Orr Fischer


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Distributed CONGEST Algorithms against Mobile Adversaries 2023 Orr Fischer
Merav Parter
+ Tree Learning: Optimal Algorithms and Sample Complexity 2023 Dmitrii Avdiukhin
Grigory Yaroslavtsev
Danny Vainstein
Orr Fischer
Sauman Das
Faraz Mirza
+ Massively Parallel Computation in a Heterogeneous Regime 2023 Orr Fischer
Adi Horowitz
Rotem Oshman
+ Distributed CONGEST Algorithms against Mobile Adversaries 2023 Orr Fischer
Merav Parter
+ Optimal Sample Complexity of Contrastive Learning 2023 Noga Alon
Dmitrii Avdiukhin
Dor Elboim
Orr Fischer
Grigory Yaroslavtsev
+ PDF Chat Massively Parallel Computation in a Heterogeneous Regime 2022 Orr Fischer
Adi Horowitz
Rotem Oshman
+ Quantum Distributed Algorithms for Detection of Cliques 2022 Keren Censor-Hillel
Orr Fischer
François Le Gall
Dean Leitersdorf
Rotem Oshman
+ Fast Distributed Algorithms for Girth, Cycles and Small Subgraphs 2021 Keren Censor-Hillel
Orr Fischer
Tzlil Gonen
François Le Gall
Dean Leitersdorf
Rotem Oshman
+ PDF Chat On the Multiparty Communication Complexity of Testing Triangle-Freeness 2017 Orr Fischer
Shay Gershtein
Rotem Oshman
+ On The Multiparty Communication Complexity of Testing Triangle-Freeness 2017 Orr Fischer
Shay Gershtein
Rotem Oshman
+ Distributed Property Testing for Subgraph-Freeness Revisited 2017 Orr Fischer
Tzlil Gonen
Rotem Oshman
+ Superlinear Lower Bounds for Distributed Subgraph Detection 2017 Orr Fischer
Tzlil Gonen
Rotem Oshman
+ On The Multiparty Communication Complexity of Testing Triangle-Freeness 2017 Orr Fischer
Shay Gershtein
Rotem Oshman
+ PDF Chat A lower bound for the distributed LovĂĄsz local lemma 2016 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo LempiÀinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ A Lower Bound for the Distributed Lov\'asz Local Lemma 2015 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo LempiÀinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
+ A Lower Bound for the Distributed LovĂĄsz Local Lemma 2015 Sebastian Brandt
Orr Fischer
Juho Hirvonen
Barbara Keller
Tuomo LempiÀinen
Joel Rybicki
Jukka Suomela
Jara Uitto
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Algebraic methods in the congested clique 2016 Keren Censor-Hillel
Petteri Kaski
Janne H. Korhonen
Christoph Lenzen
Ami Paz
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat “Tri, Tri Again”: Finding Triangles and Small Subgraphs in a Distributed Setting 2012 Danny Dolev
Christoph Lenzen
Shir Peled
+ PDF Chat Fast Distributed Algorithms for Testing Graph Properties 2016 Keren Censor-Hillel
Eldar Fischer
Gregory Schwartzman
Yadu Vasudev
+ PDF Chat Communication lower bounds for statistical estimation problems via a distributed data processing inequality 2016 Mark Braverman
Ankit Garg
Tengyu Ma
Huy L. Nguyễn
David P. Woodruff
+ Improved bounds and parallel algorithms for the Lovasz Local Lemma. 2015 Bernhard Haeupler
David G. Harris
+ PDF Chat Dynamic Graph Stream Algorithms in $o(n)$ Space 2016 Zengfeng Huang
Peng Pan
+ PDF Chat Optimal principal component analysis in distributed and streaming models 2016 Christos Boutsidis
David P. Woodruff
Peilin Zhong
+ Testing subgraphs in directed graphs 2003 Noga Alon
A. Shapira
+ Property testing in bounded degree graphs 1997 Oded Goldreich
Dana Ron
+ PDF Chat A new proof of the graph removal lemma 2011 Jacob Fox
+ PDF Chat Approximately Counting Triangles in Sublinear Time 2015 Talya Eden
Amit Levi
Dana Ron
C. Seshadhri
+ Further Algebraic Algorithms in the Congested Clique Model and Applications to Graph-Theoretic Problems 2016 François Le Gall
+ The one-way communication complexity of the Boolean Hidden Matching Problem 2006 Iordanis Kerenidis
Ran Raz
+ Testing triangle-freeness in general graphs 2006 Noga Alon
Tali Kaufman
Michael Krivelevich
Dana Ron
+ Deterministic subgraph detection in broadcast CONGEST 2017 Janne H. Korhonen
Joel Rybicki
+ PDF Chat Performance of modularity maximization in practical contexts 2010 Benjamin H. Good
Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye
Aaron Clauset
+ PDF Chat Lower bounds for local approximation 2013 Mika Göös
Juho Hirvonen
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat New Constructive Aspects of the LovĂĄsz Local Lemma 2011 Bernhard Haeupler
Barna Saha
Aravind Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Methods in the Congested Clique 2015 Keren Censor-Hillel
Petteri Kaski
Janne H. Korhonen
Christoph Lenzen
Ami Paz
Jukka Suomela
+ PDF Chat A constructive proof of the general lovĂĄsz local lemma 2010 Robin A. Moser
GĂĄbor Tardos
+ PDF Chat Towards real-time community detection in large networks 2009 Ian X. Y. Leung
Pan Hui
PĂ­etro LiĂł
Jon Crowcroft
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the LovĂĄsz Local Lemma, and its Applications to Integer Programming 2006 Aravind Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat A parallel algorithmic version of the local lemma 1991 Noga Alon
+ PDF Chat Distributed $(\Delta+1)$-Coloring in Linear (in $\Delta$) Time 2014 Leonid Barenboim
Michael Elkin
Fabian KĂŒhn
+ PDF Chat Optimal deterministic routing and sorting on the congested clique 2013 Christoph Lenzen
+ PDF Chat On the Communication Complexity of Linear Algebraic Problems in the Message Passing Model 2014 Yi Li
Xiaoming Sun
Chengu Wang
David P. Woodruff
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Algorithms for the LovĂĄsz Local Lemma 2013 Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran
Navin Goyal
Bernhard Haeupler
+ PDF Chat A tail bound for read‐<i>k</i> families of functions 2014 Dmitry Gavinsky
Shachar Lovett
Michael Saks
Srikanth Srinivasan
+ PDF Chat The Locality of Distributed Symmetry Breaking 2012 Leonid Barenboim
Michael Elkin
Seth Pettie
Johannes Schneider
+ PDF Chat Tight bounds for distributed functional monitoring 2012 David P. Woodruff
Qin Zhang
+ PDF Chat Distributed community detection in dynamic graphs 2014 Andrea Clementi
Miriam Di Ianni
Giorgio Gambosi
Emanuele Natale
Riccardo Silvestri
+ PDF Chat Limits of local algorithms over sparse random graphs 2014 David Gamarnik
Madhu Sudan
+ An Exponential Separation Between Randomized and Deterministic Complexity in the LOCAL Model 2016 Yi‐Jun Chang
Tsvi Kopelowitz
Seth Pettie
+ PDF Chat Equivalence between modularity optimization and maximum likelihood methods for community detection 2016 M. E. J. Newman
+ Community detection and stochastic block models: recent developments 2017 Emmanuel Abbé
+ Faster and Simpler Distributed Algorithms for Testing and Correcting Graph Properties in the CONGEST-Model 2017 Guy Even
Reut Levi
Moti Medina
+ Quadratic and Near-Quadratic Lower Bounds for the CONGEST Model 2017 Keren Censor-Hillel
Seri Khoury
Ami Paz
+ PDF Chat Triangle Finding and Listing in CONGEST Networks 2017 Taisuke Izumi
François Le Gall
+ Fooling Views: A New Lower Bound Technique for Distributed Computations under Congestion 2017 Amir Abboud
Keren Censor-Hillel
Seri Khoury
Christoph Lenzen
+ Distributed triangle detection via expander decomposition 2019 Yi‐Jun Chang
Seth Pettie
Hengjie Zhang
+ PDF Chat Distributed Algorithms Made Secure: A Graph Theoretic Approach 2019 Merav Parter
Eylon Yogev
+ When Distributed Computation is Communication Expensive 2013 David P. Woodruff
Qin Zhang
+ A constructive proof of the general Lovasz Local Lemma 2009 Robin A. Moser
GĂĄbor Tardos
+ PDF Chat Low Congestion Cycle Covers and Their Applications 2019 Merav Parter
Eylon Yogev
+ A Hybrid Sampling Scheme for Triangle Counting 2017 John Kallaugher
Eric Price
+ Lower Bounds for Number-in-Hand Multiparty Communication Complexity, Made Easy 2012 Jeff M. Phillips
Elad Verbin
Qin Zhang
+ An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Maximal Independent Set 2015 Mohsen Ghaffari
+ PDF Chat Fast Approximate Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique 2019 Keren Censor-Hillel
Michal Dory
Janne H. Korhonen
Dean Leitersdorf
+ PDF Chat Exact Recovery in the Stochastic Block Model 2015 Emmanuel Abbé
Afonso S. Bandeira
Georgina Hall
+ Improved Distributed Expander Decomposition and Nearly Optimal Triangle Enumeration 2019 Yi‐Jun Chang
Thatchaphol Saranurak