Sylvie Rœlly


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On Reflected Diffusions in Cones and Cylinders 2024 Oleksii Kulyk
Andrey Pilipenko
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Diffusion dynamics for an infinite system of two-type spheres and the associated depletion effect 2024 Myriam Fradon
Julian Kern
Sylvie Rœlly
Alexander Zass
+ On reflected diffusions in cones and cylinders 2023 Oleksii Kulyk
Andrey Pilipenko
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Diffusion dynamics for an infinite system of two-type spheres and the associated depletion effect 2023 Myriam Fradon
Julian Kern
Sylvie Rœlly
Alexander Zass
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Marked Gibbs Point Processes with Unbounded Interaction: An Existence Result 2022 Sylvie Rœlly
Alexander Zass
+ Random population dynamics under catastrophic events 2022 Patrick Cattiaux
Jens W. Fischer
Sylvie Rœlly
Samuel Sindayigaya
+ PDF Chat Exponential almost sure synchronization of one-dimensional diffusions with nonregular coefficients 2020 Olga Aryasova
Andrey Pilipenko
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Marked Gibbs Point Processes with Unbounded Interaction: An Existence Result 2020 Sylvie Rœlly
Alexander Zass
+ PDF Chat Pinned Diffusions and Markov Bridges 2019 Florian Hildebrandt
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Conditioned Point Processes with Application to Lévy Bridges 2018 Giovanni Conforti
Tetiana Kosenkova
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Pinned diffusions and Markov bridges 2017 Florian Hildebrandt
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Path-dependent infinite-dimensional SDE with non-regular drift: An existence result 2017 David Dereudre
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Bridge mixtures of random walks on an Abelian group 2017 Giovanni Conforti
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Exact Simulation of Brownian Diffusions with Drift Admitting Jumps 2017 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Pinned diffusions and Markov bridges 2017 Florian Hildebrandt
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Exact simulation of Brownian diffusions with drift admitting jumps 2016 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat An explicit representation of the transition densities of the skew Brownian motion with drift and two semipermeable barriers 2016 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Convoluted Brownian motion 2016 Sylvie Rœlly
Pierre Vallois
+ Exact simulation of Brownian diffusions with drift admitting jumps 2016 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal Class of Jump Processes 2015 Giovanni Conforti
Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Long time behavior of stochastic hard ball systems 2015 Patrick Cattiaux
Myriam Fradon
Alexei Kulik
Sylvie Rœlly
+ An explicit representation of the transition densities of the skew Brownian motion with drift and two semipermeable barriers 2015 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ On Time Duality for Markov Chains 2015 Peter E. Keller
Sylvie Rœlly
Angelo Valleriani
+ PDF Chat Bridges of Markov counting processes. Reciprocal classes and duality formulas 2015 Giovanni Conforti
Christian Léonard
Rüdiger Murr
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Reciprocal class of random walks on an Abelian group 2015 Giovanni Conforti
Sylvie Rœlly
+ An explicit representation of the transition densities of the skew Brownian motion with drift and two semipermeable barriers 2015 David Dereudre
Sara Mazzonetto
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Path-dependent infinite-dimensional SDE with non-regular drift: an existence result 2014 David Dereudre
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Reciprocal class of jump processes 2014 Giovanni Conforti
Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Propagation of gibbsianness for infinite-dimensional diffusions with space-time interaction 2014 Sylvie Rœlly
Wioletta M. Ruszel
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal processes. A measure-theoretical point of view 2014 Christian Léonard
Sylvie Rœlly
Jean-Claude Zambrini
+ Bridges of Markov counting processes. Reciprocal classes and duality formulas 2014 Giovanni Conforti
Christian Léonard
Rüdiger Murr
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Reciprocal class of jump processes 2014 Giovanni Conforti
Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Path-dependent infinite-dimensional SDE with non-regular drift: an existence result 2014 David Dereudre
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal Processes: A Stochastic Analysis Approach 2013 Sylvie Rœlly
+ Propagation of Gibbsianness for infinite-dimensional diffusions with space-time interaction 2013 Sylvie Rœlly
Wioletta M. Ruszel
+ A host-parasite multilevel interacting process and continuous approximations 2011 Sylvie Méléard
Sylvie Rœlly
Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ PDF Chat Short-Time Gibbsianness for Infinite-Dimensional Diffusions with Space-Time Interaction 2010 Frank Redig
Sylvie Rœlly
Wioletta M. Ruszel
+ Infinitely many Brownian globules with Brownian radii 2010 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Infinitely many Brownian globules with Brownian radii 2010 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes and Feller diffusions 2008 Nicolas Champagnat
Sylvie Rœlly
+ A Constructive Approach to a Class of Ergodic HJB Equations with Unbounded and Nonsmooth Cost 2008 Patrick Cattiaux
Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Die Wiederentdeckung eines Mathematikers: Wolfgang Döblin 2007 Peter Imkeller
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes 2007 Nicolas Champagnat
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes and Feller diffusions 2007 Nicolas Champagnat
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Infinite system of Brownian balls with interaction: the non-reversible case 2007 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Limit theorems for conditioned multitype Dawson-Watanabe processes and Feller diffusions 2007 Nicolas Champagnat
Sylvie Rœlly
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Gibbsianness for Infinite-dimensional Gradient Brownian Diffusions 2005 David Dereudre
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Duality formula for the bridges of a Brownian diffusion: Application to gradient drifts 2005 Sylvie Rœlly
M. Thieullen
+ An existence result for infinite-dimensional Brownian diffusions with non-regular and non-Markovian drift 2004 Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat A Gibbs variational principle in space-time for infinite-dimensional diffusions 2002 Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ PDF Chat Stationary measures and phase transition for a class of Probabilistic Cellular Automata 2002 Paolo Dai Pra
Pierre-Yves Louis
Sylvie Rœlly
+ An infinite system of Brownian balls with infinite range interaction 2000 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
Hideki Tanemura
+ Infinite dimensional diffusion processes with singular interaction 2000 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Limite ergodique de processus de diffusion infini-dimensionnels 1999 Sylvie Rœlly
Desejo Seu
+ Invariance principle for martingale-difference random fields 1998 Suren Poghosyan
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Une approche Gibbsienne des diffusions Browniennes infini-dimensionnelles 1996 Patrick Cattiaux
Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ Stochastic dynamics for an infinite system of random closed strings: A Gibbsian point of view 1996 Yu. G. Kondratiev
Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ Grandes déviations spatiales pour un système gradient stochastique infini-dimensionnel 1996 Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ Interacting measure branching processes. Some bounds for the support 1993 S. Méléard
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Une caractérisation des mesures de Gibbs sur $C(0, 1)^{{\mathbb{Z}}^{d}}$ par le calcul des variations stochastiques 1993 Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ PDF Chat Persistence of critical multitype particle and measure branching processes 1992 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
Anton Wakolbinger
+ An Ergodic Result for Critical Spatial Branching Processes 1992 Sylvie Méléard
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Propriétés de martingales, explosion et représentation de Lévy—Khintchine d'une classe de processus de branchement à valeurs mesures 1991 Nicole El Karoui
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Some properties of the multitype measure branching process 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Absolute Continuity of the Measure States in a Branching Model with Catalysts 1991 Donald A. Dawson
Klaus Fleischmann
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Discontinuous Measure-Valued Branching Processes and Generalized Stochastic Equations 1991 Sylvie Méléard
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Sur la mecanique statistique d’une particule brownienne sur le tore 1991 Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ Construction et Propriétés de Martingales des Branchements Spatiaux Interactifs 1990 Sylvie Rœlly
Alain Rouault
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Symmetry of a Reflecting Brownian Motion Defined by Skorohod's Equation for a Multi-Dimensional Domain 1987 Yasumasa Saisho
Hiroshi Tanaka
+ PDF Chat A limit theorem of branching processes and continuous state branching processes 1968 Shinzo Watanabe
+ A criterion of convergence of measure‐valued processes: application to measure branching processes 1986 Sylvie Roelly‐ Coppoletta
+ PDF Chat Infinite-dimensional diffusion processes as gibbs measures on $$C[0,1]^{Z^d }$$ 1987 J. D. Deuschel
+ PDF Chat Unendlich-dimensionale Wienerprozesse mit Wechselwirkung 1977 Reinhard Lang
+ PDF Chat A system of infinitely many mutually reffecting Brownian balls in ℝ d 1996 Hideki Tanemura
+ PDF Chat Infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations and their applications 1980 Tokuzo Shiga
Akinobu Shimizu
+ PDF Chat Infinite system of Brownian balls with interaction: the non-reversible case 2007 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Symmetries in the stochastic calculus of variations 1997 M. Thieullen
Jean-Claude Zambrini
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal Processes: The Stationary Gaussian Case 1970 Benton Jamison
+ PDF Chat Une approche Gibbsienne des diffusions Browniennes infini-dimensionnelles 1996 Patrick Cattiaux
Sylvie Rœlly
Hans Zessin
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal processes 1974 Benton Jamison
+ Infinite dimensional diffusion processes with singular interaction 2000 Myriam Fradon
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Reciprocal classes of Markov processes : an approach with duality formulae 2012 Rüdiger Murr
+ PDF Chat A weighted occupation time for a class of measured-valued branching processes 1986 Ian Iscoe
+ The multitype measure branching process 1990 Luis G. Gorostiza
José Alfredo López-Mimbela
+ PDF Chat Stationary measures of stochastic gradient systems, infinite lattice models 1982 J. Fritz
+ Some properties of the multitype measure branching process 1991 Luis G. Gorostiza
Sylvie Rœlly
+ Markov Processes: Characterization and Convergence. 1987 Andris Abakuks
S. N. Ethier
Thomas G. Kurtz
+ Propriétés de martingales, explosion et représentation de Lévy—Khintchine d'une classe de processus de branchement à valeurs mesures 1991 Nicole El Karoui
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Station�re zuf�llige Ma�e auf lokalkompakten Abelschen Gruppen 1967 Joseph Mecke
+ Some Remarks on Ultracontractivity 1993 Otared Kavian
G. Kerkyacharian
Bernard Roynette
+ PDF Chat Duality formula for the bridges of a Brownian diffusion: Application to gradient drifts 2005 Sylvie Rœlly
M. Thieullen
+ Stochastic differential equations with reflecting boundary conditions 1984 Pierre‐Louis Lions
Alain‐Sol Sznitman
+ Branching Processes with Immigration and Related Limit Theorems 1971 Kiyoshi Kawazu
Shinzo Watanabe
+ Zur Umkehrbarkeit der statistischen Naturgesetze 1937 A. Kolmogoroff
+ Malliavin calculus and Euclidean quantum mechanics. I. Functional calculus 1991 Ana Bela Cruzeiro
Jean-Claude Zambrini
+ PDF Chat On Skew Brownian Motion 1981 J. Michael Harrison
L. A. Shepp
+ Construction and regularity of measure-valued markov branching processes 1988 P. J. Fitzsimmons
+ PDF Chat The Carrying Dimension of a Stochastic Measure Diffusion 1979 Donald A. Dawson
Kenneth J. Hochberg
+ PDF Chat Gradient Dynamics of Infinite Point Systems 1987 J. Fritz
+ An existence result for infinite-dimensional Brownian diffusions with non-regular and non-Markovian drift 2004 Paolo Dai Pra
Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Processus de diffusion associe aux mesures de Gibbs sur $$\mathbb{Z}^d $$ 1978 Halim Doss
G. Royer
+ PDF Chat Reciprocal Processes: A Stochastic Analysis Approach 2013 Sylvie Rœlly
+ PDF Chat Branching Particle Systems and Superprocesses 1991 E. B. Dynkin
+ Gibbsian random fields. The general case 1969 R. L. Dobrushin
+ PDF Chat Markovian bridges and reversible diffusion processes with jumps 2004 Nicolas Privault
Jean-Claude Zambrini
+ An introduction to stochastic partial differential equations 2006 John B. Walsh
+ Non-linear smoothing of infinite-dimensional diffusion processes 1986 J. D. Deuschel
+ Time reversal of infinite-dimensional diffusions 1986 Hans Föllmer
Anton Wakolbinger
+ Time reversal on Wiener space 1986 Hans Föllmer
+ Convergence of the Stochastic Quantization Method I 1993 I. A. Ignatyuk
В. А. Малышев
V. Sidoravichius
+ Non-linear evolution equations and functionnals of measure-valued branching processes 1985 Nicole El Karoui
+ Limit Behavior of Decomposable Critical Branching Processes with Two Types of Particles 1983 A. M. Zubkov
+ Martingale measures and stochastic calculus 1990 Nicole El Karoui
S. Méléard
+ Stochastic evolution equations and related measure processes 1975 Donald A. Dawson
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ PDF Chat Poisson Approximation for Dependent Trials 1975 Louis H. Y. Chen
+ PDF Chat Stochastic partial differential equations for some measure-valued diffusions 1988 Norio Konno
Tokuzo Shiga
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Stationary Distributions and the Continuous-State Branching Process Conditioned to Be Never Extinct 2007 Amaury Lambert