Shuji Jimbo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Proceedings of 46th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2021 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
H. Kubo
Hideyo Kuroda
Y. Liu
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of 45th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2020 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
H. Kubo
Hideyo Kuroda
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of 44th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2019 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
H. Kubo
Hideyo Kuroda
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of 43rd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2018 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
H. Kubo
Hideyo Kuroda
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of the 42nd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations ‐ In memory of Professor Taira Shirota ‐ 2017 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of the 41st Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differntial Equations 2016 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of the 40th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2015 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena: Analysis and Computation - International Conference in honor of Professor Yoshikazu Giga on his 60th birthday - 2015 Shuji Jimbo
Susumu Goto
Yoshihito Kohsaka
Hideo Kubo
Yasunori Maekawa
Masaki Ohnuma
+ The Quest for the Eulerian Recurrent Lengths of Complete Bipartite Graphs and Complete Graphs 2014 Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceedings of the 39th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2014 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ PDF Chat On the Eulerian recurrent lengths of complete bipartite graphs and complete graphs 2014 Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceedings of the 38th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2013 Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Tohru Ozawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
H. Kubo
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
+ The Eulerian Recurrent Lengths of Complete Graphs (Algebraic Systems and Theoretical Computer Science) 2012 Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceedings of the 37th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2012 Tohru Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Takaoka
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Gen Nakamura
+ Conjecture on a Upper Bound on the Recurrent Lengths 2012 Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceedings of the 36th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2011 Tohru Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Takashi Sakajo
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Takaoka
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Gen Nakamura
+ Proceedings of the 35th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2010 Tohru Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Gen Nakamura
Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceeding of the 34th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2009 Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Takaoka
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Gen Nakamura
Yoshikazu Giga
+ Proceeding of the 33rd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2008 Tohru Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Gen Nakamura
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Takashi Sakajo
+ Proceedings of the 32nd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2007 Tetsuya Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Gen Nakamura
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
Takashi Sakajo
+ Singular perturbation of domains and Semilinear elliptic equations III 2003 Shuji Jimbo
+ Proceedings of the 27th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2002 Tohru Ozawa
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Gen Nakamura
+ Finite Codes over Free Binoids. 2001 Kosaburo Hashiguchi
Takahiro Kunai
Shuji Jimbo
+ PDF Chat Approximation of the size of the union 1996 Shuji Jimbo
Akira Maruoka
+ Ginzburg-Landau equation with magnetic effect non-simply-connected domains 1995 Shuji Jimbo
Jian Zhai
+ On the relationship between the diameter and the size of a boundary of a directed graph 1994 Shuji Jimbo
Akira Marouka
+ Movement of Hot Spots over Unbounded Domains in RN 1994 Shuji Jimbo
Shigeru Sakaguchi
+ Ginzburg Landau equation and stable solutions in a rotational domain 1993 Shuji Jimbo
Yoshihisa Morita
+ Expanders obtained from affine transformations 1987 Shuji Jimbo
Akira Maruoka
+ Expanders obtained from affine transformations 1985 Shuji Jimbo
Akira Maruoka
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalues and expanders 1986 Ilan Alon
+ On the Navier-Stokes initial value problem. I 1964 Hiroshi Fujita
Tosio Kato
+ Better expanders and superconcentrators 1987 Noga Alon
Zvi Galil
Vitali Milman
+ The approach of solutions of nonlinear diffusion equations to travelling front solutions 1977 Paul C. Fife
J. B. McLeod
+ PDF Chat Flow by mean curvature of convex surfaces into spheres 1984 Gerhard Huisken
+ Semilinear heat equations and the navier-stokes equation with distributions in new function spaces as initial data 1994 Hideo Kozono
Masao Yamazaki
+ PDF Chat Nonresonance and Global Existence of Prestressed Nonlinear Elastic Waves 2000 Thomas C. Sideris
+ Blow-up directions for quasilinear parabolic equations 2008 Yukihiro Seki
Noriaki Umeda
Ryuichi Suzuki
+ Well-posedness for the Navier–Stokes Equations 2001 Herbert Koch
Daniel Tataru
+ On directional blow-up for quasilinear parabolic equations with fast diffusion 2007 Yukihiro Seki
+ On blow-up at space infinity for semilinear heat equations 2005 Yoshikazu Giga
Noriaki Umeda
+ PDF Chat The heat equation shrinks embedded plane curves to round points 1987 M. Grayson
+ PDF Chat Endpoint Strichartz estimates 1998 M. Keel
Terence Tao
+ PDF Chat $L\sp{2}$-solutions to $y\sp”+c(t)y\sp’ +a(t)b(y)=0$ 1973 Allan Kroopnick
+ The motion of a surface by its mean curvature 1978 Kenneth A. Brakke
+ Semiconcave Functions, Hamilton—Jacobi Equations, and Optimal Control 2004 Piermarco Cannarsa
Carlo Sinestrari
Yoshihisa Morita
Hirokazu Ninomiya
+ Lecture Notes on Mean Curvature Flow, Barriers and Singular Perturbations 2013 Giovanni Bellettini
+ PDF Chat Life span of positive solutions for a semilinear heat equation with non-decaying initial data 2010 Masaki Yamaguchi
Yusuke Yamauchi
+ A remark on the partial regularity of a suitable weak solution to the Navier-Stokes Cauchy problem 2015 Francesca Crispo
Paolo Maremonti
+ On the $\mathcal{R}$-Boundedness of Solution Operators for the Stokes Equations with Free Boundary Condition 2014 Yoshihiro Shibata
+ PDF Chat The initial value problem for the equations of motion of viscous and heat-conductive gases 1980 Akitaka Matsumura
Takaaki Nishida
+ Mathematical Scattering Theory 2010 D. R. Yafaev
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics 1972 Michael C. Reed
Barry Simon
+ Theory of function spaces 1983 Hans Triebel
+ PDF Chat Deforming convex hypersurfaces by the $n$th root of the Gaussian curvature 1985 Bennett Chow
+ Large time behavior of solutions to the generalized Burgers equations 2007 Masakazu Kato
+ Inverse Boundary Spectral Problems 2001 Alexander Kachalov
Yaroslav Kurylev
Matti Lassas
+ Partial Differential Equations of Parabolic Type 1964 Avner Friedman
+ PDF Chat On interacting bumps of semi-classical states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations 2000 Xiaosong Kang
Juncheng Wei
+ PDF Chat The heat equation shrinking convex plane curves 1986 Michael E. Gage
Richard S. Hamilton
+ None 2003 Sun‐Yung A. Chang
Fengbo Hang
Paul Yang
+ PDF Chat Remarks on the blowup estimate for solution of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition 1996 Bei Hu
+ PDF Chat Existence, uniqueness, and asymptotic stability of traveling waves in nonlocal evolution equations 1997 Xinfu Chen
+ PDF Chat Life span for solutions of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition 2001 Bonder Julian Fernandez
Julio D. Rossi
+ From critical exponents to blow-up rates for parabolic problems 1999 Miroslav ChlebĂ­k
ĐœĐ°Ń€Đ”Đș ЀОла
+ Global classical solutions for nonlinear evolution equations 1992 Tatsien Li
Yunmei Chen
+ On the Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with nondecaying initial data 1998 Yoshikazu Giga
Katsuya Inui
S. Matsui
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order 2001 David Gilbarg
Neil S. Trudinger
+ Heat equation and the sharp Young's inequality 2012 Giuseppe Toscani
+ Systems of a Hyperbolic-Parabolic Composite Type, with Applications to the Equations of Magnetohydrodynamics 1984 Shuichi Kawashima
+ Characterizing Blow-up Using Similarity Variables 1985 Yoshikazu Giga
Robert V. Kohn
+ Large time behavior of bounded solutions to a parabolic system of chemotaxis in the whole space 2007 Toshitaka Nagai
Tetsuya Yamada
+ PDF Chat Best constant and value of extremizers for a k-plane transform inequality 2011 Alexis Drouot
+ PDF Chat Cauchy Problems for Laplace Equation on Compact Sets 2002 Valeriy Titarenko
A. G. Yagola
+ PDF Chat Well-posedness in critical spaces for the system of compressible Navier–Stokes in larger spaces 2011 Boris Haspot
+ Inverse Problems for the Pauli Hamiltonian in Two Dimensions 2004 Hyeonbae Kang
GĂŒnther Uhlmann
+ Existence and qualitative properties of multidimensional conical bistable fronts 2005 François Hamel
RĂ©gis Monneau
Jean‐Michel Roquejoffre
+ The Cauchy Problem for Membranes 2008 Olaf Milbredt