G. W. Hedstrom


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Domain decomposition: An instrument of asymptotic-numerical methods 1990 R. C. Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
+ Layer tracking asymptotics and domain decomposition 1990 David L. Brown
R.C.Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
Thomas A. Manteuffel
+ PDF Chat Layer tracking asymptotics and domain decomposition 1990 David L. Brown
R.C.Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
Thomas A. Manteuffel
+ Domain decomposition for a boundary-value problem with a shock layer 1989 G. W. Hedstrom
F. A. Howes
+ On the use of the FN method with splines for radiative transfer problems 1988 R.C.Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
C. E. Siewert
+ Parallel computation of a domain decomposition method 1987 R.C.Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
J.S. Scroggs
D. C. Sorensen
+ Adaptive mesh refinement for 1-dimensional gas dynamics 1982 G. W. Hedstrom
Garry Rodrigue
Marsha Berger
Joseph Oliger
+ Nonreflecting boundary conditions for nonlinear hyperbolic systems 1979 G. W. Hedstrom
+ PDF Chat A simplified Galerkin method for hyperbolic equations 1979 R. C. Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
Kristina Karlsson
+ PDF Chat A dispersion analysis for difference schemes: tables of generalized Airy functions 1978 R. C. Y. Chin
G. W. Hedstrom
+ PDF Chat Models of difference schemes for š‘¢_{š‘”}+š‘¢ā‚“=0 by partial differential equations 1975 G. W. Hedstrom
+ The accuracy of Dafermos' method for nonlinear hyperbolic equations 1973 G. W. Hedstrom
+ The distribution of the eigenvalues of the discrete Laplacian 1972 Richard L. Burden
G. W. Hedstrom
+ Some numerical experiments with dafermos's method for nonlinear hyperbolic equations 1972 G. W. Hedstrom
+ Application of Besov spaces to spline approximation 1971 G. W. Hedstrom
Richard S. Varga
+ PDF Chat A note on a model for the quasilinear wave equation 1971 J. M. Greenberg
G. W. Hedstrom
+ The rate of convergence of parabolic difference schemes with constant coefficients 1969 G. W. Hedstrom
+ The Rate of Convergence of Some Difference Schemes 1968 G. W. Hedstrom
+ PDF Chat Norms of powers of absolutely convergent Fourier series in several variables. 1967 G. W. Hedstrom
+ Theory and applications of differentiable functions of several variables 1967 Sergei M Nikol'skii
G. W. Hedstrom
+ PDF Chat Norms of powers of absolutely convergent Fourier series. 1966 G. W. Hedstrom
+ Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations. 1966 G. W. Hedstrom
G. D. Smith
+ PDF Chat The near-stability of the Lax-Wendroff method 1965 G. W. Hedstrom
+ The zeros of the partial sums of certain small entire functions 1963 G. W. Hedstrom
J. Korevaar
+ PDF Chat Equi-absolute convergence of eigenfunction expansions 1963 G. W. Hedstrom
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ <i>Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems</i> 1959 Robert D. Richtmyer
E. H. Dill
+ PDF Chat On the Rate of Convergence for Discrete Initial-Value Problems. 1967 Jaak Peetre
Vidar ThomƩe
+ Semi-Groups of Operators and Approximation 1967 Paul P. Butzer
Hubert Berens
+ Espaces Dā€™interpolation, GĆ©nĆ©ralisations, Applications 1964 Giacomo Peetre
+ The Rate of Convergence of Some Difference Schemes 1968 G. W. Hedstrom
+ Dispersion and Gibbs phenomenon associated with difference approximations to initial boundary-value problems for hyperbolic equations 1975 R.C.Y. Chin
+ Stability of parabolic difference schemes in the maximum norm 1966 Olof B. Widlund
+ PDF Chat š‘‚(ā„Ž^{2š‘›+2-š‘™}) bounds on some spline interpolation errors 1968 Blair Swartz
+ Stability of difference schemes in the maximum-norm 1965 Vidar ThomƩe
+ Approximation by Hill functions. II. 1970 Ivo BabuŔka
+ PDF Chat Das asymptotische Verteilungsgesetz der Eigenwerte linearer partieller Differentialgleichungen (mit einer Anwendung auf die Theorie der Hohlraumstrahlung) 1912 Hermann Weyl
+ Multislab multigroup transport theory with L th the order anisotropic scattering 1983 R.D.M. Garcia
C. E. Siewert
+ Continuity and Differentiability Properties of the Solution of the Linear Transport Equation 1977 Hans G. Kaper
R. Bruce Kellogg
+ On the Order of Convergence of Natural Cubic Spline Interpolation 1968 Kendall Atkinson
+ On the convergence of odd-degree spline interpolation 1968 Carl de Boor
+ A method for the numerical solution of singular integral equations with a principal value integral 1981 Apostolos Gerasoulis
R. P. Srivastav
+ PDF Chat On the instability of leap-frog and Crank-Nicolson approximations of a nonlinear partial differential equation 1973 Bengt Fornberg
+ PDF Chat Cubic splines and approximate solution of singular integral equations 1981 Erica Jen
R. P. Srivastav
+ PDF Chat Discrete models for the numerical analysis of time-dependent multidimensional gas dynamics 1986 Philip L. Roe
+ The Relative Efficiency of Finite Difference and Finite Element Methods. I: Hyperbolic Problems and Splines 1974 Blair Swartz
Burton Wendroff
+ PDF Chat Energy inequalities for the solution of differential equations 1960 Milton Lees
+ On the Order of Convergence of Solutions of a Difference Equation to a Solution of the Diffusion Equation 1953 M. L. Juncosa
Dean M. Young
+ Convergence Estimates for Galerkin Methods for Variable Coefficient Initial Value Problems 1974 Vidar ThomƩe
Burton Wendroff
+ Decay of solutions of systems of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws 1970 James Glimm
Peter D. Lax
+ On the Crank-Nicolson procedure for solving parabolic partial differential equations 1957 M. L. Juncosa
David C. Young
+ Hyperbolic systems of conservation laws II 1957 Peter D. Lax
+ PDF Chat On difference schemes for hyperbolic equations with discontinuous initial values 1968 Mats Y. T. Apelkrans
+ PDF Chat Besov spaces in theory of approximation 1970 Jƶrgen Lƶfstrƶm
+ PDF Chat Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves 1949 M. J. Lighthill
+ On kernels, eigenvalues, and eigenfunctions of operators related to elliptic problems 1965 Shmuel Agmon
+ Approximation properties of the spline fit 1967 Stig Nord
+ The Special Functions and Their Approximations 1972 C. W. Clenshaw
Yudell L. Luke
+ PDF Chat The spectral function of an elliptic operator 1968 Lars Hƶrmander
+ PDF Chat Generalized finite-difference schemes 1969 Blair Swartz
Burton Wendroff
+ PDF Chat Elementary interactions in quasi-linear hyperbolic systems 1970 C Moler
Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Global solutions for an extended class of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws 1969 Joel Smoller
J. L. Johnson
+ PDF Chat On the solution of the Riemann problem with general step data for an extended class of hyperbolic systems. 1969 Joel Smoller
+ PDF Chat Norms of powers of absolutely convergent Fourier series. 1966 G. W. Hedstrom
+ On the stability in c of linear difference schemes with constant real coefficients 1966 S. I. Serdyukova
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ Maximum bounds for the solutions of initial value problems for partial difference equations 1963 Hans J. Stetter
+ Complex Analysis: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions of One Complex Variable. 1968 Syed Muslim Shah
Lars V. Ahlfors
+ Pointwise Bounds for Discrete Greenā€™s Functions 1969 James H. Bramble
Vidar ThomƩe
+ Comparison of accurate methods for the integration of hyperbolic equations 1972 Heinzā€Otto Kreiss
Joseph Oliger
+ Spline Functions and Approximation Theory 1973 A. Meir
Anupam Sharma
+ On the interaction of shocks and simple waves of the same family 1970 J. M. Greenberg
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat Models of difference schemes for š‘¢_{š‘”}+š‘¢ā‚“=0 by partial differential equations 1975 G. W. Hedstrom
+ On spline functions determined by singular self-adjoint differential operators 1972 Joseph W. Jerome
J. G. Pierce
+ PDF Chat The near-stability of the Lax-Wendroff method 1965 G. W. Hedstrom