Pavel Bartoš


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat The number-theoretic function $d(n)$ 1976 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat On the number of solutions of the optical equation. II. 1975 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat A remark on the number of solutions of the optical equation 1974 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat A certain system of Diophantine equations. II. 1974 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat Certain convergent sequences of double averages 1973 Pavel Bartoš
Vladimír Doležal
+ PDF Chat On certain properties of optic equation 1973 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat On the solvability of the Diophantine equation $\sum\limits_{j=1}^n (1/x_j)=a/b$ 1973 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat On a certain generalization of the number-theoretical relation $[a_1,\,a_2]=a_1a_2/(a_1,\,a_2)$ and its application 1972 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat On the solution of the Diophantine equation $\frac1x+\frac1/y+\frac1/z=\frac{a}{b}$ 1971 Pavel Bartoš
Katarína Pehartzová-Bošanská
+ PDF Chat Cosine theorems on simplexes in $E_n$ 1970 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat A remark on the number of solutions of the equation $\frac1x + \frac1y = \frac{a}{b}$ in natural numbers 1970 Pavel Bartoš
+ Poznámka k istému Fermatovmu problému 1968 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat The sine theorem for simplexes in $E_n$ 1968 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat A certain system of Diophantine equations 1968 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat The theorems of Euclid on orthogonal simplexes 1968 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat A method of determining the radius of an inscribed sphere and tangent spheres of a simplex in $E\sb{n}$ and some applications 1967 Pavel Bartoš
+ Additional Note to our Paper 'A Genesis for Combinatorial Identities' 1966 Pavel Bartoš
Josef Kaucký
+ PDF Chat Contribution to the geometry of convex polyhedra in $n$-space 1966 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat On a property of a equilateral triangle and some other triangles 1965 Pavel Bartoš
+ PDF Chat Linear systems of direct similarities in the plane 1959 Pavel Bartoš
Jan Vyšín
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Elementary Theory of Numbers. 1963 Ivan Niven
W. J. LeVeque