arne Beurling
Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Theory of Orlicz spaces 1991 Malempati M. Rao
Zhongdao Ren
+ Integral transforms and tensor products on Orlicz spaces andL(p,q) spaces 1968 Richard O’Neil
+ Weak Solutions to Fokker–Planck Equations and Mean Field Games 2014 Alessio Porretta
+ Quelques Resultats de Visik sur les Problemes Elliptiques Non Lineaires par les Methodes de Minty-Browder 2010 J. Leray
J. L. Lions
+ Geometric Function Theory and Non-linear Analysis 2001 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Gaven Martin
+ Existence and uniqueness for nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded coefficients 2014 Teresa Radice
Gabriella Zecca
+ PDF Chat An existence result for the mean-field equation on compact surfaces in a doubly supercritical regime 2013 Aleks Jevnikar