Laurent Stolovitch


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On neighborhoods of projective space bundles over elliptic curves 2025 Takayuki Koike
Laurent Stolovitch
+ On neighborhoods of embedded complex tori 2024 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Ueda foliation problem for complex tori 2024 Laurent Stolovitch
Zhiyan Zhao
+ PDF Chat A Structure Theorem for Neighborhoods of Compact Complex Manifolds 2024 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF On Linearization of Biholomorphism with Non-semi-simple Linear Part at a Fixed Point 2023 Yue Mi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Local rigidity of actions of isometries on compact real analytic Riemannian manifolds 2023 Laurent Stolovitch
Zhiyan Zhao
+ Reversible parabolic diffeomorphisms of $(\mathbb{C}^2,0)$ and exceptional hyperbolic CR-singularities 2022 Laurent Stolovitch
Martin Klimeš
+ PDF Chat About Linearization of Infinite-Dimensional Hamiltonian Systems 2022 Michela Procesi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Chat Geometry of hyperbolic Cauchy–Riemann singularities and KAM-like theory for holomorphic involutions 2022 Laurent Stolovitch
Zhiyan Zhao
+ Reversible parabolic diffeomorphisms of $(\mathbb{C}^2,0)$ and exceptional hyperbolic CR-singularities 2022 Martin Klimeš
Laurent Stolovitch
+ On neighborhoods of embedded complex tori 2022 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Geometry of hyperbolic Cauchy-Riemann singularities and KAM-like theory for holomorphic involutions 2022 Laurent Stolovitch
Zhiyan Zhao
+ Equivalence of three-dimensional Cauchy-Riemann manifolds and multisummability theory 2021 Ilya Kossovskiy
Bernhard Lamel
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Equivalence of Neighborhoods of Embedded Compact Complex Manifolds and Higher Codimension Foliations 2021 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Complete Integrability of Diffeomorphisms and Their Local Normal Forms 2020 Kai Jiang
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Complete integrability of diffeomorphisms and their local normal forms 2020 Kai Jiang
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Chat Convergence to Normal Forms of Integrable PDEs 2020 Dario Bambusi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Equivalence of Neighborhoods of Embedded Compact Complex Manifolds and Higher Codimension Foliations 2020 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Complete integrability of diffeomorphisms and their local normal forms 2020 Kai Jiang
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Convergence to normal forms of integrable PDEs 2020 Dario Bambusi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Equivalence of Cauchy-Riemann manifolds and multisummability theory 2019 Ilya Kossovskiy
Bernhard Lamel
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Convergence of the Chern–Moser–Beloshapka normal forms 2019 Bernhard Lamel
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point, II 2019 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Convergence of the Chern-Moser-Beloshapka normal forms 2017 Bernhard Lamel
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Proof of Quasipatterns for the Swift–Hohenberg Equation 2017 B. L. J. Braaksma
GĂ©rard Iooss
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Convergence of the Chern-Moser-Beloshapka normal forms 2017 Bernhard Lamel
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Holomorphic normal form of nonlinear perturbations of nilpotent vector fields 2016 Laurent Stolovitch
Freek Verstringe
+ Quantum singular complete integrability 2016 Thierry Paul
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point, I 2016 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Quantum singular complete integrability 2016 Thierry Paul
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of $(C^n ,0)$ and germs of holomorphic diffeomorphisms 2016 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point, II 2016 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of $(C^n,0)$ and germs of holomorphic diffeomorphisms 2015 Laurent Stolovitch
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Big denominators and analytic normal forms 2014 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Big denominators and analytic normal forms with an appendix by M. Zhitomirskii 2014 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Big denominators and analytic normal forms with an appendix by M. Zhitomirskii 2014 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Quantum singular complete integrability 2014 Thierry Paul
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point 2014 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Erratum to: Existence of Quasipattern Solutions of the Swift–Hohenberg Equation 2013 B. L. J. Braaksma
GĂ©rard Iooss
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Existence of Quasipattern Solutions of the Swift–Hohenberg Equation 2013 B. L. J. Braaksma
GĂ©rard Iooss
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Smooth Gevrey normal forms of vector fields near a fixed point 2013 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Normal forms of analytic perturbations of quasihomogeneous vector fields: Rigidity, invariant analytic sets and exponentially small approximation 2010 Eric Lombardi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Rigidity of Poisson structures 2009 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Progress in normal form theory 2009 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Forme normale de perturbation de champs de vecteurs quasi-homogènes 2008 Eric Lombardi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Normal form of holomorphic dynamical systems 2008 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Small divisors and large multipliers 2007 B. L. J. Braaksma
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Small divisors and large multipliers 2007 B. L. J. Braaksma
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF A KAM phenomenon for singular holomorphic vector fields 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Normalisation holomorphe d’algèbres de type Cartan de champs de vecteurs holomorphes singuliers 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of $(\Bbb C^n,0)$ and CR-singularities 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Normalisation holomorphe d'algèbres de type Cartan de champs de vecteurs holomorphes singuliers 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ A KAM phenomenon for singular holomorphic vector fields 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Une version feuilletée équivariante du théorème de translation de Brouwer . A KAM phenomenon for singular holomorphic vector fields . Local monodromy in non-archimedean analytic geometry 2005 Patrice Le Calvez
Laurent Stolovitch
Lorenzo Ramero
+ Sur les structures de Poisson singulières 2004 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Sur les structures de Poisson singulières 2004 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Un phénomène de type KAM, non symplectique, pour les champs de vecteurs holomorphes singuliers 2001 Laurent Stolovitch
+ The word and Riemannian metrics on lattices of semisimple groups . Low lying zeros of families of l-functions . Singular complete integrability 2001 Alexander Lubotsky
Shahar Mozes
M. S. Raghunathan
Henryk Iwaniec
Wenzhi Luo
Peter Sarnak
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Singular complete integrability 2000 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Normalisation holomorphe d'algèbres de type Cartan de champs de vecteurs holomorphes singuliers 2000 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Complète intégrabilité singulière 1998 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Forme normale de champs de vecteurs commutant 1997 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Normal forms of differential systems 1994 Jean Della Dora
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Classification analytique de champs de vecteurs 1994 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Sur un théorème de Dulac 1994 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Nilpotent normal form via Carleman linearization (for systems of ordinary differential equations) 1991 Guoting Chen
Jean Della Dora
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Poincare normal form and carleman linearization 1991 Jean Della Dora
Laurent Stolovitch
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Singular complete integrability 2000 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Sur Certains Systemes Dynamiques Separables 1978 J. Vey
+ Normalisation holomorphe d’algèbres de type Cartan de champs de vecteurs holomorphes singuliers 2005 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Convergence of Birkhoff normal forms for integrable systems 1989 Hidekazu Ito
+ PDF Algèbres commutatives de champs de vecteurs isochores 1979 Jacques Vey
+ PDF Polynomial normal forms with exponentially small remainder for analytic vector fields 2004 GĂ©rard Iooss
Eric Lombardi
+ Invariant normal forms of formal series 1979 Genrich Belitskii
+ Geometrical Methods in the Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1988 V. I. Arnold
+ PDF Convergence versus integrability in Birkhoff normal form 2005 Nguyen Tien Zung
+ Ăśber die Differentiationsprozesse der Algebra. 1918 Edward R. Fischer
+ PDF Normal forms of analytic perturbations of quasihomogeneous vector fields: Rigidity, invariant analytic sets and exponentially small approximation 2010 Eric Lombardi
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Géométrie différentielle et singularités de systèmes dynamiques 1986 Marc Chaperon
+ An Algebraic Theorem of E. Fischer, and the Holomorphic Goursat Problem 1989 Harold S. Shapiro
+ PDF Real submanifolds of maximum complex tangent space at a CR singular point, I 2016 Xianghong Gong
Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Real hypersurfaces in complex manifolds 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
JĂĽrgen Moser
+ Normal forms for Hamiltonian systems with Poisson commuting integrals—elliptic case 1990 L. H. Eliasson
+ Stability of elliptic fixed points of analytic area-preserving mappings under the Bruno condition 2002 Helmut RĂĽĂźmann
+ Integrability of Hamiltonian systems and Birkhoff normal forms in the simple resonance case 1992 Hidekazu Ito
+ On the Structure of Local Homeomorphisms of Euclidean n-Space, II 1958 Shlomo Sternberg
+ PDF Small divisors and large multipliers 2007 B. L. J. Braaksma
Laurent Stolovitch
+ Analytic classification of germs of conformal mappings (C, 0) ? (C, 0) with identity linear part 1981 Сергей Воронин
+ Normalisation des champs de vecteurs holomorphes 1980 Jean Martinet
+ Petits diviseurs en dimension 1 2018 Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
+ PDF Chat An application of Cartan's equivalence method to Hirschowitz's conjecture on the formal principle 2019 Jun-Muk Hwang
+ Über die Normalform analytischer Hamiltonscher Differentialgleichungen in der Nähe einer Gleichgewichtslösung 1967 Helmut Rüßmann
+ PDF Chat Vey theorem in infinite dimensions and its application to KdV 2010 Sergei Kuksin
Galina Perelman
+ PDF Normal forms for real surfaces in C2 near complex tangents and hyperbolic surface transformations 1983 JĂĽrgen Moser
S. M. Webster
+ Séries divergentes et théories asymptotiques 2024 Jean-Pierre Ramis
+ PDF On the pseudo-conformal geometry of hypersurfaces of the space of $n$ complex variables 1962 Noboru Tanaka
+ Über das Verhalten analytischer Hamiltonscher Differentialgleichungen in der Nähe einer Gleichgewichtslösung 1964 Helmut Rüßmann
+ On maps between nonminimal hypersurfaces 2012 Robert Juhlin
Bernhard Lamel
+ Linear Grading Function and Further Reduction of Normal Forms 1996 Hiroshi Kokubu
Hiroe Oka
Duo Wang
+ A Complete Classification for Pairs of Real Analytic Curves in the Complex Plane with Tangential Intersection 2005 Patrick Ahern
Xianghong Gong
+ Progress in normal form theory 2009 Laurent Stolovitch
+ Rapidly convergent iteration method for simultaneous normal forms of commuting maps 1999 Todor Gramchev
Masafumi Yoshino
+ PDF An abstract Nash–Moser theorem with parameters and applications to PDEs 2009 Massimiliano Berti
Philippe Bolle
Michela Procesi
+ Differentiable manifolds in complex Euclidean space 1965 Errett Bishop
+ PDF Singularités non abordables par la géométrie 1992 Jean Écalle
+ The Extension Problem in Complex Analysis II; Embeddings with Positive Normal Bundle 1966 Phillip Griffiths
+ PDF Lectures on Analytic Differential Equations 2007 Yu. Ilyashenko
SergeĂ® Yakovenko
+ Sur la géométrie pseudo-conforme des hypersurfaces de l'espace de deux variables complexes 1933 Élie Cartan
+ Bifurcations of invariant manifolds of differential equations and normal forms in neighborhoods of elliptic curves 1977 Vladimir I. Arnold
+ PDF Singularities of vector fields 1974 Floris Takens
+ Asymptotic expansions for ordinary differential equations 1965 Wolfgang Wasow
+ On the equivalence of imbeddings of exceptional complex spaces 1964 Heisuke Hironaka
Hugo Rossi
+ Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of $(C^n,0)$ and germs of holomorphic diffeomorphisms 2015 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Sur un théorème de Dulac 1994 Laurent Stolovitch
+ PDF Convergence versus integrability in Poincaré-Dulac normal form 2002 Nguyen Tien Zung
+ On commuting circle mappings and simultaneous Diophantine approximations 1990 JĂĽrgen Moser
+ PDF Remarks on a paper of Hermann 1968 Victor Guillemin
Shlomo Sternberg