Eitan Eidelstein


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Dynamical mean field theory of the bilayer Hubbard model with inchworm Monte Carlo 2024 Dolev Goldberger
Yehonatan Fridman
Emanuel Gull
Eitan Eidelstein
Guy Cohen
+ Dynamical Mean Field Theory of the Bilayer Hubbard Model with Inchworm Monte Carlo 2023 Dolev Goldberger
Yehonatan Fridman
Emanuel Gull
Eitan Eidelstein
Guy Cohen
+ PDF Chat Multiorbital Quantum Impurity Solver for General Interactions and Hybridizations 2020 Eitan Eidelstein
Emanuel Gull
Guy Cohen
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamic properties of titanium from<i>ab initio</i>calculations 2015 Uri Argaman
Eitan Eidelstein
Ohad Levy
Guy Makov
+ Thermodynamic properties of titanium from ab-initio calculations 2014 Uri Argaman
Eitan Eidelstein
Ohad Levy
Guy Makov
+ Thermodynamic properties of titanium from ab-initio calculations 2014 Uri Argaman
Eitan Eidelstein
Ohad Levy
Guy Makov
+ PDF Chat Hybrid NRG-DMRG approach to real-time dynamics of quantum impurity systems 2013 Fabian Güttge
Frithjof B. Anders
Ulrich Schollwöck
Eitan Eidelstein
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Crossover from adiabatic to antiadiabatic phonon-assisted tunneling in single-molecule transistors 2013 Eitan Eidelstein
Dotan Goberman
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Universality class of the Mott transition in two dimensions 2012 S. Moukouri
Eitan Eidelstein
+ PDF Chat Coherent control of correlated nanodevices: A hybrid time-dependent numerical renormalization-group approach to periodic switching 2012 Eitan Eidelstein
Avraham Schiller
Fabian Güttge
Frithjof B. Anders
+ PDF Chat Mott transition in quasi-one-dimensional systems 2011 S. Moukouri
Eitan Eidelstein
+ PDF Chat Quantum phase transitions, frustration, and the Fermi surface in the Kondo lattice model 2011 Eitan Eidelstein
S. Moukouri
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Density-matrix renormalization-group study of coupled Luttinger liquids 2010 S. Moukouri
Eitan Eidelstein
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Numerical renormalization group method for quantum impurity systems 2008 R. Bulla
T. A. Costi
Thomas Pruschke
+ PDF Chat Renormalization-group method for weakly coupled quantum chains: Application to the spin-<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mstyle scriptlevel="1"><mml:mfrac bevelled="false"><mml:mrow><mml:mn>1</mml:mn></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mfrac></mml:mstyle></mml:mrow></mml:math>Heisenberg model 2004 S. Moukouri
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Path Integral Approach to Nonequilibrium Many-Body Quantum Systems 2008 Lothar Mühlbacher
Eran Rabani
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium Transport in Quantum Impurity Models: The Bethe Ansatz for Open Systems 2006 Pankaj Mehta
Natan Andrei
+ PDF Chat Real-time diagrammatic Monte Carlo for nonequilibrium quantum transport 2009 Marco Schirò
Michele Fabrizio
+ PDF Chat Diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulation of nonequilibrium systems 2009 Philipp Werner
Takashi Oka
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Continuous-time hybridization expansion quantum impurity solver for multi-orbital systems with complex hybridizations 2017 Hiroshi Shinaoka
Emanuel Gull
Philipp Werner
+ PDF Chat Pseudogap and Mott transition studied by cellular dynamical mean-field theory 2007 Yu‐Zhong Zhang
Masatoshi Imada
+ PDF Chat Molecular transport junctions: vibrational effects 2007 Michael Galperin
Mark A. Ratner
Abraham Nitzan
+ PDF Chat Updated core libraries of the ALPS project 2016 Alexander Gaenko
Andrey E. Antipov
Gabriele Carcassi
T. Chen
Xiuhong Chen
Qian Dong
Lukas Gamper
Jan Gukelberger
Ryo Igarashi
Sergei Iskakov
+ PDF Chat Inclusion-exclusion principle for many-body diagrammatics 2018 Aviel Boag
Emanuel Gull
Guy Cohen
+ PDF Chat Quantum Monte Carlo solution of the dynamical mean field equations in real time 2017 Qiaoyuan Dong
Igor Krivenko
Joseph Kleinhenz
Andrey E. Antipov
Guy Cohen
Emanuel Gull
+ PDF Chat An accurate and efficient scheme for propagating the time dependent Schrödinger equation 1984 Hillel Tal‐Ezer
Ronnie Kosloff
+ Applicability of bosonization and the Anderson-Yuval methods at the strong-coupling limit of quantum impurity problems 2008 L. Borda
Avraham Schiller
A. Zawadowski
+ PDF Chat Spin precession and real-time dynamics in the Kondo model: Time-dependent numerical renormalization-group study 2006 Frithjof B. Anders
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium electron transport using the density matrix renormalization group method 2004 Peter Schmitteckert
+ PDF Chat Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Theory of the Mott Transition 2008 Hee Sun Park
Kristjan Haule
Gabriel Kotliar
+ PDF Chat Continuous-Time Solver for Quantum Impurity Models 2006 Philipp Werner
Armin Comanac
Luca de’ Medici
Matthias Troyer
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Deconfinement Transition and Luttinger to Fermi Liquid Crossover in Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems 2001 Silke Biermann
Antoine Georges
A. I. Lichtenstein
Thierry Giamarchi
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Dynamics in Quantum-Impurity Systems: A Time-Dependent Numerical Renormalization-Group Approach 2005 Frithjof B. Anders
Avraham Schiller
+ PDF Chat Continuous-time Monte Carlo methods for quantum impurity models 2011 Emanuel Gull
Andrew J. Millis
A. I. Lichtenstein
A. N. Rubtsov
Matthias Troyer
Philipp Werner
+ PDF Chat Taming the Dynamical Sign Problem in Real-Time Evolution of Quantum Many-Body Problems 2015 Guy Cohen
Emanuel Gull
David R. Reichman
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Dynamics of Kondo voltage splitting after a quantum quench 2019 Igor Krivenko
Joseph Kleinhenz
Guy Cohen
Emanuel Gull
+ PDF Chat Calculating Green functions from finite systems 2010 Peter Schmitteckert
+ PDF Chat Weak-coupling quantum Monte Carlo calculations on the Keldysh contour: Theory and application to the current-voltage characteristics of the Anderson model 2010 Philipp Werner
Takashi Oka
Martin Eckstein
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Single-shot read-out of an individual electron spin in a quantum dot 2004 J. M. Elzerman
Ronald Hanson
L. H. Willems van Beveren
B. Witkamp
L. M. K. Vandersypen
Leo P. Kouwenhoven
+ PDF Chat Iterative real-time path integral approach to nonequilibrium quantum transport 2008 S. Weiss
J. Eckel
Michael Thorwart
Reinhold Egger
+ PDF Chat Time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group using adaptive effective Hilbert spaces 2004 Andrew J. Daley
Corinna Kollath
Ulrich Schollwöck
Guifré Vidal
+ PDF Chat Ground-state phase diagram of quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the anisotropic dimerized square lattice 2001 Munehisa Matsumoto
Chitoshi Yasuda
Synge Todo
Hajime Takayama
+ PDF Chat Currents and Green's functions of impurities out of equilibrium: Results from inchworm quantum Monte Carlo 2017 Andrey E. Antipov
Qiaoyuan Dong
Joseph Kleinhenz
Guy Cohen
Emanuel Gull
+ PDF Chat Absence of a Slater Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model 2001 S. Moukouri
Mark Jarrell
+ PDF Chat Quantum Monte Carlo study of the two-dimensional fermion Hubbard model 2009 Christopher Varney
C.-R. Lee
Zhaojun Bai
Simone Chiesa
Mark Jarrell
Richard Scalettar
+ PDF Chat Twofold Advance in the Theoretical Understanding of Far-From-Equilibrium Properties of Interacting Nanostructures 2008 E. Boulat
Hubert Saleur
Peter Schmitteckert
+ PDF Chat Real-Time Evolution Using the Density Matrix Renormalization Group 2004 Steven R. White
Adrian Feiguin
+ PDF Chat Quantum cluster theories 2005 Thomas Maier
Mark Jarrell
Thomas Pruschke
Matthias H. Hettler
+ PDF Chat Hybridization expansion impurity solver: General formulation and application to Kondo lattice and two-orbital models 2006 Philipp Werner
Andrew J. Millis
+ PDF Chat Probing the relaxation towards equilibrium in an isolated strongly correlated one-dimensional Bose gas 2012 Stefan Trotzky
Y-A. Chen
Andreas Flesch
Ian P. McCulloch
Ulrich Schollwöck
Jens Eisert
Immanuel Bloch
+ PDF Chat Vibration-induced correction to the current through a single molecule 2008 Reinhold Egger
Alexander O. Gogolin
+ PDF Chat Dynamics and thermodynamics of the Bose-Hubbard model 1999 N. Elstner
H. Monien
+ PDF Chat Deconfined fermions but confined coherence? 1996 S. P. Strong
David G. Clarke
+ PDF Chat Perturbative treatment of the multichannel interacting resonant-level model in steady-state nonequilibrium 2010 L. Borda
A. Zawadowski
+ PDF Chat Critical exponents of the three-dimensional Ising universality class from finite-size scaling with standard and improved actions 1999 Martin Hasenbusch
K. Pinn
S. Vinti
+ PDF Chat Theory of a continuous Mott transition in two dimensions 2008 T. Senthil
+ PDF Chat Cluster Dynamical Mean Field Analysis of the Mott Transition 2004 Olivier Parcollet
Giulio Biroli
Gabriel Kotliar
+ PDF Chat Phonon-assisted tunneling and two-channel Kondo physics in molecular junctions 2009 Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva
Elbio Dagotto
+ PDF Chat Renormalization group analysis of the interacting resonant-level model at finite bias: Generic analytic study of static properties and quench dynamics 2011 Sabine Andergassen
Mikhail Pletyukhov
Dirk Schuricht
Herbert Schoeller
L. Borda
+ PDF Chat Haldane gap for the<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>S</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>2</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain revisited 1999 Xiaoqun Wang
Shaojing Qin
Lu Yu
+ PDF Chat Transport properties and Kondo correlations in nanostructures: Time-dependent DMRG method applied to quantum dots coupled to Wilson chains 2008 Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva
F. Heidrich-Meisner
Adrian Feiguin
C. A. Büsser
G. B. Martins
E. V. Anda
E. Dagotto
+ PDF Chat Fermi surface of the one-dimensional Kondo-lattice model 1996 S. Moukouri
L. G. Caron
+ PDF Chat Friedel oscillations and charge density waves in chains and ladders 2002 Steven R. White
Ian Affleck
D. J. Scalapino