John Smillie


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Horospherical dynamics in invariant subvarieties 2024 John Smillie
Peter Smillie
Barak Weiss
Florent Ygouf
+ Horospherical dynamics in invariant subvarieties 2023 John Smillie
Peter Smillie
Barak Weiss
Florent Ygouf
+ Horocycle Dynamics: New Invariants and Eigenform Loci in the Stratum ℋ(1,1) 2022 Matt Bainbridge
John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity and quasi-hyperbolicity in polynomial diffeomorphisms of $C^2$ 2022 Eric Bedford
Lorenzo Guerini
John Smillie
+ On the Space of Ergodic Measures for the Horocycle Flow on Strata of Abelian Differentials 2021 Jon Chaika
Osama Khalil
John Smillie
+ On the Space of Ergodic Measures for the Horocycle Flow on Strata of Abelian Differentials 2021 Jon Chaika
Osama Khalil
John Smillie
+ Tremors and horocycle dynamics on the moduli space of translation surfaces 2020 Jon Chaika
John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Tremors and horocycle dynamics on the moduli space of translation surfaces 2020 Jon Chaika
John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Semi-parabolic Bifurcations in Complex Dimension Two 2017 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
Tetsuo Ueda
+ PDF Chat A symbolic characterization of the horseshoe locus in the Hénon family 2016 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Horocycle dynamics: new invariants and eigenform loci in the stratum H(1,1) 2016 Matt Bainbridge
John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Hyperbolicity and Quasi-hyperbolicity in Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of ${\Bbb C}^2$ 2016 Eric Bedford
Lorenzo Guerini
John Smillie
+ Horocycle dynamics: new invariants and eigenform loci in the stratum H(1,1) 2016 Matt Bainbridge
John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Parabolic Bifurcations in Complex Dimension 2 2012 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
Tetsuo Ueda
+ Homotopy shadowing 2010 Yutaka Ishii
John Smillie
+ Geodesic flow on the Teichmueller disk of the regular octagon, cutting sequences and octagon continued fractions maps 2010 John Smillie
Corinna Ulcigrai
+ PDF Chat Finiteness results for flat surfaces: large cusps and short geodesics 2010 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Characterizations of lattice surfaces 2010 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Geodesic flow on the Teichmüller disk of the regular octagon, cutting sequences and octagon continued fractions maps 2010 John Smillie
Corinna Ulcigrai
+ Geodesic flow on the Teichmueller disk of the regular octagon, cutting sequences and octagon continued fractions maps 2010 John Smillie
Corinna Ulcigrai
+ Trends and Developments in Complex Dynamics 2009 Carsten Lunde Petersen
Mikhail Lyubich
Dierk Schleicher
John Smillie
+ Symbolic coding for linear trajectories in the regular octagon 2009 John Smillie
Corinna Ulcigrai
+ Veech’s dichotomy and the lattice property 2008 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Algebraically periodic translation surfaces 2008 Kariane Calta
John Smillie
+ Finiteness results for flat surfaces: large cusps and short geodesics 2008 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Characterizations of lattice surfaces 2008 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Homotopy shadowing 2008 Yutaka Ishii
John Smillie
+ The 𝐽-invariant, exceptional surfaces and notions of periodicity 2007 Kariane Calta
John Smillie
+ Algebraically periodic translation surfaces 2007 Kariane Calta
John Smillie
+ Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: II. Small Jacobian 2006 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat The Hénon family: the complex horseshoe locus and real parameter space 2006 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ The Henon Family: The Complex Horseshoe Locus and Real Parameter Space 2005 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Minimal sets for flows on moduli space 2004 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: Tangencies 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Real Polynomial Diffeomorphisms with Maximal Entropy: II. Small Jacobian 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Dynamics in two complex dimensions 2003 John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C 2. VIII: quasi-expansion 2002 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of $\C^2$. VIII: Quasi-Expansion 2001 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Real Polynomial Diffeomorphisms with Maximal Entropy: Tangencies 2001 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Billiards on rational-angled triangles 2000 Richard Kenyon
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: VII. Hyperbolicity and external rays 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ External rays in the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of 𝐶² 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C 2 : VI. Connectivity of J 1998 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: V. critical points and Lyapunov exponents 1998 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Complex Dynamics in Several Variables 1997 John Smillie
Gregery T. Buzzard
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C^2: VI. Connectivity of J 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2: V. Critical points and Lyapunov exponents 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Complex dynamics in several variables 1996 John Smillie
Gregery T. Buzzard
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C^2: VI. Connectivity of J 1996 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Quadratic differentials with prescribed singularities and pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms 1993 Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2 1992 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Length functions and outer space. 1992 John Smillie
Karen Vogtmann
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Hausdorff Dimension of Sets of Nonergodic Measured Foliations 1991 Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Polynomial Diffeomorphisms of C 2 . II: Stable Manifolds and Recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Automorphisms of SL 2 of Imaginary Quadratic Integers 1991 John Smillie
Karen Vogtmann
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of 𝐶². II. Stable manifolds and recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Automorphisms of 𝑆𝐿₂ of imaginary quadratic integers 1991 John Smillie
Karen Vogtmann
+ PDF Chat The entropy of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C<sup>2</sup> 1990 John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Rayleigh Quotient Iteration for Nonsymmetric Matrices 1990 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Rayleigh quotient iteration for nonsymmetric matrices 1990 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ The Dynamics of Rayleigh Quotient Iteration 1989 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ Rayleigh quotient iteration fails for nonsymmetric matrices 1989 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ Properties of the directional entropy function for cellular automata 1988 John Smillie
+ Automorphisms of graphs, p-subgroups of out(Fn) and the Euler characteristics of Out(Fn) 1987 John Smillie
Karen Vogtmann
+ A generating function for the Euler characteristic of out(Fn) 1987 John Smillie
Karen Vogtmann
+ Ergodicity of Billiard Flows and Quadratic Differentials 1986 Steven P. Kerckhoff
Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Filtrations and Periodic Data on Surfaces 1986 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Smale diffeomorphisms and surface topology 1985 Steve Batterson
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat A rational billiard flow is uniquely ergodic in almost every direction 1985 Steven P. Kerckhoff
Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Competitive and Cooperative Tridiagonal Systems of Differential Equations 1984 John Smillie
+ Uniform distribution of horocycle orbits for Fuchsian groups 1984 S. G. Dani
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Periodic points of surface homeomorphisms with zero entropy 1983 John Smillie
+ An obstruction to the existence of affine structures 1981 John Smillie
+ Flat manifolds with non-zero euler characteristics 1977 John Smillie
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Teichm�ller curves in moduli space, Eisenstein series and an application to triangular billiards 1989 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat Dynamical properties of plane polynomial automorphisms 1989 Shmuel Friedland
John Milnor
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2. IV: The measure of maximal entropy and laminar currents 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Henon mappings in the complex domain II: projective and inductive limits of polynomials 1994 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: currents, equilibrium measure and hyperbolicity 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Hausdorff Dimension of Sets of Nonergodic Measured Foliations 1991 Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ Veech surfaces and complete periodicity in genus two 2004 Kariane Calta
+ PDF Chat Invariant sets under iteration of rational functions 1965 Hans Brolin
+ PDF Chat Hénon mappings in the complex domain I: The global topology of dynamical space 1994 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ PDF Chat Billiards on almost integrable polyhedral surfaces 1984 Eugène Gutkin
+ Polynomial diffeomorphisms ofC 2 1992 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2 1993 Eric Bedford
Mikhail Lyubich
John Smillie
+ Topological transitivity of billiards in polygons 1975 A. N. Zemlyakov
A. Katok
+ PDF Chat The entropy of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C<sup>2</sup> 1990 John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Billiards and Teichmüller curves on Hilbert modular surfaces 2003 Curtis T. McMullen
+ Hénon Mappings in the Complex Domain 1995 John H. Hubbard
Ralph W. Oberste-Vorth
+ Ergodicity of Billiard Flows and Quadratic Differentials 1986 Steven P. Kerckhoff
Howard Masur
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of numbers of branched coverings of a torus and volumes of moduli spaces of holomorphic differentials 2001 Alex Eskin
Andreĭ Okounkov
+ Aspects potentialistes de l’iteration des polynômes 1987 Pierre Tortrat
+ Interval Exchange Transformations and Measured Foliations 1982 Howard Masur
+ Affine mappings of translation surfaces: geometry and arithmetic 2000 Eugène Gutkin
Chris Judge
+ PDF Chat Real polynomial diffeomorphisms with maximal entropy: Tangencies 2004 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Cylinder deformations in orbit closures of translation surfaces 2015 Alex Wright
+ PDF Chat Cohomology classes represented by measured foliations, and Mahler's question for interval exchanges 2014 Yair N. Minsky
Barak Weiss
+ PDF Chat Local structure of analytic transformations of two complex variables, II 1991 Tetsuo Ueda
+ Fine topology, Šilov boundary, and (ddc)n 1987 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Complex Hénon mappings in ℂ2 and Fatou-Bieberbach domains 1992 John Erik Fornæss
Nessim Sibony
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of 𝐶². II. Stable manifolds and recurrence 1991 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of SL<sub>2</sub>(ℝ) over moduli space in genus two 2007 Curtis T. McMullen
+ The Dimension of the Maximal Measure for a Polynomial Map 1984 Anthony Manning
+ Rational billiards and flat structures 2002 Howard Masur
Serge Tabachnikov
+ Gauss Measures for Transformations on the Space of Interval Exchange Maps 1982 William A. Veech
+ PDF Chat Polynomial diffeomorphisms of C2: VII. Hyperbolicity and external rays 1999 Eric Bedford
John Smillie
+ Complex dynamics in higher dimensions 1994 John Erik Fornæss
Nessim Sibony
+ PDF Chat Billiards on rational-angled triangles 2000 Richard Kenyon
John Smillie
+ Shift automorphisms in the H�non mapping 1979 Robert L. Devaney
Zbigniew Nitecki
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theory of the Space of Measured Laminations 2008 Elon Lindenstrauss
Maryam Mirzakhani
+ Planar structures and billiards in rational polygons: the Veech alternative 1996 З. Д. Воробец
+ PDF Chat A proof of the estimation from below in Pesin's entropy formula 1982 Fran ̧ois Ledrappier
Jean-Marie Strelcyn
+ Invariant measures of horospherical flows on noncompact homogeneous spaces 1978 S. G. Dani
+ Minimal sets for flows on moduli space 2004 John Smillie
Barak Weiss
+ Fuchsian groups and transitive horocycles 1936 Gustav A. Hedlund
+ PDF Chat Invariants of translation surfaces 2001 Pascal Hubert
Thomas Schmidt
+ Homology and Dynamical Systems 1982 John Franks
+ Tight upper bounds on the number of invariant components on translation surfaces 2008 Yoav Naveh
+ Concerning the transitive properties of geodesics on a rational polyhedron 1936 Ralph H. Fox
Richard Kershner
+ Topics in the Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable 1968 Wolfgang Fuchs
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents, entropy and periodic orbits for diffeomorphisms 1980 A. Katok
+ Chapter 13 Rational billiards and flat structures 2002 Howard Masur
Serge Tabachnikov
+ The Dynamics of the Henon Map 1991 Michael Benedicks
Lennart Carleson