Manoj Kumar


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Domain statistics in the relaxation of the one-dimensional Ising model with strong long-range interactions 2023 Federico Corberi
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Quasi-exact ground-state extrapolation for the random-field Potts model 2023 Manoj Kumar
Martin Weigel
+ PDF Chat Critical behavior of the three-state random-field Potts model in three dimensions 2022 Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
Martin Weigel
+ On the comparison of optimization algorithms for the random-field Potts model 2022 Manoj Kumar
Martin Weigel
+ PDF Chat Domain growth and aging in the random field<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math>model: A Monte Carlo study 2021 Ramgopal Agrawal
Manoj Kumar
Sanjay Puri
+ Domain Growth and Aging in the Random Field XY Model: A Monte Carlo Study 2021 Ramgopal Agrawal
Manoj Kumar
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Coexistence of coarsening and mean field relaxation in the long-range Ising chain 2021 Federico Corberi
Alessandro Iannone
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Report on 2102.08217v1 2021 Federico Corberi
Alessandro Iannone
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Report on 2102.08217v1 2021 Federico Corberi
Alessandro Iannone
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Report on 2102.08217v1 2021 Federico Corberi
Alessandro Iannone
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ Transport, correlations, and chaos in a classical disordered anharmonic chain 2020 Manoj Kumar
Anupam Kundu
Manas Kulkarni
David A. Huse
Abhishek Dhar
+ PDF Chat Growth kinetics and aging phenomena in a frustrated system 2020 Manoj Kumar
Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Sanjay Puri
+ Transport in a classical disordered nonlinear system: signatures of many-body localization 2019 Manoj Kumar
Anupam Kundu
Manas Kulkarni
David A. Huse
Abhishek Dhar
+ PDF Chat Effects of frustration on fluctuation-dissipation relations 2019 Federico Corberi
Manoj Kumar
Eugenio Lippiello
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Approximate ground states of the random-field Potts model from graph cuts 2018 Manoj Kumar
Ravinder Kumar
Martin Weigel
Varsha Banerjee
Wolfhard Janke
Sanjay Puri
+ Random field Ising model in a uniform magnetic field: Ground states, pinned clusters and scaling laws 2017 Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Ordering kinetics in the random-bond <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:math> model 2017 Manoj Kumar
Swarnajit Chatterjee
Raja Paul
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Random Field Ising Models: Fractal Interfaces and their Implications 2017 Arunkumar Bupathy
Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium structure and off-equilibrium kinetics of a magnet with tunable frustration 2017 Federico Corberi
Manoj Kumar
Sanjay Puri
Eugenio Lippiello
+ Random field Ising model with conserved kinetics: Super-universality violation, logarithmic growth law and the generalized Tomita sum rule 2017 Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ Ground-state morphologies in the random-field Ising model: Scaling properties and non-Porod behavior 2014 Gaurav P. Shrivastav
Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Domain wall motions in perpendicularly magnetized CoFe/Pd multilayer nanowire 2014 Zhaoliang Meng
Manoj Kumar
Jinjun Qiu
Guchang Han
K. L. Teo
Nguyen Ngoc Long
+ Improved Moves for Truncated Convex Models 2011 Manoj Kumar
Olga Veksler
Philip H. S. Torr
+ Improved Moves for Truncated Convex Models 2008 Philip H. S. Torr
Manoj Kumar
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Crossover in growth law and violation of superuniversality in the random-field Ising model 2012 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Anupam Mukherjee
Sanjay Puri
Marco Zannetti
+ PDF Chat Universality in the Three-Dimensional Random-Field Ising Model 2013 Nikolaos G. Fytas
V. Martı́n-Mayor
+ PDF Chat Scaling in the aging dynamics of the site-diluted Ising model 2013 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Anupam Mukherjee
Sanjay Puri
Marco Zannetti
+ Notes on the Statistical Mechanics of Systems with Long-Range Interactions 2009 David Mukamel
+ PDF Chat One Dimensional Phase-Ordering in the Ising Model with Space Decaying Interactions 2019 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ An intermediate phase with slow decay of correlations in one dimensional 1/|x?y|2 percolation, Ising and Potts models 1988 John Imbrie
Charles M. Newman
+ PDF Chat Universality in the time correlations of the long-range 1d Ising model 2019 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Domain growth in Ising systems with quenched disorder 2005 Raja Paul
Sanjay Puri
Heiko Rieger
+ PDF Chat Criticality in One Dimension with Inverse Square-Law Potentials 2001 Erik Luijten
Holger Meßingfeld
+ PDF Chat Existence of a phase-transition in a one-dimensional Ising ferromagnet 1969 Freeman J. Dyson
+ PDF Chat The phase transition in the one-dimensional Ising Model with 1/r 2 interaction energy 1982 Jürg Fröhlich
Thomas Spencer
+ PDF Chat Domain walls and Schramm-Loewner evolution in the random-field Ising model 2011 Jacob D. Stevenson
Martin Weigel
+ Ground-state morphologies in the random-field Ising model: Scaling properties and non-Porod behavior 2014 Gaurav P. Shrivastav
Manoj Kumar
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of systems with long-range interactions 2013 Yan Levin
Renato Pakter
F. B. Rizzato
Tarcísio N. Teles
Fernanda P. C. Benetti
+ PDF Chat Superuniversality in phase-ordering disordered ferromagnets 2008 Malte Henkel
Michel Pleimling
+ PDF Chat Statistical mechanics and dynamics of solvable models with long-range interactions 2009 Alessandro Campa
Thierry Dauxois
Stefano Ruffo
+ PDF Chat Quasideterministic dynamics, memory effects, and lack of self-averaging in the relaxation of quenched ferromagnets 2020 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ PDF Chat Effective mobility and diffusivity in coarsening processes 2017 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
+ Statistical mechanics of Euler equations in two dimensions 1990 Jonathan Miller
+ PDF Chat Ageing in disordered magnets and local scale invariance 2006 Malte Henkel
Michel Pleimling
+ PDF Chat Kinetics of the two-dimensional long-range Ising model at low temperatures 2021 Ramgopal Agrawal
Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Paolo Politi
Sanjay Puri
+ Rounding of first-order phase transitions in systems with quenched disorder 1989 Michael Aizenman
Jan Wehr
+ Potts models in random fields 1984 Daniel Blankschtein
Yonathan Shapir
Amnon Aharony
+ PDF Chat Genetic embedded matching approach to ground states in continuous-spin systems 2007 Martin Weigel
+ PDF Chat Superaging in two-dimensional random ferromagnets 2007 Raja Paul
Grégory Schehr
Heiko Rieger
+ Random-field induced interface widths in Ising systems 1983 Kurt Binder
+ PDF Chat Scattering properties of paramagnetic ground states in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model 2011 Gaurav P. Shrivastav
Siddharth Krishnamoorthy
Varsha Banerjee
Sanjay Puri
+ PDF Chat Domain-wall excitations in the two-dimensional Ising spin glass 2018 Hamid Khoshbakht
Martin Weigel
+ PDF Chat Phase Transitions in Disordered Systems: The Example of the Random-Field Ising Model in Four Dimensions 2016 Nikolaos G. Fytas
V. Martı́n-Mayor
Marco Picco
Nicolas Sourlas
+ PDF Chat GPU accelerated population annealing algorithm 2017 Lev Barash
Martin Weigel
M. Borovský
Wolfhard Janke
Lev Shchur
+ PDF Chat Population annealing with weighted averages: A Monte Carlo method for rough free-energy landscapes 2010 J. Machta
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering kinetics on graphs 2007 Raffaella Burioni
Davide Cassi
Federico Corberi
A. Vezzani
+ Random‐field ising systems: A survey of current theoretical views 1988 T. Nattermann
Jacques Villain
+ PDF Chat Three-dimensional random-field Ising magnet: Interfaces, scaling, and the nature of states 2002 A. Alan Middleton
Daniel S. Fisher
+ PDF Chat Off-equilibrium response function in the one-dimensional random-field Ising model 2002 Federico Corberi
A. de Candia
Eugenio Lippiello
Marco Zannetti
+ Phase diagrams of the random-field Potts model in three dimensions 1985 Yadin Y. Goldschmidt
Gu Xu
+ Finite-Size Scaling Study of the Three-State Potts Model in Random Fields: Evidence for a Second-Order Transition 1995 K. Eichhorn
Kurt Binder
+ Message-passing for graph-structured linear programs 2008 Pradeep Ravikumar
Alekh Agarwal
Martin J. Wainwright
+ PDF Chat Growing Length Scales during Aging in 2<i>d</i>Disordered Systems 2005 Heiko Rieger
Grégory Schehr
Raja Paul
+ PDF Chat The ground state of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model 1985 John Imbrie
+ PDF Chat A New Look at Reweighted Message Passing 2014 Vladimir Kolmogorov
+ PDF Chat Aging Dynamics and the Topology of Inhomogenous Networks 2006 Raffaella Burioni
Davide Cassi
Federico Corberi
A. Vezzani
+ Lower critical dimension for the random-field Ising model 1987 Jean Bricmont
A. Kupiainen
+ PDF Chat Scalings of Domain Wall Energies in Two Dimensional Ising Spin Glasses 2003 C. Amoruso
Enzo Marinari
Olivier Martin
Andrea Pagnani
+ PDF Chat Measuring Equilibrium Properties in Aging Systems 1998 Silvio Franz
Marc Mézard
Giorgio Parisi
Luca Peliti
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear response and fluctuation-dissipation relations 2008 Eugenio Lippiello
Federico Corberi
Alessandro Sarracino
Marco Zannetti
+ PDF Chat Phase-ordering dynamics of the O(<i>n</i>) model: Exact predictions and numerical results 1994 R. E. Blundell
A. J. Bray
+ PDF Chat Scaling and universality in the aging kinetics of the two-dimensional clock model 2006 Federico Corberi
Eugenio Lippiello
Marco Zannetti
+ PDF Chat Weak ergodicity breaking in mean-field spin-glass models 1995 Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Jorge Kurchan
+ PDF Chat Ground States and Defect Energies of the Two-Dimensional<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>X</mml:mi><mml:mi>Y</mml:mi></mml:math>Spin Glass from a Quasiexact Algorithm 2006 Martin Weigel
Michel J. P. Gingras