Magnus Rattray


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Scalable Multi-Output Gaussian Processes with Stochastic Variational Inference 2024 Xiaoyu Jiang
Sokratia Georgaka
Magnus Rattray
Mauricio A. Álvarez
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Detection of Piecewise Linear Trends in Replicated Time-Series with Application to Growth Data Modelling 2019 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Takanori Furukawa
Norman van Rhijn
Michael J. Bromley
Elaine Bignell
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Bayesian estimation of differential transcript usage from RNA-seq data 2017 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Identifying stochastic oscillations in single-cell live imaging time series using Gaussian processes 2017 Nick E. Phillips
Cerys Manning
Nancy Papalopulu
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Model Selection Approach for Identifying Differentially Expressed Transcripts from RNA Sequencing Data 2017 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat BayesBinMix: an R Package for Model Based Clustering of Multivariate Binary Data 2017 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Magnus Rattray
+ BayesBinMix: an R Package for Model Based Clustering of Multivariate Binary Data 2016 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data 2016 Jing Yang
Christopher A. Penfold
Murray Grant
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Gaussian process models for periodicity detection 2016 Nicolas Durrande
James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Inferring the perturbation time from biological time course data 2016 Jing Yang
Christopher A. Penfold
Murray Grant
Magnus Rattray
+ BayesBinMix: an R Package for Model Based Clustering of Multivariate Binary Data 2016 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Genome-wide modeling of transcription kinetics reveals patterns of RNA production delays 2015 Antti Honkela
Jaakko Peltonen
Hande Topa
Iryna Charapitsa
Filomena Matarese
Korbinian Grote
Hendrik G. Stunnenberg
George Reid
Neil D. Lawrence
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Fast and accurate approximate inference of transcript expression from RNA-seq data 2015 James Hensman
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Inference of RNA Polymerase II Transcription Dynamics from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Time Course Data 2014 Ciira wa Maina
Antti Honkela
Filomena Matarese
Korbinian Grote
Hendrik G. Stunnenberg
George Reid
Neil D. Lawrence
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Fast Nonparametric Clustering of Structured Time-Series 2014 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Fast variational inference for nonparametric clustering of structured time-series. 2014 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Fast nonparametric clustering of structured time-series 2014 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Fast and accurate approximate inference of transcript expression from RNA-seq data 2014 James Hensman
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ Fast nonparametric clustering of structured time-series 2014 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ A Probabilistic Model of Transcription Dynamics applied to Estrogen Signalling in Breast Cancer Cells 2013 Ciira wa Maina
Filomena Matarese
Korbinian Grote
Hendrik G. Stunnenberg
George Reid
Antti Honkela
Neil D. Lawrence
Magnus Rattray
+ Fast Approximate Inference of Transcript Expression Levels from RNA-seq Data 2013 James Hensman
Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ Inference of RNA Polymerase II Transcription Dynamics from Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Time Course Data 2013 Ciira wa Maina
Antti Honkela
Filomena Matarese
Korbinian Grote
Hendrik G. Stunnenberg
George C. Reid
Neil D. Lawrence
Magnus Rattray
+ Gaussian process models for periodicity detection 2013 Nicolas Durrande
James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family 2012 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ PDF Chat Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation 2012 Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ Fast Variational Inference in the Conjugate Exponential Family 2012 James Hensman
Magnus Rattray
Neil D. Lawrence
+ PDF Chat Inference algorithms and learning theory for Bayesian sparse factor analysis 2009 Magnus Rattray
Oliver Stegle
Kevin Sharp
John Winn
+ Statistical mechanics of learning multiple orthogonal signals: Asymptotic theory and fluctuation effects 2007 David C. Hoyle
Magnus Rattray
+ Principal-component-analysis eigenvalue spectra from data with symmetry-breaking structure 2004 David C. Hoyle
Magnus Rattray
+ A Statistical Mechanics Analysis of Gram Matrix Eigenvalue Spectra 2004 David C. Hoyle
Magnus Rattray
+ RNA-based Phylogenetic Methods: Application to Mammalian Mitochondrial RNA Sequences 2004 Cendrine Hudelot
Vivek Gowri-Shankar
Howsun Jow
Magnus Rattray
Paul G. Higgs
+ Limiting Form of the Sample Covariance Eigenspectrum in PCA and Kernel PCA 2003 David C. Hoyle
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat The Evolution of tRNA-Leu Genes in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes 2003 Paul G. Higgs
Daniel Jameson
Howsun Jow
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat RNA-based phylogenetic methods: application to mammalian mitochondrial RNA sequences 2003 Cendrine Hudelot
Vivek Gowri-Shankar
Howsun Jow
Magnus Rattray
Paul G. Higgs
+ The Evolution of tRNA-Leu Genes in Animal Mitochondrial Genomes 2003 Paul G. Higgs
Daniel Jameson
Howsun Jow
Magnus Rattray
+ Statistical Dynamics of On-line Independent Component Analysis 2003 Gleb Basalyga
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Making sense of microarray data distributions 2002 David C. Hoyle
Magnus Rattray
Ray Jupp
Andy Brass
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Trapping in a Solvable Model of On-Line Independent Component Analysis 2002 Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Cumulant Dynamics of a Population under Multiplicative Selection, Mutation, and Drift 2001 Magnus Rattray
Jonathan Shapiro
+ Stochastic trapping in a solvable model of on-line independent component analysis 2001 Magnus Rattray
+ Stochastic trapping in a solvable model of on-line independent component analysis 2001 Magnus Rattray
+ Cumulant Dynamics of a Population under Multiplicative Selection, Mutation and Drift 1999 Magnus Rattray
Jonathan Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Analysis of natural gradient descent for multilayer neural networks 1999 Magnus Rattray
David Saad
+ Cumulant Dynamics of a Population under Multiplicative Selection, Mutation and Drift 1999 Magnus Rattray
Jonathan Shapiro
+ PDF Chat The dynamics of a genetic algorithm for a simple learning problem 1996 Magnus Rattray
Jonathan Shapiro
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Identifying differentially expressed transcripts from RNA-seq data with biological variation 2012 Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Overlapping Mixtures of Gaussian Processes for the data association problem 2011 Miguel Lázaro-Gredilla
Steven Van Vaerenbergh
Neil D. Lawrence
+ Signal detection via spectral theory of large dimensional random matrices 1992 Jack W. Silverstein
Patrick L. Combettes
+ Reversible Jump MCMC in mixtures of normal distributions with the same component means 2008 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
George Iliopoulos
+ Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo computation and Bayesian model determination 1995 Peter J. Green
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in principal components analysis 2001 Iain M. Johnstone
+ Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 2007 Christopher Bishop
+ Stochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of Images 1984 Stuart Geman
Donald Geman
+ An invariant form for the prior probability in estimation problems 1946 Harold Jeffreys
+ Gene expression divergence recapitulates the developmental hourglass model 2010 Alex T. Kalinka
Karolina M. Varga
Dave T. Gerrard
Stephan Preibisch
David L. Corcoran
Julia Jarrells
Uwe Ohler
Casey Bergman
Pavel Tomančák
L. А. Pastur
+ A Split-Merge Markov chain Monte Carlo Procedure for the Dirichlet Process Mixture Model 2004 Sonia Jain
Radford M. Neal
+ On the estimation of mixtures of Poisson regression models with large number of components 2014 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette
Cathy Maugis-Rabusseau
+ PDF Chat Variational inference for Dirichlet process mixtures 2006 David M. Blei
Michael I. Jordan
+ Sampling-Based Approaches to Calculating Marginal Densities 1990 Alan E. Gelfand
A. F. M. Smith
+ Quantifying alternative splicing from paired-end RNA-sequencing data 2014 David Rossell
Camille Stephan‐Otto Attolini
Matthias Kroiß
Almond Stöcker
+ Approximate Riemannian Conjugate Gradient Learning for Fixed-Form Variational Bayes 2010 Antti Honkela
Tapani Raiko
Mikael Kuusela
Matti Tornio
Juha Karhunen
+ On Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures with an Unknown Number of Components 1997 Sylvia Richardson
Peter J. Green
+ Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Computation and Bayesian Model Determination 1995 Peter J. Green
+ Online Model Selection Based on the Variational Bayes 2001 Masa-aki Sato
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Dimension of a Model 1978 Gideon Schwarz
+ Stochastic Variational Inference 2012 Matt Hoffman
David M. Blei
Chong Wang
John Paisley
+ Bayesian finite mixtures with an unknown number of components: The allocation sampler 2007 Agostino Nobile
Alastair T. Fearnside
+ FlexMix: A General Framework for Finite Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in<i>R</i> 2004 Friedrich Leisch
+ Covariance Structure and Convergence Rate of the Gibbs Sampler with Various Scans 1995 Jun S. Liu
Wing Hung Wong
Augustine Kong
+ PDF Chat Bayesian Modelling and Inference on Mixtures of Distributions 2005 Jean‐Michel Marin
Kerrie Mengersen
Christian P. Robert
+ PDF Chat The positive false discovery rate: a Bayesian interpretation and the q-value 2003 John D. Storey
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and Condition Numbers of Random Matrices 1988 Alan Edelman
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Theory for Principal Component Analysis 1963 T. W. Anderson
+ PDF Chat RNA-based phylogenetic methods: application to mammalian mitochondrial RNA sequences 2003 Cendrine Hudelot
Vivek Gowri-Shankar
Howsun Jow
Magnus Rattray
Paul G. Higgs
+ PDF Chat <b>label.switching</b>: An<i>R</i>Package for Dealing with the Label Switching Problem in MCMC Outputs 2016 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
+ Markov Chain Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood 1991 Charles J. Geyer
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ PDF Chat Bayesian analysis of mixture models with an unknown number of components—an alternative to reversible jump methods 2000 Matthew Stephens
+ Latent-Space Variational Bayes 2008 Jaemo Sung
Zoubin Ghahramani
Sung-Yang Bang
+ CODA: convergence diagnosis and output analysis for MCMC 2006 Martyn Plummer
Nicky Best
Kate Cowles
Karen Vines
+ PDF Chat Dealing With Label Switching in Mixture Models 2000 Matthew Stephens
+ PDF Chat Annealing Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Applications to Ancestral Inference 1995 Charles J. Geyer
E. A. Thompson
+ The Collapsed Gibbs Sampler in Bayesian Computations with Applications to a Gene Regulation Problem 1994 Jun S. Liu
+ PDF Chat Optimal Sample Size for Multiple Testing 2004 Peter Müller
Giovanni Parmigiani
Christian P. Robert
Judith Rousseau
+ PDF Chat Bayesian variable selection for latent class analysis using a collapsed Gibbs sampler 2014 Arthur White
Jason Wyse
Thomas Brendan Murphy
+ On the Convergence Rate of Random Permutation Sampler and ECR Algorithm in Missing Data Models 2011 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
George Iliopoulos
+ An Artificial Allocations Based Solution to the Label Switching Problem in Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures of Distributions 2010 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
George Iliopoulos
+ PDF Chat Fast and accurate approximate inference of transcript expression from RNA-seq data 2015 James Hensman
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Peter Glaus
Antti Honkela
Magnus Rattray
+ PDF Chat Multivariate Bernoulli Mixture Models with Application to Postmortem Tissue Studies in Schizophrenia 2007 Zhuoxin Sun
Ori Rosen
Allan R. Sampson
+ Mixture Densities, Maximum Likelihood and the EM Algorithm 1984 Richard A. Redner
Homer F. Walker
+ FlexMix Version 2: Finite Mixtures with Concomitant Variables and Varying and Constant Parameters 2008 Bettina Grün
Friedrich Leisch
+ PDF Chat FDR and Bayesian Multiple Comparisons Rules 2007 Peter Müller
Giovanni Parmigiani
Kenneth Rice
+ Handling the Label Switching Problem in Latent Class Models Via the ECR Algorithm 2013 Panagiotis Papastamoulis
+ PDF Chat Label Switching in Bayesian Mixture Models: Deterministic Relabeling Strategies 2012 Carlos E. Rodríguez
Stephen G. Walker