Akio Fujii


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Some Observations concerning the Distribution of the Zeros of the Zeta Functions (I) 2018 Akio Fujii
+ Some Problems of Diophantine Approximation and a Kronecker’s Limit Formula 2018 Akio Fujii
+ Arithmetic of Some Zeta Function Connected with the Eigenvalues of the Laplace–Beltrami Operator 2018 Akio Fujii
+ The highest lowest zero of general L-functions 2014 Jonathan Bober
J. Brian Conrey
David W. Farmer
Akio Fujii
S. Koutsoliotas
Stefan Lemurell
Michael Rubinstein
Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ On the distribution of values of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function at its zeros. I 2012 Akio Fujii
+ The highest lowest zero of general L-functions 2012 Jonathan Bober
J. Brian Conrey
David W. Farmer
Akio Fujii
S. Koutsoliotas
Stefan Lemurell
Michael Rubinstein
Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ Oscillations, Pseudorandomness and Hecke L-functions 2009 Akio Fujii
+ On the Farey Series and the Hecke L-functions 2007 Akio Fujii
+ A Note on the Distribution of the Argument of the Riemann Zeta Function 2006 Akio Fujii
+ On the Farey Series and the Riemann Hypothesis 2005 Akio Fujii
+ On the Distribution of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function in the Neighborhood of its Zeros 2004 Akio Fujii
+ An Explicit Estimate in the Theory of the Distribution of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 2004 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function(II) 2003 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of Dirichlet L-functions (II) 2003 Akio Fujii
+ On the Discrepancy Estimates of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 2002 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 2002 Akio Fujii
+ On the Pair Correlation of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 2002 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Values of the Epstein zeta functions at the critical points 2001 Akio Fujii
+ A Note on the Values of the Epstein Zeta Functions at the Critical Points 2000 Akio Fujii
+ On the Distribution of Sums of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function 2000 Akio Fujii
Aleksandar Ivić
+ Explicit Formulas and Oscillations 1999 Akio Fujii
+ The distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function and Baker's theorems 1998 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of the Epstein Zeta Functions(II) 1998 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On plain lattice points whose coordinates are reciprocals modulo a prime 1997 Akio Fujii
Yoshiyuki Kitaoka
+ PDF Chat On the Berry Conjecture 1997 Akio Fujii
+ An Additive Theory of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 1996 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of the Epstein zeta functions 1996 Akio Fujii
+ On a Mean Value Theorem in the Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function 1995 Akio Fujii
+ On a Problem and a Conjecture of Rademacher's 1995 Akio Fujii
+ Some Problems of Diophantine Approximation in the Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function(IV) 1994 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of Shanks 1994 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Number variance of the zeros of the Epstein zeta functions 1994 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A divisor problem, I 1993 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and the von-Mangoldt function 1993 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Some problems of Diophantine approximation in the theory of the Riemann zeta function 1992 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Some observations concerning the distribution of the zeros of the zeta functions, III 1992 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Dinaburg and Sinai 1992 Akio Fujii
+ Some Observations Concerning the Distribution of the Zeros of the Zeta Functions(II) 1991 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat An additive problem of prime numbers, III 1991 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat An additive problem of prime numbers 1991 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the gaps between the consecutive zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1990 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Landau, II 1990 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat An additive theory of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1990 Akio Fujii
+ Uniform distribution of the zeros of the riemann zeta function and the mean value theorems of dirichlet L-functions (II) 1990 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals 1990 Akio Fujii
+ Diophantine approximation, Kronecker's limit formula and the Riemann Hypothesis 1989 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Landau 1989 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Zeta zeros, Hurwitz zeta functions and $L\left( {1,\chi } \right)$ 1989 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Some generalizations of Chebyshev's conjecture 1988 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Zeta zeros and Dirichlet $L$-functions, II 1988 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Zeta zeros and Dirichlet $L$-functions 1988 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Uniform distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function and the mean value theorems of Dirichlet $L$-functions 1987 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A zeta function connected with the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the fundamental domain of the modular group 1984 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Zeros, eigenvalues and arithmetic 1984 Akio Fujii
+ The Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function and Gibbs's Phenomenon 1983 Akio Fujii
+ On the Uniformity of the Distribution of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function(II) 1982 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Zeros, primes and rationals 1982 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions.II (With Corrections to Ön the Zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions.I" and the Subsequent Papers) 1981 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Some explicit formulae in the theory of numbers a remark on the Riemann hypothesis 1981 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet 𝐿-functions. II 1981 Akio Fujii
+ A Remark on the Riemann Hypothesis 1980 Akio Fujii
+ On the uniformity of the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. 1978 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A remark on the zeros of some $L$-functions 1977 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On some analogues of Titchmarsh divisor problem 1976 Akio Fujii
+ On the zeros of Dirichlet L-functions. IV. 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the problem of divisors 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A local study of some additive problems in the theory of numbers 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet L-functions (VII) 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet L-functions (VI) 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet L-functions (V) 1976 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet 𝐿-functions. III 1976 Akio Fujii
+ On the sums of the ordinates of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1975 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals 1975 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the difference between $r$ consecutive ordinates of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1975 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A comparative study of the zeros of Dirichlet 𝐿-functions 1975 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions. I 1974 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet 𝐿-functions. I 1974 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A note on character sums 1973 Akio Fujii
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals 1975 Akio Fujii
+ On the Zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions. I 1974 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Landau 1989 Akio Fujii
+ �ber die Nullstellen der Zetafunktion 1912 Edmund Landau
+ PDF Chat On the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in short intervals 1990 Akio Fujii
+ On the uniformity of the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. 1978 Akio Fujii
+ Mean values of the Riemann zeta-function and its derivatives 1984 S. M. Gonek
+ PDF Chat Some observations concerning the distribution of the zeros of the zeta functions, III 1992 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the theory of the riemann zeta-function and the theory of the distribution of primes 1916 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat Uniform distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function and the mean value theorems of Dirichlet $L$-functions 1987 Akio Fujii
+ On the Uniformity of the Distribution of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function(II) 1982 Akio Fujii
+ Semiclassical formula for the number variance of the Riemann zeros 1988 Michael Berry
+ PDF Chat Zeros, eigenvalues and arithmetic 1984 Akio Fujii
+ On the function S(T) in the theory of the Riemann zeta-function 1987 D. A. Goldston
+ Primes and zeros in short intervals. 1978 Julia Mueller
Patrick X. Gallagher
+ A Summation Formula in the Theory of Prime Numbers 1948 A. P. Guinand
+ PDF Chat Zeta zeros and Dirichlet $L$-functions 1988 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat A comparative study of the zeros of Dirichlet 𝐿-functions 1975 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Remainder term in the Weyl-Selberg asymptotic formula 1981 Alexei B. Venkov
+ Topics in Analytic Number Theory 1973 Hans Rademacher
+ PDF Chat On the gaps between the consecutive zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1990 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On a result of Littlewood concerning prime numbers 1983 D. A. Goldston
+ The Riemann Zeta function and coin tossing. 1972 P. D. T. A. Elliott
+ More than one third of zeros of Riemann's zeta-function are on σ = 12 1974 Norman Levinson
+ The Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function and Gibbs's Phenomenon 1983 Akio Fujii
+ Analytic Number Theory 2004 Henryk Iwaniec
Emmanuel Kowalski
+ On the sums of the ordinates of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function 1975 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Epstein's zeta function 1967 H. Stärk
+ PDF Chat Zeta zeros and Dirichlet $L$-functions, II 1988 Akio Fujii
+ Semiclassical formula for the number variance of the Riemann zeros 2017 Marsha Berry
+ Formules de Poisson avec reste 1966 Jean Delsarte
+ PDF Chat Some Observations concerning the Distribution of the Zeros of the Zeta Functions (I) 2018 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat Number variance of the zeros of the Epstein zeta functions 1994 Akio Fujii
+ Pair Correlation of Zeros and Primes in Short Intervals 1987 D. A. Goldston
Hugh L. Montgomery
+ PDF Chat Zeros, primes and rationals 1982 Akio Fujii
+ The connection between the zeros of the ?-function and sequences(g(p)), p prime, mod 1 1979 Johannes Schoi�engeier
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of Landau, II 1990 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the roots of the Riemann zeta function 1925 J. I. Hutchinson
+ An Additive Theory of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function 1996 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On calculations of zeros of various $L$-functions 1995 Hiroyuki Yoshida
+ PDF Chat A remark on the zeros of some $L$-functions 1977 Akio Fujii
+ PDF Chat On the zeros of Dirichlet L-functions (V) 1976 Akio Fujii
+ On the distribution of <i>αp</i> modulo 1 1977 R. C. Vaughan
+ A divisor problem 1930 E. C. Titchmarsh
+ Statistics of solutions of the integral equation ax ? by = �1 1991 E. I. Dinaburg
Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ PDF Chat On the representation of a number as the sum of two squares and a prime 1957 C. Hooley
+ Multiplicative Number Theory 1980 H. Davenport
+ PDF Chat Computing GL(3) automorphic forms 2010 Ce Bian