J. Kałużny


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A ground-based proper motion study of 12 nearby globular clusters 2017 W. Narloch
J. Kałużny
R. Poleski
M. Różyczka
W. Pych
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat RR Lyrae stars in NGC 6362 2017 R. Smolec
P. Moskalik
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
M. Różyczka
Ian B. Thompson
I. B. Thompson
Aaron Dotter
M. Różyczka
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
Greg Burley
B. Mazur
S. M. Ruciński
+ The Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE). Analysis of the Detached Eclipsing Binary V15 in the Metal-Rich Open Cluster NGC 6253 2014 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
Aaron Dotter
W. Pych
W. Narloch
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE). VI. Analysis of two detached eclipsing binaries in the Globular Cluster M55 2014 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
Aaron Dotter
M. Różyczka
W. Pych
S. M. Ruciński
Greg Burley
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE). Variable stars in the field of the globular cluster NGC 6362 2014 J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
I. B. Thompson
W. Narloch
B. Mazur
W. Pych
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ New observations of the old magnetic nova GQ Muscae 2014 W. Narloch
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
M. Różyczka
Stephen A. Shectman
I. B. Thompson
T. Tomov
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE). Variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 6253 2014 J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
W. Pych
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat New Observations of the Old Magnetic Nova GQ Muscae 2014 W. Narloch
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
M. Różyczka
Stephen A. Shectman
I. B. Thompson
T. Tomov
+ PDF Chat SALT long-slit spectroscopy of LBQS 2113-4538: variability of the Mg II and Fe II component 2013 K. Hryniewicz
B. Czerny
W. Pych
A. Udalski
M. Krupa
A. Świȩtoń
J. Kałużny
+ VizieR Online Data Catalog: Proper motions in 6 globular clusters (Zloczewski+, 2012) 2013 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
I. B. Thompson
I. B. Thompson
M. Różyczka
Aaron Dotter
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
S. M. Ruciński
Greg Burley
Stephen A. Shectman
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE): The blue straggler Star M55-V60 caught amidst rapid mass exchange 2013 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
S. M. Ruciński
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE): Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae 2013 J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
K. Złoczewski
W. Narloch
+ A proper motion study of the globular clusters M4, M12, M22, NGC 3201, NGC 6362 and NGC 6752 2013 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
Ian B. Thompson
+ The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE): Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M4 2013 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
M. Różyczka
W. Krzemiński
+ PDF Chat Absolute parameters of AE For – a highly active detached binary of late K type★ 2012 M. Różyczka
P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
R. Angeloni
I. Dékány
+ PDF Chat Dusty origin of the Broad Line Region in active galaxies 2012 B. Czerny
K. Hryniewicz
J. Kałużny
Ishita Maity
+ PDF Chat A SECOND NEUTRON STAR IN M4? 2012 J. Kałużny
A. Różáńska
M. Różyczka
W. Krzemiński
Ian B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat A VIMOS spectroscopy study of photometric variables and straggler candidates in<i>ω</i> Centauri 2011 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
P. Pietrukowicz
W. Pych
M. Catelan
C. Contreras
+ PDF Chat A proper motion study of the globular cluster M55 2011 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
Ian B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Absolute properties of BG Ind - a bright F3 system just leaving the main sequence★ 2011 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
M. Konacki
K. Małek
L. Mankiewicz
M. Sokołowski
A.F. Żarnecki
+ PDF Chat A search for dormant binaries with degenerate components in<i>ω</i> Centauri and NGC 6397 2010 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
P. Pietrukowicz
W. Pych
M. Catelan
C. Contreras
I. B. Thompson
+ The Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE). Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M55 2010 J. Kałużny
Ian B. Thompson
W. Krzemiński
K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
Aaron Dotter
Greg Burley
+ Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 2009 J. Kałużny
Ian B. Thompson
+ Photometric survey of stellar clusters in the outer part of M33. II. Analysis of HST/ACS images 2009 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
+ An Unusual Eclipsing Blue Straggler V8-NGC 6752 2009 J. Kałużny
M. Różyczka
I. B. Thompson
K. Złoczewski
+ A New Lower Main Sequence Eclipsing Binary with Detached Components 2009 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
P. Pietrukowicz
W. Pych
B. Mazur
M. Catelan
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat A Large-Scale Survey for Variable Stars in M 33 2009 D. Bersier
J. D. Hartman
K. Z. Stanek
J. P. Beaulieu
J. Kałużny
J. B. Marquette
A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny
Victoria Scowcroft
P. B. Stetson
+ Globular Cluster Ages from Main Sequence Fitting and Detached, Eclipsing Binaries: The Case of 47 Tuc 2009 Aaron Dotter
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ Photometric survey of stellar clusters in the outer part of M33. II. Analysis of HST/ACS images 2009 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
+ Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 2009 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Globular cluster ages from main sequence fitting and detached, eclipsing binaries: The case of 47 Tuc 2008 Aaron Dotter
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): deficiency of observed dwarf novae in globular clusters 2008 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
I. B. Thompson
S. M. Ruciński
W. Krzemiński
+ Photometric Survey for Stellar Clusters in the Outer Part of M33 2008 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
J. D. Hartman
+ Variable Stars in the Field of the Open Cluster NGC2204 2008 M. Różyczka
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ PDF Chat Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster Melotte 66 2007 K. Złoczewski
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
A. Olech
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat The Clusters Ages Experiment (CASE). II. The Eclipsing Blue Straggler OGLEGC 228 in the Globular Cluster 47 Tuc 2007 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
S. M. Ruciński
W. Pych
G. Stachowski
W. Krzemiński
Greg Burley
+ PDF Chat The Clusters Ages Experiment (CASE). I. V209 ω Cen: An Eclipsing Post-Common-Envelope Binary in the Globular Cluster ω Cen 2007 J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
+ Variability Study of EHB Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 2007 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat The First DIRECT Distance Determination to a Detached Eclipsing Binary in M33 2006 A. Z. Bonanos
K. Z. Stanek
R. P. Kudritzki
Lucas M. Macri
Dimitar Sasselov
J. Kałużny
P. B. Stetson
D. Bersier
Fabio Bresolin
T. Matheson
+ Eclipsing binaries in the open cluster NGC 2243 - II. Absolute properties of NV CMa 2006 J. Kałużny
W. Pych
S. M. Ruciński
Ian B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Deep Canada���France���Hawaii Telescope photometric survey of the entire M33 galaxy ��� I. Catalogue of 36���000 variable point sources 2006 J. D. Hartman
D. Bersier
K. Z. Stanek
J. P. Beaulieu
J. Kałużny
J. B. Marquette
P. B. Stetson
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ Eclipsing binaries in the open cluster NGC 2243 - I. Photometry 2006 J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
I. B. Thompson
G. Stachowski
+ Eclipsing binaries in the open cluster NGC 2243 - II. Absolute properties of NV CMa 2006 J. Kałużny
W. Pych
S. M. Ruciński
Ian B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Variable Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of Extragalactic W UMa Binaries 2006 J. Kałużny
S. W. Mochnacki
S. M. Ruciński
+ PDF Chat CCD photometry of distant open clusters NGC 2425, Haffner 10 and Czernik 29 2005 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
+ PDF Chat Photometric study of the variable star population in the globular cluster NGC 6397 2005 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): Dwarf Novae and a Probable Microlensing Event in the Globular Cluster M22 2005 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
M. Jaroszyński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
+ PDF Chat Cluster Ages Experiment (CASE): SX Phe stars from the globular cluster Centauri 2005 A. Olech
W. A. Dziembowski
A. A. Pamyatnykh
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
Ian B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Cluster Ages Experiment (CASE): Detection of a dwarf nova in the globular cluster M55 2005 J. Kałużny
P. Pietrukowicz
Ian B. Thompson
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny
W. Pych
G. Stachowski
+ PDF Chat <i>BVI</i>Photometric Variability Survey of M3 2005 J. D. Hartman
J. Kałużny
Á. Szentgyörgyi
K. Z. Stanek
+ Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): Dwarf Novae and a Probable Microlensing Event in the Globular Cluster M22 2005 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
Ian B. Thompson
M. Jaroszyński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
+ PDF Chat Cluster AgeS Experiment Catalog of variable stars in the globular cluster<i>ω</i> Centauri 2004 J. Kałużny
A. Olech
Ian B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ Variable Stars in the Archival HST Data of Globular Clusters M13, M30 and NGC 6712 2004 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
+ Searching for Variable Stars in the Central Part of the Globular Cluster M22 2004 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
+ Searching for Variable Stars in the Central Part of the Globular Cluster M22 2004 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
+ Variable Stars in the Archival HST Data of Globular Clusters M13, M30 and NGC 6712 2004 P. Pietrukowicz
J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Photometry and Spectroscopy of GRB 030329 and Its Associated Supernova 2003dh: The First Two Months 2003 T. Matheson
P. Garnavich
K. Z. Stanek
D. Bersier
S. T. Holland
K. Krisciunas
Nelson Caldwell
P. Berlind
J. S. Bloom
Michael Bolte
+ PDF Chat Cluster AgeS Experiment (CASE): RR Lyrae stars from the globular cluster ω Centauri as standard candles 2003 A. Olech
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
A. Schwarzenberg-Czerny
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. IX. Variables in the Field M31Y Discovered with Image Subtraction 2003 A. Z. Bonanos
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
B. J. Mochejska
Lucas M. Macri
J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Long-Term Variability Survey of the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791 2003 B. J. Mochejska
K. Z. Stanek
J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Time Series Photometry of Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397 2003 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ Variable Yellow and Red Stragglers in the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791 2003 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Photometry and Spectroscopy of the Optical Companion to the Pulsar PSR J1740−5340 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397 2003 J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat The Strongly Polarized Afterglow of GRB 020405 2003 D. Bersier
B. A. McLeod
P. Garnavich
M. J. Holman
T. Grav
J. Quinn
J. Kałużny
P. Challis
R. G. Bower
David J. Wilman
+ Variable Yellow and Red Stragglers in the Old Open Cluster NGC 6791 2003 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Clusters Ages Experiment: Hot Subdwarfs and Luminous White Dwarf Candidates in the Field of the Globular Cluster M4 2002 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VIII. Additional Variables in the Field M33B Discovered with Image Subtraction 2001 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
Á. Szentgyörgyi
+ PDF Chat The DIRECT Project: Catalogs of Stellar Objects in Nearby Galaxies. II. Eastern Arm and NGC 206 in M31 2001 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
+ PDF Chat Cluster AgeS Experiment: The Age and Distance of the Globular Cluster ω Centauri Determined from Observations of the Eclipsing Binary OGLEGC 17 2001 Ian B. Thompson
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
Greg Burley
W. Krzemiński
B. Paczyński
S. E. Persson
George W. Preston
+ VizieR Online Data Catalog: New variables in M22 globular cluster (Kaluzny+, 2001) 2001 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VII. Additional Variables in the Field M33A Discovered with Image Subtraction 2001 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
Andrew Szentgyorgyi
+ PDF Chat Image-Subtraction Photometry of Variable Stars in the Field of the Globular Cluster NGC 6934 2001 J. Kałużny
A. Olech
K. Z. Stanek
+ PDF Chat The Clusters AgeS Experiment (CASE): RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster NGC 6362 2001 A. Olech
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. VI. Variables in the Central Part of M33 2001 Lucas M. Macri
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
M. Krockenberger
J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Cluster AgeS Experiment. CCD photometry of SX Phoenicis variables in the globular cluster M 55 2001 W. Pych
J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat The DIRECT Project: Catalogs of Stellar Objects in Nearby Galaxies. I. The Central Part of M33 2001 Lucas M. Macri
K. Z. Stanek
Dimitar Sasselov
M. Krockenberger
J. Kałużny
+ Photometry and Spectroscopy of Eclipsing Binaries in omega Centauri 2001 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Krzemiński
A. Olech
W. Pych
B. J. Mochejska
+ PDF Chat RR Lyrae variables in the globular cluster M 5 2000 J. Kałużny
A. Olech
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ Variable stars in the field of the globular cluster E3 2000 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
I. Thompson
+ RR Lyrae Variables in the Globular Cluster M5 2000 J. Kałużny
A. Olech
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
A. Schwarzenberg‐Czerny
+ PDF Chat Warsaw Variability Surveys 2000 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Variable stars in the globular cluster M5: application of the image subtraction method 1999 A. Olech
P. R. Woźniak
C. Alard
J. Kałużny
Ian B. Thompson
+ DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. V. Variables in the Field M31F 1999 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
+ Warsaw Variability Surveys 1999 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat [ITAL]BVRI[/ITAL] Observations of the Optical Afterglow of GRB 990510 1999 K. Z. Stanek
P. Garnavich
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
I. B. Thompson
+ PDF Chat RR Lyrae Variables in the Globular Cluster M55. The First Evidence for Nonradial Pulsations in RR Lyrae Stars 1999 A. Olech
J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
A. Shwarzenberg-Czerny
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. IV. Variables in the Field M31D 1999 J. Kałużny
B. J. Mochejska
K. Z. Stanek
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
J. Tonry
Mario Mateo
+ PDF Chat CCD Photometry of Faint Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752 1999 I. B. Thompson
J. Kałużny
W. Pych
W. Krzemiński
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. III. Variables in the Field M31C 1999 K. Z. Stanek
J. Kałużny
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
J. Tonry
Mario Mateo
+ A photometric survey for variable stars in the globular cluster M5 1999 J. Kałużny
I. B. Thompson
W. Krzemiński
W. Pych
+ Variable stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 7789 1999 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
+ UBVI Color-Magnitude Diagrams in Baade's Window: Metallicity Range, Implications for the Red Clump Method, Color ``Anomaly'' and the Distances to the Galactic Center and the Large Magellanic Cloud 1999 K. Z. Stanek
J. Kałużny
Anna Wysocka
I. B. Thompson
+ Warsaw Variability Surveys 1999 J. Kałużny
+ Identification and photometry of globular clusters in M31 and M33 galaxies 1998 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
K. Z. Stanek
+ PDF Chat A search for variable stars in the globular cluster M3 1998 J. Kałużny
R. W. Hilditch
Christine M. Clement
S. M. Ruciński
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. II. Variables in the Field M31A 1998 K. Z. Stanek
J. Kałużny
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
J. Tonry
Mario Mateo
+ PDF Chat DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. I. Variables in the Field M31B 1998 J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
J. Tonry
Mario Mateo
+ PDF Chat The optical gravitational lensing experiment. Variable stars in globular clusters 1998 J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
W. Krzemiński
Mario Mateo
K. Z. Stanek
+ BVI CCD Photometry of the Globular Cluster 47 Tuc 1998 J. Kałużny
Anna Wysocka
K. Z. Stanek
W. Krzemiński
+ Identification and photometry of globular clusters in M31 and M33 galaxies 1998 B. J. Mochejska
J. Kałużny
M. Krockenberger
Dimitar Sasselov
K. Z. Stanek
+ PDF Chat Two Confirmed Cataclysmic Variables in the Old Stellar Cluster NGC 6791 1997 J. Kałużny
K. Z. Stanek
P. Garnavich
P. Challis
+ PDF Chat Evolution of Horizontal-Branch Stars in Globular Clusters: The Interesting Case of V79 in M3 1997 Christine M. Clement
R. W. Hilditch
J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
+ PDF Chat The optical gravitational lensing experiment. Variable stars in globular clusters 1997 J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
W. Krzemiński
Mario Mateo
K. Z. Stanek
+ PDF Chat CCD photometry of variable stars in the field of the globular cluster NGC 6397 1997 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Modeling the Galactic Bar Using Red Clump Giants 1997 K. Z. Stanek
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
Z M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars in the Galactic Bulge. V. Periodic Variables in Fields: MM5-A, MM5-B, MM7-A and MM7-B 1997 A. Udalski
A. Olech
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
K. Z. Stanek
+ PDF Chat CCD photometry of variable stars in the globular cluster NGC 288 1996 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster NGC 2243 1996 J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. The General Catalog of Stars in the Galactic Bulge. I. The Stars in the Central Baade's Window OGLE Field BWC 1996 M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
M. Kubiak
J. Kałużny
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ PDF Chat Results from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) 1996 B. Paczyński
K. Z. Stanek
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
George W. Preston
+ PDF Chat Evidence for the Galactic Bar from the Two Color Photometry of the Bulge Red Clump Stars 1996 K. Z. Stanek
Mario Mateo
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
W. Krzemiński
+ CCD Photometry of Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC 288 1996 J. Kałużny
+ PDF Chat Modelling the Galactic Bar using Red Clump Stars 1996 K. Z. Stanek
Mario Mateo
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
W. Krzemiński
+ Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster NGC 2243 1995 J. Kałużny
Wojciech Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ PDF Chat CCD Photometry of Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster RU 106 1995 J. Kałużny
Wojciech Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ Eclipsing Binaries in the Old Open Cluster NGC 2243 1995 J. Kałużny
Wojciech Krzemiński
B. Mazur
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ CCD Photometry of Distant Open Clusters. II -- NGC 6791 1995 J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
+ PDF Chat The optical gravitational lensing experiment: Deep photometry of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy 1995 Mario Mateo
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
W. Krzemiński
M. Kubiak
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Eclipsing Binaries and SX~Phe Stars in Omega~Cen and 47~Tuc 1995 J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
W. Krzemiński
Mario Mateo
+ Modelling the Galactic Bar Using Red Clump Stars 1995 K. Z. Stanek
Mario Mateo
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
W. Krzemiński
A. Olech
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ CCD Photometry of Distant Open Clusters. II -- NGC 6791 1995 J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
+ Eclipsing Binaries in the Old Open Cluster NGC 2243 1995 J. Kałużny
Wojciech Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ Variable stars in the field of the old open cluster NGC 2243 1995 J. Kałużny
Wojciech Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ The optical gravitational lensing experiment: OGLE no. 7: Binary microlens or a new unusual variable? 1994 A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
Shude Mao
R. Di Stefano
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ Open clusters as tracers of the evolution of the Galaxy 1994 J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ Are the OGLE microlenses in the galactic bar? 1994 B. Paczyński
K. Z. Stanek
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
+ The Optical gravitational lensing experiment. The Early warning system 1994 A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
B. Paczyński
+ Color-magnitude diagram distribution of the bulge red clump stars: Evidence for the galactic bar 1994 K. Z. Stanek
Mario Mateo
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
+ The distribution of galactic disk stars in Baade's Window 1994 B. Paczyński
K. Z. Stanek
A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Follow-Up Observations of the Macho Microlensing Event in the Galactic Bulge 1994 M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
W. Krzemiński
Mario Mateo
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. the Early Warning System 1994 A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
B. Paczyński
+ The Optical Depth to Gravitational Microlensing in the Direction of the Galactic Bulge 1994 A. Udalski
M. K. Szymański
K. Z. Stanek
J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
Mario Mateo
W. Krzemiński
B. Paczyński
R. Venkat
+ The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Variable stars in the Sculptor dwarf speroidal galaxy 1994 J. Kałużny
M. Kubiak
M. K. Szymański
A. Udalski
W. Krzemiński
Mario Mateo
+ The optical depth to gravitational microlensing in the direction of the galactic bulge 1994 A. Udalski
W. Krzemiński
M. K. Szymański
M. Kubiak
J. Kałużny
Mario Mateo
R. Venkat
K. Z. Stanek
B. Paczyński
+ Variable Stars in the Field of the Open Cluster NGC 7789 1994 Katharina Jähn
J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
+ Open clusters as tracers of the evolution of the Galaxy 1994 J. Kałużny
W. Krzemiński
B. Mazur
+ Contact Binaries in Open Clusters 1993 J. Kałużny
S. M. Ruciński
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