Luis Benet


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A framework to test interval arithmetic libraries and their IEEE 1788‐2015 compliance 2023 Luis Benet
Luca Ferranti
Nathalie Revol
+ PDF Chat Quantum-classical correspondence of strongly chaotic many-body spin models 2023 Luis Benet
F. Borgonovi
F. M. Izrailev
Lea F. Santos
+ PDF Chat A smooth transition towards a Tracy–Widom distribution for the largest eigenvalue of interacting k-body fermionic embedded Gaussian ensembles 2023 Ernesto Carro
Luis Benet
Isaac Pérez Castillo
+ PDF Chat Testing Interval Arithmetic Libraries, Including Their IEEE-1788 Compliance 2023 Nathalie Revol
Luis Benet
Luca Ferranti
Sergei Zhilin
+ A framework to test interval arithmetic libraries and their IEEE 1788-2015 compliance 2023 Luis Benet
Luca Ferranti
Nathalie Revol
+ Testing interval arithmetic libraries, including their IEEE-1788 compliance 2022 Nathalie Revol
Luis Benet
Luca Ferranti
Sergei Zhilin
+ A smooth transition towards a Tracy-Widom distribution for the largest eigenvalue of interacting $k$-body fermionic Embedded Gaussian Ensembles 2022 Ernesto Carro
Luis Benet
Isaac Pérez Castillo
+ Quantum-classical correspondence of strongly chaotic many-body spin models 2022 Luis Benet
F. Borgonovi
F. M. Izrailev
Lea F. Santos
+ Spectra, eigenstates and transport properties of a PT -symmetric ring 2021 Adrián Ortega
Luis Benet
Hernán Larralde
+ Spectra, eigenstates and transport properties of a $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric ring. 2021 Adrián Ortega
Luis Benet
Hernán Larralde
+ PDF Chat Spectral and transport properties of a $\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}$-symmetric tight-binding chain with gain and loss 2020 Adrián Ortega
Thomas Stegmann
Luis Benet
Hernán Larralde
+ PDF Chat Using posterior predictive distributions to analyse epidemic models: COVID-19 in Mexico City 2020 Ramsés H. Mena
Jorge X. Velasco‐Hernández
Natalia B. Mantilla-Beniers
Gabriel A Carranco-Sapiéns
Luis Benet
Denis Boyer
Isaac Pérez Castillo
+ $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric tight-binding chain with gain and loss: A completely solvable model 2019 Adrián Ortega
Thomas Stegmann
Luis Benet
Hernán Larralde
+ PDF Chat On the dynamics of Comet 1P/Halley: Lyapunov and power spectra 2019 Jorge A. Pérez-Hernández
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Two-particle quantum correlations in stochastically-coupled networks 2019 Roberto de J. León‐Montiel
Vicenç Méndez
Mario A. Quiroz‐Juárez
Adrián Ortega
Luis Benet
Armando Pérez-Leija
Kurt Busch
+ PDF Chat TaylorSeries.jl: Taylor expansions in one and several variables in Julia 2019 Luis Benet
David P. Sanders
+ PDF Chat Robustness of optimal transport in disordered interacting many-body networks 2018 Adrián Ortega
Thomas Stegmann
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Probing two-particle exchange processes in two-mode Bose-Einstein condensates 2017 Luis Benet
Diego Espitia
Daniel Sahagún
+ PDF Chat A simple model for the location of Saturn’s F ring 2016 Luis Benet
Àngel Jorba
+ PDF Chat Efficient quantum transport in disordered interacting many-body networks 2016 Adrián Ortega
Thomas Stegmann
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Quantum efficiencies in finite disordered networks connected by many‐body interactions 2015 Adrián Ortega
Manan Vyas
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Spectral domain of large nonsymmetric correlated Wishart matrices 2014 Vinayak
Luis Benet
+ Fractional exclusion statistics and the Random Matrix Boson Ensemble 2012 Saúl Hernández-Quiroz
Manuel Beltrán
Luis Benet
J. Flores
G. Cocho
+ PDF Chat Fidelity decay in interacting two-level boson systems: Freezing and revivals 2011 Luis Benet
Saúl Hernández-Quiroz
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Statistics and universality in simplified models of planetary formation 2011 Claudia Hernández
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Nearest-neighbor distributions and tunneling splittings in interacting many-body two-level boson systems 2010 Saúl Hernández-Quiroz
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Extended spin symmetry and the standard model 2010 J. Besprosvany
Ricardo Cuéllar Romero
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Symmetry breaking: a tool to unveil the topology of chaotic scattering with three degrees of freedom 2010 Christof Jung
W. P. Karel Zapfe
Olivier Merlo
T. H. Seligman
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Doorway states and billiards 2010 J. A. Franco-Villafañe
Jorge Luis Flores
J. Mateos
R. A. Méndez-Sánchez
O. Novaro
T. H. Seligman
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Spontaneous symmetry breaking by double lithium adsorption in polyacenes 2010 Yenni P. Ortiz
T. H. Seligman
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Algebraic cluster model with tetrahedral symmetry 2010 R. Bijker
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Multipole analysis in cosmic topology 2010 P. Kramer
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Two interacting electrons in a magnetic field: comparison of semiclassical, quantum, and variational solutions 2010 Tobias Kramer
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Umbral orthogonal polynomials 2010 J. E. López-Sendino
M. A. del Olmo
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Building and destroying symmetry in 1-D elastic systems 2010 Jorge Luis Flores
G. Monsiváis
Pierric Mora
A. Morales
R. A. Méndez-Sánchez
A. Dı́az-de-Anda
L. Gutiérrez
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
+ PDF Chat Quantum vacuum energy in graphs and billiards 2010 L. Kaplan
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat The Dirac-Moshinsky oscillator coupled to an external field and its connection to quantum optics 2010 Juan Mauricio Torres
E. Sadurní
T. H. Seligman
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Character expansions in physics 2010 A. B. Balantekin
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Seniority in quantum many-body systems 2010 P. Van Isacker
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Conformal mapping and bound states in bent waveguides 2010 E. Sadurní
Wolfgang P. Schleich
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Fidelity decay of the two-level bosonic embedded ensembles of random matrices 2010 Luis Benet
Saúl Hernández-Quiroz
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Third quantization 2010 T. H. Seligman
Tomaž Prosen
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Ambiguous red shifts 2010 Carl E. Wulfman
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Canonical transforms, quantumness and probability representation of quantum mechanics 2010 Margarita A. Man’ko
V. I. Man’ko
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Integrability test for discrete equations via generalized symmetries 2010 D. Levi
R. I. Yamilov
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Some properties of an infinite family of deformations of the harmonic oscillator 2010 C. Quesne
Kurt Bernardo Wolf
Luis Benet
Juan Mauricio Torres
Peter O. Hess
+ PDF Chat Phase-space volume of regions of trapped motion: multiple ring components and arcs 2009 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ PDF Chat Scattering off an oscillating target: Basic mechanisms and their impact on cross sections 2008 Ioannis Brouzos
A. K. Karlis
C. A. Chrysanthakopoulos
F. Κ. Diakonos
Vassilios Constantoudis
Peter Schmelcher
Luis Benet
+ Slow cross-symmetry phase relaxation in complex collisions 2008 Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
S. Yu. Kun
Oleg Vorov
Q. Wang
+ Multiple Components in Narrow Planetary Rings 2008 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ Thermalized Non-Equilibrated Matter: Compound Processes and Beyond 2008 Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Thermalized non-equilibrated matter and high temperature superconducting state in quantum many-body systems 2007 Luis Benet
Marc Bienert
S. Yu. Kun
+ PDF Chat Quantum-classical transition for an analog of the double-slit experiment in complex collisions: Dynamical decoherence in quantum many-body systems 2007 Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
S. Yu. Kun
Wang Qi
+ Stability Resonances in Scattering Systems and Consequences for Narrow Planetary Rings 2007 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ PDF Chat Strands and braids in narrow planetary rings: a scattering system approach 2006 Olivier Merlo
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Effect of phase relaxation on quantum superpositions in complex collisions 2006 Luis Benet
S. Yu. Kun
Wang Qi
+ Quantum-classical transition for an analog of double-slit experiment in complex collisions: Dynamical decoherence in quantum many-body systems 2006 Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
S. Yu. Kun
Wang Qi
+ PDF Chat Effect of a finite-time resolution on Schrödinger cat states in complex collisions 2004 Luis Benet
S. Yu. Kun
Wang Qi
V. Yu. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Phase-Space Structure for Narrow Planetary Rings 2004 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ PDF Chat Wigner-Dyson statistics for a class of integrable models 2003 Luis Benet
F. Leyvraz
T. H. Seligman
+ Integrability of interacting two-level boson systems 2003 Luis Benet
Christof Jung
F. Leyvraz
+ PDF Chat Review of the<i>k</i>-body embedded ensembles of Gaussian random matrices 2003 Luis Benet
Hans A Weidenm ller
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic quantum superpositions in highly excited strongly interacting many-body systems 2003 S. Yu. Kun
Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
Walter Greiner
Fernando Haas
+ Fluctuations of wavefunctions about their classical average 2003 Luis Benet
Jorge Luis Flores
Hen A
F. M. Izrailev
F. Leyvraz
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices for Bosons 2002 Tomoko Asaga
Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ Schroedinger cat states in highly-excited strongly-interacting many-body systems 2002 S. Yu. Kun
Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
W. Greiner
Fernando Haas
+ PDF Chat Non-ergodic behaviour of the <i>k</i> -body embedded Gaussian random ensembles for bosons 2001 Tomoko Asaga
Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices 2001 Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Nonuniversal Behavior of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">k</mml:mi></mml:math>-Body Embedded Gaussian Unitary Ensemble of Random Matrices 2001 Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Occurrence of Planetary Rings with Shepherds 2001 Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical properties of eigenfunctions and occupation number distribution for a model of two interacting particles 2000 Luis Benet
F. M. Izrailev
T. H. Seligman
A. Suárez-Moreno
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Generic occurrence of rings in rotating systems 2000 Luis Benet
T. H. Seligman
+ Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Random Ensembles 2000 Luis Benet
H.A. Weidenmueller
+ PDF Chat Narrow Rings: A Scattering Billiard Model 2000 Luis Benet
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat On the special role of symmetric periodic orbits in a chaotic system 1999 Luis Benet
Christof Jung
T. Papenbrock
T. H. Seligman
+ Braided rings: a scattering billiard model 1999 Luis Benet
T. H. Seligman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Random-matrix theories in quantum physics: common concepts 1998 Thomas Guhr
Axel Müller–Groeling
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ Statistical properties of many-particle spectra 1975 K.K Mon
J.B. French
+ Two-body random hamiltonian and level density 1971 O. Bohigas
Jorge Luis Flores
+ Spacing and individual eigenvalue distributions of two-body random hamiltonians 1971 O. Bohigas
J. Flores
+ Some random-matrix level and spacing distributions for fixed-particle-rank interactions 1971 J.B. French
S.S.M. Wong
+ PDF Chat Non-ergodic behaviour of the <i>k</i> -body embedded Gaussian random ensembles for bosons 2001 Tomoko Asaga
Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices for Bosons 2002 Tomoko Asaga
Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Spectral Properties of the k-Body Embedded Gaussian Ensembles of Random Matrices 2001 Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Generic occurrence of rings in rotating systems 2000 Luis Benet
T. H. Seligman
+ Scaling properties of a scattering system with an incomplete horseshoe 1994 B Ruckerl
Christof Jung
+ Level densities for random one- or two-body potentials 1972 A. Gervois
+ Shape of eigenvalue distribution for bosons in scalar space 1980 V. K. B. Kota
V. Potbhare
+ PDF Chat Strands and braids in narrow planetary rings: a scattering system approach 2006 Olivier Merlo
Luis Benet
+ PDF Chat Statistical theory of finite Fermi systems based on the structure of chaotic eigenstates 1997 V. V. Flambaum
F. M. Izrailev
+ PDF Chat Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Finite System: A Nonperturbative Approach 1997 B. L. Altshuler
Yuval Gefen
Alex Kamenev
Leonid Levitov
+ PDF Chat Perfect State Transfer in Quantum Spin Networks 2004 Matthias Christandl
Nilanjana Datta
Artur Ekert
Andrew J. Landahl
+ PDF Chat The physics of exceptional points 2012 W. D. Heiss
+ PDF Chat Quantum efficiencies in finite disordered networks connected by many‐body interactions 2015 Adrián Ortega
Manan Vyas
Luis Benet
+ Scars of Invariant Manifolds in Interacting Few-Body Systems 1998 T. Papenbrock
T. H. Seligman
H. A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Direct Observation of Tunneling and Nonlinear Self-Trapping in a Single Bosonic Josephson Junction 2005 M. Albiez
Rudolf Gati
Jonas Fölling
S. Hunsmann
Matteo Cristiani
Markus K. Oberthaler
+ Embedded Random Matrix Ensembles in Quantum Physics 2014 V. K. B. Kota
+ PDF Chat Effect of a finite-time resolution on Schrödinger cat states in complex collisions 2004 Luis Benet
S. Yu. Kun
Wang Qi
V. Yu. Denisov
+ PDF Chat Orderly Spectra from Random Interactions 1998 Calvin Johnson
G. F. Bertsch
D. J. Dean
+ PDF Chat Properties of Low-Lying States in a Diffusive Quantum Dot and Fock-Space Localization 1998 Carlos Mejía-Monasterio
J. Richert
Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Review of the<i>k</i>-body embedded ensembles of Gaussian random matrices 2003 Luis Benet
Hans A Weidenm ller
+ PDF Chat A non-Hermitian \mathcal{P}\mathcal{T} symmetric Bose–Hubbard model: eigenvalue rings from unfolding higher-order exceptional points 2008 Eva-Maria Graefe
Uwe Günther
H. J. Korsch
Astrid Elisa Niederle
+ Semiclassical theory of spectral rigidity 1985 Michael Berry
+ Validity of random matrix theories for many-particle systems 1970 J.B. French
S.S.M. Wong
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Loschmidt echoes and fidelity decay 2006 T. Gorin
Tomaž Prosen
T. H. Seligman
Marko Žnidarič
+ PDF Chat Optimally Designed Quantum Transport across Disordered Networks 2013 Mattia Walschaers
Jorge Fernández-de-Cossio-Díaz
Roberto Mulet
Andreas Buchleitner
+ PDF Chat Solutions of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">P</mml:mi><mml:mi mathvariant="script">T</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>-symmetric tight-binding chain and its equivalent Hermitian counterpart 2009 L. Jin
Z. Song
+ PDF Chat Perfect transfer of arbitrary states in quantum spin networks 2005 Matthias Christandl
Nilanjana Datta
T. C. Dorlas
Artur Ekert
Alastair Kay
Andrew J. Landahl
+ PDF Chat Dominance of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi>J</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mi>P</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>0</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mo>+</mml:mo></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>ground states in even-even nuclei from random two-body interactions 1999 R. Bijker
A. Frank
S. P̧ittel
+ PDF Chat Nonuniversal Behavior of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">k</mml:mi></mml:math>-Body Embedded Gaussian Unitary Ensemble of Random Matrices 2001 Luis Benet
Thomas Rupp
Hans A. Weidenmüller
+ PDF Chat Wigner-Dyson statistics for a class of integrable models 2003 Luis Benet
F. Leyvraz
T. H. Seligman
+ PDF Chat Phase-Space Structure for Narrow Planetary Rings 2004 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ PDF Chat Generalized seniority from random Hamiltonians 1999 Calvin Johnson
G. F. Bertsch
D. J. Dean
Igal Talmi
+ PDF Chat Efficient and coherent excitation transfer across disordered molecular networks 2011 Torsten Scholak
Fernando de Melo
Thomas Wellens
Florian Mintert
Andreas Buchleitner
+ Integrability of interacting two-level boson systems 2003 Luis Benet
Christof Jung
F. Leyvraz
+ Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of some tridiagonal matrices 1992 László Losonczi
+ A statistical measure for the repulsion of energy levels 1973 Thomas A. Brody
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic quantum superpositions in highly excited strongly interacting many-body systems 2003 S. Yu. Kun
Luis Benet
L.T. Chadderton
Walter Greiner
Fernando Haas
+ Multiple Components in Narrow Planetary Rings 2008 Luis Benet
Olivier Merlo
+ Level fluctuations: A general property of spectra 1976 Thomas A. Brody
E. Cota
J. Flores
Pier A. Mello
+ PDF Chat Wave Function Structure in Two-Body Random Matrix Ensembles 2000 L. Kaplan
T. Papenbrock
+ PDF Chat Attenuation of polarization echoes in nuclear magnetic resonance: A study of the emergence of dynamical irreversibility in many-body quantum systems 1998 Patricia R. Levstein
Gonzalo Usaj
Horacio M. Pastawski
+ PDF Chat Distribution of occupation numbers in finite Fermi systemsand role of interaction in chaos and thermalization 1997 V. V. Flambaum
F. M. Izrailev
+ Level density fluctuations and random matrix theory 1975 O. Bohigas
M.J. Giannoni
+ PDF Chat On the normal behaviour of partially elliptic lower-dimensional tori of Hamiltonian systems 1997 Àngel Jorba
Jordi Villanueva