Preda Mihăilescu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Diophantine equation concerning epimoric ratios 2022 Preda Mihăilescu
Daniel Muzzulini
+ PDF Chat A Diophantine equation concerning epimoric ratios 2022 Preda Mihăilescu
Daniel Muzzulini
+ Double exponential lower bounds for possible solutions in the Second Case of the Fermat Last Theorem 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
Michael Th. Rassias
+ On a Popular Diophantine Norm Equation 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Double exponential lower bounds for possible solutions in the Second Case of the Fermat Last Theorem 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
Michael Th. Rassias
+ Improved lower bounds for possible solutions in the Second Case of the Fermat Last Theorem and in the Catalan Equation 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
+ A Conditional Proof of the Leopoldt Conjecture for CM Fields 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Double exponential lower bounds for possible solutions in the Second Case of the Fermat Last Theorem 2021 Preda Mihăilescu
Michael Th. Rassias
+ Semilocal approximation for the Fermat-Catalan and further popular Diophantine norm equations 2021 Boris Bartolomé
Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Charm of Units I, On the Kummer–Vandiver Conjecture. Extended Abstract 2020 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Small Fields with Large Class Groups 2020 Florian Luca
Preda Mihăilescu
+ Goldbach's Problem: Selected Topics 2017 Michael Th. Rassias
Jörg Brüdern
Preda Mihăilescu
+ On equation Xn − 1 = BZn 2016 Boris Bartolomé
Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Generalized Fermat Equation 2016 Michael A. Bennett
Preda Mihăilescu
Samir Siksek
+ Chapitre 6 : entretien avec Preda Mihăilescu 2015 Preda Mihăilescu
+ On the equation X^n-1=B.Z^n 2014 Boris Bartolomé
Preda Mihăilescu
+ On the vanishing of Iwasawa's constant $\mu$ for the cyclotomic $\Z_p$-extensions of $CM$ number fields 2014 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Leopoldt and Iwasawa Conjectures for CM fields 2014 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Leopoldt and Iwasawa Conjectures for CM fields 2014 Preda Mihăilescu
+ On the vanishing of Iwasawa's constant $μ$ for the cyclotomic $\Z_p$-extensions of $CM$ number fields 2014 Preda Mihăilescu
+ On the equation X^n-1=B.Z^n 2014 Boris Bartolomé
Preda Mihăilescu
+ On Vandiver’s Best Result on FLT1 2012 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Turning Washington’s Heuristics in Favor of Vandiver’s Conjecture 2012 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Gross-Kuz'min Connjecture for CM fields 2012 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Contributions in analytic and algebraic number theory : festschrift for S.J. Patterson 2012 Valentin Blomer
Preda Mihăilescu
+ Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory 2011 Valentin Blomer
Preda Mihăilescu
+ Primes and the Beauty of Algorithms 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ SNOQIT I: Growth of $\Lambda$-modules and Kummer theory 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Leopoldt's Conjecture for CM fields 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Iwasawa's constant $\mu$ vanishes in cyclotomic $\Z_p$-extensions of CM fields 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Gross - Kuz'min conjecture for CM fields 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Leopoldt's Conjecture for CM fields 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Iwasawa's constant $μ$ vanishes in cyclotomic $\Z_p$-extensions of CM fields 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ SNOQIT I: Growth of $Λ$-modules and Kummer theory 2011 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Seminar Notes on Open Questions in Iwasawa Theory - SNOQIT I: The $\Lambda[ G ]$-modules of Iwasawa theory II: Units and Kummer theory in Iwasawa extensions 2010 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Turning Washington's heuristics in favor of Vandiver's conjecture 2010 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Seminar Notes on Open Questions in Iwasawa Theory - SNOQIT I: The $Λ[ G ]$-modules of Iwasawa theory II: Units and Kummer theory in Iwasawa extensions 2010 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Reflection, Bernoulli Numbers and the Proof of Catalan's Conjecture 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The $T$ and $T^*$ components of $\Lambda$ - modules and Leopoldt's conjecture 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ On Leopoldt's conjecture and some consequences 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Artin Symbol as a Canonical Capitulation Map 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Applications of Baker Theory to the Conjecture of Leopoldt 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The $T$ and $T^*$ components of $Λ$ - modules and Leopoldt's conjecture 2009 Preda Mihăilescu
+ PDF Chat On solutions of the equation X<sup>n</sup>+ Y<sup>n</sup>=B Z<sup>n</sup>with prime n|BZ 2008 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Class Number Conditions for the Diagonal Case of the Equation of Nagell and Ljunggren 2008 Preda Mihăilescu
+ PDF Chat On the Nagell-Ljunggren equation $(x^n - 1)/(x - 1) = y^q$ 2007 Yann Bugeaud
Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Fuzzy Vault for fingerprints is Vulnerable to Brute Force Attack 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Fast Generation of Provable Primes Using Search in Arithmetic Progressions 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Fuzzy Vault for fingerprints is Vulnerable to Brute Force Attack 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Dual Elliptic Primes and Applications to Cyclotomy Primality Proving 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ A Cylcotomic Investigation of the Fermat - Catalan Equation 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Cyclotomy Primality Proofs and their Certificates 2007 Preda Mihăilescu
+ New bounds and conditions for the equation of Nagell–Ljunggren 2006 Preda Mihăilescu
+ On the class groups of cyclotomic extensions in presence of a solution to Catalan's equation 2005 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Reflection, Bernoulli Numbers and the Proof of Catalan's Conjecture 2005 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Primary cyclotomic units and a proof of Catalans conjecture 2004 Preda Mihăilescu
+ A class number free criterion for catalan's conjecture 2003 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Algorithms for Generating, Testing and Proving Primes: A Survey 2001 Preda Mihăilescu
+ A primality test using cyclotomic extensions 1989 Preda Mihăilescu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Primary cyclotomic units and a proof of Catalans conjecture 2004 Preda Mihăilescu
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Fermat's Last Theorem 1981 Lawrence C. Washington
Paulo Ribenboim
+ Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields 1982 Lawrence C. Washington
+ 13 Lectures on Fermat’s Last Theorem 1979 Paulo Ribenboim
+ Catalan's conjecture 1994 Paulo Ribenboim
+ Cyclotomic Fields I and II 1990 Serge Lang
+ PDF Chat A note on Jacobi sums 1993 Masanari Kida
Takashi Ono
+ Modular Elliptic Curves and Fermat's Last Theorem 1995 Andrew Wiles
+ On the Equation <i>a<sup>x</sup> − b<sup>y</sup></i> = 1. II 1960 J. W. S. Cassels
+ Class Number Conditions for the Diagonal Case of the Equation of Nagell and Ljunggren 2008 Preda Mihăilescu
+ The Stickelberger ideal in the spirit of Kummer with application to the first case of Fermat's Last Theorem 1993 V. Jha
+ PDF Chat Un nouveau critère pour l'équation de Catalan 2000 Yann Bugeaud
Guillaume Hanrot
+ A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1982 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ Linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers 1966 A. Baker
+ Note sur la conjecture de Leopoldt 2007 Jean-François Jaulent
+ On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers 1983 Leonard M. Adleman
Carl Pomerance
Robert Rumely
+ Ring-Theoretic Properties of Certain Hecke Algebras 1995 Richard Taylor
Andrew Wiles
+ Irregular Primes and Cyclotomic Invariants to 12 Million 2001 Joe Buhler
Richard E. Crandall
R. Ernvall
Tauno Metsänkylä
Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi
+ On the units of algebraic number fields 1967 Armand Brumer
+ Almost all primes can be quickly certified 1986 S. Goldwasser
Joe Kilian
+ PDF Chat A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 1990 Kenneth Ireland
Michael Rosen
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Yuri Bilu
Guillaume Hanrot
+ Rational approximation to algebraic numbers of small height: the Diophantine equation |axn - byn|= 1 2001 Michael A. Bennett
+ Vandiver Revisited 1996 Sankar Sitaraman
+ Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1977 Rajendra Bhatia
Glen Bredon
Wolfgang Walter
Joseph Rotman
M. Ram Murty
Jane Gilman
Peter Walters
Martin Golubitsky
Ioannis Karatzas
Henri Cohen
+ Algebraic number theory 2015 Xiang‐dong Hou
+ On the Ideal Class Groups of Real Abelian Number Fields 1988 F. Thaine
+ PDF Chat Binomial Thue equations and polynomial powers 2006 Michael A. Bennett
Kálmán Győry
Max Mignotte
Ákos Pintér
+ PDF Chat Galois theory and primality testing 1985 H. W. Lenstra
+ A class number free criterion for catalan's conjecture 2003 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Sur L'équation Diophantienne (<i>x</i> <sup> <i>n</i> </sup> −1)/(<i>x</i> −1)=<i>y</i> <sup> <i>q</i> </sup> , III 2002 Yann Bugeaud
Guillaume Hanrot
Maurice Mignotte
+ PDF Chat Divisors in residue classes 1984 H. W. Lenstra
+ PDF Chat On Catalan's problem 1964 K. Inkeri
+ PDF Chat A note on Catalan's equation 1995 Wolfgang Schwarz
+ PDF Chat Primality testing using elliptic curves 1999 Shafi Goldwasser
Joe Kilian
+ PDF Chat Irregular primes to one million 1992 Joe Buhler
Richard E. Crandall
R. W. Sompolski
+ On Generation of Probable Primes by Incremental Search 2007 Jørgen Brandt
Ivan Damgård
+ The Theory of Algebraic Numbers 1975 Harry Pollard
Harold G. Diamond
+ PDF Chat Implementing the asymptotically fast version of the elliptic curve primality proving algorithm 2006 François Morain
+ PDF Chat Average case error estimates for the strong probable prime test 1993 Ivan Damgård
Peter Landrock
Carl Pomerance
+ Minorations pour l'équation de Catalan 1997 Maurice Mignotte
Yves Roy
+ On the class groups of cyclotomic extensions in presence of a solution to Catalan's equation 2005 Preda Mihăilescu
+ Some remarks on conjectures about cyclotomic fields and $K$-groups of $\mathbf {Z}$ 1992 Masato Kurihara
+ Recognizing primes in random polynomial time 1987 Leonard M. Adleman
Ming-Deh A. Huang
+ PDF Chat On the equation of Catalan 1976 R. Tijdeman
+ Fast verification, testing, and generation of large primes 1979 David A. Plaisted
+ On Catalan's conjecture 1990 K. Inkeri
+ PDF Chat Fast generation of prime numbers and secure public-key cryptographic parameters 1995 Ueli Maurer
+ PDF Chat Class number bounds and Catalan’s equation 1998 Ray Steiner
+ Indépendance Linéaire sur Q de logarithmes P-adiques de nombres algébriques et rang P-adique du groupe des unités d'un corps de nombres 1984 Michel Emsalem
Hershy Kisilevsky
David B. Wales