C. Robin Graham


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Geodesic normal coordinates and natural tensors for pseudo-Riemannian submanifolds 2024 C. Robin Graham
Tzu-Mo Kuo
+ PDF Chat A Gauss-Bonnet formula for the renormalized area of minimal submanifolds of Poincar\'e-Einstein manifolds 2024 Jeffrey S. Case
C. Robin Graham
Tzu-Mo Kuo
Aaron J. Tyrrell
Andrew Waldron
+ Extrinsic GJMS operators for submanifolds 2023 Jeffrey S. Case
C. Robin Graham
Tzu-Mo Kuo
+ PDF Chat Fermi acceleration in rotating drums 2022 Krzysztof Burdzy
Mauricio Duarte
Carl-Erik Gauthier
C. Robin Graham
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular Yamabe metrics in dimension four 2021 C. Robin Graham
Matthew J. Gursky
+ Local X-ray Transform on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds via Projective Compactification 2021 Nikolas Eptaminitakis
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds with Boundary Conjugate Points but no Interior Conjugate Points 2020 Nikolas Eptaminitakis
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Higher-dimensional Willmore energies via minimal submanifold asymptotics 2020 C. Robin Graham
Nicholas Reichert
+ Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds with Boundary Conjugate Points but no Interior Conjugate Points 2019 Nikolas Eptaminitakis
C. Robin Graham
+ Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular Yamabe metrics in dimension four 2019 C. Robin Graham
Matthew J. Gursky
+ Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds with Boundary Conjugate Points but no Interior Conjugate Points 2019 Nikolas Eptaminitakis
C. Robin Graham
+ Chern-Gauss-Bonnet formula for singular Yamabe metrics in dimension four 2019 C. Robin Graham
Matthew J. Gursky
+ Higher-dimensional Willmore energies via minimal submanifold asymptotics 2017 C. Robin Graham
Nicholas Reichert
+ X-ray Transform and Boundary Rigidity for Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds 2017 C. Robin Graham
Colin Guillarmou
Plamen Stefanov
GĂŒnther Uhlmann
+ Higher-dimensional Willmore energies via minimal submanifold asymptotics 2017 C. Robin Graham
Nicholas Reichert
+ PDF Chat Conformal holonomy equals ambient holonomy 2016 Andreas Čap
A. Rod Gover
C. Robin Graham
Matthias Hammerl
+ Volume renormalization for singular Yamabe metrics 2016 C. Robin Graham
+ Volume renormalization for singular Yamabe metrics 2016 C. Robin Graham
+ Volume renormalization for singular Yamabe metrics 2016 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Minimal area submanifolds in AdS × compact 2014 C. Robin Graham
Andreas Karch
+ A note on renormalized volume functionals 2013 Sun‐Yung A. Chang
Hao Fang
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Juhl’s formulae for GJMS operators and $Q$-curvatures 2013 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ A note on renormalized volume functionals 2012 Sun‐Yung A. Chang
Hao Fang
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Parallel tractor extension and ambient metrics of holonomy split $G_2$ 2012 C. Robin Graham
Travis Willse
+ PDF Chat Subtleties concerning conformal tractor bundles 2012 C. Robin Graham
Travis Willse
+ Juhl's Formulae for GJMS Operators and Q-Curvatures 2012 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Subtleties Concerning Conformal Tractor Bundles 2012 C. Robin Graham
Travis Willse
+ Juhl's Formulae for GJMS Operators and Q-Curvatures 2012 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ A note on renormalized volume functionals 2012 Sun‐Yung A. Chang
Hao Fang
C. Robin Graham
+ Scalar Invariants 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Poincaré Metrics 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Introduction 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Formal Theory 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Conformally Flat and Conformally Einstein Spaces 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Ambient Metrics 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Self-dual Poincaré Metrics 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ The Ambient Metric 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Parallel tractor extension and ambient metrics of holonomy split G_2 2011 C. Robin Graham
Travis Willse
+ Parallel tractor extension and ambient metrics of holonomy split G_2 2011 C. Robin Graham
Travis Willse
+ Extended obstruction tensors and renormalized volume coefficients 2009 C. Robin Graham
+ Inhomogeneous Ambient Metrics 2008 C. Robin Graham
Kengo Hirachi
+ Extended obstruction tensors and renormalized volume coefficients 2008 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Conformal Powers of the Laplacian via Stereographic Projection 2007 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Conformal Powers of the Laplacian via Stereographic Projection 2007 C. Robin Graham
+ The ambient metric 2007 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Holographic formula for Q-curvature 2007 C. Robin Graham
Andreas Juhl
+ Holographic formula for Q-curvature 2007 C. Robin Graham
Andreas Juhl
+ Jet isomorphism for conformal geometry 2007 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat CR invariant powers of the sub-Laplacian 2005 A. Rod Gover
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Scattering matrix in conformal geometry 2003 C. Robin Graham
Maciej Zworski
+ PDF Chat Edge of the Wedge Theory in Hypo-analytic Manifolds 2003 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ CR Invariant powers of the sub-Laplacian 2003 A. Rod Gover
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat $Q$-Curvature and Poincaré Metrics 2002 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ An edge-of-the-wedge theorem for hypersurface CR functions 2001 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Scattering Matrix in Conformal Geometry 2001 C. Robin Graham
Maciej Zworski
+ Edge of the Wedge Theory in Hypo-Analytic Manifolds 2001 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Q-Curvature and Poincare Metrics 2001 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ Scattering matrix in conformal geometry 2001 C. Robin Graham
Maciej Zworski
+ Volume and Area Renormalizations for Conformally Compact Einstein Metrics 1999 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Conformal anomaly of submanifold observables in AdS/CFT correspondence 1999 C. Robin Graham
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat The involutive structure on the blow-up of $\mathbb{R}^n$ in $\mathbb{C}^n$ 1999 Michael Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ An Edge-of-the Wedge Theorem for Hypersurface CR Functions 1999 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ The involutive structure on the blow-up of R^n in C^n 1996 Michael Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ The involutive structure on the blow-up of R^n in C^n 1996 Michael Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Invariant Theory for Conformal and CR Geometry 1994 Toby N. Bailey
Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Conformally Invariant Powers of the Laplacian, I: Existence 1992 C. Robin Graham
Ralph Jenne
Lionel Mason
George Sparling
+ Conformally Invariant Powers of the Laplacian, II: Nonexistence 1992 C. Robin Graham
+ Invariants of conformal densities 1991 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity on the ball 1991 C. Robin Graham
John M. Lee
+ Invariants of CR densities 1991 Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ Smooth solutions of degenerate Laplacians on strictly pseudoconvex domains 1988 C. Robin Graham
John M. Lee
+ On Sparling's Characterization of Fefferman Metrics 1987 C. Robin Graham
+ Higher asymptotics of the complex Monge-AmpĂšre equation 1987 C. Robin Graham
+ Scalar boundary invariants and the Bergman kernel 1987 C. Robin Graham
+ Compatibility operators for degenerate elliptic equations on the ball and Heisenberg group 1984 C. Robin Graham
+ The dirichlet problem for the bezgman laplacian. II 1983 C. Robin Graham
+ The dirichlet problem for the bergman laplacian. I 1983 C. Robin Graham
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Ambient Metric 2011 Charles Fefferman
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Sharp inequalities, the functional determinant, and the complementary series 1995 Thomas Branson
+ PDF Chat Conformal anomaly of submanifold observables in AdS/CFT correspondence 1999 C. Robin Graham
Edward Witten
+ Einstein metrics with prescribed conformal infinity on the ball 1991 C. Robin Graham
John M. Lee
+ Volume and area renormalizations for conformally compact Einstein metrics 2000 Robin C. Graham
+ PDF Chat Thomas's Structure Bundle for Conformal, Projective and Related Structures 1994 T. N. Bailey
Michael G. Eastwood
A. Rod Gover
+ None 2003 Andreas Čap
A. Rod Gover
+ Conformal geometry, contact geometry, and the calculus of variations 2000 Jeff Viaclovsky
+ Parabolic invariant theory in complex analysis 1979 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat A Class of Variational Functionals in Conformal Geometry 2008 Sun Chang
Han Fang
+ Conformally Invariant Powers of the Laplacian, I: Existence 1992 C. Robin Graham
Ralph Jenne
Lionel Mason
George Sparling
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat The Hodge cohomology of a conformally compact metric 1988 Rafe Mazzeo
+ PDF Chat The holographic Weyl anomaly 1998 MĂ„ns Henningson
Kostas Skenderis
+ PDF Chat Conformally Invariant Powers of the Laplacian, Q -Curvature, and Tractor Calculus 2003 A. Rod Gover
Lawrence J. Peterson
+ The Ambient Obstruction Tensor and Q-Curvature 2004 C. Robin Graham
Kengo Hirachi
+ PDF Chat Holographic Reconstruction of Spacetime¶and Renormalization in the AdS/CFT Correspondence 2001 Sebastian De Haro
Kostas Skenderis
Sergey N. Solodukhin
+ PDF Chat Holographic formula for Q-curvature. II 2010 Andreas Juhl
+ Volume and Area Renormalizations for Conformally Compact Einstein Metrics 1999 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Microlocal hypo-analyticity and extension of CR functions 1983 M. S. Baouendi
Chin-Huei Chang
François TrÚves
+ PDF Chat Ambient metric construction of $Q$-curvature in conformal and CR geometries 2003 Charles Fefferman
Kengo Hirachi
+ The dirichlet problem for the bergman laplacian. I 1983 C. Robin Graham
+ The divisor of Selberg's zeta function for Kleinian groups 2001 S. J. Patterson
Peter Perry
+ Volume and Area Renormalizations for Conformally Compact Einstein Metrics 1999 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
JĂŒrgen Moser
+ On the existence of a complete KĂ€hler metric on non‐compact complex manifolds and the regularity of fefferman's equation 1980 Shiu‐Yuen Cheng
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Monge-Ampere Equations, the Bergman Kernel, and Geometry of Pseudoconvex Domains 1976 Charles Fefferman
+ PDF Chat Construction of Boundary Invariants and the Logarithmic Singularity of the Bergman Kernel 2000 Kengo Hirachi
+ Meromorphic extension of the resolvent on complete spaces with asymptotically constant negative curvature 1987 Rafe Mazzeo
Richard Melrose
+ Conformal holonomy of C-spaces, Ricci-flat, and Lorentzian manifolds 2006 Thomas Leistner
+ PDF Chat Conformal Structures Associated to Generic Rank 2 Distributions on 5-Manifolds - Characterization and Killing-Field Decomposition 2009 Matthias Hammerl
Katja Sagerschnig
+ PDF Chat Differential equations and conformal structures 2004 PaweƂ Nurowski
+ Invariant Theory for Conformal and CR Geometry 1994 Toby N. Bailey
Michael G. Eastwood
C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Laplacian Operators and Q-curvature on Conformally Einstein Manifolds 2006 A. R. Gover
+ PDF Chat Inverse scattering on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds 2000 Mark S. Joshi
AntĂŽnio SĂĄ Barreto
+ PDF Chat Diffeomorphisms and holographic anomalies 2000 Camillo Imbimbo
A. Schwimmer
Stefan Theisen
S. Yankielowicz
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ Compatibility operators for degenerate elliptic equations on the ball and Heisenberg group 1984 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Variational status of a class of fully nonlinear curvature prescription problems 2008 Thomas Branson
A. Rod Gover
+ PDF Chat Scattering matrix in conformal geometry 2003 C. Robin Graham
Maciej Zworski
+ On the renormalized volumes for conformally compact Einstein manifolds 2005 Alice Chang
Jie Qing
Paul Yang
+ PDF Chat On the renormalized volumes for conformally compact Einstein manifolds 2008 Paul Yang
S. -Yu. A. Chang
Jie Qing
+ Extended obstruction tensors and renormalized volume coefficients 2008 C. Robin Graham
+ PDF Chat Quantum effective action from the AdS/CFT correspondence 2000 Kostas Skenderis
Sergey N. Solodukhin
+ PDF Chat Complete conformal metrics with negative scalar curvature in compact Riemannian manifolds 1988 Patricio Avilés
Robert McOwen
+ Explicit formulas for GJMS-operators and $Q$-curvatures 2011 Andreas Juhl
+ Tractor calculi for parabolic geometries 2001 Andreas Čap
A. Rod Gover
+ Asymptotic behavior of area-minimizing currents in hyperbolic space 1989 Fang Lin
+ Normal Conformal Killing Forms 2004 Felipe Leitner
+ PDF Chat Exceptional invariants in the parabolic invariant theory of conformal geometry 1995 Toby N. Bailey
A. Rod Gover